Submission name: BABY_ED2 Languages: DATATRIEVE and FORTRAN (and probably used with FMS) Submittor: Joe H. Gallagher, Ph. D. 4GL Solutions 10308 Metcalf, Suite 109 Overland Park, KS 66212 913-894-9550 or 816-276-4068 Description: BABY_ED2 is a DATATRIEVE functions which uses SMG$ calls to emulate the EDT editor. Many, but not all of, the keypad functions have been implemented. This version, version 2, supports edit buffers larger than the display area on the screen by scrolling. Purpose: To be able to edit text or blob data in a DATATREIVE field. With some care and planning it is possible to use FMS and the BABY_ED2 to allow for entry or editing of fields longer than one line and even larger than the size of the screen. There are demonstration definitions, forms, and procedures to show how to do this. Files in this distribution: AAAREADME.1ST - this file BABY_ED.FOR - the FORTRAN code for BABY_ED version 1. The very simple BASIC version appears in DECUS Library submission VS0083 on tape VAX88B3 in [.USCG] originally submitted by Bert Roseberry of the U. S. Coast Guard. I recommend that you use BABY_ED2 because of the bug fixes and performance improvements which have been made including the ability to handel larger text buffers. BABY_ED.MAR - is the MACRO definition linkage file to connect BABY_ED (version 1) to DATATRIEVE. BABY_ED2.FOR - the FORTRAN code for BABY_ED version 2. See documentation in this code for the changes and enhancements over verson 1. BABY_ED2.MAR - is the MACRO definition linkage file to connect BABY_ED2 (version 2) to DATATREIVE. ENTER_TEST.PRC - is a DATATRIEVE procedure that demonstrates how to use BABY_ED2 with FMS to enter long text fields. MODIFY_TEST.PRC - is a DATATRIEVE procedure that demonstrates how to use BABY_ED2 with FMS to modify long text fields. TEST.DOM - is the DATATRIEVE domain definition for the domain TEST which is used to demonstrate how to use BABY_ED2 with FMS. TEST.FLG - is the FMS Forms Language definition of the form used to demonstrate how to use BABY_ED2 with FMS. TEST.LIS - is the FMS/DESCRIPTION/DISPLAY image of the FMS form used to demonstrate how to use BABY_ED2 with FMS. TEST.REC - is the DATATRIEVE record definition for the domain TEST which is used to demonstrate how to use BABY_ED2 with FMS. TEST_BABY_ED.PRC - a DATATRIEVE procedure to test BABY_ED (version 1) with using FMS TEST_BABY_ED2.FOR - FORTRAN code to test (and develope) the function subprogram BABY_ED2. It is much, much easier to test BABY_ED2 with this FORTRAN main line test program than to keep rebuilding DATATRIEVE. TEST_BABY_ED2.PRC - a DATATRIEVE procedure to test BABY_ED2 without FMS. TEST_BABY_ED_OLD.PRC - a DATATRIEVE procedure to test an older version of BABY_ED (version 1). WW_ALL_LEN.LST - a copy of the Wombat Wizard article from September 1990 issue of the DECUS newsletters which describes how to modify the file DTR$LIBRARY:DTRFNLB.MLB to support the passing (return from FORTRAN) of fixed allocations string longer than 1000 characters. Cautionary Note: While this version of BABY_ED2 supports editing regions smaller than the full width of the screen, because the background of the screen is not controlled by SMG, there is no practical reason to use editing regions narrower than the full width of the screen because SMG will scroll the editing region thereby corrupting the display beside (and behind) the editing region. Only when DATATRIEVE uses VAXforms (with SMG at some time in the future) and one can figure out how to get the pastboard id of the VAXforms form could one successfully use a BABY_ED2 editing regions less than the full width of the screen. Compilation Warnings: There is code in BABY_ED2.FOR which may be dependent on the version of $SMGDEF in your VMS library. If you get compilation errors or wanings, check the comments in the code near the PARAMETERs in BABY_ED2.FOR to adjust the code for your version of $SMGDEF definitions.