DATAFILE This is an interactive database utility. The database works on the principle of directory trees. There are two types of options - directories and files - that can be accessed within the program. Options can be included and excluded while running the program. This program works well with VMS 5.0 and even with those versions of VMS used in the CROMAGNUM ERA. At the moment, the program has been set up as a problem / solution database. With minor changes to the program's handshaking banner and PROBLEM.COM, DATAFILE can be used for other types of databases. The program has been fully documented within the program to help you make any changes if necessary. For easier applications, we have also set up a symbol to run the command file. The program will also work to show what directories are within a directory and you can jump through accordingly. Just go to a directory and type DATAFILE (if you have already used SET COMMAND). DATAFILE will allow you to jump between levels with a press of a button. To get out, just CTRL-C or set up another option in the screen to exit where you are instead of poping to the previous directory. There are no special procedures for compiling or linking this program. It should be noted, however, that with different versions of FORTRAN, the /NOOPTIMIZE qualifier may be required to make this program work. There does not seem to be any pattern for which versions this will have to be done. DATAFILE will have to be modified for your location since their are multiple print scapes and editors. Your location will only have to add or delete those print scapes and editors that apply. The editors enabled within the program are: 1. EDT 2. EVE 3. LSE The print scapes available are (check to see if printer commands are the same as they are at this site and modify as needed): 1. PORTRAIT LASER (LPS-40, LNO1, LNO3, etc.) 2. LANDSCAPE LASER (LPS-40, LNO1, LNO3, etc.) 3. PRINTER (Regular lp27) 4. OFFICE PRINT (Printer that resides in our office) DATAFILE uses two types of files. These are extended as .DIR, directories, and .IDX, normal editable files. IDX was chosen since some file extensions are not backed up on our systems to save time and tape space. All file and directory conventions will apply for the database. For example, directory structures cannot go over 7 subdirectories deep. The menu of DATAFILE is updated whenever a new option is added. If the new option is a file then there is a '*' in front of it. Currently the program is set up to display 3 options per line which is the maximum with an 80 character screen (that will give you 55 options excluding exit and create/delete). If you wish more, then change the parameter LINE in the routine DISPMENU to a maximum of 5 and set the screen to a 132 character line (this will give you a maximum of 85 options excluding exit and create/delete). More options can be squeezed out if lines are omitted after the menu heading or if the menu heading itself is omitted, or the line after the real options or the line after the exit and create/delete options. DATAFILE resides on two different cluster systems at our site. Two keep our database the same on both systems, we allow changes to the database on only one system and then periodically back the tree structures to the other cluster. To keep users from changing anything on the one system, I have created some qualifiers that can be used with the DATAFILE command: 1. READ_ONLY - This qualifier will only allow the user to edit the files in a "no write" or "read only" state. This allows the editors to still be used, without allowing any changes to the files. 2. NODELETE - This qualifier will not allow the user to delete options from the menu. The CREATE/DELETE option will be displayed accordingly with this qualifier or in conjunction with the NOCREATE qualifier. 3. NOCREATE - This qualifier will not allow the user to create options for the menu. The CREATE/DELETE option will be displayed accordingly with this qualifier or in conjunction with the NODELETE qualifier. 4. NOBUFFER - Will suppress the appending of the BUFFER.LINE file after editting a file. NOBUFFER is automatic when the READ_ONLY qualifier is used. These qualifiers can also be used for other purposes obviously. There is also a DEMONSTRATION included. To make the demo work, DATAFILE will have to be editted to reflect the directory it resides. We have placed it under: DSK1:[UTILITIES.DATAFILE] Files within this area: BANNER.LINE - Referrenced by DATAFILE after an edit to break between information. DEMO.COM - Demonstration of DATAFILE. Acts on [.DEMO]. DATAFILE.CLD - Command Definition file for program. DATAFILE.FOR - Source for the database program. DATAFILE.OBJ - Object file for the database. DATAFILE.EXE - Executable for the database. WELCOME.MSG - Displays opening message to the database. Kind of a handshake. Set for 80 character screen, can be modified to 132 with LINE_LEN parameter in DATAFILE.FOR. If there is no file, then no message is displayed. [.DEMO] - Just part of the demonstration. To add to the demonstration, we have used part of our own PROBLEM / SOLUTION database. Some of the solutions to some of our problems may be of use or interest to you. If you have any problems, ideas or suggestions, just call me: JONATHAN C. BAKER CODE N23 NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER DAHLGREN, VA 22448 (703)663-8705 or (703)663-8706