\HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \H1=TEXT:"INTRODUCTION" \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \H2=TEXT:"Overview" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE EDX is a powerful TPU based EDT style text editor for the VAX/VMS computer system. It offers an EDT-style keypad and supports all the major line mode functions of the EDT editor plus many other advanced features not available in the EDT editor or the newer EVE editor. It is intended for users familiar with the EDT editor who would like to switch to a faster, more powerful editor without having to learn a new editor all over again. EDX also supports a WPS-style keypad mode for users who prefer the WPS-style keypad. Following are some of the advanced features of the EDX editor which are not available in EDT or EVE: · Built in spelling checker with 70,000 word dictionary. Spell check a buffer, range, word, or display the dictionary and browse. Includes guessing algorithms and personal supplemental dictionary support. · Edit modules within VMS text libraries. · Obtain a directory listing including optional /SIZE and /DATE qualifiers. Read in a selected file from the directory listing, delete a selected file, or lock a selected file. · Wildcard search and replace mode, with optional string to exclude as a match, case sensitive or insensitive. · List all lines containing a specified string or wildcard pattern along with the corresponding line number. · Search for and highlight matching parenthesis. · Lock files, preventing others from editing them while you do. · Sort a buffer, range, or columnar range. · Columnar cut and paste in insert or overstrike mode. · Encrypt a buffer using the American National Data Encryption Standard algorithm X3.92-1981. · Translate a buffer from EBCDIC to ASCII, and vice versa. · Compare two buffers line by line. · Translate DCL symbols and logical names. · Create DCL symbols and logical names. Note that all of the above features are performed within the editor, without spawning a subprocess. EDX is built on the VAX Text Processing Utility (VAXTPU). Users familiar with VAXTPU can dynamically extend the editor's abilities by adding new functions which perform complex tasks. EDX makes this job easier by defining over 40 general purpose functions not available in VAXTPU itself. \H2=TEXT:"How to invoke the EDX editor" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER 1.2 HOW TO INVOKE THE EDX EDITOR \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE 1 This assumes that the system manager has set up the following system wide symbol: EDX :== EDIT/TPU/NOCOMMAND/SECTION=SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSCNSEC  2 If when invoking EDX you get the following error: %DCL-I-IGNQUAL, qualifiers appearing before this item were ignored check if the DCL command EDIT has been replaced by a symbol ($ Show Symbol EDIT). If so, try using EDI instead of EDIT in the EDX symbol definition.  3 If while reading in a file you get the following error: %TPU-E-NOCACHE, Insufficient virtual memory to allocate a new cache the file you are attempting to read in is too big. You may ask the system manager to increase your page file quota (pgflquo) in order to edit larger files. EDX will usually detect and inform you should this occur. Invoke the editor using the following command (the file-name parameter is optional):123 $ EDX [file-name] There are other alternate ways of invoking this editor. Below is a brief summary of some variations which may be useful. Refer to the VAX Text Processing Utility Manual for a full description of all the alternative methods. Also see the DCL online help under EDIT/TPU. Making EDX the Default Editor EDX is built on the VAX Text Processing Utility (VAXTPU). VAXTPU is the utility invoked by the DCL command EDIT/TPU. It can also be invoked by other programs and utilities which provide the user with access to a TPU editor. By default VAXTPU loads and runs the EVE editor. You can change this so that EDX is the default editor by defining the following two logical names: $ DEFINE TPUSECINI TPU$SECTION $ DEFINE TPU$SECTION SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSCNSEC (The reason there are two logical names to define is because VMS 4 and utilities created for VMS 4 used the logical name TPUSECINI, whereas VMS 5 and utilities created for VMS 5 use the logical name TPU$SECTION. The above combination of logical names will work regardless of whether you are running VMS 4 or VMS 5, and regardless of whether a utility program looks for the logical name TPUSECINI or TPU$SECTION.) EDX Initialization Files An initialization file enables you to modify the initial default characteristics of your EDX editing session by automatically executing a series of commands when the editor is first invoked. Creating EDX initialization files is discussed in appendix A. After creating your initialization file, define a symbol in your login.com file to invoke the editor using the initialization file. Do this by defining your symbol as 'EDX' plus a /COMMAND=init-file qualifier. For example: $ EDXI :== 'EDX'/COMMAND=disk:[directory]EDXINI The above example assumes your EDX initialization file is named EDXINI.TPU. The file extension defaults to .TPU and is therefore not included. Replace 'disk:[directory]' with the appropriate disk and directory specification for file EDXINI.TPU. Note that the single quotes 4 This assumes that the system manager has set up the following system wide symbol: EDX :== EDIT/TPU/NOCOMMAND/SECTION=SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSCNSEC around 'EDX' are required for proper symbol translation.4 The journal file Whenever EDX begins an editing session the fist thing it does is create a journal file. The journal file is a temporary file kept by the editor which contains a history of all the keystrokes entered since the editing session began. The journal file is created in your default directory, with the same file name as was specified when EDX was invoked, but with a file extension of .TJL. If no file name was specified when EDX was invoked, then the journal file name is TPU.TJL. The journal file is deleted when the user exits or quits the editor in the normal manner. However, if the editing session should end abruptly, such as due to system failure, the journal file will not be deleted, and it is usually possible to recover the work done by reinvoking the editor with the /RECOVER qualifier. The /NOMODIFY qualifier Inhibits you from modifying the text in the main buffer. The /RECOVER qualifier The /RECOVER qualifier is used to recover a previous editing session which ended abnormally, such as due to system failure. To recover your edits, enter the exact command used to start the previous editing session, and add the /RECOVER qualifier to the command line. The editor will be invoked and then will read and execute all the keystrokes stored in the journal file. When you recover an editing session, every file used during the session must be in the same state as it was at the start of the session being recovered. Example: Say you're editing a large document, and then you make a big mistake, something you really didn't want to do that really messed up all of the work you've done so far. To recover you could do the following: 1. Quit editor saving journal file: * QUIT/SAVE 2. Edit the .TJL file and remove the last line or two from it. This is so the recovery will not include your blunder which messed it all up. The .TJL file will look like garbage but you needn't be concerned with that. $ EDX {file}.TJL 3. Reenter the exact command used to start the previous editing session that was aborted, and add the /RECOVER qualifier. (You may use the up arrow keys to recall the exact command used.) The /READ_ONLY qualifier The /READ_ONLY qualifier may be added to the command line when you do not have sufficient privilege to create files in the current directory you are in. If you specify the /READ_ONLY qualifier, then no attempt is made to open a journal file for your editing session, and you do not receive the warning message EDX would otherwise display if it tried and failed to open a journal file in your current directory due to insufficient privilege. The /START_POSITION=( line# [,column#] ) qualifier This optional qualifier positions the cursor at the specified row and column within the main buffer. The cursor by default is positioned at the very beginning of the buffer if this qualifier is not specified. You may omit the column number and specify just the line number, in which case the parenthesis are optional and the cursor is positioned at the beginning of the specified line.