From: CRDGW2::CRDGW2::MRGATE::"SMTP::CRVAX.SRI.COM::RELAY-INFO-VAX" 11-DEC-1990 21:03:01.46 To: MRGATE::"ARISIA::EVERHART" CC: Subj: Re: disk quota access VAXC code enclosed Received: by (5.57/GE 1.80) id AA01892; Tue, 11 Dec 90 20:49:28 EST Received: From UCBVAX.BERKELEY.EDU by CRVAX.SRI.COM with TCP; Tue, 11 DEC 90 11:47:45 PST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.63/1.42) id AA27726; Tue, 11 Dec 90 11:22:50 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 11 Dec 90 17:18:18 GMT From:!!uflorida!!! Organization: Harris Semiconductor, Microelectronics Center Subject: Re: disk quota access VAXC code enclosed Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: To: In article <>, (John Vanderpool) writes: > > here's some code to get disk quota information -- Here's some Macro code: ;Last Modified: 11-DEC-1990 12:17:59.19, By: RLB .title Determine Quota ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;| Glenn Fleming Oct 10,1985 | ;| Call from higher languages : status = quota(disk,uic,usage,perm,overdraft)| ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; QUOTA macro subroutine. This routine expects 5 arguments: ; ; (1) diskname on which to check quota -- passed by character string ; descriptor. The max. length for the string is 32 bytes. If a null ; argument is supplied the diskname used will be the one associated ; with the calling routine. ; (2) uic to check -- integer passed by reference. If a null argument ; is supplied the uic assoicated with the calling routine is used. ; If the uic is specified with a value of "0", the uic associated with ; the calling routine is used, and returned to the calling routine. ; NOTE: The uic number is the process UIC in standard longword ; format. For more imformation, see $GETJPI system service call. ; ; (3) disk_usage -- integer passed by reference. Returns number ; of blocks currently used. ; ; (4) Perm_quota -- integer passed by reference. Returns permanent ; disk quota for the uic. ; ; (5) Overdraft -- integer passed by reference. Returns overdraft ; for uic on disk. ; ; If disk_usage, perm_quota, and overdraft are all NULL arguments ; then the call is treated as a NULL call and the status value ; of SS$_INSFARG is returned. NOTE: if the user does not wish ; to obtain a given value, a NULL argument must be specified in ; the call to the routine for that value. Failure to do so will cause ; a SS$_INSFARG status value to be returned. Successful completion ; is indicated by a return of SS$_NORMAL to the calling routine, ; otherwise the appropiate error code is returned. It is the ; responsibility of the calling routine to take the necessary action ; to detect and handle an error. ; ; EXAMPLE CALLS ; ; (A) FORTRAN ; integer uic,usage,perm,overdraft ; character diskname*32 ; ... ; ... ; (1) status = quota(diskname,uic,usage,perm,overdraft) ; Complete call. ; (2) status = quota(,,usage,perm,overdraft) ; Defaults to current disk, and UIC of calling routine. ; (3) status = quota(,,usage,,) ; Defaults to current disk and UIC of calling routine and ; returns only the usage. ; ; (B) C ; struct vaxstring { ; int len; ; char *str; ; }descr; ; char device[32]; ; int status,uic,usage,perm,overdraft; ; ... ; ... ; descr.str = device; ; descr.len = strlen(device); ; (1) status = quota(&descr,&uic,&usage,&perm,&overdraft); ; (2) status = quota(&descr,&uic,0,0,0); ; Treated as a NULL call. ; (3) status = quota(&descr,&uic); ; Insufficient arguments status returned. ; ; (C) PASCAL ; type diskspec = packed array[1..32] of char; ; var diskname: diskspec; ; status,uic,usage,perm,overdraft:integer; ; ; function quota (%stdescr diskname:diskspec; var uic,usage,perm, ; overdraft:integer):integer;extern; ; begin ; ... ; ... ; (1) status := quota( diskname,uic,usage,perm,overdraft); ; (2) uic := 91252; (* invalid uic being specified *) ; status := quota(diskname,uic,usage,perm,overdraft); ; if the uic is not valid then the values returned will ; be "0", and the status code is SS$_NORMAL. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 21-May-1990 Joe Ward - Added pushr and popr around call to $dassgn_s to ; allow the return value from the call to $qiow_s to ; be passed back. Otherwise, status codes such as ; no quota on device (%x3D4) were not passed back ; correctly. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library \sys$\ $DQFDEF $FIBDEF quotablock: .blkb DQF$C_LENGTH ; IO manual 1-39 fibblock: .blkb FIB$C_LENGTH ; IO manual 1-4 uic_list: .blkl 3 ; descriptor for GETJPI call fibdescr: .blkq 1 ; descriptor for FIB block quotadescr: .blkq 1 ; descriptor for QUOTA block devicedescr: .blkq 1 ; device descriptor devnam: .blkb 32 ; address for device name default_disk: .ascii /SYS$DISK/ ; default diskname channel: .blkw 1 ; chan for disk uic: .blkl 1 ; loc for storing and returning UIC counter: .blkb 1 ; arg counter to check last 3 args outlen: .blkl 1 ; number of chars after str$trim retlen: .word 1 ; return len for getjpi descriptor iosb: .blkq 1 ; fast linkage subroutine to get the uic. Stack not used . getuic:: movw #4,uic_list ;4 byte buffer len movw #JPI$_UIC,uic_list+2 ; itemcode moval uic,uic_list+4 ; bufferaddr; moval retlen,uic_list+8 ; return length addr $getjpiw_s itmlst=uic_list cmpl #SS$_NORMAL,r0 ; successful return? beql 10$ ; success return to main brw ret_pt ;return to calling routine 10$: rsb ; else return to quota ; start of macro routine to get quotas mec_get_diskquota:: quota:: .word 0 cmpl #5,(ap) ; argument count on call frame beql test_stack ; called with correct # args movl #SS$_INSFARG,r0 brw ret_pt ; return insufficient args test_stack: tstl 12(ap) bneq ok_usage incb counter ; usage arg not there ok_usage: tstl 16(ap) bneq ok_perm incb counter ; perm quota arg not there ok_perm: tstl 20(ap) bneq check_counter incb counter ; overdraft arg not there check_counter: cmpl #3,counter ; if nothing there then quit bneq get_stack ; else at last return arg movl #SS$_INSFARG,r0 brw ret_pt ;return to caller get_stack: tstl 4(ap) beql no_devnam ;no device descriptor movl 4(ap),r1 movl (r1),devicedescr ;len of buffer movl 4(r1),devicedescr+4 ;bufferaddr brb ok_device ;go around no_devnam no_devnam: moval default_disk,devicedescr+4 movl #8,devicedescr ;default length ok_device: pushal outlen ; determine # of bytes pushal devicedescr pushal devicedescr calls #3,g^str$trim ;get length of string movl outlen,devicedescr ; move length in to descriptor tstl 8(ap) ; is uic present? beql 15$ ; absent tstl @8(ap) ; is the value 0? beql 15$ ; no value get it movl @8(ap),uic ; user supplied value-how thoughtful! brb 20$ 15$: jsb getuic ; else get it 20$: movw #FIB$C_EXA_QUOTA,fibblock+FIB$W_CNTRLFUNC;move control function moval fibblock,fibdescr+4 ; move block into descriptor movl #FIB$C_LENGTH,fibdescr movl uic,quotablock+4 ; move uic we want into quotablock moval quotablock,quotadescr+4 ;setup quota descriptor movl #DQF$C_LENGTH,quotadescr; length of quota block $assign_s devnam=devicedescr,- chan=channel cmpl #SS$_NORMAL,r0 ; successful? beql 30$ brw ret_pt ;return error in assign 30$: movaq quotadescr,r0 $qiow_s chan=channel,- func=#IO$_ACPCONTROL,- ; IO func code iosb=iosb,- p1=fibdescr,- ;address of fibdescr p2=r0,- ;address of quotadescr p4=r0 cmpl #SS$_NORMAL,iosb ; status code beql 35$ movl iosb,r0 ; move status to return reg brw ret_pt ; return to calling routine 35$: cmpl #SS$_NORMAL,r0 ; check status of call itself beql 40$ ; usually same as iosb brw ret_pt ;return error in qiow 40$: tstl 12(ap) ; was usage arg present? beql 60$ movl quotablock+8,@12(ap) ; return usage value 60$: tstl 16(ap) ; was permquota arg present? beql 70$ movl quotablock+12,@16(ap) ; return permquota value 70$: tstl 20(ap) ; was overdraft arg present? beql 80$ movl quotablock+16,@20(ap) ; return overdraft value 80$: tstl 8(ap) ; was uic arg present? beql finish ; if not then don't return it movl uic,@8(ap) ; else return value of finish: ret_pt: tstw channel ; see if the channel was assnd beql 10$ pushr #^M ; save return status of $qiow_s $dassgn_s chan=channel ; deassign the channel popr #^M ; restore return status of $qiow_s ; ignore return status of $dassgn_s 10$: ret .end ==================================================================== Bob ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Boyd Voice: (919)549-3627 Harris Semiconductor Microelectronics Center E-Mail Address: Disclaimer? 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