\HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \H1=TEXT:"KEY FUNCTION DEFINITIONS" \H2=TEXT:"Introduction" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=1 3 KEY FUNCTION DEFINITIONS BY CATEGORY 3.1 INTRODUCTION \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE This section describes all of the key functions available in the EDX editor. Following each function is the key or key sequence for EDT and/or WPS keypad mode which invokes that function. Note that not all functions are available in both EDT and WPS keypad modes. Some are available only in EDT keypad mode, and some are available only in WPS keypad mode. The two editor keypad modes are described in section 2. Section 2 also contains keyboard and keypad diagrams which show what functions are associated with what keys in each of the keypad modes. The editor keypad mode is changed by the line mode commands SET KEYPAD EDT and SET KEYPAD WPS. The default keypad mode upon entering the editor is EDT. Appendix C, page C-4, contains a diagram which shows the key names used for all of the keypad and editing keys found on a VT200 series keyboard. Throughout this manual the GOLD key refers to keypad key PF1 in the upper left corner of the keypad. The GOLD key is the same for both EDT and WPS keypad mode. A GOLD key sequence such as GOLD X indicates that first the GOLD key is pressed, and then the 'X' key is pressed. (It does not matter whether an uppercase 'X' or a lowercase 'x' is entered.) A control key sequence such as CTRL-A indicates the CTRL key is pressed and held down while simultaneously pressing the 'A' key. The CTRL key is usually located on the left side of the keyboard somewhere near the SHIFT key, although the exact location may vary depending upon what type of keyboard you have. A GOLD control key sequence such as GOLD CTRL-L indicates that first the GOLD key is pressed, and then CTRL-L is entered by pressing and holding the CTRL key while simultaneously pressing the 'L' key. The key functions are organized into the following categories: Section Category Page 3.2 Cursor Movement 3-3 3.3 Deleting Text 3-7 3.4 Text Formatting 3-9 3.5 Special Text Insertion 3-11 3.6 Moving Blocks of Text 3-14 3.7 Searching for Text 3-16 3.8 Searching and Replacing Text 3-18 3.9 Markers 3-19 3.10 Buffers 3-20 3.11 Windows 3-22 3.12 Files 3-24 3.13 Defining Keys 3-25 3.14 Exiting the Editor 3-26 3.15 Help 3-27 \H2=TEXT:"Cursor Movement" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.2 CURSOR MOVEMENT \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Direction", STOPIC:"default") \index=(TOPIC:"Default direction") The default direction In EDT keypad mode the default direction is set by pressing the 'Advance' key (Keypad 4) or the 'Reverse' key (Keypad 5). In WPS keypad mode the default direction is set by pressing a cursor motion key such as the arrow keys. A key which moves the cursor forwards will set the default direction to forward. A key which moves the cursor backwards will set the default direction to reverse. \reference=(TOPIC:"Go to", STOPIC:"See also Cursor Movement") \reference=(TOPIC:"Move", STOPIC:"See also Cursor Movement") \index=(TOPIC:"Arrow keys") \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move by character") Arrow keys Move cursor one character in corresponding direction. In WPS mode the right arrow and down arrow keys set the default direction to forward, and the left arrow and up arrow keys set the default direction to reverse. \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move by character") Character (EDT mode: Keypad 3) Moves cursor one character in default direction. Forward Character (WPS mode: Keypad 0) Moves cursor forwards one character, and sets the default direction to forward. Backup Character (WPS mode: Keypad 1) Moves cursor backwards one character, and sets the default direction to reverse. \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move by word") Word (EDT mode: Keypad 1. WPS mode: Keypad 4) Moves cursor one word in default direction, where a word is delimited by a space or tab character. \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move to end of word") End of Word (EDT mode: CTRL-F) Moves cursor forward to the end of the current word, where the end of a word is defined as the first non-alphanumeric character. (An alphanumeric character is any uppercase or lowercase alphabetic character A-Z, or any numeric digit 0-9.) If the cursor does not begin on an alphanumeric character, then the cursor first moves forward to the first alphanumeric character (the start of the next word), and then moves forward to the first non-alphanumeric character (the end of the