TMP.BCKOTMP.BCKgBACKUP 00README.TXT,AAAREADME.TOO,PCX_HELPLIB.HLB,PCX.OLB TMP.BCK/SAVE/BLOCK=2048/INTERCH/NOCRC/GROUP=0 MADISON ?V5.3 _MDMVS::   _MDMVS$DKA200: V5.3 *[PCX]00README.TXT;6+,7p. / 4P -#0123KPWO 56_ƨ7 8ƨ89`\=GHJPC Exchange (for VMS)<PC Exchange (PCX) is a utility for copying files to and from?MS-DOS format diskettes under VMS, using an RX23 (3.5") or RX33C(5.25") diskette drive. For 3.5" diskettes, high-density disks can8be read or written; double-density disks are read-only. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS-------------------,* VMS V5.0 or later (it may work under V4.x)J* An RX33, RX33S, RX23, or RX23S diskette drive ("S" denotes SCSI variant)INOTE: This software has been tested only with the RX23 and RX23S diskette drives.B Please read the AAAREADME.TOO file for information on bug fixes,8 known problems, and other version-related information.INSTALLING PCX--------------To build the executable:@* If you have the object library, PCX.OLB, available, create the executable with the command:. $ LINK/NOTRACE PCX.OLB/INCLUDE=PCX/LIBRARY0 All required object files are in that library.A* If you have the MACRO sources, execute the ASMBUILD.COM commandC procedTMP.BCK7p#[PCX]00README.TXT;6P 0dure to assemble them and link the PCX executable. You willA probably have to first edit the file ACCESS.MAR and remove someA extraneous semicolons from in between the continuation lines of8 the big .LONG directive, close to the top of the file.G* If you have the BLISS sources and the MMS description file available,- use MMS to compile and link the executable.DOnce you have the PCX.EXE file, you can set up a DCL foreign command to run PCX:" $ pcx :== $disk:[directory]PCXTo build the help library: $ RUNOFF PCX_HELP.RNH6 $ LIBRARY/CREATE/HELP PCX_HELPLIB.HLB PCX_HELP.HLP*To make the help library available to PCX:4 $ DEFINE PCX_HELPLIB disk:[directory]PCX_HELPLIBFIf you install the help library in SYS$HELP, this step is unnecessary.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED-------------------A* You may need VOLPRO privilege to use PCX. PCX can be INSTALLed with this privilege:9 $ INSTALL CREATE disk:[directory]PCX/PRIVILEGE=VOLPROC PCX turns off all image privileges at startup, and only activates them when needed.BEFORE YOU START---------------->Before using PCX, you must define the logical name PCX_DISK as@the device name of the diskette drive. One easy way to do that,@while at the same time ensuring that no other process has access4to the drive, is to use the ALLOCATE command, as in:$ $ ALLOCATE/GENERIC RX23 PCX_DISK>Using the /GENERIC qualifier also means you don't have to know=the physical device name of the drive (assumTMP.BCK7p#[PCX]00README.TXT;6P ing you only haveone diskette drive available).AVAILABLE COMMANDS------------------$PCX provides the following commands:E@ executes a command file (default filetype .PCX)1ATTACH attaches to another process,CREATE/DIRECTORY creates a subdirectory7DELETE deletes a file or empty directory2DIRECTORY displays a directory listing EXIT leaves PCX&FORMAT formats the disk#HELP  displays help;READ reads a file from the floppy onto VMSCSET PATH sets current default directory path on floppy=SHOW PATH displays current default directory