.title	SETUP - Set up VMS working environment
	.ident		"V4.0"
;	.library	/mar:always/
; Program:	SETUP.MAR V4.0, VAX/VMS V5.1-1
; Author:	David G. North, CCP
;		1333 Maywood Ct
;		Plano, Texas  75023
;		(214) 653-1231
; Additional
;   Routines:	Hunter Goatley - DCL key definition routines,
;				 original article February 1988 issue of
;				 Vax Professional
; Date:		90.11.20
; Revisions:
;   Who		Date	Description
;   D.North	901120	DECUS release
; License:
;    Ownership of and rights to these programs is retained by the author(s).
;    Limited license to use and distrubute the software in this library is
;    hereby granted under the following conditions:
;      1. Any and all authorship, ownership, copyright or licensing
;         information is preserved within any source copies at all times.
;      2. Under absolutely *NO* circumstances may any of this code be used
;         in any form for commercial profit without a written licensing
;         agreement from the author(s).  This does not imply that such
;         a written agreement could not be obtained.
;      3. Except by written agreement under condition 2, source shall
;         be freely provided with all executables.
;      4. Library contents may be transferred or copied in any form so
;         long as conditions 1, 2, and 3 are met.  Nominal charges may
;         be assessed for media and transferral labor without such charges
;         being considered 'commercial profit' thereby violating condition 2.
; Warranty:
;    These programs are distributed in the hopes that they will be useful, but
;    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
; Description:	See accompanying SETUP.RNO.
;		The symbols MODE, $MODE, QUEUE_NAME, and ENTRY_NUMBER are
;		defined for use by subsequent images or DCL.
; Revisions:	When	   What
;		88.07.01 - Added Priority Boost and /NOSWAP
;		88.07.12 - Added rundown timer in case of program error
;		89.02.13 - Add DCL key definition routines (Goatley)
;		89.07.11 - Added REPLY/ENABLE capability
;		89.07.12 - Added SET MESSAGE capability (disabled)
;		89.07.14 - Added unique macro library for SETUP (SETUPMLB)
;		89.07.14 - Added code for node specific items
;		89.07.17 - Changed error messages to use $PUTMSG service
;		90.11.19 - Cleaned up 'getopt_' test types & documentation
;		90.11.20 - Prompt, verify, exit command, internal restructure
	.library	"setupmlb"
	.link		"sys$system:sys.stb"/selective_search
	.link		"sys$system:dcldef.stb"/selective_search
; __ Customization section begins __
; __ Customization section begins __
; __ Customization section begins __
;*** This program is designed to boost itself while running... uncomment
;    the following to disable generation of boosting code
;DISABLE_BOOST = 1		; comment this to enable boosting code
;*** This program can set the message flags for the process... unfortunately,
;    they are protected URKW necessitating use of KERNEL mode code to set them.
;    Since this may be unacceptable in a production environment, you must
;    comment out the following line of code in order to allow generation of
;    the $CMKRNL calls.  Note that this is node-dependent and therefore may
;    be enabled on a per-node basis... the DISABLE_CMKRNL flag is used to
;    prevent *ANY* usage of kernel code for *ALL* nodes.
;DISABLE_CMKRNL = 1		; comment to enable KERNEL code
;*** Similar flag for EXECUTIVE code (DCL keys)
;DISABLE_CMEXEC = 1		; comment to enable EXEC code
;*** Similar flag for SUPERVISOR code (DCL prompt & verify) (via EXEC)
;DISABLE_CMSUPER = 1		; comment to enable SUPERVISOR code
;*** This is the lists of known nodes and classes
; Privilege classes
DEFINE_CLASS	CMSUPER		; May use supervisor code if generated
DEFINE_CLASS	CMEXEC		; May use exec code if generated
DEFINE_CLASS	CMKRNL		; May use kernel code if generated
; Operator/privilege classes
DEFINE_CLASS	OPER1		; May enable self as operator (reply set 1)
DEFINE_CLASS	OPER2		; May enable self as operator (reply set 2)
; Node/Cluster classes
DEFINE_CLASS	OTHER		; Member of OTHER cluster or NO cluster
; AltSyslib class - uses [1,3] instead of [1,2]...
DEFINE_CLASS	ALTSYSLIB	; Use alternate syslib (protection for PRD1-4)
DEFINE_CLASS	HOMEBASE	; Node is a home base... full environment
; Collection definitions
; Node definitions
;*** This list of symbols will be categorcally atomized with no errors
;    (Usage is default...only class-mismatch not executed)
;*** This is the list of symbols to be defined
;    (Usage is default...only class-mismatch not executed)
	.ITMVAL	<ALLBRO>,<set bro=all>
	.ITMVAL	<AUTH*ORIZE>,<$authorize>
	.ITMVAL	<BRO>,<set te/bro>
	.ITMVAL	<CD>,<$$:cd.exe>
	.ITMVAL	<CDF_M$>,<dsk:[private.work.mar.!16(AS)]>
	.ITMVAL	<CDI_M>,<dsk:[private.work.mar]>
	.ITMVAL	<CRA*SH>,<anal/cra>
	.ITMVAL	<DATE>,<wr sys$output f$ext(0,11,f$time())>
	.ITMVAL	<DAY>,<wr sys$output f$cvtime(f$time(),"absolute","weekday")>
	.ITMVAL	<DOFF>,<@tools:debugoff>
	.ITMVAL	<DON>,<@tools:debugon>
	.ITMVAL	<E*DIT>,<ed/tpu>
	.ITMVAL	<MA*IL>,<mail/edit>
	.ITMVAL	<MY*TABLES>,<set com/tab=$:dcltables>
	.ITMVAL	<NICE>,<set proc/prio=3>
	.ITMVAL	<NOBRO>,<set te/nobro>
	.ITMVAL	<NONICE>,<set proc/prio=4>
	.ITMVAL	<NOVER>,<set nover>
	.ITMVAL	<PH*ONE>,<phone/swit="§">
	.ITMVAL	<PRV>,<$$:prv>
	.ITMVAL	<SDA>,<@tools:keptsda>
	.ITMVAL	<SYST*ABLES>,<set com/tab=sys$share:dcltables>
	.ITMVAL	<TI*ME>,<wr sys$output f$ext(12,11,f$time())>
	.ITMVAL	<VER>,<set verify>
;*** This is the list of logicals to be defined
;*** Note use of table names and how attributes are specified
;    (Usage is default...only class-mismatch not executed)
loglst:	.ITM	<LNM$JOB>
	.ITMVAL	<$>,<DSK:[1,2]>
	.ITMVAL	<ROOT>,<DSK:[000000]>
	.ITMVAL	<SYS$LOGIN>,<DSK:[000000]>
	.ITMVAL	<RCVVSM>,<$2$DUA233:>,-
;*** This is the list of keys to be defined
;*** Note use of IFSTATE names and how attributes are specified
;    (Usage is default...only class-mismatch not executed)
;    (Note though, that 'keycls' collection {exact} membership req'd first!)
keycls:	.COLL	CMEXEC
keylst:	.ITM	<DEFAULT>
	.ITMVAL	<HELP>,<he>,-
	.ITMVAL	<DO>,<dir>,-
	.ITMVAL	<PF1>,<set te/wi=80>,-
	.ITMVAL	<PF4>,<sh u>,-
	.ITMVAL	<F20>,<ki>,-
	.ITMVAL	<E2>,<cd>,-
	.ITMVAL	<E5>,<cd $>,-
	.ITMVAL	<E6>,<cd #>,-
;*** This is the list of processnames to be attempted 'til success
;    (Usage is inhibited...class membership, or null<-->null match req'd)
stdprc:	.ITM	<Try $ STO/I=0>
	.ITM	<Have a day>
	.ITM	<Phantom>
	.ITM	<C.U.L8TR>
	.ITM	<Ctmytitym>
	.ITM	<Ttstkwtmrd>
	.ITM	<Buzz off>
	.ITM	<Wizard>
	.EOLIST				;Essentially not used...comment
prclst:	.ITM	OPTION=stdprc
;*** This is the list of prompts
;    (Usage is protected...class membership must exist)
;    Items in the prompt list will be activated if *all* characteristics are
;    matched.  The first match of all characteristics will terminate the
;    operation.
wizset:	.ascid	<^x90>"1;16;1;0;0;2;0;0;{1???????????????/????????___ow}~//;"-
wizprm:	.ascid	<^x1b>"[1m"<^x1b>")1"<^x0e>"08"<^x1b>"[2D"<^x0a>"19"-
		<^x1b>")1"<^x0f><^x1b>"[m "
dotprm:	.ascid	<^x1b>"[1m«»"<^x1b>"[m"
stprmv:	.address	dotprm
	.long		0		;no setup
	.long		TT$_VT300_SERIES,0,TT2$M_REGIS
	.address	wizprm
	.address	wizset
	.long		TT$_VT300_SERIES,0,0
;*** This is the SET VERIFY flag
;    (Usage is protected...class membership must exist)
;*** This is the default protection
;    (Usage is inhibited...class membership, or null<-->null match req'd)
		        <PRT_M_N  @PRT_V_GROUP> !<PRT_M_N    @PRT_V_WORLD>>
		        <PRT_M_N  @PRT_V_GROUP> !<PRT_M_N    @PRT_V_WORLD>>,-
;*** This is the default message flags
;    (Usage is inhibited...class membership, or null<-->null match req'd)
;    (Note though, that 'msfcls' collection {exact} membership req'd first!)
msfcls:	.COLL	CMKRNL

