To save space, the files have been placed in data-reduced text libraries. They may be retrieved using the normal VMS library commands. The naming scheme for files is WEVOLxNy.type, where x is the volume and y is the issue number. A note about the file format: Newsletters up to Vol. 4 were re-entered into WPS by a volunteer: obviously, things like photographs couldn't be copied. The WPS output was circulated, but unfortunately the sources were not preserved: the material we have was taken from the printed output. I have taken some of that output and edited it back into RUNOFF source: the purpose behind doing this is to make it easier for people to format and print the document to suit whatever devices they use. Page numbers in the index may no longer match, and I've put in extra blank lines and indentations where I think it will make the copy easier to read. The goal is to make the material easy to use, rather than trying to exactly duplicate the original newsletter character by character. Don Stern, the past newsletter editor, and Joe Gallagher and Steve Cordiviola, current newletter editors, have contributed the formatted text for many recent editions of the newsletter in the same form as they were printed for publication. Steve Cordiviola has also contributed many of the volumes in Mass-11 format, which is in a text library of it's own. You can extract the EXTRACT_TLB.COM file from the library which will in turn extract everything else. You may also have to restore a directory file with the command CONVERT/FDL=EDITIONS EDITIONS.SEQ EDITIONS.000 !! PLEASE NOTE !! Such things as addresses of contributors and instructions for submitting material to the newsletter may no longer be valid, especially for volumes 1 through 8. B. Z. Lederman 4GL Library Representative