PROBLEM #1 (15 AUG 1989) JONATHAN BAKER: Jack Tiller of CSC had brought over a section file created on a VAX running VMS 4.7 we are currently at version 5.0. The file was created using SAVE EXTENED TPU. The commands were created by LEARN sequences and the DEFINE KEY command inside of EVE. The error that was encountered was: $ EVE /SECTION=EVECOMMANDS.GBL %TPU-F-IDMISMATCH, Section NOT restored, section file must be rebuilt SOLUTION #1: There is no solution. There does not seem to be a way to rebuild the file unless each key is redefined within EVE. There also does not seem to be a way to "down load" the file into a text file to use as an INIT file. *************************************************************************** PROBLEM #1 (4 Jan 1990) Jon Baker: After upgrading VMS users complained that their TPU section files did not work and that they got a message to rebuild their section files. SOLUTION #1: Section files must be rebuilt after each upgrade of VMS. If a user creates a section file by saving his key environment, then each key must be redefined to work. DIGITAL recommends that the user creates an initialization file if they are going to define keys in this manner. Examples: DEFINE KEY F20 "EXIT" DEFINE KEY F17 "QUIT" DEFINE KEY /IF_STATE=GOLD UP "SET SCREEN WIDTH=132" DEFINE KEY /IF_STATE=GOLD DOWN "SET SCREEN WIDTH=80" That way, there is no section file that has to be rebuilt. All the user does then is reset the LSE command to include the /INITIALIZATION qualifier: EVE :== "TPU/EVE/INITIALIZATION=EVE$INIT.EVE " This is also the situation when upgrading the LSE editor. *************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************