next word). \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move by line") Line (EDT mode: Keypad 0. WPS mode: Keypad 2) Moves cursor to beginning of next or previous line depending upon default direction. If default direction is reverse and not already at beginning of line then cursor moves to beginning of current line. \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move to beginning of line") Beginning of Line (EDT and WPS mode: CTRL-H, Backspace, or Function key F12) Moves cursor to the beginning of the current line. \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move to end of line") End of Line (EDT mode: Keypad 2) Moves cursor to end of next or previous line depending upon default direction. If default direction is forward and not already at end of line then cursor moves to end of current line. \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move to end of line") (EDT mode: CTRL-E) Moves the cursor to the end of the current line. If the cursor is already at the end of a line, cursor moves to the end of the next line. This command always moves the cursor forward regardless of the default direction. Sentence (WPS mode: Keypad 7) Moves cursor to the beginning of the next or previous sentence depending upon the default direction. The end of a sentence is delimited by a period ("."), a question mark ("?"), or an exclamation point ("!"). Paragraph (WPS mode: Keypad 5) Moves cursor in the default direction to the beginning of the next or previous paragraph. A paragraph is delimited by a blank line. \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move by section") Section (EDT mode: Keypad 8) Moves cursor one section (16 lines full window, 8 lines half window) in default direction. (EDT and WPS mode: 'Next Screen' edit key E6) Moves cursor down one section (16 lines full window, 8 lines half window). In WPS mode the default direction is set to forward. (EDT and WPS mode: 'Previous Screen' edit key E5) Moves cursor up one section (16 lines full window, 8 lines half window). \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move by page") Page (EDT mode: Keypad 7. WPS mode: Keypad PF2) Moves cursor to next or previous Form-Feed character depending upon default direction. If no Form-Feed character is found cursor moves to top or bottom of buffer. Marker name LAST is set at previous cursor position (see section 3.9 for a discussion of markers). \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move to top of buffer") Top (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 5. WPS mode: GOLD T, or GOLD up-arrow) Moves cursor to top (beginning) of buffer. Marker name LAST is set at previous cursor position (see section 3.9 for a discussion of markers). \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move to end of buffer") Bottom (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 4. WPS mode: GOLD B, or GOLD down-arrow) Moves cursor to bottom (end) of buffer. Marker name LAST is set at previous cursor position (see section 3.9 for a discussion of markers). \index=(TOPIC:"Scroll", STOPIC:"continuous") \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"continuous scroll") Continuous Scroll Up (EDT mode: GOLD up-arrow. WPS mode: GOLD Keypad 1) Initiates a continuous scroll of the text toward the top of the buffer. Press any key to stop scrolling. \index=(TOPIC:"Scroll", STOPIC:"continuous") \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"continuous scroll") Continuous Scroll Down (EDT mode: GOLD down-arrow. WPS mode: GOLD Keypad 0) Initiates a continuous scroll of the text toward the bottom of the buffer. Press any key to stop scrolling. \index=(TOPIC:"Go to", STOPIC:"line number") \index=(TOPIC:"Number", STOPIC:"go to line number") \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"go to line number") Go to Line Number (EDT mode: GOLD #) Prompts for a line number and moves to the specified line. Counts lines starting from the beginning of the current buffer. This can also be achieved by entering a line number at the line mode prompt. Cursor Movement and Text Insertion The following commands affect cursor movement and text insertion: \index=(TOPIC:"Toggle", STOPIC:"insert/overstrike") \index=(TOPIC:"Insert", STOPIC:"toggle between insert/overstrike mode") \index=(TOPIC:"Overstrike") \reference=(TOPIC:"Typeover", STOPIC:"See Overstrike") Toggle Insert/Overstrike (EDT and WPS mode: CTRL-A) Toggles the mode of the current buffer between insert and overstrike. The window status line is updated accordingly. See also the following line mode commands: SET CURSOR BOUND SET CURSOR FREE SET LEFT_MARGIN SET WRAP Cursor Position and Character