t' w^ WOMBAT_10_127s* WOMBAT_10_12 &$Table of Contents &%Table of Contents <_4H 0  5FB  27/FB  2DTR5FB  25F%B  215+FB  2AwXdK Contributions9M:DECUS8M:U.S.;M:Chapter8M:SIGs?dM: Newsletter,:M:Volume6:M  :4,:9M:Number6LMM  :12:XM:August8L M:1989:G M:Wombat=8GAM: Examiner,:GM:Volume7GaM  :10,:MGM:Number6_GMM  :125M  :5M  :5 M  :5&M  :5@M  :5ZM  :5tM  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5)M  :5CM  :5]M  :5vM  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5,M  :5FM  :5_M  :5yM  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5/M  :5HM  :5bM  :5|M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :51M  :5KM  :5eM  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :54M  :5NM  :5hM  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :57M  :5QM  :5kM  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5 M  :5:M  :5TM  :5nM  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5M  :5 M  :5# M  :5= M  :5W M  :5q M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5& M  :5@ M  :5Z M  :5t M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5) M  :5C M  :5] M  :5w M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5 M  :5, M  :5F M  :8M:This>x?M: newsletter63M  :is5"M  :a=P%M: volunteer=M: activity.9M:There7j_M  :are6MM  :noACM: compensations9' M:given6 <M  :to7< pM  :any: M:author6 @M  :or8 xM:edi8siM:tor.<XsM:Articles7cspM  :and;sM:letters7sZM  :for?-s^M: publication7s_M  :are>sfM: encouraged8sM:from;>sM:anyone.8G sM:They7 sM  :may; sM:include; sM:helpful:M:hints,=M: inquiries6<M  :to9M:other:M:users,;M:reports6MM  :on9M:DECUS7pM  :and7}M  :SIG=/M: business,=c QM: summaries6 @M  :of8' M:SPRs8 M:sub:%M:mitted6%<M  :to< %M:Digital,6%@M  :or7h%pM  :any?%oM: information6w%@M  :of<%M:interest6%<M  :to9!%M:users6%@M  :of:2%M:either>%M: DATATRIEVE6 %@M  :or7X %cM  :4th8 %M:Gen;~M:eration>~dM: Languages.<A~0M:However,8~pM:this>~?M: newsletter6d~3M  :is7~cM  :not5(~"M  :a9a~M:forum75~ZM  :for7~cM  :job: ~M:and/or8 ~M:head< ~M:hunting,7 ~gM  :nor6; ~3M  :isAM: commercialism@uM: appropriate.;QM:Machine<QM:readable9QM:input6Q3M  :is:QM:highly=QM: desirable7"QpM  :and<Q!M:machine7QVM  :to;QM:machine<< QM:transfer6? 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M:Vegas> $z QM: Newsletter; z M:article; ^z M:writers8 M:With7  _M  :the=  .M: exception6 B @M  :of9  M:panel; W M:members7  pM  :and=  M: speakers,7 E _M  :the8  M:only9 Y M:other>  DM: volunteers7 i M  :who9  M:would8 M:need6 M<M  :to: )MM:attend9 MM:DECUS= MM: regularly7 ;MRM  :(at9 MM:least8 DMM:once5 M"M  :a9 "MM:year)7 M_M  :are7 IM_M  :the8 MM:Vice: cMM:Chair,B 7 MCM:Campground/BOF; MM:coordi: M:nator,7 pM  :and= #!M: Alternate7 XM  :IUA> #M: interface.iw 4 H 0  5 FB  27 FB  2DTR5 FB  26 FJB  2105 =FB  2: 4dKINGRES; dKWorking9 ~dKGroup: +dKReport7 