\DRAW \TOP_MARGIN=6 \BOTTOM_MARGIN=2 \LEFT_MARGIN=12 EDX KEY FUNCTION DEFINITIONS BY CATEGORY (EDT MODE) ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- HELP F15, PF2 | open line GOLD KP-0 CURSOR MOVEMENT: | ruler, display top GOLD CTRL-R moves are in default direction: | ruler, insert GOLD R beginning of line backspace, F12, | separating line GOLD minus CTRL-H | MOVING BLOCKS OF TEXT: bottom of document GOLD KP-4 | select range KP-period, E4 character KP-3, arrow keys | reset range GOLD KP-period, default = forward KP-4 | GOLD E4 default = reverse KP-5 | append range KP-9 display char, col # GOLD ? | copy from buffer GOLD O display char, col #, | copy range to buffer GOLD P & line # GOLD CTRL-L | copy range to PASTE GOLD E3 end of line KP-2, CTRL-E | cut range KP-6, E3 end of word CTRL-F | paste GOLD KP-6, E2 go to line number GOLD # | SEARCHING FOR TEXT: insert/overstrike CTRL-A | find GOLD PF3 line KP-0, arrow keys | find wild GOLD E1 overstrike/insert CTRL-A | find nowild E1 page KP-7 | find next PF3, E1 E1 scroll down GOLD down-arrow | find character GOLD period scroll up GOLD up-arrow | find matching parens GOLD single-quote section KP-8 | clear match'g parens GOLD double-quote top of document GOLD KP-5 | substitute range GOLD ENTER word KP-1 | replace range GOLD KP-9 DELETE TEXT: | MARKERS: beginning of line CTRL-U | set marker x GOLD CTRL-G x character KP-comma | goto marker x GOLD G x character, previous DELETE | goto 'LAST' GOLD G LAST character, undelete GOLD KP-comma | BUFFERS: end of line GOLD KP-2 | show buffers GOLD S line PF4 | goto buffer GOLD B line, undelete GOLD PF4 | goto buffer MAIN GOLD M, F17 word KP-minus | goto buffer A, B, C F18, F19, F20 word, previous LINE-FEED, F13 | WINDOWS/SCREEN: word, undelete GOLD KP-minus | toggle single/dual GOLD W TEXT FORMATTING: | switch windows CTRL-D, CTRL-V, F14 capitalize word GOLD C | toggle screen width GOLD CTRL-W center line GOLD equal | refresh screen CTRL-W, CTRL-R change case of range GOLD KP-1 | shift screen GOLD arrow fill paragraph GOLD F | FILES: fill range GOLD KP-8 | include file GOLD I fill to end of par. F10 | directory GOLD D lowercase word GOLD L | DEFINING KEYS: transpose characters GOLD PF2 | start learn GOLD [ uppercase word GOLD U | end learn GOLD ] SPECIAL TEXT INSERTION: | toggle keypad GOLD N control char, insert GOLD KP-3, | define key as TPU command GOLD K GOLD nnn KP-3 | EXITING THE EDITOR date, insert GOLD CTRL-D | Exit and save GOLD X form feed, insert CTRL-L | Quit and don't save GOLD Q EDX V7.4 EDX KEY FUNCTION DEFINITIONS (EDT MODE) (ALPHABETICALLY) ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------- append range KP-9 | include file GOLD I beginning of line backspace, F12, | insert/overstrike CTRL-A CTRL-H | keypad, toggle GOLD N beginning of line, delete to CTRL-U | learn, end GOLD ] | learn, start GOLD [ bottom of document GOLD KP-4 | line #, go to GOLD # buffer, goto GOLD B | line #, display GOLD CTRL-L buffers, show GOLD S | line KP-0, arrows capitalize word GOLD C | line, delete PF4 center line GOLD equal | line, undelete GOLD PF4 change case of range GOLD KP-1 | lowercase word GOLD L character, delete previous DELETE | marker x, set GOLD CTRL-G x character KP-3, arrows | marker 'LAST', goto GOLD G LAST character, delete KP-comma | marker x, goto GOLD G x character, display GOLD ? | numeric keypad GOLD N character, undelete GOLD KP-comma | open line GOLD KP-0 clear match'g parens GOLD " | overstrike/insert CTRL-A column #, display GOLD ? | page KP-7 control char insert GOLD KP-3, | paste GOLD KP-6, E2 GOLD nnn KP-3 | Quit and don't save GOLD Q copy range to PASTE GOLD E3 | refresh screen CTRL-W, CTRL-R copy from buffer GOLD O | replace range GOLD KP-9 copy range to buffer GOLD P | reset range GOLD KP-period, cut range KP-6, E3 | GOLD E4 date, insert GOLD CTRL-D | reverse KP-5 define key, start GOLD [ | ruler, insert GOLD R define key, end GOLD ] | ruler, display top GOLD CTRL-R define key TPU command GOLD K | screen, refresh CTRL-W, CTRL-R directory GOLD D | screen width,toggle GOLD CTRL-W end of line KP-2, CTRL-E | screen, shift GOLD arrow end learn GOLD ] | scroll up GOLD up-arrow end of line, delete GOLD KP-2 | scroll down GOLD down-arrow end of word CTRL-F | section KP-8 Exit and save GOLD X | select range KP-period, file, include GOLD I | E4 fill paragraph GOLD F | separating line GOLD minus fill to end of par. F10 | set marker x GOLD CTRL-G x fill range GOLD KP-8 | shift screen GOLD arrow find GOLD PF3 | show buffers GOLD S find character GOLD period | start learn GOLD [ find next PF3, E1 E1 | substitute range GOLD ENTER find matching parens GOLD ' | switch windows CTRL-V find nowild E1 | top of document GOLD KP-5 find wild GOLD E1 | TPU command, define key GOLD K form feed, insert CTRL-L | transpose characters GOLD PF2 forward KP-4 | uppercase word GOLD U goto buffer A, B, C F18, F19, F20 | windows, toggle GOLD W goto 'LAST' GOLD G LAST | windows, switch CTRL-D, CTRL-V, F14 goto marker x GOLD G x | word, undelete GOLD KP-minus goto buffer MAIN GOLD M, F17 | word, previous, delete LINE-FEED, goto buffer GOLD B | CTRL-J, F-13 Help F15, PF2 | word, delete KP-minus | word KP-1 EDX V7.4 \LEFT_MARGIN=10 \BOTTOM_MARGIN=2 LINE MODE COMMANDS (use HELP or see EDX Editor User's Manual for details) enter one line mode command . GOLD KP-7, F16 ("Do" key) enter line mode . . . . . . CTRL-Z (get line mode * prompt) reenter screen mode . . . .  or CHANGE recall previous commands . . up arrow or CTRL-B line-number . . . . . . . . Go to line line-number =buffer-name . . . . . . . Go to buffer buffer-name 'search-string' . . . . . . Find search-string ADJUST WINDOWS . . . . . . Adjust window height CALCULATE [math-exp] . . . Perform integer arithmetic: + - * / () recognized CENTER . . . . . . . . . . Center line on screen CHANGE [line-number] . . . Return to screen mode [at line line-number] CLEAR TABS n,n,... . . . . Clear specified tabs at columns n,n,... " TABS # . . . . . . . Clear tab at cursor " TABS ALL . . . . . . Clear all tabs DCL [DCL command] . . . . . Execute a DCL command (results in buffer DCL) DCL_HELP . . . . . . . . . Access DCL HELP library (results in buffer HELP) DEFINE logical equivalence . Create a DCL logical name DELETE BUFFER . . . . . . . Delete current buffer (with confirmation) DIFFERENCES [buffer-1 buffer-2] Compare 2 buffers DIRECTORY [/SIZE][/DATE][dir-spec] Display a directory ELIMINATE TABS . . . . . . Convert all tabs to spaces ENCRYPT, ENCIPHER . . . . . Encrypt or decrypt a buffer ERASE BUFFER . . . . . . . Clear a buffer (with confirmation) EXIT [/SAVE][/ALL][file] . . Exit and save MAIN buffer [to file] [/SAVE saves journal file] [/ALL saves all modified buffers] FIND 'string' . . . . . . . /[NO]EXACT /EXCLUDE='xstring' /REVERSE /[NO]WILD " =buffer . . . . . . . Go to buffer buffer FIX CRLFS . . . . . . . . . Remove all characters and fix up text HELP or ? . . . . . . . . . Help on EDX commands (results in buffer HELP) INCLUDE file [=buffer] . . Copy file to cursor position [in buffer buffer] LOCK BUFFER [buffer] . . . Prevent others from editing the file in buffer buffer LOCK FILE filename . . . . Prevent others from editing file filename QUIT [/SAVE] . . . . . . . Exit without saving [/SAVE saves journal file] REPLACE 'old' 'new' . . . . Search for old, replace with new depending on answer: yes, no, all, last, quit SEARCH 'string' . . . . . . Find all occurances of string from cursor /ALL /BUFFER=buffer-name /[NO]EXACT /EXCLUDE='xstring' /REVERSE /WHOLE /[NO]WILD (results in buffer SEARCH) SET [NO]COLUNMAR . . . . . Set cut/paste