Information The following commands give information about the cursor position and about the character the cursor is on: \index=(TOPIC:"ASCII", STOPIC:"display ASCII value of current character and column number") \index=(TOPIC:"Display", STOPIC:"display ASCII value of current character and column number") \index=(TOPIC:"Character", STOPIC:"display ASCII value of current character and column number") \index=(TOPIC:"Column", STOPIC:"display ASCII value of current character and column number") Display Current Character and Column Number (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD ?) The current column number and a description of the character the cursor is on is shown in the status line of the current window. The decimal, hexadecimal, and octal values of the current character are displayed in the message window at the bottom of the screen. Useful for interpreting control characters. This function is similar to the one below except that it does not display the current line number. \index=(TOPIC:"Character", STOPIC:"show ASCII value of current character") \index=(TOPIC:"Current", STOPIC:"character, column number, and line number") \index=(TOPIC:"Column", STOPIC:"display current character, column number, and line number") \index=(TOPIC:"Line number", STOPIC:"display current line number") \index=(TOPIC:"Number", STOPIC:"display current line number") Display Current Character, Column Number, and Line Number (EDT mode: GOLD CTRL-L. WPS mode: GOLD L) The current column number and a description of the character the cursor is on is shown in the status line of the current window. The current line number, and the decimal, hexadecimal, and octal values of the current character are displayed in the message window at the bottom of the screen. \H2=TEXT:"Deleting Text" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.3 DELETING TEXT \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"delete previous character") Delete Previous Character (EDT and WPS mode: DELETE key) Deletes the previous character. Cursor moves left. The deleted character may later be restored at a new cursor position by using the 'Undelete Character' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"delete character") Delete Character (EDT mode: Keypad Comma. WPS mode: Keypad PF4) Deletes the current character. Cursor stays put. The deleted character may later be restored at a new cursor position by using the 'Undelete Character' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"delete word") Delete Word (EDT mode: Keypad Minus. WPS mode: Keypad PF3) Deletes the current word from the cursor up to the beginning of the next word. Cursor stays put. The deleted word may later be restored at a new cursor position by using the 'Undelete Word' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"delete previous word") Delete Previous Word (EDT and WPS mode: CTRL-J, Line-feed, or Function key F13) Deletes the previous word, or from the cursor to the beginning of the current word. Cursor moves left. The deleted word may later be restored at a new cursor position using the 'Undelete Word' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"delete line") Delete Line (EDT mode: Keypad PF4) Deletes the current line, from the cursor up to and including the end of line. Cursor stays put. The deleted line may later be restored at a new cursor position using the 'Undelete Line' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"delete to beginning of line") Delete to Beginning of Line (EDT mode: CTRL-U) Deletes from the cursor to the beginning of the line. Cursor moves to the beginning of the line. The deleted text may later be restored at a new cursor position using the 'Undelete Line' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"delete to end of line") Delete to End of Line (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 2) Deletes from the cursor up to but not including the end of the current line. Cursor stays put. The deleted text may later be restored at a new cursor position using the 'Undelete Line' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"undelete character") Undelete Character (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad Comma. WPS mode: GOLD Keypad PF4) Inserts at the cursor position the character most recently deleted by the 'Delete Character' or 'Delete Previous Character' command (see above). \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"undelete word") Undelete Word (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad Minus. WPS mode: GOLD Keypad PF3) Inserts at the cursor position the word most recently deleted by the 'Delete Word' or 'Delete Previous Word' command (see