path)SPAWN spawns a subprocessCTYPE displays the contents of a file on the floppy5WRITE writes a VMS file on the floppyGThe help information explains the parameters and/or qualifiers for eachcommand.P--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTACTING THE AUTHORKComments, suggestions, and questions about this software can be directed to-the author at one of the following addresses:Mail: Matthew Madison' Engineering Computing Services) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute" Troy, New York 12180-3590Phone: +1 518 276 2606+E-Mail: (Internet) madison@vms.ecs.rpi.edu6 (BITNET) MADISON@RPIECSVX or MADISON@RPIECSCOPYRIGHT NOTICEIThis software TMP.BCK7p#[PCX]00README.TXT;6P { is COPYRIGHT 1989, 1990 RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE.MALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Permission is granted for non-profit redistribution anduse. DISCLAIMERIThis software is provided "AS IS". The author and Rensselaer PolytechnicPInstitute disclaim all warranties on the software, including without limitation,Mall implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.TMP.BCK$#[PCX]AAAREADME.TOO;9K t*[PCX]AAAREADME.TOO;9+,$. / 4K -#0123KPWO56@l7l89GHJTMP.BCK$#[PCX]AAAREADME.TOO;9K kPC Exchange Update InformationK** WARNING ****************************************************************K* *K* DO NOT use PCX for writing on your mission-critical diskettes! Always *K* use intermediate "scratch" disks for transfers. *K* *K* PCX has been tested on a VAXstation 3100/M38 with an RX23S diskette *K* drive, and a VAXstation 3100/M30 with an RX23 diskette drive. With *K* the exception of a minor problem on the M30/RX23 combination (noted *K* below), PCX does work with both these combinations. RX33 users: *K* if PCX works for you, please let me know! *K* *K***************************************************************************Version 1.4, 03 August 1990@ The READ, WRITE, and DELETE commands now all support wildcards, using VMS-type notation.< Sector caching has been added to improve performance a bit.Version V1.3-2, 01 August 1990C The sector-count field of the boot parameter block was incorrectlyE being treated as the number of clusters (which is the same for 1.44M. diskettes, but different for 720K diskettes).? For users of the RX23 diskette drive (non-SCSI version, deviceA name DUA2) and 1.44MB diskettes: if PCX returns with the messageA MOUNT-F-FTMP.BCK$#[PCX]AAAREADME.TOO;9K ORMAT, use MOUNT/FOREIGN to mount the diskette prior to running PCX.Version V1.3-1, 31 July 1990& The table of month names was one off.Version V1.3, 30 July 1990D This version fixes a couple of minor bugs in, and makes a couple of3 minor improvements to, the directory listing code.E Also included is an improved exit handler that closes all open filesA before the program exits. This helps prevent sectors from going; missing if an error or ctrl-Y happens during a file write.