;*** These are the default privilege masks for the process
;    (Usage is inhibited...class membership, or null<-->null match req'd)
; -- Default masks available...define new privilege combinations here
minmsk:	.long	<PRV$M_TMPMBX!PRV$M_NETMBX>,0
allmsk:	.long	-1,-1
; -- Mask lists by mode by classes...define new classes here to access masks
intprv:	.ITM	OPTION=stdmsk
falprv:	.ITM	OPTION=minmsk
netprv:	.ITM	OPTION=netmsk
;*** These define default directories by mode by node
;    (Usage is inhibited...class membership, or null<-->null match req'd)
; -- Default dirs available...define new default dirs here
dirpw:	.ascid	/[PRIVATE.WORK]/
dirpn:	.ascid	/[PRIVATE.NETWORK]/
; -- Dir lists by mode by classes...define new classes here to access dirs
faldir:		; failure
batdir:		; batch
othdir:		; other
intdir:		; interactive
	.ITM	OPTION=dirpw
netdir:		; network
	.ITM	OPTION=dirpn
;*** These define matching default drives by mode
;    (Usage is inhibited...class membership, or null<-->null match req'd)
; -- Default drives available...define new default drives here
drvpn:	.ascid	/DSK:/
; -- Drive lists by mode by classes...define new classes here to access drives
faldrv:		; failure
batdrv:		; batch
othdrv:		; other
intdrv:		; interactive
netdrv:		; network
	.ITM	OPTION=drvpn
;*** This defines terminal broadcast states by node
;    (Usage is inhibited...class membership, or null<-->null match req'd)
; -- Broadcast states available...define new broadcast states here
stdbro:	.long	0,<1@<BRK$C_USER1-32>>!<1@<BRK$C_USER15-32>>!-
; -- Broadcast states by classes...define new classes here for broadcast states
ttbro:	.ITM	OPTION=stdbro
;*** These define terminal characteristics by node
;    (Usage is inhibited...class membership, or null<-->null match req'd)
stdoff:	.byte	0			;class
	.byte	0			;type
	.word	0			;width
	.long	TT$M_NOBRDCST!<0@24>	;0@24 is the page length position
	.long	TT2$M_INSERT		;extended chars
stdon:	.long	0,0,0			;same structure as above
; -- Broadcast states by classes...define new classes here for broadcast states
ttoff:	.ITM	OPTION=stdoff
tton:	.ITM	OPTION=stdon
;*** This is the list of exit DCL commands
;    (Usage is protected...class membership must exist)
stddo:	.ascid	/mytables/
; -- Dir lists by mode by classes...define new classes here to access dirs
batdo:		; batch
intdo:		; interactive
faldo:		; failure
othdo:		; other
netdo:		; network
;*** This defines the default classes for which the terminal will be enabled
;    as an operator to receive messages from OPCOM
;    (Usage is protected...node must be member of collection)
; __ No Customization modifications below this point __
; __ No Customization modifications below this point __
; __ No Customization modifications below this point __
;*** Annunciate status of code generation
.IIF	DF,DISABLE_CMEXEC, .PRINT 998 ; EXEC code disabled
.IIF	DF,DISABLE_BOOST, .PRINT 996 ; BOOST code disabled
;*** These are internal work vars and constants
extblk:	.long	0,timout,1,extcnd	;exit handler description block
extcnd:	.long	0			;place for exit handler condition code
actprv:	.quad	0			;place to load active privs
modepr:	.long	othprv,netprv,batprv,intprv,falprv
actdrv:	.long	0			;place to load active drive
actdir:	.long	0			;place to load active dir
modecd:	.long	othdrv,othdir,netdrv,netdir,batdrv
	.long	batdir,intdrv,intdir,faldrv,faldir
modedo:	.long	othdo,netdo,batdo,intdo,faldo
modevf:	.long	othver,netver,batver,intver,falver
actbro:	.long	0			;address of active broadcast classes
actoff:	.long	0			;address of terminal *OFF* chars
acton:	.long	0			;address of terminal *ON* chars
actprc:	.long	0			;address of active processname list
actprm:	.long	0			;DCL prompt address
verify:	.long	0			;contents: verify state +1
actdo:	.long	0			;address if LIB$DO command
asctim:	.ascid	/0 0:0:5/		;5s max boosted time
bintim:	.quad
prctbl:	.ascid	/LNM$PROCESS_TABLE/
sysdsk:	.ascid	/SYS$DISK/
tblind:	.long	2	;annunciation to global table
offmsk:	.long	-1	;mask to ashcan all privileges
	.long	-1
star:	.asciz	/*/
data1:	.udesc	128

nodes:	.ascid	/NODE/
modes:	.ascid	/MODE/
mode0:	.ascid	/OTHER/
mode1:	.ascid	/NETWORK/
mode2:	.ascid	/BATCH/
mode3:	.ascid	/INTERACTIVE/
mode4:	.ascid	/JPI$_FAIL/
model:	.long	mode0
	.long	mode1
	.long	mode2
	.long	mode3
	.long	mode4
modev:	.long	4
moden:	.ascid	/$MODE/
numctl:	.ascid	/%X!XL/
modval:	.udesc	16
qnmsym:	.ascid	/QUEUE_NAME/
entsym:	.ascid	/ENTRY_NUMBER/
time:	.blkl	2
cmeprv:	.long	<PRV$M_CMEXEC>,0
cmkprv:	.long	<PRV$M_CMKRNL>,0
booprv:	.long	<PRV$M_PSWAPM!PRV$M_SETPRI>,0
boopri	=	12		; boosted priority
norpri:	.long	4		; back down to normal
usrnam:	.udesc	32
usrlen:	.long	32		; for restore if needed
uic:	.long	0
jpilst:	.long	JPI$_MODE@16!4,modev,0
	.long	JPI$_AUTHPRI@16!4,norpri,0
	.long	JPI$_USERNAME@16!12,usrnam+8,usrnam
	.long	JPI$_UIC@16!4,uic,0
	.long	0

defdev:	.blkb	16
defdir:	.blkb	64
uailst:	.long	UAI$_DEFDEV@16!16,defdev,0
	.long	UAI$_DEFDIR@16!64,defdir,0
	.long	0

quflgs:	.long	QUI$M_SEARCH_THIS_JOB
entno:	.long	0
entval:	.udesc	16
quenam:	.udesc	32
quiosb:	.long	0,0	;status
quilst:	.long	QUI$_SEARCH_FLAGS@16!4,quflgs,0
	.long	QUI$_ENTRY_NUMBER@16!4,entno,0
	.long	0
quils2:	.long	QUI$_SEARCH_FLAGS@16!4,quflgs,0
	.long	QUI$_SEARCH_NAME@16!1,star,0
	.long	QUI$_QUEUE_NAME@16!31,quenam+8,quenam
	.long	0		; end of list
lnmfdv:	.ascid	/LNM$FILE_DEV/
lnmjob:	.ascid	/LNM$JOB/
syslgi:	.ascid	/SYS$LOGIN/
atr:	.long	0
trn:	.udesc
trnls1:	.long	LNM$_STRING@16!128,trn+8,trn,0
	.long	LNM$_ATTRIBUTES@16!4,atr,0
	.long	0
curdir:	.udesc
device:	.udesc
exacmo:	.byte	PSL$C_EXEC
ttchr:	.blkb	12
ttchn:	.long	0
ttnam:	.ascid	/TT:/
enbmsg:	.byte	OPC$_RQ_TERME,1,0,0
enbcls:	.long	0
unit:	.word	0
devnml:	.byte	0
devnam:	.blkb	64
enbdsc:	.long	<^x010e0000!<.-enbmsg-64>>
	.long	enbmsg
retlen:	.long	0
retunt:	.long	0

oprprv:	.long	PRV$M_OPER,0
secprv:	.long	0,<1@<PRV$V_SECURITY-32>>
dvilst:	.long	DVI$_FULLDEVNAM@16!64,devnam,retlen
	.long	DVI$_UNIT@16!4,retunt,0
	.long	0

node:	.long	0			;no located nodename
class:	.long	0			;default class of none
nodeid:	.udesc	<^x20>
syilst:	.long	<SYI$_NODENAME@16>!15,nodeid+8,nodeid
	.long	0
trnls2:	.long	LNM$_STRING@16!^x20,nodeid+8,nodeid,0
	.long	0
sysnod:	.ascid	/SYS$NODE/
lnmsys:	.ascid	/LNM$SYSTEM/