d  Kfor; BdKAtlanta= dK Symposium; dK(con't)6 3M  :If7 tM  :you7 _M  :are> .M: interested6 ^<M  :inA M: volunteering,: _M:please8 6pM:call6 _M  :me6 -8M  :at9 zM:(919)8 6M:4608 M:9896; t M:between5 &M  :97 pM  :and5 K &M  :5; M:Eastern9 M:time,6 @M  :or7 M  :FAX6 _M  :me6 8M  :at9 KM:(919)8 M:4609 M:8607,6 X@M  :or9 M:write6 __M  :me6 8M  :at9 hM:Turn7 hM  :Key> ^h9M: Solutions,8 hvM:Inc.7 tM  :875: M:Walnut; M:Street,9 uM:Suite8 (M:2756 MM  :179 M:Cary,6 lM  :NC9 VM:275115 M  :I8 yM:will; M:discuss7 _M  :the: M:effort7 pM  :and8 ]M:time? 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EL5}TableofContentsTable of ContentsO'' Contributions Contributions `|11LettertotheEditor Letter to the Editor G ## FN$ATTACH FN$ATTACH I% $$ DTRFND.MAR DTRFND.MAR V** FN$ATTACHExample FN$ATTACH Example V** FN$ATTACHControl FN$ATTACH Control ,AAAtlantaDECUSAccentRWorkingGroupNews Atlanta DECUS Accent R Working Group News 4GGINGRESWorkingGroupReportforAtlanta Symposium INGRES Working Group Report for Atlanta Symposium  =PPINGRESWorkingGroupReportforAtlanta Symposium(con't) INGRES Working Group Report for Atlanta Symposium (con't) ; =PPINGRESWorkingGroupReportforAtlanta Symposium(con't) INGRES Working Group Report for Atlanta Symposium (con't) gE44AnalysisofPIRBallots Analysis of PIR Ballots g11VAXDATATRIEVEPIRAnalysis VAXDATATRIEVE PIR Analysis v&88VAXDATATRIEVEPIRAnalysis(con't) VAXDATATRIEVE PIR Analysis (con't) y'::VAXDATATRIEVEPIRRankingsByGroup VAXDATATRIEVE PIR Rankings By Group  @SS Digital'sResponsetoDTR/4GLSIGProduct ImprovementRequests Digital's Response to DTR/4GL SIG Product Improvement Requestsl 44 ResponsesFromVAX DATATRIEVE Responses From VAX DATATRIEVE {(;; ResponsesFromVAX DATATRIEVE(con't) Responses From VAX DATATRIEVE (con't) {(;; ResponsesFromVAX DATATRIEVE(con't) Responses From VAX DATATRIEVE (con't) i22 ResponsesFrom DATATRIEVE11 Responses From DATATRIEVE11 h22q ResponsesfromVAXTEAMDATA Responses from VAX TEAMDATA 0BBSomeMoreString FunctionsforVAXDATATRIEVE Some More String Functions for VAXDATATRIEVE O&&FN$STR_ELEMENT FN$STR_ELEMENT O&&FN$POS_EXTRACT FN$POS_EXTRACT a --FN$STR_CASE_BLIND_COMPARE FN$STR_CASE_BLIND_COMPARE ak..FN$STR_FIND_FIRST_IN_SET FN$STR_FIND_FIRST_IN_SET pR#55FN$STR_FIND_FIRST_IN_SET(con't) FN$STR_FIND_FIRST_IN_SET (con't) a--FN$STR_FIND_FIRST_NOT_SET FN$STR_FIND_FIRST_NOT_SET id33String Functions DTRFND.MAR String Functions DTRFND.MAR xK&::String Functions DTRFND.MAR(con't) String Functions DTRFND.MAR (con't) %  Z)#"4H 0  5FB  27FB  2DTR5FB  26FJB  2315=FB  2:D dKString=gdK Functions>'dK DTRFND.MAR;dK(con't)5)(B  2;MyB##2FN$STR_FIND_FIRST_NOT_SET5(B  28B2Find9B2First=hB2 Character8! 