< Also fixed is a bug introduced in V1.1 -- READ/BINARY would* work fine, but non-binary READs wouldn't.Version V1.2, 26 July 1990I This version fixes bugs in the FAT maintenance code. It also eliminates? the problem where the RX33 wasn't being recognized in HD mode.Version V1.1, 26 July 1990F This version fixes bugs in the READ/BINARY and WRITE/BINARY commands.Version V1.0, 25 July 1990 ** WARNING **E This is the first release of PCX, so EXPECT BUGS! DO NOT use PCX onCyour mission-critical diskettes! Always use intermediate "scratch"disks for transfers.D PCX has been tested on a VAXstation 3100/M38 with an RX23S disketteCdrive. It should work with the RX23 in the 3100/M30's and the RX33Don other systems, but until someone tests it, I won't know for sure.@ The FORMAT command does not do a low-level formatting pass, nor@does it verify the diskette for bad sectors. This speeds thingsEup considerably, but leaves open the possibility of corrupted sectorsgetting thTMP.BCK$#[PCX]AAAREADME.TOO;9K LJrough. Be careful.=If you have found a bug, please report it to me by E-mail at:+ (Internet) madison@vms.ecs.rpi.edu6 (BITNET) MADISON@RPIECSVX or MADISON@RPIECSThanks.-Matt TMP.BCKs#[PCX]PCX_HELPLIB.HLB;3f*[PCX]PCX_HELPLIB.HLB;3+,s.f/ 4f-#0123 KPWOg56789GHJ TMP.BCKs#[PCX]PCX_HELPLIB.HLB;3fO<% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00E|v 5ATTACHCREATEDELETE DIRECTORYEXITFORMATHELPREAD `SET `SHOW SPAWNTYPEWRITE _l1 ATTACHF Permits you to switch control of your terminal from your current( process to another process in your job.F The ATTACH command allows you to move quickly between processes thatF you have created with the SPAWN command. For example, while you areF editing a file, you can SPAWN a subprocess (MAIL) to read a new mailF message. Enter the ATTACH command to get back to back to the editingF session. If you want to read another new mail message, you can use TMP.BCKs#[PCX]PCX_HELPLIB.HLB;3fҥF the ATTACH command to get back to the MAIL subprocess you already created. Format:* ATTACH [/PARENT] [process-name] 2 Parameter process-nameF Indicates the name of the subprocess to which the connection is to beF made. Only the /PARENT qualifier or a process-name may be specified. 2 Qualifier/PARENT /PARENTF Allows you to attach to your process's parent process. If there is/ no parent process an error message is printed.wwl1 CREATEF The CREATE/DIRECTORY command is used to create a subdirectory on the MSDOS disk. Format:$ CREATE/DIRECTORY pathnameww zl1 DELETE7 The DELETE command deletes a file from the MSDOS disk. Format: DELETE pathnameF Wildcards are permitted in the pathname. Directories must be empty before they can be deleted. 2 Qualifiers/CONFIRM /[NO]CONFIRMF Causes PCX to ask for confirmation before deleting each file matchingF the specified pathname. Default is /NOCONFIRM for individual files,! /CONFIRM for wildcard deletions./LOG /LOGB Causes PCX to display a completion message for each deleted file.wwl 1 DIRECTORYF The DIRECTORY command is used to display the names of the files in a directory on the MSDOS disk. Format: DIRECTORY [path]F If you omit the path specification, the current directory (defined with SET PATH) is listed. 