; ** OOPS_CATCHER - exception handler
.entry	oops_catcher,	^m<r4,r5>
	movpsl		r0
	extzv		#PSL$V_CURMOD,#PSL$S_CURMOD,r0,r0 ;get current mode
	cmpl		r0,#PSL$C_USER		; is it user mode???
	bneq		10$			; no...handle condition
	calls		#0,timout		; shut things up right
	movl		#SS$_RESIGNAL,r0	; and pass it along....
	brb		20$			; normal return
10$:	movl		CHF$L_SIGARGLST(AP),r4	; signal argument list
	cmpl		CHF$L_SIG_NAME(r4),#SS$_UNWIND	; is this an unwind???
	beql		20$			; yep... keep on unwinding
	movl		CHF$L_MCHARGLST(AP),r5	; get mechanism list address
	movl		CHF$L_SIG_NAME(r4),CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0(r5) ; copy signame
	$UNWIND_S				; Wipe out gracefully
	movl		#SS$_CONTINUE,r0	; Continue from exception
20$:	ret					; return to caller
;  4(AP)  - Key name descriptor
;  8(AP)  - Key value descriptor
;  12(AP) - If_State string descriptor
;  16(AP) - Set_State string descriptor (null ok)
;  20(AP) - Flag address (SYM_M_* flags)
key_name	= 4
equivalence	= 8
if_state	= 12
set_state	= 16
flags		= 20
work_bytes	= 512
.entry	hg$define_key,	^m<r3,r10,r11>
	cmpl		#5,(AP)
	beql		5$
	movl		#LIB$_WRONUMARG,r0
5$:	subl2		#work_bytes,sp
	movl		sp,r10			; r10 --> template
; -- fill in template
	clrl		SYM_L_FL(r10)		; Clear fwd link
	clrl		SYM_L_BL(r10)		; Clear bck link
	clrl		SYM_L_ORDERED(r10)	; ORDERED link (unused in 4.5)
	clrw		SYM_W_FILELEVEL(r10)	; clear file level
	mnegw		#1,SYM_W_PROCLEVEL(r10)	; Set no procedure level ???
	clrw		SYM_W_BLOCKLEVEL(r10)
	clrw		SYM_L_BLOCKSEQ(r10)
	clrw		SYM_W_SIZE(r10)		; clear size
	movb		#SYM_K_KEYPAD,-
			SYM_B_TYPE(r10)		; this is a keypad symbol
	movl		flags(AP),r0		; get the flags
	movw		(r0),SYM_W_FLAGS(r10)
	movab		SYM_T_SYMBOL(r10),r3	; template address of keyname
	movl		key_name(ap),r0		; address of keyname descrip
	movb		(r0),(r3)+		; copy length
	movc3		(r0),@4(r0),(r3)	; copy string to template
	movw		@if_state(AP),r0	; if state length
	addw2		@equivalence(AP),r0	; add equivalence length
	tstl		set_state(AP)		; is there a set_state?
	beql		10$			; nope... don't add it in
	addw2		@set_state(AP),r0	; add it in...
10$:	addw2		#4,r0			; +4 (number of length bytes)
	movw		r0,(r3)+		; put sum next 3 field lengths
	pushl		r0			; save length
	movl		if_state(AP),r1		; address of if_state
	movb		(r1),(r3)+		; copy length
	movc3		(r1),@4(r1),(r3)	; copy string to template
	movl		equivalence(AP),r1	; equivalence descriptor addr
	movw		(r1),(r3)+		; copy length
	movc3		(r1),@4(r1),(r3)	; copy string to template
	movl		set_state(AP),r1	; is there a set_state?
	beql		20$			; nope... don't use it
	movb		(r1),(r3)+		; copy length
	movc3		(r1),@4(r1),(r3)	; copy string to template
	bisw2		#SYM_M_STATE,-		; set STATE bit for caller
20$:	clrb		(r3)+			; clear last byte of template
	addl3		(SP)+,#SYM_T_SYMBOL+1,r0 ; calc size of template
	addb2		SYM_T_SYMBOL(r10),r0	; symbol name size
	addl2		#2,r0			; include word sum of 3 lengths
	addl2		#7,r0			; truncate to quad boundary
	bicl2		#7,r0			; round to next quad boundary
	movw		r0,SYM_W_SIZE(r10)	; set size of queue entry
	$CMEXEC_S	-			; do rest of job in exec
		ROUTIN	= exec_keydef		; (R10 is common data)
	addl2		#work_bytes,sp		; give back work space (no need)
; Exec routine to alloc and fill CLI memory
.entry	exec_keydef,	^m<r3,r11>
	movaw		oops_catcher,(FP)	;set a safety net
	moval		G^CTL$AG_CLIDATA,r11
	movl		PPD$L_PRC(r11),r11
	movab		PRC_Q_ALLOCREG(r11),r3	; get adddress of free memory
	movzwl		SYM_W_SIZE(r10),r1	; size of block to allocate
	jsb		@#EXE$ALLOCATE		; alloc the memory
	movl		#LIB$_INSCLIMEM,r0	; assume not enough memory
	tstl		r2			; was space alloc'd?
	beql		20$			; nope... crap out
	pushr		#^m<r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5>	; save movc5 trashed registers
	movc5		SYM_W_SIZE(r10),(r10),#0,-
			r1,(r2)			; suck over the template
	popr		#^m<r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5>	; restore trashed registers
	movw		r1,SYM_W_SIZE(r10)	; set actual length alloc'd
	bsbw		find_place		; find place to insert it
	insque		SYM_L_FL(r2),@SYM_L_BL(r0) ; insert in que @r0
	movl		#SS$_NORMAL,r0		; normal completion
20$:	ret					; go home to user mode safety
; -- find place to stick in key definition
	pushr		#^m<r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9>
	movab		SYM_T_SYMBOL+1(r10),r1	; get address of key name
	movzbl		-1(r1),r0		; get key length
	addl2		r0,r1			; r1 --> word length of rest
	incl		r1			; skip over word length
	incl		r1			; r1 --> if_state string
	movzbl		(r1)+,r0		; get the if_state length
	pushl		r1			; put addr onstack
	pushl		r0			; put len onstack
	movzbl		SYM_T_SYMBOL(r10),r8	; r8 = len of key name
	movab		SYM_T_SYMBOL+1(r10),r9	; r9 = addr of keyname
	movl		PRC_Q_KEYPAD(r11),r6	; r6 --> first entry in queue
	movab		PRC_Q_KEYPAD(r11),r7	; r7 --> beginning of queue
10$:	cmpl		r6,r7			; EOQ yet?
	beql		20$			; yep -- bug out
	movab		SYM_T_SYMBOL+1(r6),r1	; get address of keyname
	movzbl		-1(r1),r0		; get length
	addl2		r0,r1			; r1 --> word length of rest
	incl		r1			; skip over word length
	incl		r1			; r1 --> if_state string
	movzbl		(r1)+,r0		; get the if_state length
	cmpc5		(sp),@4(sp),#^a/ /,r0,(r1) ; is this the same state?
	blssu		20$			; no - try next entry
	bgtru		15$			; if >, no ents for if_state
	movzbl		SYM_T_SYMBOL(r6),r0	; get len of keynam in que
	cmpc5		r8,(r9),#^a/ /,r0,SYM_T_SYMBOL+1(r6) ; comparem
	blssu		20$			; found place if key<qkey
	bneq		15$			; if not same, go try next
; - key already exists here
	bsbw		deletekey		; zap the current definition
	brb		20$			; return to caller
15$:	movl		SYM_L_FL(r6),r6		; step forward into chain
	brb		10$			; ring-around-the-toilet again
20$:	addl2		#8,sp			; clean up stack
	movl		r6,r0			; retaddr
	popr		#^m<r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9>

