Abstract: ACCESS_CHECK consists of a shareable image which contains a number of user-written system services. There is also a top-level program in C which exercises ONE of those system services. The purpose of 4 of the system services is to determine access to (and existence of) a specified disk file. This is similar to the VAX C RTL function chk_access, but works in the presence of ACL's. It is also possible to check access on behalf of another user. The kind of access is specified either as a unix/VAX C 'mode' or as a VMS access mask. (The main difference is that VMS makes a difference between WRITE and DELETE access.) The 5th system service retrieves the active rightslist (as opposed to the authorized rights) of the current process. The top-level C program calls the access check system service on behalf of another user, with the access type specified as a unix mode. The result is passed to DCL $STATUS.