2 Qualifiers/OUTPUT /OU TMP.BCKs#[PCX]PCX_HELPLIB.HLB;3fTPUT=file-specF Directs the resulting listing into the specified file. By default, the result goes to SYS$OUTPUT.ww`l1 EXIT3 The EXIT command is used to leave the PCX utility. Format: EXITww`l1 FORMAT5 The FORMAT command is used to format the MSDOS disk. Format: FORMATF Not as robust as the real FORMAT command under MSDOS, this commandF does not verify the disk. However, it will erase the boot bl ock,E FAT, and root directory, effectively deleting all files on the disk. 2 Qualifiers/LABEL /LABEL=vollabelF You may specify a volume label for the disk, up to 11 characters, with this qualifier.wwl1 HELPC The HELP command is used to obtain information about PCX commands. Format:% HELP [topic] [subtopic...]wwl1 READF The READ command is used to read a file from the MSDOS disk into a VMS file. Format:$  READ pathname [file-spec]F If you omit the VMS file-spec, it defaults to *.*. Wildcards are permitted in the pathname. 2 Qualifiers/BINARY /BINARYF The /BINARY qualifier causes the file to be written as a VMSF stream-LF file, without treating the CRLF sequence as a recordF delimiter. The default is to write the file out as a typical VMSF text file (varying length records) and to use CRLF as the delimiter' between records (an MSDOS convention). TMP.BCKs#[PCX]PCX_HELPLIB.HLB;3f0  /LOG /LOG? Causes PCX to display a completion message for each read file.wwࡲl1 SET2 There is currently only one SET option available: Format: SET PATH pathF SET PATH is used to set the current default directory on the MSDOS7 disk. The path name must be of an existing directory.wwࡲl1 SHOW- Only one SHOW option is currently available: Format: SHOW PATH: This displays the current default path on the MSDOS disk. 2 Qualifiers/OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specF Directs the output of the SHOW command to the specified VMS file. By, default, output is displayed on SYS$OUTPUT.ww l1 SPAWNF Creates a subprocess of the current process. The context of theF subprocess is copied from the current process. You can use the SPAWNF command to leave MAIL temporarily, perform other functions (such asF displaying a directory listing or printing a file), and then return t o MAIL. Format: SPAWN [command] 2 Parameter commandF Specifies the DCL command string that executes in the context of theF created subprocess. When the command completes, the subprocessF terminates and control is returned to the parent process. If notF specified, a subprocess is created transferring control to the DCL command level. 2 Qualifiers/INPUT /INPUT=file-specF Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL command strings toF be TMP.BCKs#[PCX]PCX_HELPLIB.HLB;3f=  executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specify a commandF string along with an input file, the command string is processedF before the commands in the input file. Once processing is complete, the subprocess is terminated./LOGICAL_NAMES /[NO]LOGICAL_NAMESF Specifies that the logical names of the parent process be copied toF the subprocess. When you do not want the subprocess to use theF logical names of the parent process, enter the /NOLOGICAL_NAMES+ qualifier. The default is /LOGICAL_NAMES./OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specF Identifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWNF operation are written. You should specify an output other thanF SYS$OUTPUT whenever you specify the /NOWAIT qualifier to preventF output from being displayed while you are specifying new commands.F If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is written to the current SYS$OUTPUT