	pushl		r3			; save
	movab		PRC_Q_ALLOCREG(r11),r3	; allocation region listhead
	remque		SYM_L_FL(r6),r0		; unlink it
	movl		SYM_L_FL(r0),r6		; pick up 'new' current entry
	movzwl		SYM_W_SIZE(r0),r1	; size to unload
	jsb		@#EXE$DEALLOCATE	; deallo the memory
	popl		r3			; restore register
	rsb					; backtocaller
;    Simpleton's interface to $PUTMSG
.entry	putmsg,		^m<>
		msgvec	=	(AP)
;    Get the nodename of the current node
.entry	getnode,	^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>
	movc5		#0,#0,#^a/ /,nodeid,@nodeid+4	;clear NODEID field
		ITMLST	=	syilst
	blbc		r0,10$
	tstw		nodeid
	beql		10$
	cmpb		@nodeid+4,#^a/ /
	beql		10$
	brw		30$
10$:	$TRNLNM_S	-
		TABNAM	=	lnmsys,-
		LOGNAM	=	sysnod,-
		ITMLST	=	trnls2
	blbc		r0,30$
	subw		#2,nodeid		;scrape off the trailing colons
	brb		30$
20$:	movl		#0,nodeid		;set no logical name
30$:	ret
;    Get rooted pathname for SYS$LOGIN
.entry	syslogin,	^m<>
	movab		@curdir+4,r1
	movb		#^a/[/,0(r1)		;poke in a ']'
	movb		#^a/]/,1(r1)		;poke in a ']'
	movw		#2,curdir		;set length 2

	movc3		syslgi,@syslgi+4,@device+4
	movw		syslgi,device		;start out with this device
	calls		#0,inspth		;insert path

inspth:	.word	^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9>
	movw		trn,r8
	clrl		atr
	clrl		r9		;indicate initial run
	clrb		@trn+4
insrst:	movw		r8,trn
	bbs		#LNM$V_TERMINAL,atr,10$
	cmpb		@trn+4,#^a/_/
	bneq		20$
10$:	brw		60$
20$:	$TRNLNM_S	-
		TABNAM	=	lnmfdv,-
		LOGNAM	=	device,-
		ITMLST	=	trnls1,-
		ACMODE	=	exacmo
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NOLOGNAM
	bneqw		70$			;more tranlation needed
		TABNAM	=	lnmjob,-
		LOGNAM	=	device,-
		ITMLST	=	trnls1,-
		ACMODE	=	exacmo
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NOLOGNAM
	bneqw		70$			;more tranlation needed
	tstl		r9			;see if we've been here before
	bneqw		60$			;wasn't first NOLOGNAM
40$:	$getuai_s	-			;try the UAF for the login
		usrnam	=	usrnam,-
		itmlst	=	uailst
	blbs		r0,50$			;looks like we got it
	cmpl		r9,#1			;see if this is round #2
	beql		60$			;getouttahere... nothing worked
	movw		usrlen,usrnam		;reset username length
	$idtoasc_s	-
		id	=	uic,-
		namlen	=	usrnam,-
		nambuf	=	usrnam		;get username assoc. w/uic
	blbc		r0,60$			;that failed too...skipit
	incl		r9			;set getuai retry flag
	brb		40$			;retry getuai w/new username
50$:	movzbl		defdev,r6		;get len to stable reg
	movc3		r6,defdev+1,@trn+4	;zip device into place
	addl3		trn+4,r6,r0		;get address to put DIR
	movzbl		defdir,r7		;length of DIR to stable reg
	movc3		r7,defdir+1,(r0)	;stuffit
	addw3		r6,r7,trn		;calculate new length for trans
	brb		70$			;try operation using UAF stuff
60$:	brw		pthext
70$:	incl		r9			;flag successful translation
	locc		#^a/:/,trn,@trn+4	;find the resultant colon
;	beql		oops			;better be one there
	subl3		trn+4,r1,r6		;length of device name in r2
	movc3		r6,@trn+4,@device+4	;copy for new device
	movw		r6,device		;set length
	subw3		r6,trn,r7		;set length of second part
	bicl		#^x0ffff0000,r7
	decl		r7			;yank the colon we found
	beql		99$
	addl		trn+4,r6		;get source for next copy
	incl		r6			;skip the colon
	cmpb		-1(r6)[r7],#^a/]/	;strip a closing bracket
	bneq		80$
	decl		r7			;remove it
	beql		99$
80$:	cmpb		-1(r6)[r7],#^a/./	;strip trailing '.'
	bneq		90$
	decl		r7
	beql		99$
90$:	movb		#^a/./,@curdir+4	;stuff in a separator
	addl3		curdir+4,r7,r2		;address of new stuff
	movc3		curdir,@curdir+4,(r2)	;make space for new stuff
	movc3		r7,(r6),@curdir+4
	addw		r7,curdir		;add in new space
99$:	brw		insrst

pthext:	movq		device,r6
	bicl		#^x0ffff0000,r6
	movb		#^a/:/,(r7)[r6]
	incw		device			;tack on a trailing colon
	incw		r6
	addl3		r6,curdir+4,r2
	movc3		curdir,@curdir+4,(r2)	;insert device
	movc3		r6,@device+4,@curdir+4
	addw		r6,curdir

	movaq		curdir,r1
	movzwl		#SS$_NORMAL,r0
;    Set sysdisk to new disk for CD
.entry	setdsk,		^m<>
	pushl		#0		;no itmlist
	pushl		#0		;attribs
	pushaq		prctbl		;here is the table name
	pushaq		@4(AP)		;here is the value
	pushaq		sysdsk		;here is the logical to assign value to
	calls		#5,G^LIB$SET_LOGICAL

;    Set sysdefdir for other half of CD operation
.entry	setdefdir,	^m<>
	pushl		#0		;optional prams not present
	pushl		#0		;optional parms not present
	pushaq		@4(AP)		;incoming value
	calls		#3,G^SYS$SETDDIR

;    Complete CD Operation
.entry	setdef,		^m<>
	pushaq		@4(AP)		;push directory sent
	calls		#1,setdefdir	;define it
	pushaq		@8(AP)		;push disk sent
	calls		#1,setdsk	;define that too
;    traverses an item list and executes routine w/parms
;    inputs:  pushab getopt_<xxx>
;             pushal itemlist
;             pushaw routine
;    outputs: r0 contains eolist from input itemlist
.entry	trvsl0,		^m<r4,r6,r8>
	movl		4(AP),r4	;get exec routine address
	movl		8(AP),r8	;get data address
	movl		r8,r0		;save current address
	movl		(r8)+,r6	;load eoitem pointer
	beql		20$		;eolist
	movzwl		r6,r6		;clear high word
	addl		r0,r6		;calculate next item address

	jsb		@12(AP)		;check (r0) (r6)-n for class match
	bneq		10$		;skip item if not class matched

	pushl		r1		;pass options/attributes
	pushl		r8		;item to be defined
	calls		#2,(r4)		;do the function

10$:	movl		r6,r8		;set next item address
	jmp		5$		;back for another main item

20$:	movl		r8,r0		;return eolist in R0
;    traverses an item list and executes routine w/parms
;    item list is multi-argument
;    inputs:  [pushaq lv2dsc]		;level 2 descriptor
;              pushab  getopt_<xxx>
;              pushal itemlist
;              pushaw routine
;    outputs: r0 contains eolist from input itemlist
.entry	trvsl1,		^m<r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9>
	movl		4(AP),r4	;get exec routine address
	movl		8(AP),r8	;get data address
	movl		(r8)+,r7	;get argcnt
	bneq		15$		;nzero pointer is neolist
	brw		40$		;zero pointer is eolist
15$:	movl		r8,r0		;save current address
	movl		(r8)+,r6	;load eoitem pointer
	movzwl		r6,r6		;clear high word
	addl		r0,r6		;calculate next item address

	jsb		@12(AP)		;check (r0) (r6)-n for class match
	beql		20$		;process item if EQL

	movl		r6,r8		;jmp to item
17$:	movl		r8,r0		;save current address
	movzwl		(r8),r8		;load eoitem pointer
	addl		r0,r8		;calculate next item address
	sobgtr		r7,17$		;keep it up, 'til eolist
	brw		10$		;back for another main item