above). \index=(TOPIC:"Deleting Text", STOPIC:"undelete line") Undelete Line (EDT mode: Keypad PF4) Inserts at the cursor position the line most recently deleted by the 'Delete Line', 'Delete to Beginning of Line', or 'Delete to End of Line' command (see above). \H2=TEXT:"Text Formatting" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.4 TEXT FORMATTING \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index("Format paragraph") \index("Text formatting", STOPIC:"Rewrap paragraph") \index=(TOPIC:"Fill", STOPIC:"paragraph") \index=(TOPIC:"Rewrap", STOPIC:"paragraph") \index=(TOPIC:"Paragraph", STOPIC:"fill or rewrap") Fill Paragraph (EDT mode: GOLD F. WPS mode: GOLD Keypad 5) Fills (reformats) the current paragraph the cursor is on according to the left and right margin settings, so that the maximum number of words fits on a line. A paragraph is delimited by a blank line above and a blank line below. The left margin is set by the line mode command SET LEFT_MARGIN, and the right margin is set by the line mode command SET WRAP. If there is no right margin set (SET NOWRAP or SET WRAP 0) then the right edge of the screen is used for the right margin. \index=(TOPIC:"Fill", STOPIC:"to end of paragraph") Fill to End of Paragraph (EDT and WPS mode: Function key F10) Fills (reformats) text from the current cursor position to the end of the paragraph according to the left and right margin settings, so that the maximum number of words fits on a line. The end of a paragraph is delimited by a blank line. The left margin is set by the line mode command SET LEFT_MARGIN, and the right margin is set by the line mode command SET WRAP. If there is no right margin set (SET NOWRAP or SET WRAP 0) then the right edge of the screen is used for the right margin. \index=(TOPIC:"Fill", STOPIC:"selected range") Fill Selected Range (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 8) Used after selecting a range of text, fills (reformats) the selected range of text according to the left and right margin settings, so that the maximum number of words fits on a line. (See section 3.6 for information on selecting a range of text.) The left margin is set by the line mode command SET LEFT_MARGIN, and the right margin is set by the line mode command SET WRAP. If there is no right margin set (SET NOWRAP or SET WRAP 0) then the right edge of the screen is used for the right margin. \index=(TOPIC:"Capitalize Word") \index=(TOPIC:"Case conversion", STOPIC:"capitalize word") Capitalize Word (EDT mode: GOLD C) Capitalizes the first letter of the current word and moves forward to the next word. \index=(TOPIC:"Lowercase word") \index=(TOPIC:"Case conversion", STOPIC:"lowercase word") Lowercase Word (EDT mode: GOLD L) Puts the current word in lowercase letters and moves forward to the next word. \index=(TOPIC:"Uppercase word") \index=(TOPIC:"Case conversion", STOPIC:"uppercase word") Uppercase Word (EDT mode: GOLD U) Puts the current word in uppercase letters and moves forward to the next word. \index=(TOPIC:"Lowercase selected range") \index=(TOPIC:"Case conversion", STOPIC:"lowercase selected range") Lowercase selected range (WPS mode: GOLD Keypad 3) Lowercases the alphabetic characters in a previously selected range. If a range has not been previously selected, then lowercases the current character. (See section 3.6 for information on selecting a range of text.) \index=(TOPIC:"Uppercase selected range") \index=(TOPIC:"Case conversion", STOPIC:"uppercase selected range") Uppercase selected range (WPS mode: Keypad 3) Uppercases the alphabetic characters in a previously selected range. If a range has not been previously selected, then uppercases the current character. (See section 3.6 for information on selecting a range of text.) \index=(TOPIC:"Change Case of Selected Range") \index=(TOPIC:"Case conversion", STOPIC:"change case of Selected Range") Change Case of Selected Range (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 1) Changes the case of all alphabetic characters in a previously selected range. If a range has not been previously selected, changes the case of the current character. (See section 3.6 for information on selecting a range of text.) \index=(TOPIC:"Transpose", STOPIC:"characters") \index=(TOPIC:"Characters", STOPIC:"transpose") Transpose Characters (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad PF2. WPS mode: GOLD Keypad Enter) Switches position of the current character with the next character. \index=(TOPIC:"Center line on page") Center Line (EDT mode: GOLD =. WPS mode: GOLD C) Centers the current line on the screen between the left and right margins. The left margin is set by the line mode