device./PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-nameF Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default name! of the subprocess is USERNAME_n./SYMBOLS /[NO]SYMBOLSF Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols to* the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS./WAIT /WAITF Controls whether the system waits until the subprocess is completedF before allowing more commands to be specified. The /NOWAIT qualifierF allows you to specify new commands while the specified subprocess isF running. If you sTMP.BCKs#[PCX]PCX_HELPLIB.HLB;3fCpecify /NOWAIT, you should also use /OUTPUT toF direct the output to a file rather than displaying it on the screenF to prevent your terminal from being used by more than one process simultaneously.wwɻl1 TYPEF The TYPE command is used to display the contents of an MSDOS file on the terminal. Format: TYPE pathnameA This command is equivalent to doing a READ pathname SYS$OUTPUT:.ww@Pl1 WRITEB The WRITE command is used to copy a VMS file onto the MSDOS disk. Format:% WRITE file-spec [pathname]F If you omit the MSDOS pathname, it defaults to *.*, to retain theF file name and file type from the VMS file-spec (within MSDOS name0 length restrictions). Wildcards are permitted. 2 Qualifiers/BINARY /BINARYF The /BINARY qualifier causes the records in the VMS file to beF written to the MSDOS file without any record separators. The default7 is to use CRLF to separate records in the output file./LOG /LOGB Causes PCX to display a completion message for each deleted file.wwTMP.BCK+#[PCX]PCX.OLB;4f]*[PCX]PCX.OLB;4+,+.f/ 4fa-#0123 KPWOg56%-789GHJ% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00r\蔍!`a b    ACCESS|CMD_RDWR-TFILEIO3"MISC8PCXK PCX_CLDQ| PCX_CMDIOV PCX_CMD_CLDWFPCX_MSG\v PCX_PARSEh ALLOCATE BSEC  BUILD_PATH  CLUS_SECTOR8 CMD_ATTACH8 CMD_CREDIR| CMD_DELETE8 CMD_DIRECTORY8CMD_EXIT8 CMD_FORMAT8CMD_HELP|CMD_READ8CMD_SET8CMD_SHOW8 CMD_SPAWN| CMD_WRITE8DEFDIR  DELETE_FILE  DIR_CREATE  DISK_DISMOUNT  DISK_GETLABEL  DISK_MOUNTEADSEC  DISK_SCAN  DISK_SCAN_END  DISK_SEARCH  DISK_UPDSEC  ENTER_FILE  FAT_CHAIN-T FILE_CLOSEDATE_FATTMP.BCK+#[PCX]PCX.OLB;4f*-TFILE_CLOSE_ALL-T FILE_CREATE-T FILE_OPEN-T FILE_READ-T FILE_WRITE  FLUSH_SECQUE  FORMAT_DISK3" FORMAT_ENTRY3"FORMAT_MSDOS_DATEQ|GET_CMD8 IMAGE_PRIVS3"MAKE_MSDOS_DATE  MARK_FREE NOWRITE8PCXWF PCX$_FACILITYK PCX_CLDV PCX_CMD_CLD8 PCX_HANDLER\v PCX_PARSE\v PCX_PARSE_KEY\vPCX_PARSE_STATEWF PCX__ATTERRFPCX__DBLDENSITY READ_FAT  UPDATE_FAT8XDEFDIR3" YES_ANSWERY DISK_MOUNT FILE_CLOSE PCX__ATTERR PCX__NOTFOUND YES_ANSWER  DISK_READSEC  DISK_SCAN  DISK_SCAN_END  DISK_SEARCH  DISK_UPDSEC  ENTER_FILE  FAT_CHAIN-T FILE_CLOSETMP.BCK+#[PCX]PCX.OLB;4f.fWF PCX__CANTINDWF PCX__CMDERRWF PCX__CREERRWFPCX__DBLDENSITYWF PCX__DELERRWF PCX__DELETEDWFPCX__DIRWF PCX__DISKFULLWF PCX__EXISTSWF PCX__FMTCANWF PCX__FMTPLSWF PCX__FSYNERRWFPCX__HIDENSITYWF PCX__INVDEVWF PCX__MNTFORWF PCX__NOMATCHWF PCX__NOOPNOUTWF PCX__NOTEMPTYWF PCX__NOTFOUNDWF PCX__NOWRITEWF PCX__OPENERRWF PCX__PARSERRWF PCX__READ READ_FAT  UPDATE_FAT8XDEFDIR3" YES_ANSWERWF PCX__NOWRITEWF PCX__OPENERRWF PCX__PARSERRWF PCX__READWF PCX__READERRWF PCX__SPAWNEDWF PCX__SPAWNERRWF PCX__SUBPERRWF PCX__UNKGEOMWF PCX__WRITERRWF PCX__WRITTENWF PCX__YORN READ_FAT  UPDATE_FAT8XDEFDIR3" YES_ANSWERTMP.BCK+#[PCX]PCX.OLB;4f  1^mV1.23ACCESSV1.2 3-Aug-1990 16:15 3-Aug-1990 16:15VAX Bliss-32 V4.6-902# ACCESS DISK_MOUNTP 3м|x67VS>| E|MG>|r|39|t| ||&||||P|R|I|K| &| |HI|K|R|P|r r }u  } t}Q2^DXXXI|K|PRQ:rTYZXr |.