20$:	movl		#3,r5		;initial item count
	movl		r8,r9		;save initial item name address
30$:	movl		r6,r8		;jmp to item
	movl		r8,r0		;save current address
	movl		(r8)+,r6	;load eoitem pointer
	movzwl		r6,r6		;clear high word
	addl		r0,r6		;calculate next item address
	pushl		r8		;value descriptor
	incl		r5		;another item for the calls
	sobgtr		r7,30$		;keep it up, 'til eolist
	clrl		-(SP)		;no level 2 descriptor yet
	cmpl		(AP),#4		;see if there's a level 2 descriptor
	bneq		35$		;no level 2 descriptor
	movaq		@16(AP),(SP)	;rewrite level 2 descriptor
35$:	pushl		r1		;option longword
	pushl		r9		;item to be defined
	calls		r5,(r4)		;do the function

	movl		r6,r8		;jmp to first item
	brw		10$		;back for another main item

40$:	movl		r8,r0		;return eolist in R0
;    traverses list of itmlsts and executes routine w/parms
;      using trvsl1
;    inputs:  pushab getopt_<xxx>
;             pushal itemlistlist
;             pushaw routine
;    outputs: r0 contains eolist from input itemlist
.entry	trvsl2,		^m<r4,r6,r8>
	movl		4(AP),r4	;get exec routine address
	movl		8(AP),r0	;get data address
	movl		r0,r1		;save current address
	movl		(r0)+,r2	;eotbl descriptor
	beql		20$		;eolist
	movzwl		r2,r2		;clear high word
	addl		r1,r2		;calculate eoitem address
	pushl		r0		;level 2 descriptor
	pushl		12(AP)		;pass operation type
	pushl		r2		;item list list to be used
	pushl		4(AP)		;push routine address
	calls		#4,trvsl1	;do the function return new r0
	brw		10$		;back for another main item
20$:	ret				;return eolist in r0
;   -- get item options default execute ... note JSB entry
;  input: (r0) item header
;         (r6) end of item calculated
; output: EQL - class match - perform operation
;         r1 = 0 or OPTION
;  all 0-items executed by all
;  all nz-items executed if match to class
	clrl		r1
	bbc		#0,2(r0),10$	;skip option load
	movl		-4(r6),r1	;load option
10$:	bbs		#1,2(r0),40$	;must test further
20$:	bispsw		#^m<r2>		;set EQL condition (Z flag) (default)
	rsb				;return condition
30$:	bicpsw		#^m<r2>		;set NEQ condition (Z flag)
	rsb				;return condition
40$:	bbs		#0,2(r0),50$	;code to skip option longword
	bitl		-4(r6),class	;test mask against membership classes
	brb		60$		;finish test
50$:	bitl		-8(r6),class	;test mask against membership classes
60$:	beql		30$		;no bits found...send NEQ return
	brb		20$		;bits found...send EQL return
;   -- get item options member-only execute ... note JSB entry
;  input: (r0) item header
;         (r6) end of item calculated
; output: EQL - class match - perform operation
;         r1 = 0 or OPTION
;  0-items executed by classed only
;  nz-items executed if match to class
	clrl		r1
	bbc		#0,2(r0),10$	;skip option load
	movl		-4(r6),r1	;load option
10$:	bbs		#1,2(r0),40$	;must test further
	tstl		class		;is a class specified??
	bneq		30$		;member of classes...ok to default
20$:	bicpsw		#^m<r2>		;set NEQ condition (Z flag)
	rsb				;return condition
30$:	bispsw		#^m<r2>		;set EQL condition (Z flag) (default)
	rsb				;return condition
40$:	bbs		#0,2(r0),50$	;code to skip option longword
	bitl		-4(r6),class	;test mask against membership classes
	brb		60$		;finish test
50$:	bitl		-8(r6),class	;test mask against membership classes
60$:	beql		20$		;no bits found...send NEQ return
	brb		30$		;bits found...send EQL return
;   -- get item options inhibit default execute ... note JSB entry
;  input: (r0) item header
;         (r6) end of item calculated
; output: EQL - class match - perform operation
;         r1 = 0 or OPTION
;  0-items executed by non-classed
;  nz-items executed if match to class
	clrl		r1
	bbc		#0,2(r0),10$	;skip option load
	movl		-4(r6),r1	;load option
10$:	bbs		#1,2(r0),40$	;must test further
	tstl		class		;is a class specified??
	bneq		30$		;member of classes...do not default
20$:	bispsw		#^m<r2>		;set EQL condition (Z flag) (default)
	rsb				;return condition
30$:	bicpsw		#^m<r2>		;set NEQ condition (Z flag)
	rsb				;return condition
40$:	bbs		#0,2(r0),50$	;code to skip option longword
	bitl		-4(r6),class	;test mask against membership classes
	brb		60$		;finish test
50$:	bitl		-8(r6),class	;test mask against membership classes
60$:	beql		30$		;no bits found...send NEQ return
	brb		20$		;bits found...send EQL return
;   -- get item options execute only if member... note JSB entry
;  input: (r0) item header
;         (r6) end of item calculated
; output: EQL - class match - perform operation
;         r1 = 0 or OPTION
;  0-items never executed
;  nz-items executed if match to class
	clrl		r1
	bbc		#0,2(r0),10$	;skip option load
	movl		-4(r6),r1	;load option
10$:	bbs		#1,2(r0),40$	;must test further
20$:	bicpsw		#^m<r2>		;set NEQ condition (Z flag)
	rsb				;return condition
30$:	bispsw		#^m<r2>		;set EQL condition (Z flag) (default)
	rsb				;return condition
40$:	bbs		#0,2(r0),50$	;code to skip option longword
	bitl		-4(r6),class	;test mask against membership classes
	brb		60$		;finish test
50$:	bitl		-8(r6),class	;test mask against membership classes
60$:	beql		20$		;no bits found...send NEQ return
	brb		30$		;bits found...send EQL return
;	Designed to be called from trvsl0
;	Sets operator class message flags
.entry	replydefiner,	^m<>
	movl		8(AP),enbcls		; set operator enable class
;	Designed to be called from trvsl0
;	Sets message flags per DCL command $ SET MESSAGE/NOFACILITY... etc.
;	Note: Uses $CMKRNL service.  Use with caution on production equipment.
.entry	setmessdefiner,	^m<r2,r3>
	pushl		8(AP)			; incoming option is msg flags
	pushl		#1
	moval		(SP),r2
		ROUTIN	=	_setmess,-
		ARGLST	=	(r2)
.entry	_setmess,	^m<>
	movaw		oops_catcher,(FP)	; set safety net
	movb		4(AP),@#CTL$GB_MSGMASK	; set new message value
	movzbl		#SS$_NORMAL,r0		; all is OK
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines default directory from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	defdirdefiner,^m<>
	moval		@8(AP),actdir	;set active default drive
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines default drive from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	defdrvdefiner,^m<>
	moval		@8(AP),actdrv	;set active default drive
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines default broadcast from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	defbrodefiner,^m<>
	moval		@8(AP),actbro	;set active default broadcast
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines default TTON from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	defondefiner,^m<>
	moval		@8(AP),acton	;set active default TTON chars
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines default TTOFF from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	defoffdefiner,^m<>
	moval		@8(AP),actoff	;set active default TTOFF chars
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines default privileges from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	defprvdefiner,^m<>
	movq		@8(AP),actprv	;move default privileges
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines default protection from OPTION passed in
.entry	defprodefiner,^m<>
	pushl		8(AP)
	moval		(SP),r1
	pushl		#0		;I couldn't care less what it was
	pushaw		(r1)		;I want it set to this!
	calls		#2,G^SYS$SETDFPROT ;Do the set prot xxx/def
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines default processname list from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	defprcdefiner,^m<>
	moval		@8(AP),actprc	;move default processnames
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines DCL prompt descriptor address from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	defprmdefiner,^m<>
	moval		@8(AP),actprm	;move prompt address
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines verify status from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	verdefiner,^m<>
	addl3		#1,8(AP),verify	;set verify state +1
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   defines final 'do' command address from OPTION(address) passed in
.entry	dodefiner,^m<>
	movaq		@8(AP),actdo	;insert address of 'do' list
;   designed to be called from trvsl0
;   deletes symbols based on input parameters
;   this routine expects EXACTLY ONE parameter
.entry	symkiller,	^m<r2,r3>
	pushal		tblind		;annunciate these to global table
	pushaq		@4(AP)		;item pointer
	ret				;go home

;   designed to be called from trvsl1
;   assigns values to symbols based on input parameters
;   this routine expects EXACTLY FOUR parameters
;   Note that OPTION is ignored
.entry	symdefiner,	^m<r2,r3>
	cmpl		#4,(AP)		;see if multi-parms
	bneq		20$		;deny invalid parameter count
	pushal		tblind		;annunciate these to global table
	pushaq		@16(AP)		;symbol value
	pushaq		@4(AP)		;symbol name
	calls		#3,G^LIB$SET_SYMBOL
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NORMAL	;is all ok?
	beql		10$		;it's ok
	$EXIT_S		CODE=r0		;barf if I don't understand the error
10$:	ret				;go home
20$:	pushaq		@4(AP)		;address of symbol being defined
	pushl		#1		;1 FAO parameter
	pushl		#STP_SYMMES	;this message
	calls		#3,putmsg	;dump it
	$EXIT_S				;bug out
;   designed to be called from trvsl1
;   assigns values to logicals based on input parameters
;   this routine expects two or more parameters
;   if there are three or more parameters, a list of values is defined
;   lv2dsc (longword) is expected to contain a pointer to a table_name
;     descriptor.
.entry	logdefiner,	^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>
	movl		(AP),r2		;numargs
	cmpl		#4,r2		;see if multi-parms
	beql		5$		;no...process single parm
	brw		40$		;process list
5$:	movl		8(AP),-(SP)	;save incoming attributes
	clrl		-(SP)		;no itmlist
	pushal		4(SP)		;attribs
	pushaq		@12(AP)		;here is the table name
	beql		30$		;none specified...bomb
	movq		@16(AP),r0	;get value descriptor
	cmpw		r0,#1		;see if it's one byte long
	bneq		10$		;not one byte long
	cmpb		(r1),#^a/*/	;test for '*'
	bneq		10$		;Not a '*'
	pushaq		curdir		;define this one as rooted logical
	brb		20$		;skip valpush
10$:	pushaq		@16(AP)		;here is the value
20$:	pushaq		@4(AP)		;here is the logical to assign value to
	calls		#5,G^LIB$SET_LOGICAL
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NORMAL	;see if ok
	beql		lexit		;yep
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_SUPERSEDE ;supersedes are allowed w/o error
	beql		lexit		;yep
	$EXIT_S		CODE=r0		;leavus (i don't understand error)
30$:	pushl		#STP_NOTBL
	calls		#1,putmsg
	moval		16(AP),r3	;addr of last val (first val arg) item
	movl		8(AP),-(SP)	;options
	moval		(SP),r5		;address of options longword
	pushl		#0		;list terminator
	subl		#3,r2		;rmv cnt for main item, option, &lv2dsc
50$:					;form ITEM_LIST_3 on stack
	pushl		#0		;ret ^
	movl		(r3)+,r1	;get address of descriptor
	pushl		4(r1)		;push address of string
	movzwl		(r1),r1		;get length to r1
	bisl		#LNM$_STRING@16,r1 ;place code into high r1
	pushl		r1		;this is the code/length of the item
	sobgtr		r2,50$		;place all items into list

