VERSION UTILITY V2.2 VERSION assumes that all images are located under the SYS$SYSTEM directory. If there are layered products in different areas, then specify the directory name and make sure that there is a '.' at the end with or without the extention (the default is exe). When using the utility you may notice that the version may be different than say V4.7 and may instead return X-1. That is because the image file for that particular product may not have the version, however, there does not seem to be any other place where the version numbers are stored. If you have on-site utilities that you wish to add the version number to, link the program with the /OPTIONS quailfier and have a file with the OPT extention (look at version's files for the format). If you have any ideas on this please contact me. There may also be an alternate way of finding versions in version 5 of VMS. DIGITAL has been contacted and has stated that they will from now on place the version number of all their own layered products in the file header. Hopefully second and third party vendors will follow suit. To compile and link VERSION: $ FORTRAN VERSION $ LINK VERSION /OPTIONS $ You can handle implementing the command file and help file. Jonathan C. Baker NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER CODE N23 DAHLGREN, VA 22448 (703)663-8705 or (703)663-8706