LIST keeps a list of users who have accounts on the system. Users are added and deleted through the adduser and deluser procedures we use on our clusters. Read the help files for more information on LIST. The LIST UTILITY is comprised of the following files: AAAREADME.1ST -- This document BUILD_LIST.COM -- Compiles and links the files related to list LIST.CLD -- LIST command deffinition file LIST.EXE -- LIST executable LIST.FOR -- LIST source LIST.HLP -- LIST help file PBOOK.CLD -- PHONE BOOK command deffinition file PBOOK.EXE -- PHONE BOOK executable PBOOK.FOR -- PHONE BOOK source PHONE.BOOK -- index file containing list of users and info RECON.EXE -- RECONSTRUCT executable RECON.FOR -- RECONSTRUCT source These programs and files work together for the use of the LIST UTILITY. All programs rely on the directory DSK1:[UTILITIES.LIST]. If another directory is used, just change the FORTRAN programs and recompile and change the CLD files to reflect the image. To set up LIST for the user community, first load LIST.HLP into the HELP table. Second, load LIST.CLD into the command deffinition table. And third, set the protection on LIST.EXE and PHONE.BOOK so that world has read, execute ONLY. All other files should not allow the world any access including LIST.CLD and LIST.HLP. The PBOOK files are for the support of the LIST utility by allowing users that have access to the program to add and delete users to and from PHONE.BOOK. Be sure to $ set command PBOOK before using. We in the Systems Programming Group at NSWC have placed it into our command file that adds and deletes users so that it will be run auto- matically each time an account is added or deleted from the system. DELETING USERS: To delete users, give the username and the qualifier D which stands for "DELETE". $ PBOOK username /D ADDING USERS: To add users, give the username, full name in the order of ( lastname, firstname middlename) and the users phone number (area codes are optional) (alternate info can also be used here). All characters will be translatted to upper case, however, be sure to include the full name within the double quotes. (It is only required to specify a user name. The full name and phone number may be left blank.) $ pbook "JBAKER" "BAKER, JONATHAN C." "(703)371-8796" The RECON program will take a file and create a DCL file in the format of use for adding users. This program was designed to "RECONSTRUCT" the PHONE.BOOK when different systems were clustered. It has proven useful with other files as well. I know that these programs were created in haste, but they work. Hopefully, in January, I will have a chance to rewrite the program to compact everything into one program (I've had a little time to work on this). An added option for that time is to allow users to change information on themselves. If there are any problems or you need more information, please contact: JONATHAN BAKER N23 NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER DAHLGREN, VA 22401 (703)663-8705 or (703)663-8706