	movl		8(AP),(r5)	;copy options/attributes
	pushal		(SP)		;pointer to itemlist
	pushal		(r5)		;attribs
	pushaq		@12(AP)		;here is the table name
	beql		30$		;none specified...bomb
	pushl		#0		;values are specified in itmlst
	pushaq		@4(AP)		;logical name
	calls		#5,G^LIB$SET_LOGICAL
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NORMAL	;see if ok
	beql		lexit		;yep (restore stack)
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_SUPERSEDE ;supersedes are allowed w/o error
	beql		lexit		;yep (restore stack)
	$EXIT_S		CODE=r0		;leavus (I don't understand error)
lexit:	ret				;go home
;   designed to be called from trvsl1
;   assigns definitions to keys based on input parameters
;   this routine expects two or three parameters
;   if there are three or more parameters, program will error exit
;   lv2dsc (longword) is expected to contain a pointer to an IF_STATE
;     descriptor.
.entry	keydefiner,	^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>
	movl		8(AP),-(SP)	;save incoming attributes
	pushal		(SP)		;flags address
	clrl		-(SP)		;setstate
	pushaq		@12(AP)		;ifstate
	beql		15$		;no ifstate...bug it
	pushaq		@16(AP)		;equivalence value
	pushaq		@4(AP)		;keyname ... all args pushed now
	cmpl		#4,(AP)		;see if setstate specified
	beql		10$		;nope...issue call as-is
	cmpl		#5,(AP)		;see if exactly & only setstate spec'd
	bneq		20$		;nope...error...multidef
	movaq		@20(AP),4(SP)	;rewrite equivalence value arg
	movaq		@16(AP),12(SP)	;use first extra arg as setstate
10$:	calls		#5,hg$define_key  ;do key definition
15$:	pushl		#STP_NOIFST	;use this message
	calls		#1,putmsg	;output text
	$EXIT_S				;get lost
20$:	pushaq		@4(AP)		;pass keyname to putmsg
	pushl		#1		;1 FAO parameter
	pushl		#STP_KYMMES	;use this message text
	calls		#3,putmsg	;output message
	$EXIT_S				;barf out
;    Enables operator console if privilege exists to do so
.entry	reply_enable,	^m<>
	pushab		getopt_protected;op squelched 'cept for members
	pushal		opcmsk		;data address
	pushaw		replydefiner	;define reply mask
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list, def reply mask
	tstl		enbcls		;was something set???
	bneq		5$		;yes... try to do it
	ret				;nope... ignore rest
5$:	$GETDVIW_S	-		;get terminal name, unitno
		DEVNAM	=	ttnam,-
		ITMLST	=	dvilst
	blbcw		r0,40$		;retrieve terminal name/unitno
	movab		devnam,r0	;get name's address
	addl		retlen,r0	;jump 1 past end char
	decl		r0		;set address of last character
	cmpb		(r0),#^a/:/	;if it is not a colon
	bneq		10$		;don't skip a character
	decl		r0		;else skip colon
10$:	cmpb		(r0),#^a/0/	;backup over all numeric
	blssu		20$		;oops... not numeric... keep
	cmpb		(r0),#^a/9/	;backup over all numeric
	bgtru		20$		;oops... not numeric... keep
	decl		r0		;backup one character
	brb		10$		;muck thru this stuff again
20$:	subl3		#devnam-1,r0,retlen  ;calculate remaining length
	movb		retlen,devnml	;move to ascic len byte
	addw		retlen,enbdsc	;add to message descriptor
	movw		retunt,unit	;move in the unit number
	$SETPRV_S	-		;try to get OPER privilege
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-	;try temporary privs
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRVADR	=	oprprv
	blbcw		r0,40$		;oops... error... bugout
	movl		r0,r1		;save status
	movl		#SS$_NOOPER,r0	;set NOOPER error
	cmpl		r1,#SS$_NOTALLPRIV  ;see if we didn't get OPER
	beql		40$		;no OPER... return error
	$SETPRV_S	-		;try to get SECURITY privilege
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-	;try temporary privs
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRVADR	=	secprv
	blbc		r0,40$		;oops... error... bugout
	cmpl		r1,#SS$_NOTALLPRIV  ;see if we didn't get SECURITY
	bneq		30$		;SECURITY... default request
	bicl		#OPC$M_NM_SECURITY,enbcls  ;rmv SECURITY from OPCOM req.
30$:	$SNDOPR_S	-		;try to enable us as operator
		MSGBUF	=	enbdsc
40$:	ret				;return all errors
;    Timeout routine in case of high priority hangup
.entry	timout,		^m<>
	$SETPRV_S	-		;attempt a priority boost
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	booprv
		PRI	=	norpri	;drop back down
		SWPFLG	=	#0	;release lock
;    Set timeout timer in case of programming error
	$BINTIM_S	-		;Convert time to binary
		TIMBUF	=	asctim,-
		TIMADR	=	bintim
	blbc		r0,10$

	$SETIMR_S	-		;Set countdown killer
		DAYTIM	=	bintim,-
		ASTADR	=	timout
	blbc		r0,10$
10$:	$EXIT_S		-
		CODE	=	r0
; functional routines
;   each routine is called from mainline via JSB entry
;   all registers may be scratched

; Attempt to identify the current node and set class mask accordingly
	calls		#0,getnode	;get nodename
	clrl		class		;set no classes
	movl		#NODE_COUNT,r2
	moval		NODE_GL_LIST,r3
10$:	movl		(r3)+,r4
	movaq		4(r4),r5
	movl		(r4),r4
	cmpw		nodeid,(r5)	;see if lengths match
	bneq		20$
	pushr		#^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>
	cmpc3		nodeid,@nodeid+4,@4(r5)  ;see if chars match
	popr		#^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>
	bneq		20$
	movl		r4,class	;set classes
	movl		r5,node
	brb		30$
20$:	sobgtr		r2,10$
	pushaq		nodeid
	pushl		#2
	pushl		#STP_NODMES
	calls		#3,putmsg
30$:	rsb

; Define symbol NODE
	pushal		tblind		;annunciate these to global table
	pushaq		nodeid		;symbol value
	pushaq		nodes		;symbol name
	calls		#3,G^LIB$SET_SYMBOL

; Define MODE symbol
		ITMLST	=	jpilst
	movl		modev,r0	;index value
	ashl		#2,r0,r0	;index table of longwords
	pushal		tblind		;annunciate these to global table
	pushaq		@model(r0)	;symbol value
	pushaq		modes		;symbol name
	calls		#3,G^LIB$SET_SYMBOL

; Define $MODE numeric
	$FAO_S	-
		CTRSTR	=	numctl, -
		OUTLEN	=	modval, -
		OUTBUF	=	modval, -
		P1	=	modev
	pushal		tblind		;annunciate these to global table
	pushaq		modval		;symbol value
	pushaq		moden		;symbol name
	calls		#3,G^LIB$SET_SYMBOL

;  Define QUEUE_NAME and ENTRY_NUMBER if in batch mode
	cmpl		#2,modev	;Are we in batch mode?
	beql		isbat		;nope... skip the batch stuff
	brw		nobat		;nope... skip the batch stuff
isbat:	$GETQUIW_S	-
		FUNC	=	#qui$_display_job,-
		ITMLST	=	quilst,-
		IOSB	=	quiosb
	blbcw		r0,nobat	;$QUI doesn't think all's well
	movl		quiosb,r0	;get $QUI iosb status
	blbcw		r0,nobat	;$QUI doesn't think we're batch