|$|I|K|p t);|s6|ˆO|36|%|M|ôM| 6O|ʆ$|6%| Non-System disk or disk error Replace and press any key when ready IBMBIO COMIBMDOS COMPCX_DISKPCX_DISKPCX_DISK: P NOWRITE BSECMAKE_MSDOS_DATE STR$COPY_DXSTR$TRIM LIB$GET_VM LIB$FREE_VMSTR$MATCH_WILD STR$PREFIX STR$COPY_R IMAGE_PRIVSPCX__DBLDENSITY PCX__UNKGEOMPCX__HIDENSITY PCX__NOTFOUND PCX__DISKFULL PCX__INVDEV PCX__MNTFOR PCX_ _NOTEMPTY PCX__NOWRITE PCX__FMTPLS SYS$GETDVIW SYS$SETPRV SYS$MOUNT SYS$SETPRV SYS$ASSIGN SYS$GETDVIWP  DISK_MOUNT  "  LIB$SIGNAL[ SYS$SETPRVZ IMAGE_PRIVSY SYS$GETDVIWXЏ PCX__INVDEVWVLIB$STOPU(T^ԤԤܞPPP螮0PЏnԀЏԀЏ||~~TMP.BCK+#[PCX]PCX.OLB;4fŻ @|~hPRRReѮ~WeЮSS$S7S>S?~We ~ݏ PCX__MNTFOReQPЏԀЏ| |~Yj SYS$MOUNTPR |~Y~jRRe|~؟ SYS$ASSIGNPRRRk~0PЏ(dԀЏ$ԀЏ&||~~@~<~~hPRRRe < ~eФPP  PPdPѤݤPdݏ PCX__UNKGEOMefԤФQQ  S7S>PPP Q  Q fdPQPǤP P U~ݏ PCX__FMTPLSkf?7~We)<P PǏP<PQQP<RRPP  DISK_DISMOUNTPPCX_DISK SYS$DASSGN SYS$DISMOUP  DISK_DISMOUNT  - D<~ SYS$DASSGN~ SYS$DISMOUP) DISK_READSEC3SYS$QIOWSYS$QIOW  DISK_READSECY  PJ r  SYS$QIOWY X^Ѭ&hVhPVPѦ֦ (PfV|~~ݬ<~ݬ|~(!<~~ iPWW<WWѬ1Ѩ LhVVhPVPЮPѦ VfVЮP<|~~ݠ<~|~( <~~ i֨<- LIB$GET_VMЮPЬ} (WP DISK_UPDSEC2SYS$QIOWSYS$QIOW  DISK_UPDSEC\  M   SYS$QIOWXTMP.BCK+#[PCX]PCX.OLB;4fX" W^Ѭ(|~~ݬ<~ݬ|~( <~~ hP<PgVgPVPѦ֦ (fV۞gPVP1ѧ LgVVgPVPЮPѷ VfVЮP<|~~ݠ<~|~( <~~ h֧<1 LIB$GET_VMЮPЬ} (P FLUSH_SECQUE&SYS$QIOW  FLUSH_SECQUE   h^ ܮAЮP$|~~ݠ<~|~( <~~ SYS$QIOW< LIB$FREE_VMO FAT_CHAIN   FAT_CHAIN!  Q PPRzP~{SS<Px PPPRP ,LIB$STOPS BPPPBPALLOCATE P<ALLOCATE: P J+  m<UԼQU QRRPzR~{TTT @R:T @ǏPRRezP~{SSSRReQ0QլI RRPzR~{TTPRT bǏPQQezP~{PPPPPeP  MARK_FREE   MARK_FREE#    } PPRzP~{SS<Px PPPRP ,LIB$STOPRPS `ǏRQQzR~{PPPQPhsREAD_FAT sREAD_FAT  s k^<Px P LIB$GET_VMS<TRRC<PB`STRPN UPDATE_FAT  UPDATE_FAT6  '  XXYsPH,nnPWSR GbϺSRnY YPY10ZW16P)  FORMAT_DISKTPPCX V1.0FAT12 ) P )  FORMAT_DISKh )  YϓYXW^ЬV Џ PCX__NOWRITEPhX@SRiSRf%,f (~MAKE_MSDOS_DATEϟQPPQ<PRRPQPTMP.BCK+#[PCX]PCX.OLB;4fHP<QQP -, LIB$SIGNALLIB$STOP$PLIT$$PLIT$<$OWN$$OWN$<$GLOBAL$$GLOBAL$$CODE$$CODE$QKQQfQ"QQQQQ[QQsQQww1~bmV1.15CMD_RDWRV1.1 3-Aug-1990 17:12 3-Aug-1990 17:12VAX Bliss-32 V4.6-902#CMD_RDWRCMD_READPPATH $VERBTYPESYS$OUTPUT: (BINARY<LOGLFILEX*.*dSYS$DISK:[]. DISK_SEARCH DISK_SCAN PCX_PARSE FILE_OPEN FILE_CREATE FILE_READ FILE_WRITE FILE_CLOSE DELETE_FILE BUILD_PATH YES_ANSWER CLI$GET_VALUE CLI$DISPATCH CLI$PRESENTLIB$PUT_OUTPUT LIB$GET_VM LIB$FREE_VM LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX STR$COPY_DX STR$COPY_R STR$POSITION STR$PREFIX STR$APPEND STR$CONCAT STR$GET1_DXSTR$COMPARE_EQL PCX__CREERR PCX__READERR PCX__PARSERR PCX__CMDERR PCX__FSYNERR PCX__WRITERR PCX__NOMATCH PCX__READ PCX__WRITTEN PCX__OPENERR PCX__DELERR PCX__DELETED CLI$_PRESENT CLI$_NEGATEDXDEFDIR STR$FREE1_DX LIB$FREE_VM LIB$FREE_VM STR$FREE1_DX SYS$PARSE SYS$CREATE SYS$CONNECTSYS$DISCONNECT SYS$CLOSETMP.BCK+#[PCX]PCX.OLB;4fi STR$FREE1_DX SYS$WRITESYS$PUTSYS$DISCONNECT SYS$CLOSE STR$FREE1_DX3SYS$DISCONNECT SYS$CLOSE STR$FREE1_DXP CMD_READ  >0  STR$FREE1_DX[z^4PP4P8ЏԭЏԭЏԭЏԭ CLI$GET_VALUEퟮ4 PCX_PARSEPVVAV~! 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