To who it may concern This describes the contents of the directory. AAAREADME.TXT -- This file. PROB.DDL -- CDDL format definitions of the record layout PROB.DTR -- DATATRIEVE/COBOL format definitions record layout SAMPLE.DAT -- The data file itself. The data file is sequential, fixed, 820 block long. To use the data, you must understand the following disclaimer. This data base was derived from a telephone book. The last names were loaded first from a holding file. The first names were loaded from a holding file. The addresses were loaded from a holding file. The Street numbers were generated by F$CVTIME. The title and seniority were generated by a DATATRIEVE procedure. The city, state and zip code were loaded from a holding file. At no time were actual complete address and names were used. All names and address were generated from the holding file. Any similarity with know persons/places is just a fluke. The holding files were generated from randomly entered data from the phone book. USING THIS DATABASE FOR OTHER THAN THE DECUS-DTR/4GL PROBLEM MAY RESULT IN VIOLATION OF THE DECUS CODE OF CONDUCT. Also, since the names and address were generated, you probably be wasting your money on Postage. The above was distributed with the original problem. In addition we have: DECUS.RGA the Rally solution to the problem. DECUS.RBR an exported version of the database used with the Rally solution. SOUNDEX.SEQ a data file containing the original data with the Soundex value of the last name added. B. Z. Lederman 4GL SIG Library Representative