		FUNC	=	#qui$_cancel_operation
		FUNC	=	#qui$_display_queue, -
		ITMLST	=	quils2, -
		IOSB	=	quiosb
	blbc		r0,qunok
	blbs		quiosb,quok
	movl		quiosb,r0
qunok:	ret
quok:	$GETQUIW_S	-
		FUNC	=	#qui$_cancel_operation

	pushal		tblind		;annunciate these to global table
	pushaq		quenam		;symbol value
	pushaq		qnmsym		;symbol name
	calls		#3,G^LIB$SET_SYMBOL

	$FAO_S	-
		CTRSTR	=	numctl, -
		OUTLEN	=	entval, -
		OUTBUF	=	entval, -
		P1	=	entno

	pushal		tblind		;annunciate these to global table
	pushaq		entval		;symbol value
	pushaq		entsym		;symbol name
	calls		#3,G^LIB$SET_SYMBOL
nobat:	rsb

; Remove all unwanted symbols (ignore errors)
	pushab		getopt_default	;operation performed by default
	pushal		hitlst		;data address
	pushaw		symkiller	;delete symbols
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list and kill symbols

; Define symbols
	pushab		getopt_default	;operation performed by default
	pushal		symlst		;data address
	pushaw		symdefiner	;define symbols
	calls		#3,trvsl1	;traverse list and define symbols

; Define all logicals
	calls		#0,syslogin	;setup rooted logical string
	pushab		getopt_default	;operation performed by default
	pushal		loglst		;list of logicals and tables
	pushaw		logdefiner	;this is the routine for lvl1 lists
	calls		#3,trvsl2	;return nothing meaningful

; Define all keys (if DISABLE_CMEXEC not defined)
	tstl		keycls		;test required class mask
	beql		5$		;no classes required
	mcoml		keycls,r0	;invert for BICL
	bicl3		r0,class,r0	;leave only bits to test
	cmpl		r0,keycls	;see if all requested bits present
	bneq		20$		;class(es) do not permit operation
5$:	cmpl		modev,#JPI$K_INTERACTIVE	;Are we INTERACTIVE?
	bneq		20$		;Nope, dont try key defs
	$SETPRV_S	-		;get cme
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmeprv
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NOTALLPRIV
	bneq		10$
	pushl		#STP_CMEMES
	calls		#1,putmsg
	brb		20$
10$:	pushab		getopt_default	;operation performed by default
	pushal		keylst		;list of key definitionsh
	pushaw		keydefiner	;this is the routine for lvl1 lists
	calls		#3,trvsl2	;return nothing meaningful
	$SETPRV_S	-		;drop cme
		ENBFLG	=	#0,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmeprv
20$:	rsb

; Set message flag (if CMKRNL)
	tstl		msfcls		;test required class mask
	beql		23$		;no classes required
	mcoml		msfcls,r0	;invert for BICL
	bicl3		r0,class,r0	;leave only bits to test
	cmpl		r0,msfcls	;see if all requested bits present
	bneq		27$		;class(es) do not permit operation
23$:	$SETPRV_S	-		;get cmk
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmkprv
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NOTALLPRIV
	bneq		25$
	pushl		#STP_CMKMES
	calls		#1,putmsg
	brb		27$
	pushab		getopt_inhibit	;operation performed only if mask match
	pushal		defmsg		;data address
	pushaw		setmessdefiner	;set message flags
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list and set flags
	$SETPRV_S	-		;drop cmk
		ENBFLG	=	#0,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmkprv
27$:	rsb

; Set up terminal if interactive
	beql		10$			;Nope, dont try tt setup
	brw		40$
10$:	clrl		ttchn
	$ASSIGN_S	-			;get a channel to the tt:
		DEVNAM	=	ttnam,-
		CHAN	=	ttchn
	blbs		r0,15$
	clrl		ttchn			;make sure it's 0 for err's
	brw		40$
15$:	clrl		actbro		;zap active broadcast to zeroes
	pushab		getopt_inhibit	;operation performed only if mask match
	pushal		ttbro		;data address
	pushaw		defbrodefiner	;set default broadcast classes
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list and set flags
	tstl		actbro		;see if actbro got set up
	beql		20$		;leave 'em alone if not defined
	$qiow_s		-		;force broadcast classes
		chan	=	ttchn,-
		p1	=	@actbro,-
		p2	=	#8
	blbs		r0,20$
	brw		40$
20$:	$qiow_s		-		;read soft terminal chars
		chan	=	ttchn,-
		func	=	#IO$_SENSEMODE,-
		p1	=	ttchr,-
		p2	=	#12
	clrl		actoff		;no 'off' by default
	pushab		getopt_inhibit	;operation performed only if mask match
	pushal		ttoff		;data address
	pushaw		defoffdefiner	;set default TTOFF
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list and set flags
	clrl		acton		;no 'on' by default
	pushab		getopt_inhibit	;operation performed only if mask match
	pushal		tton		;data address
	pushaw		defondefiner	;set default TTON
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list and set flags

	moval		@actoff,r0	;get address of TTOFF chars
	beql		25$		;skip TTOFF actions
	bicl		(r0),ttchr	;turn off these
	bicl		4(r0),ttchr+4	;turn off these
	bicl		8(r0),ttchr+8	;turn off these
25$:	moval		@acton,r0	;get address of TTON chars
	beql		33$		;skip TTON actions
	bisl		(r0),ttchr	;turn on these
	bisl		4(r0),ttchr+4	;turn on these
	bisl		8(r0),ttchr+8	;turn on these
33$:	$qiow_s		-		;reset soft terminal chars
		chan	=	ttchn,-
		func	=	#IO$_SETMODE,-
		p1	=	ttchr,-
		p2	=	#12
40$:	rsb

; Enable operator console
	bneq		43$			;Nope, dont try console
	calls		#0,reply_enable
43$:	rsb

; Set Default protection on files
	pushab		getopt_inhibit	;op not performed by default
	pushal		defpro		;data address
	pushaw		defprodefiner	;define default protection
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list, def defpro

; Set Default privs
		ENBFLG	=	#0,-	;reset the named privs
		PRVADR	=	offmsk,-  ;zap'em all
		PRMFLG	=	#1,-	;affect process privs
		PRVPRV	=	actprv	;use previous privs if none found
	movl		modev,r0	;index value
	ashl		#2,r0,r0	;index table of longwords
	pushab		getopt_inhibit	;op not performed by default
	pushal		@modepr(r0)	;data address
	pushaw		defprvdefiner	;define default priv mask
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list, def defprv
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-	;set the named privs
		PRVADR	=	actprv,-;set the new ones
		PRMFLG	=	#1	;affect process privs

; Set directory by mode
	movl		modev,r2	;index value
	ashl		#3,r2,r2	;index table of quadwords
	clrl		actdrv		;set no active drive
	pushab		getopt_inhibit	;op not performed by default
	pushal		@modecd(r2)	;data address
	pushaw		defdrvdefiner	;define drive mask
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list, def reply mask
	addl		#4,r2		;point second half of quadword
	clrl		actdir		;set no active directory
	pushab		getopt_inhibit	;op not performed by default
	pushal		@modecd(r2)	;data address
	pushaw		defdirdefiner	;define drive mask
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list, def reply mask
	tstl		actdrv		;was one selected?
	beql		50$
	pushaq		@actdrv		;default drive
	tstl		actdir		;was one selected?
	beql		50$
	pushaq		@actdir		;directory
	calls		#2,setdef	;set defdir
50$:	rsb

	$SETPRV_S	-		;get cme
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmeprv
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NOTALLPRIV
	bneq		10$
	pushl		#STP_CMEMES
	calls		#1,putmsg
	brb		20$
10$:	pushab		getopt_default	;operation performed by default
	pushal		keylst		;list of key definitionsh
	pushaw		keydefiner	;this is the routine for lvl1 lists
	calls		#3,trvsl2	;return nothing meaningful
	$SETPRV_S	-		;drop cme
		ENBFLG	=	#0,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmeprv
20$:	rsb

