General information ------------------- VMSTAR is a TAR reader/writer for VMS. It can read archives ("tarfiles") created by the Un*x command "tar" and also create such archives. Tarfiles can be disk files or directly on tape. VMSTAR is based on the TAR2VMS and VMS2TAR programs written by: Sid Penstone, VLSI Group, Department of Electrical Engineering, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L3N6 phone (613) 545-2925 BITNET: PENSTONE@QUCDNEE1 (Preferred) PENSTONE@QUCDN (If the other doesn't work) The extra work has been done by: Alain Fauconnet SIM/INSERM U194 (complete address at the end of this file) PARIS - FRANCE Bitnet: FAUCONNE@FRSIM51 TAR2VMS and VMS2TAR have been merged into a single program. I made several improvements, bug fixes and message cleanup. For those who know TAR2VMS and VMS2TAR, the main differences are: - everything is now in a single program that can be used for extracting files from tar archives, listing the contents of tar archives or creating them. - VMSTAR now accepts a `f tarfile' option to explicitely specify the tarfile name (either a VMS file name or a VMS device name). - if this option is not used, the logical name "$TAPE" is translated. - checksums are verified at file extraction. - VMSTAR will extract files from archives as VMS rfm=stream_lf, rat=cr files, except if new option `b' is specified. In this case, extracted files ared created as rfm=fixed, mrs=512, rat=none i.e. suitable for compressed files to be decompressed using LZDCMP or for VMS images. - VMSTAR has a more Un*x-like syntax, if several file names are specified as command line parameters they must be separated by spaces (not commas) and there is not context propagation "a la BACKUP". - VMSTAR allows VMS-style wildcarded strings for Un*x-style file names to be specified when extracting from a tar archive, e.g. : $ tar xvf foo.tar */source/*/sa%%%.c - VMSTAR will attempt to create relative tar archives i.e. archives where filenames are recorded as "./foo/bar/baz" whenever possible. This can be specifically avoided by having a device name in file name argument, e.g. : $ tar cvf foo.tar DISK$USERS[...]*.c or specifying an absolute VMS file specification, e.g. : $ tar cvf foo.tar [SMITH.C...] - VMSTAR will handle tar archives which when restored would create more than 8 levels of directories (the X11 distribution from MIT for instance !). Excessive levels of directories will be resolved as follows: d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/d7/d8/d9/foo -> [D1.D2.D3.D4.D5.D6.D7.D8$D9]FOO - VMSTAR no longer requires the creation of an intermediate scratch file when archiving text files as VMS2TAR did. - VMSTAR does *not* allow to read tarfiles past the EOF mark as TAR2VMS did. - the `w' option (same as "/CONFIRM" for VMS commands) has been implemented for create archive and extract functions. - many other differences, the code has been extensively reworked with simplification as a goal. This probably caused the introduction of some bugs... Build and installation instructions ----------------------------------- Compile and link VMSTAR.C as follows: $ CC VMSTAR $ LINK VMSTAR,SYS$INPUT:/OPT SYS$SHARE:VAXCRTL/SHARE Define a foreign command symbol in SYLOGIN.COM: $ VMSTAR :== $ VMSTAR I used VAX/VMS C V3.1 to build VMSTAR. I have no idea whether it can be built using other versions or other compilers... Usage ----- tar x|t|c[v][w][b][d][f tarfile] [file [file...]] x - extract from tarfile, create VMS files t - type directory of tarfile c - create tarfile, archive VMS files v - verbose (list names of files being archived/extracted) w - wait for confirmation before extracting/archiving b - binary mode extract, create (rfm=fixed, rat=none, mrs=512) files d - keep trailing dots in file names f - specify tarfile name, default is $TAPE file - space-separated list of file names, can include VMS-style string wildcards on extract, can be any VMS file name specification (except DECnet) on create archive. Tapes for reading/writing of tarfiles should be mounted /FOREIGN/RECORD=512/BLOCK=10240 Example: $ MOUNT/FOREIGN/RECORD=512/BLOCK=10240 MUA0: "" $TAPE $ VMSTAR XV Restrictions ------------ Because of diffrences in the Un*x and VMS filesystems, some files may fail to be correctly transferred to/from the tarfile. This can be caused by : - restrictions in VMS file naming scheme: extra dots in file names will be mapped to underscores, dummy directory names will be generated if archive contains more than 8 levels of subdirectories, links are extracted as empty files containing only a short message "this file is only a link to...", all file names are mapped to uppercase etc. - restrictions of the Un*x filesystem: tar will only get the latest version of a VMS file to enter it into the archive, no trace of the orginal file device name is kept in the archive. - VMS strong file typing: VMSTAR can only safely tranfer back and forth VMS "text" files (rfm=vfc or stream_lf with rat=cr) or VMS fixed size record, 512 bytes/record, rat=none files (e.g. .EXE image files). VMSTAR will skip other file types (this includes .OBJ and library files, they *can't* be archived). Other restrictions: RMS file attributes are lost in the archive process, text files are archived as , fixed files are archived as is. VMSTAR will always restore files relative to your current RMS default if names in tarfile do not begin by `/'. If file names in tarfile begin with a `/' (bad practice), an attempt will be made to restore files to the absolute path. There is currently no way to explicitely specify the target VMS directory where files should be extracted. No attempt has been made to handle search list as RMS defaults (e.g. SYSTEM account). Be very careful about that. The current version of VMSTAR has *not* been fully tested. I probably introduced many bugs not existing in Sid Penstone's programs. VMSTAR is provided "as-is", I cannot guarantee it will do what you want or even what it's supposed to do but I'd like to hear about it if you have problems. If you report a problem, don't bother with providing me a fix but *do* try to be precise on what happened and how it happened. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Alain ("HAL 1") Fauconnet Research laboratory in medical informatics | | System Manager (expert systems, NL proc., statistics...) | | SIM/INSERM U194 EARN/Bitnet: FAUCONNE@FRSIM51 | | Faculte de Medecine VMS PSI Mail: PSI%+208075090517::FAUCONNET | | 91 Boulevard de l'Hopital FAX: (+33) 1-45-86-56-85 | | 75634 PARIS CEDEX 13 FRANCE PTT net: (+33) 1-45-85-15-29 | | "HAL... open the door, please!" (2001 Space Odyssey) | | Disclaimer: This is machine-generated random text, no meaning at all. | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+