I have arrainged the material provided to me in sub-directories according to the product involved. I want to thank all of the presenters, and the various product working group chairs, for working to provide the solutions. Their names should be recorded in the appropriate files. [.3_GL] contains the 3GL specific files (C with embedded SQL and SMG). [.3GL_AND_RALLY] contains an export of the database, and the source code for the Soundex routine, which were shared by the 3GL and Rally solutions. [.ACCENT_R] contains the ACCENT R solution specific files. [.POWERHOUSE] contains the POWERHOUSE solution specific files. [.RALLY] contains the Rally solution specific files (an RGA file and a shared library). [.SMARTSTAR] contains the SmartStar solution specific files. [.SOURCE] contains the original problem description and distributed data files. B. Z. Lederman 4GL SIG Library Representative.