PROBLEM #1 (17 AUGUST 1988) EVA HATCHERSON: Object modules delivered from RCA, when they were linked down here on our VAX, produced a smaller executable than the executable delivered from RCA. The sizes in the object files, however, did match. facts: ------ RCA system NSWC system ---------- ----------- VMS version 4.5 4.6 FORTRAN 4.6 4.7 LINKER V04-00 V04-00 SOLUTION #1: Called COLORADO, and they said that a LINK/NOSHARE command will produce a larger executable file because it causes any modules from the run-time library to be put right into the "code" at compile time. LINK/SHARE pulls the "code" in at run-time, therefore producing a smaller executable. ANALYZE/IMAGE should give an indication of how the file was linked or the map file. Also, if there are any INCLUDE statements in the file, this may cause the sizes of the executables to be different in that the files INCLUDED may be different depending on the version of VMS or FORTRAN. ***************************************************************************