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(B  21CZ XB2$DTR$FUN_IN_ARG8IZ B2TYPE5Z (B  2=>aZ B2 FUN$K_REF,9Z B2DTYPE5 Z (B  2=BYZ 0B2DSC$K_DTYPE_L,9 Z B2ORDER5 Z (B  2=5. Z (B  22C XB2$DTR$FUN_IN_ARG8I B2TYPE5 (B  2=>a B2 FUN$K_REF,9 B2DTYPE5  (B  2=BY 0B2DSC$K_DTYPE_L,9 B2ORDER5 (B  2=5. (B  23D) B2$DTR$FUN_END_DEF  !"#^ContributionsLetter to the EditorFN$ATTACHDTRFND.MARFN$ATTACH ExampleFN$ATTACH Control0Atlanta DECUS Accent R Working Group News8INGRES Working Group Report for Atlanta SymposiumAINGRES Working Group Report for Atlanta Symposium (con't)AINGRES Working Group Report for Atlanta Symposium (con't)Analysis of PIR Ballots"VAX-DATATRIEVE PIR Analysis*VAX-DATATRIEVE PIR Analysis (con't)+VAX-DATATRIEVE PIR Rankings By GroupEDigital's Response to DTR/4GL SIG Product Improvement Requests$Responses From VAX DATATRIEVE,Responses From VAX DATATRIEVE (con't),Responses From VAX DATATRIEVE (con't)#Responses From DATATRIEVE-11"Responses from VAX TEAMDATA4Some More String Functions for VAX-DATATRIEVEFN$STR_ELEMENTFN$POS_EXTRACT FN$STR_CASE_BLIND_COMPAREFN$STR_FIND_FIRST_IN_SET DTR - 26 'FN$STR_FIND_FIRST_IN_SET (con't) FN$STR_FIND_FIRST_NOT_SET"String Functions DTRFND.MAR DTR - 30 *String Functions DTRFND.MAR (con't) 3456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 B-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-M-*-ISO8859-1B-ADOBE-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1@-ADOBE-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1H-ADOBE-Symbol-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ADOBE-FONTSPECIFIC>-ADOBE-Times-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1>-ADOBE-Times-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1>-ADOBE-Times-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1<-ADOBE-Times-Bold-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1<-ADOBE-Times-Bold-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1>-ADOBE-Times-Medium-I-Normal--*-140-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1d84H 0  5FB  27/FB  2DTR5FB  25F%B  225+FB  2: dKLetter6%Sd  Kto7d  Kthe:0dKEditor8M:Dear;M:Editor:8M:Here63M  :is5"M  :a:M:little<M:function5M  :(=M: FN$ATTACH* M5M  :)6<M  :to8M:pass9M:along6x<M  :to7MM  :all;,M:nascent<) M:Wizards::W M:attach6% <M  :to5v "M  :a: M:parent;hM:process8hM:from?hM: DATATRIEVE.7xM  :The8fM:code6 @M  :of7c_M  :the<M:function63M  :is67<M  :in9M:BASIC5M  :,7cM  :but9"M:those6@M  :of70tM  :you8M:with;YkM:FORTRAN: M:should8 M:have6d MM  :no9 M:prob7;tM  :lem?