CONFIRM UTILITY This program is for the questioning of users to particular items. The program is installed with SYSPRV so that the protection on the files can disallow world access and keep users from messing with them. The message files and the .YES and .NO files should have world read access. This program is normally executed at login from SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]SYLOGIN.COM. CONFIRM QUALIFIERS /FILE_NAME This qualifier tells the program what the file name is for the .YES and .NO extensions and must be used. Do not place the extention on the command line. /MESSAGE_FILE This qualifier tells the program what file will be displayed as the "confirming" message using .MSG as the extension. Do not place the extention on the command line. /USER=username This qualifier allows another username instead of the current user's name. SYSPRV privelege must be set on to run with this qualifier. /DELETE This qualifier allows user to delete current username or another when used with the /USER qualifier. SYSPRV privelege must be set on to run with this qualifier. /LOG This qualifier will log the user off if the user answers 'NO' to the condition displayed by the program. /YES This qualifier will still prompt the user even if the user has previously answered no, until there is a response in confirm.YES file. NOTES CONCERNING THE .MSG FILE: Write message out in the .MSG file first with no more than 80 characters to a line and then add control characters for video display attributes after you have modified the file to your liking. Each page of the .MSG file displayed on the terminal is 18 lines long. CONFIRM FILES The program is located under DSK1:[UTILITIES.CONFIRM]. The files associated with this program are CONFIRM.FOR (source), CONFIRM.EXE (executable), CONFIRM.CLD (command definition), CONFIRM.HELP (System Manager's HELP file that is not designed for the user community), the .MSG (message file), .YES (users that answer yes), and .NO (users that answer no) are located by manager's choosing.