PROBLEM #1 (6 SEPT 90) JON BAKER: While performing a NETWORK COPY on ACSIS to SPYIS3 DSK29, the copy was not successfull. The error encountered was: %COPY-E-OPENOUT, Unable to open file as output. -RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed. -SYSTEM-F-BACRCT, Replacement and Caching table unrecoverable I/O error. %COPY-W-NOTCOPIED, File not copied. SOLUTION #1: Called DIGITAL and logged a trouble report since the disk had accumalated over 1100 errors. The disk was determined as a loss and the problem was attributed to a bad circuit board, which was replaced, and a head crash. All information was lost and the disk had to be reinitialized and all information had to be restored from tape. ***************************************************************************