`;`M: converting.:;7M:MACRO6 ;MM  :32:m;M:should7P;cM  :not;;M:present7;cM  :too82;M:much6;@M  :of5G;"M  :a;};M:problem; ;M:either,9l ;M:since7 ;_M  :the; ;M:routine63M  :is: M:mostly:M:system;M:service:M:calls.7xM  :The77M  :DTR<M:function>.M: definition;?M:follows7< >M  :it.7xM  :The9eM:MACRO;M:linkage6<M  :to6IM  :be<; M:included6Z3M  :is6<M  :in>M: DTRFND.MAR* M5M  :.7xM  :The:n;M:ATTACH<M:function63M  :is:7M:useful6/M  :if7^tM  :you8M:want6<M  :to7gM  :use>M: DATATRIEVE6 @M  :as5 "M  :a8( M:kept< M:process.8 M:This:M:allows7tM  :you6I<M  :to7tM  :pop;,M:between8HM:your8M:main7M  :DCL;XM:session7QpM  :and5"M  :a>M: DATATRIEVE< M:session.7( lM  :For9 M:exam8:rM:ple,8^:M:your7:M  :DCL;:M:session7:M  :may6=:IM  :be8:M:menu;M:driven,8M:with7qM  :DTR7&pM  :one6@M  :of7 IM  :its<nM:choices.63M  :If7M  :DTR63M  :is;M:started6@M  :as5"M  :a8WM:sub<M:process,7 tM  :you7 lM  :can7 VM  :re:_ M:attach63 <M  :to7_M  :the8KM:menu; M:without:EM:losing=E M: context..8EM:(See=zEM: FN$ATTACH;SEM:Example*u@M6hE-M  :).7xM  :The=k.M: following7M  :DCL;h2M:command8gM:file85}M:(see=M: FN$ATTACH;M:Control*M5M  :)7lM  :can6R IM  :be8 M:used6] <M  :to= 7M: determine6 /M  :if5L "M  :a7M  :new>mM: DATATRIEVE;mM:session:aM:should6DIM  :be;M:started6@M  :or6IM  :an<5M:existing7?pM  :one<M:resumed.8}M:I've8iM:been9M:using9M:these<M:routines7ZM  :for8M:some8M:time7PpM  :and9M:found8M:them6L<M  :to6IM  :be9M:quite; M:useful.7 M  :May8 M:your;\ M:context:U M:always6@ IM  :be< M:current,8tM:Jeff;M:Chimene> UM: Carondelet: M:Health<d M:Services;p M:Tucson,;$p M:Arizona=C M: [Editor's9C M:note:6C @M  :In7C _M  :the8C M:1988:;C M:Spring7#C yM  :PIR8C yM:List;EC M:(Volume6qC :M  :3,:C M:Number6C :M  :7,9, C M:March: C M:1988),7 C yM  :PIR: C M:number8 M:S886k MM  :27< M:requests8 tM:that;o M:Digital7] pM  :add5 "M  :a< M:function66 <M  :to9 M:allow=L M: attaching6 <M  :to5 "M  :a; M:process6 @M  :or8b M:sub< M:process.8 tM:Jeff7 gM  :has=S M: fulfilled8a tM:that; M:request8 M:very<N M:nicely!]64 H 0  5 FB  27 FB  2DTR5 FB  26 FJB  2115 =FB  2< idKAnalysis6 ESd  Kof7 d  KPIR; u&dKBallots6 YVd  KT.9 dKChris9 dKWool,7 d  KPIR@ dK Coordinator,6 dd  Kdu9 dKPont,; UdKNewark,6 i d  KDE; &M:Product? &M: improvement< &M:requests: &M:(PIRs)7 &_M  :are7 &_M  :the; t&M:process6 s&MM  :by9 &M:which9 &M:users8 ` &M:give9 &M:feed8 &M:back6 E &<M  :to; &M:Digital= ~*M: regarding@ ~M: improvements6 ~<M  :in= O~M: products.6 ~MM  :At7 ~_M  :the8 o~M:19888 &~yM:Fall= ~sM: Symposium6 J ~<M  :in; ~M:Anaheim7 ~pM  :and6 h ~MM  :by9 ~M:mail,9 M:users= 2M: submitted< M:requests7 ZM  :for@ tM: improvement.6 <@M  :In7 _M  :the9 M:April8 M:19899 uM:issue6 ' @M  :of7 ~ _M  :the> QM: Newsletter; [ M:(Volume6 0:M  :4,: &0M:Number6 80@M  :8)5 0M  :,7 0MM  :all8 0M:PIRs7 0pM  :and5 C0"M  :a: y0M:ballot8 >0M:were> 0AM: published.7 xM  :The? y%M: statistical< M:analysis6 @M  :of7 PMM  :all; M:ballots7 ZM  :for7 >MM  :all6 MM  :20; )M:product? >M: improvement<  M:requests7 + ZM  :for8 M:VAX> M: DATATRIEVE; M:follows8 }M:(see7 y_M  :the8 M:VAX> M: DATATRIEVE7 yM  :PIR< NM:Analysis* lM 6 ^ -M  :).7 xM  :The8 9 M:PIRs7 _M  :are9 c M:order6 ! 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