mode: (1) put cursor at one corner press 'select', (2) put cursor at opposite corner press 'select', (3) copy, cut, or paste " CURSOR BOUND . . . . . Cursor stays within text area (default) " CURSOR FREE . . . . . . Cursor can go outside of text area " DEFAULT directory . . . Same as DCL SET DEFAULT directory " DATE_FORMAT keyword . . Change format of date entered with GOLD CTRL-D (use HELP for keywords) " INSERT . . . . . . . . Switch to insert mode " KEYPAD EDT . . . . . . Switch to EDT keypad mode (default) " KEYPAD NUMERIC . . . . Switch keypad to numeric mode " KEYPAD WPS . . . . . . Switch to WPS keypad mode " LEFT_MARGIN n . . . . . Default n = 1 " LEFT_MARGIN # . . . . . Set left margin to current cursor position EDX V7.4 SET LOCK . . . . . . . . . Lock all buffers and all future files " OVERSTRIKE . . . . . . Switch to overstrike mode " [NO]RECTANGUAR . . . . Set normal cut/paste. Same as SET [NO]COLUMNAR " SCREEN width . . . . . Set no. of columns seen on screen to width " SEARCH [NO]EXACT . . . Determine if search is case [in]sensitive " SEARCH {BEGIN|END} . . Determine where cursor should be after a find " SEARCH [NO]WILD . . . . Determine if wildcards allowed (* multiple chars, % single char, + beginning of line, ; end of line, \ quote next char, ^ ctrl char) " SHIFT_AMOUNT n . . . . Set no. of chars. n text shifts for GOLD arrow " SYMBOL name :=[=] string Create a DCL symbol " TAB_KEY SPACES . . . . Tab key inserts spaces rather than tab char. " TAB_KEY TABS . . . . . Tab key inserts tab char. (default) " TABS n,n,... . . . . . Set tabs at columns n,n,... " [NO]WRAP n or # . . . . Set right margin at n or cursor col. (#) SHIFT n . . . . . . . . . . Shift screen left/right n SHOW ASCII . . . . . . . . Display ASCII character set " BUFFERS . . . . . . . Display all buffers (goto by RETURN, delete by DELETE, lock by 'L' key, unlock by 'U' key) " CURSOR . . . . . . . . Show current of cursor state (BOUND, FREE) " DATE . . . . . . . . . Show today's date " DEFAULT . . . . . . . Show default directory " LEFT_MARGIN . . . . . Show current setting of left margin " LOGICAL name . . . . . Translate logical name name " MARKERS . . . . . . . Display all buffers (goto by RETURN) " SCREEN . . . . . . . . Show screen width " SEARCH . . . . . . . . Show current default search setting " SHIFT_AMOUNT . . . . . Show no. of chars. shifting with GOLD arrow " SYMBOL name . . . . . Translate DCL symbol name name " TIME . . . . . . . . . Display very approximate time of day " VERSION . . . . . . . Show version of EDX and VAXTPU " WRAP . . . . . . . . . Shows current right margin setting SORT BUFFER . . . . . . . . Sort a buffer, range, or columnar range " RANGE . . . . . . . . [ /KEYn=(POSITION:n, SIZE:n [,DESCENDING]) ] SPAWN . . . . . . . . . . . Spawn a subprocess SPELL . . . . . . . . . . . Spell check a buffer or range SPELL word . . . . . . . . Spell check word word SPELL/WORD . . . . . . . . Spell check word cursor is on SPELL/DICTIONARY word . . . Display the dictionary at word SUBSTITUTE 'old' 'new' . . Search for old, replace with new " /old/new/ . . . /[NO]EXACT, /N=repeat, /[NO]QUERY, /REST, /[NO]TYPE, /WHOLE, /WILD TRANSLATE ASCII TO EBCDIC . . Translate a buffer from ASCII to EBCDIC " EBCDIC TO ASCII . . Translate a buffer from EBCDIC to ASCII TRIM BUFFER . . . . . . . . Remove all trailing blanks and tabs UNLEARN . . . . . . . . . . Remove a learned key sequence from a key UNLOCK BUFFER [buffer] . . Unlock file associated with buffer buffer " FILE filename . . . Unlock specified filename WRITE [file] . . . . . . . Write current buffer to disk [with filename file] " [file]/BUFFER=buffer . Write buffer buffer to disk " /ALL . . . . . . . . Write all modified buffers to disk " file SELECT . . . . . Write selected range to disk EDX V7.4