DSKOWN is a simple com file to help system people keep track of who or what group resides on a particular disk. If no specifier is given, then the file is typed out. If a parameter is given, the com file performs a search using that parameter as a key. DSKOWN.DAT must be updated to reflect disk ownership. A sample file is provide that bears no resemblance to any particular system. DISKINFO is a more involved command procedure that will display the amount free and used on a disk, plus their percentages as well as the maximum space for that device. The procedure also allows the user to search for space used by a particular user or group. To do this, spec- ify the parameter in brackets (i.e. [group,user]). Any questions can be directed towards: JONATHAN C. BAKER NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER CODE N23 DAHLGREN, VA 22448 (703)663-8705 or (703)663-8796