PROBLEM #1 (10 JULY 1990 - JCB): The ACCOUNTNG.DAT files were producing errors pertaining to invalid records when the /BINARY qualifier was used, otherwise there did not seem to be any problem. SOLUTION #1: After talking with DIGITAL support, they said this type of problem can be produced if system time is reset after startup. To pull the "good" infor- mation from these files, follow the following steps: 1. create .COM file with the following command: $ ACCOUNTING/BINARY/OUTPUT=ACCOUNTNG.GOOD ACCOUNTNG.DAT.1 2. submit the following file to batch with the added qualifier: /CPU=00:01:00.00 3. rename ACCOUNTNG.DAT.1 ACCOUNTNG_BAD.DAT It was noticed that after 1 minute of CPU time, the size of "good" information did not change, hence the reason for 1 minute. How much information is lost, is not known. If this job is not in batch, non-ending error messages are displayed to your terminal. If the /CPU qualifier is not used, the .LOG file produced takes up all remaining space on your disk. Since this new ACCOUNTNG.DAT.1 file has a new date, the creation date must be reset so that quarterly accounting may be done - (quarterly accounting picks up on the creation date of the files). Use File Definition Language (FDL) to do this as follows: 4. create/fdl=ACCOUNTNG.FDL ACCOUNTNG.GOOD 5. edit ACCOUNTNG.FDL right before the RECORD area add in a DATE area with a CREATION sub-area followed by a date specification (dd-mmm-yyyy). EXIT from the editor. 6. convert/fdl=ACCOUNTNG.FDL ACCOUNTNG.GOOD ACCOUNTNG.DAT.1 7. delete ACCOUNTNG.GOOD, ACCOUNTNG.FDL This should complete the restoration of the ACCOUNTNG.DAT file. ***************************************************************************