.title uwdimgsta - UWD to call sys$imgsta .library 'sys$share:lib' .link 'sys$system:sys.stb'/selective_search ; ; Program: UWDIMGSTA.MAR ; ; Author: David G. North, CCP ; 1333 Maywood Ct ; Plano, Texas 75023 ; (214) 653-1231 ; ; Date: 90.11.16 ; ; Revisions: ; Who Date Description ; D.North 901116 DECUS release ; ; License: ; Ownership of and rights to these programs is retained by the author(s). ; Limited license to use and distrubute the software in this library is ; hereby granted under the following conditions: ; 1. Any and all authorship, ownership, copyright or licensing ; information is preserved within any source copies at all times. ; 2. Under absolutely *NO* circumstances may any of this code be used ; in any form for commercial profit without a written licensing ; agreement from the author(s). This does not imply that such ; a written agreement could not be obtained. ; 3. Except by written agreement under condition 2, source shall ; be freely provided with all executables. ; 4. Library contents may be transferred or copied in any form so ; long as conditions 1, 2, and 3 are met. Nominal charges may ; be assessed for media and transferral labor without such charges ; being considered 'commercial profit' thereby violating condition 2. ; ; Warranty: ; These programs are distributed in the hopes that they will be useful, but ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ; $ifddef $clidef ; ; This module offers the user a method to call SYS$IMGSTA correctly ; from an image which is targeted for INSTALL with /PRIV=, or ; /EXECUTE_ONLY. This is accomplished by *NOT ALLOWING* the address ; of SYS$IMGSTA to appear in the image transfer address array. To ; get the linker to properly construct the transfer array, you must ; link your target image using /DEBUG=UWDIMGSTA. The transfer array will ; then vector first to this routine and then (indirectly) to your ; module's main entry point via SYS$IMGSTA. Note that this is accomplished ; very delicately by evaporating the initial call frame, creating an ; RSB address on the stack and re-calling SYS$IMGSTA with the original ; arguments passed by $IMGACT. Additionally, the args from $IMGACT are ; chewed upon such that the user must now do a $ RUN/DEBUG in order ; to actually invoke the debugger. (Note also that this behaviour is blocked ; for install/priv=... images because of potential security issues). ; $sfdef .psect $CODE,pic,usr,con,rel,lcl,shr,exe,nowrt,novec ; ; Following is the code to hack up the stack & redirect to SYS$IMGACT ; imgsta: bbs #SF$V_CALLS,SF$W_SAVE_MASK(FP),docls brw doclg docls: movl (AP),r0 ;get arg count clrl (AP) ;set null arglist movl SF$L_SAVE_PC(FP),r1 ;extract & save return PC movab b^10$,SF$L_SAVE_PC(FP) ;set bogus return address ret ;pop off frame for re-build 10$: pushl r0 ;restore argument count to stack 20$: xorl (SP)[r0],r1 ;XOR swap a->b xorl r1,(SP)[r0] ;XOR swap b<-a xorl (SP)[r0],r1 ;XOR swap a->b (completed) tstl r0 ;is this last item in arglist? beql 30$ ;just did last one sobgeq r0,20$ ;swap down thru arglist 30$: calls r1,g^SYS$IMGSTA ;Poof! All is now well rsb ;return to original saved PC doclg: moval (AP),r0 ;get arglist address movl SF$L_SAVE_PC(FP),r1 ;extract & save return PC movab b^10$,SF$L_SAVE_PC(FP) ;set bogus return address ret ;pop off frame for re-build 10$: pushl r1 ;set up RSB for return to original PC callg (r0),g^SYS$IMGSTA ;Poof! All is now well rsb ;return to original saved PC ; ; following will hack up the arguments to indicate that the user said /NODEBUG ; Note: value 0 is the default (no debug qualifier at all) ; value 1 is passed if the user said /NODEBUG ; value 3 is passed if the user said /DEBUG ; fixdbg: bisl #CLI$M_DEBUG,24(AP) ;flag /debug as present (dflt negated) movl g^CTL$GL_IMGHDRBF,r0 ;grab pointer to HDRBF array moval @4(r0),r1 ;actual IFD address bbs #IFD$V_PRIV,IFD$W_FLAGS(r1),10$ ;bounce instal/priv bbc #IFD$V_EXEONLY,IFD$W_FLAGS(r1),20$ ;bounce instal/exec_o 10$: bicl #CLI$M_DBGTRU,24(AP) ;shut off /DEBUG for install & priv'd 20$: rsb ; ; This is the UWD's main entry point ; .entry uwdimgsta_start,^m<> bsbw fixdbg ;allows user to 'fixup' $IMGACT args bsbw imgsta ret ; .end uwdimgsta_start