; Set DCL prompt if INTERACTIVE
	bneq		10$			;Nope, dont set prompt
	$SETPRV_S	-		;get cme
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmeprv
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NOTALLPRIV
	bneq		5$
	pushl		#STP_CMSMES
	calls		#1,putmsg
	brb		10$
5$:	clrl		actprm		;no active prompt
	pushab		getopt_protected;op squelched 'cept for members
	pushal		prmlst		;list of processname lists
	pushaw		defprmdefiner	;define prompts
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list, def prcnam
	tstl		actprm		;was one found?
	bneq		20$
10$:	$SETPRV_S	-		;drop cme
		ENBFLG	=	#0,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmeprv
20$:	moval		@actprm,r2	;address of TTMATCH list
	brb		40$		;start search
30$:	addl		#5*4,r2		;jmpto next item
40$:	tstl		(r2)		;address of prompt descrip zero = eolist
	beql		10$		;eolist reached
	tstl		8(r2)		;was a tt type spec'd
	beql		50$		;nope... skipcheck
	cmpb		8(r2),ttchr+1	;does spec'd type match?
	bneq		30$		;nope... goto next item
50$:	tstl		12(r2)		;were TT primary attribs spec'd?
	beql		60$		;go test TT2$ attribs
	mcoml		12(r2),r1	;prep test
	bicl3		r1,ttchr+4,r3	;mask to only rqst'd chars
	mcoml		r1,r1		;re-invert mask
	cmpl		r3,r1		;are all rqst'd chars present?
	bneq		30$		;nope... keep testing
60$:	tstl		16(r2)		;were TT secondary attribs spec'd?
	beql		70$		;accept as matched
	mcoml		16(r2),r1	;prep test
	bicl3		r1,ttchr+8,r3	;mask to only rqst'd chars
	mcoml		r1,r1		;re-invert mask
	cmpl		r3,r1		;are all rqst'd chars present?
	bneq		30$		;nope... keep testing
70$:	movaq		@4(r2),r0	;get setup descrip address
	beql		80$		;jmp if no setup spec'd
	movq		@4(r2),r0	;get setup descrip to r0'r1
	movzwl		r0,r0		;blast descriptor stuff
	$qiow_s		-		;write setup for prompt
		chan	=	ttchn,-
		func	=	#IO$_WRITEVBLK,-
		p1	=	(r1),-
		p2	=	r0
80$:	pushaq		@(r2)		;push address of prompt string
	calls		#1,90$		;generate call frame
	rsb				;backto mainline
90$:	.word	0			;cmexec call w/arglst
	$cmexec_s	-		;goto exec to vector to super
		routin	=	100$,-
		arglst	=	(AP)	;CMEXEC using CALLS arglst
	ret				;return to subroutine
100$:	.word	0
	$dclast_s	-			;vector to supervisor mode
		astadr	=	110$,-
		astprm	=	AP,-		;use passed arglst as ASTPRM
		acmode	=	#PSL$C_SUPER
	ret					;back from cmexec fires super
110$:	.word	^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>			;MOVCx trashes these registers
	calls	#0,@#EXE$CLRAST			;get out of AST mode
	moval	g^CTL$AG_CLIDATA,r2		;get cli data address
	movl	PPD$L_PRC(r2),r2		;get process region address
	movl	4(AP),AP			;recover $CMEXEC AP
	movaq	@4(AP),r0			;get address of prompt string
	addb3	#3,(r0),PRC_B_PROMPTLEN(r2)	;changeto DCL len req's (CRLF_)
	movc5	(r0),@4(r0),#0,#32,PRC_G_PROMPT(r2) ;prompt insert, max=32 char
	ret					;getlost

; Set DCL verify if INTERACTIVE
	$SETPRV_S	-		;get cme
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmeprv
	cmpl		r0,#SS$_NOTALLPRIV
	beql		10$
	movl		modev,r2	;index value
	ashl		#2,r2,r2	;index table of longwords
	clrl		verify		;no 'set verify' by default
	pushab		getopt_protected;op squelched 'cept for members
	pushal		@modevf(r2)	;data address
	pushaw		verdefiner	;define verify
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list, def prcnam
	tstl		verify		;was a state found?
	bneq		20$		;yes... go do it
10$:	$SETPRV_S	-		;get cme
		ENBFLG	=	#0,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	cmeprv
20$:	subl3		#1,verify,-(SP)	;push new verify state
	calls		#1,30$		;generate call frame
	rsb				;backto mainline
30$:	.word	0			;cmexec call w/arglst
	$cmexec_s	-		;goto exec to vector to super
		routin	=	40$,-
		arglst	=	(AP)	;CMEXEC using CALLS arglst
	ret				;return to subroutine
40$:	.word	0
	$dclast_s	-			;vector to supervisor mode
		astadr	=	50$,-
		astprm	=	AP,-		;use passed arglst as ASTPRM
		acmode	=	#PSL$C_SUPER
	ret					;back from cmexec fires super
50$:	.word	^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>			;MOVCx trashes these registers
	calls	#0,@#EXE$CLRAST			;get out of AST mode
	moval	g^CTL$AG_CLIDATA,r2		;get cli data address
	movl	PPD$L_PRC(r2),r2		;get process region address
	movl	4(AP),AP			;recover $CMEXEC AP
	tstl	4(AP)				;was verify rqst'd?
	bneq	60$				;yes... setit
	bicw	#PRC_M_VERIFY,PRC_W_FLAGS(r2)	;turn verify off
	ret					;getlost
60$:	bisw	#PRC_M_VERIFY,PRC_W_FLAGS(r2)	;turn verify on
	ret					;getlost

; Set processname if possible
	clrl		r4		;maxtry counter
		TIMADR	=	time	;read system time

	clrl		actprc		;no active process name
	pushab		getopt_inhibit	;op not performed by default
	pushal		prclst		;list of processname lists
	pushaw		defprcdefiner	;define processnames
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list, def prcnam

rstspn:	moval		@actprc,r2	;processnames
	beql		eoprc		;none found... skipit
	extzv		#5,#3,time,r3	;mask low to 3 bits in r1
	addl		r4,r3		;add in current index
	bicb		#^xf8,r3	;zapto 0..7
	incl		r3		;start at 1
newprc:	movl		r2,r1		;next address for forwardlink load
	movl		r2,r0		;save for nextitem calculation
	movzwl		(r1),r2		;pick up next item offset in r2
	addl		r0,r2		;calculate nextitem
	sobgtr		r3,newprc	;loop thru list 'til at desired item 

		PRCNAM	=	4(r1)	;set processname
	blbs		r0,eoprc	;branch on success
	aoblss		#^x20,r4,rstspn	;try again until retries are burned up
eoprc:	rsb

; Do final command if applicable
	movl		modev,r2	;index value
	ashl		#2,r2,r2	;index table of longwords
	clrl		actdo		;no 'do' by default
	pushab		getopt_protected;op squelched 'cept for members
	pushal		@modedo(r2)	;data address
	pushaw		dodefiner	;define 'do' address
	calls		#3,trvsl0	;traverse list, def 'actdo'
	tstl		actdo		;was one selected?
	bneq		10$
10$:	pushaq		@actdo		;address of command to do
	calls		#1,g^LIB$DO_COMMAND
	$exit_s		-		;we shouldn't ever get here!
		code	=	#SS$_BUGCHECK
; Initialization processing	
	movaw		oops_catcher,(FP) ;set trap (shut down boost code)
	$SETPRV_S	-		;attempt a priority boost
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	booprv
		DESBLK	=	extblk	;set exit handler (shut down boost code)
		SWPFLG	=	#1	;lock us in memory temporarily
		PRI	=	#boopri	;Temporary boost value
	bsbw		settmo		;set timeout routine in case prog err.

; End processing
	$SETPRV_S	-		;priority boost disable
		ENBFLG	=	#1,-
		PRMFLG	=	#0,-
		PRVADR	=	booprv
		PRI	=	norpri	;drop back down
		SWPFLG	=	#0	;release lock
		DESBLK	=	extblk	;No need to do this...already done
	movzwl		#SS$_NORMAL,r0

;    Main program entry point
.entry	setup,		^m<>

; Initialization processing	
	bsbw	init_self

; Attempt to identify the current node and set class mask accordingly
	bsbw		setnode

; Define symbol NODE
	bsbw		defnode

; Define MODE symbol
	bsbw		defmode

; Define $MODE numeric
	bsbw		defmnum

; Define QUEUE_NAME and ENTRY_NUMBER if in batch mode
	bsbw		defqueue

; Remove all unwanted symbols (ignore errors)
	bsbw		remsym

; Define symbols
	bsbw		defsym

; Define all logicals
	bsbw		deflog

; Define all keys (if DISABLE_CMEXEC not defined)
.IIF NDF,DISABLE_CMEXEC,	bsbw		defkeys

; Set message flag (if CMKRNL)

; Set up terminal if interactive
	bsbw	ttsetup

; Enable operator console
	bsbw	enbopr

; Set Default protection on files
	bsbw	setpro

; Set Default privs
	bsbw	setprv

; Set directory by mode
	bsbw	setdir

; Set DCL prompt if INTERACTIVE

; Set DCL verify if INTERACTIVE

; Set processname if possible
	bsbw	setprc

; End processing
	bsbw	endprc

; Final exit command (if applicable)
	pushl	r0
	bsbw	docmd
	popl	r0

	.end		SETUP