command SET LEFT_MARGIN, and the right margin is set by the line mode command SET WRAP. If there is no right margin set (SET NOWRAP or SET WRAP 0) then the right edge of the screen is used for the right margin. See also the following line mode command: CENTER \H2=TEXT:"Special Text Insertion" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.5 SPECIAL TEXT INSERTION \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Open Line") Open Line (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 0. WPS mode: GOLD O) Same as the key sequence: 'Return' 'Left-Arrow' with the left margin set to 1. The text from the cursor to the end of the current line is pushed down to the next line, leaving the rest of the current line open. The cursor stays put. The actual left margin set by the line mode command SET LEFT_MARGIN does not affect this function. \index=(TOPIC:"ASCII", STOPIC:"Insert ASCII character") \index=(TOPIC:"Character", STOPIC:"insert special character") \index=(TOPIC:"Special character insert") Special Character Insert (SPECINS) (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 3. WPS mode: GOLD S) The SPECINS key sequence allows you to insert control characters. In EDT mode it also allows you to insert any character from the ASCII character set or the DEC Multinational Character Set extension of the ASCII character set. This key may be used as follows: GOLD SPECINS c Enter GOLD SPECINS, then enter the character you wish to have made into a control character (c). For example, in EDT keypad mode, the key sequence: GOLD Keypad 3 B will enter a ^B (CTRL-B) character. (It does not matter whether you enter an uppercase 'B' or a lowercase 'b'.) In EDT keypad mode the SPECINS key sequence may also be used in the following alternate way: GOLD nnn GOLD SPECINS Press GOLD, enter the decimal value of the character you wish to insert (nnn), press GOLD SPECINS. For example: GOLD 21 GOLD Keypad 3 will enter a ^U (CTRL-U, ASCII 21) character. See also the following related commands: SHOW ASCII (Line mode command) Current Character (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD ?) Current Line and Character (EDT: GOLD CTRL-L. WPS: GOLD L) \index=(TOPIC:"CTRL-B", STOPIC:"insert CTRL-B character") \index=(TOPIC:"Insert", STOPIC:"CTRL-B") Insert ^B (WPS mode: GOLD B) Inserts a CTRL-B character (ASCII 2) into the text. \index=(TOPIC:"Form feed", STOPIC:"insert form feed character") \index=(TOPIC:"CTRL-L", STOPIC:"insert CTRL-L character") \index=(TOPIC:"Insert", STOPIC:"CTRL-L") \index=(TOPIC:"Insert", STOPIC:"form feed") Insert Form Feed (EDT mode: CTRL-L. WPS mode: GOLD N, or GOLD P) Inserts a form feed character (ASCII 12) into the text. Insert Tab (EDT mode: GOLD TAB or GOLD CTRL-I) Inserts a tab character (ASCII 9) regardless of the current SET TAB_KEY state. The tab key itself normally inserts a tab character, but if SET TAB_KEY SPACES is in effect, then the tab key inserts spaces up to the next tab stop, and you must use GOLD TAB or GOLD CTRL-I to insert a tab character. \index=(TOPIC:"CTRL-U", STOPIC:"insert CTRL-U character") \index=(TOPIC:"Insert", STOPIC:"CTRL-U") Insert ^U (WPS mode: GOLD U) Inserts a CTRL-U character (ASCII 21) into the text. \index=(TOPIC:"Insert", STOPIC:"today's date") \index=(TOPIC:"Date", STOPIC:"insert today's date") Insert Today's Date (EDT mode: GOLD CTRL-D. WPS mode: GOLD \) Inserts the current date. The format of the date can be set with the line mode command SET DATE_FORMAT. See also the following related line mode commands: SET DATE_FORMAT SHOW DATE SHOW TIME \index=(TOPIC:"Separating line" STOPIC:"enter") \index=(TOPIC:"Enter Separating Line") Enter Separating Line (EDT mode: GOLD - (GOLD dash)) Prompts for a character, and then inserts a line across the screen made from the specified character. The line begins at the current cursor position and ends at the right margin. If the cursor has no text to the right of it it moves to the beginning of the next line when finished. If the cursor started in column 1 then appropriate comment characters are inserted before and after the line if the file in the current buffer has a file type that is recognized. Below is a list of recognized file types: File type Comment character(s) used .ADA "--" .C "/*" and "*/" .COM "$!" .DK "C" .FOR "C" .FTN "C" .IFT "C" .MAR ";" .PAS "(*" and "*)" .TPU "!" The right margin is set by the line mode command SET WRAP. If there is no right margin set (SET NOWRAP or SET WRAP 0) then the right edge of the screen is used for the right margin. NOTE: The system manager may add to the above list of recognised file types by modifying procedure EDTN$COMMENT_CHARACTER in file EDTSCNSEC.TPU \index=(TOPIC:"Ruler Line", STOPIC:"insert ruler line") \index=(TOPIC:"Insert", STOPIC:"ruler line") Insert Ruler Line (EDT mode: GOLD R) Inserts a ruler into the text buffer above the current line starting directly above the cursor. This command may be used to quickly determine the length of a character string. Place the cursor on the first character of the string and invoke this function. In the following example the cursor is positioned on the 'T' in the word 'This', and the result of invoking this function looks like: ....v....1....v....2....v....3....v....4....v....5. string := "This is a character string"; It is easy to see in the above example that the character string is 26 characters long. \H2=TEXT:"Moving Blocks of Text" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.6 MOVING BLOCKS OF TEXT \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Moving Text", STOPIC:"select range") Select Range (EDT and WPS mode: Keypad Period, or 'Select' edit key E4) Begins selection of a block of text. The selected range of text will be highlighted as you move cursor. Use 'Reset' to cancel the select function (see below). See also the following line mode command which affects range selection: SET COLUMNAR \index=(TOPIC:"Moving Text", STOPIC:"reset") Reset (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD Keypad Period, or GOLD 'Select' edit key E4) Cancels the select range function. \index=(TOPIC:"Moving Text", STOPIC:"cut selected range") Cut Selected Range (EDT mode: Keypad 6, or 'Remove' edit key E3 WPS mode: Keypad Minus, or 'Remove' edit key E3) Removes the selected range of text and places it in buffer PASTE. The previous contents of buffer PASTE are erased. The text may later be restored at a new cursor position by using the 'Paste' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Moving Text", STOPIC:"copy selected range to buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Pick") \index=(TOPIC:"Copy", STOPIC:"selected range to buffer") Copy Selected Range to Buffer (EDT mode: GOLD P) Prompts for a buffer name, and then copies (without removing) the selected range of text to the specified buffer. Enter CTRL-Z at the prompt to cancel this function. Press RETURN at the prompt without entering a buffer name to copy the selected range to buffer PASTE. If buffer PASTE is used, then the previous contents of buffer PASTE are erased. If another buffer is specified, then the range is inserted into the specified buffer at the last cursor position for that buffer. If the specified buffer does not exist, then it is created. The text may later be restored at a new cursor position by using the 'Paste' command or the 'Copy from Buffer' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Moving Text", STOPIC:"copy selected range to PASTE buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Copy", STOPIC:"selected range to PASTE buffer") Copy Selected Range to PASTE buffer (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD 'Remove' edit key E3) Copies (without removing) the selected range of text to buffer PASTE. The previous contents of buffer PASTE are erased. The text may later be restored at a new cursor position by using the 'Paste' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Moving Text", STOPIC:"append selected range")  Append Selected Range (EDT mode: Keypad 9. WPS mode: GOLD A) Removes the selected range of text and appends it to the end of buffer PASTE. The previous contents of buffer PASTE are left intact. The text may later be restored at a new cursor position by using the 'Paste' command (see below).  \index=(TOPIC:"Moving Text", STOPIC:"replace selected range") Replace Selected Range (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 9) Deletes the selected range of text and inserts the contents of buffer PASTE. The contents of buffer PASTE are left intact. The deleted range of text is not saved and cannot be recovered. \index=(TOPIC:"Moving Text", STOPIC:"paste selected range") Paste (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 6, or 'Insert Here' edit key E2 WPS mode: Keypad Comma, or 'Insert Here' edit key E2) Inserts the contents of buffer PASTE at the current cursor position. The contents of buffer PASTE are unaffected. \index=(TOPIC:"Moving Text", STOPIC:"copy from buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Copy", STOPIC:"from buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"copying from") Copy from Buffer (EDT mode: GOLD O. WPS mode: GOLD Keypad Comma) Prompts for the name of a buffer and then inserts the contents of the specified buffer at the current cursor position. The contents of the specified buffer are unaffected. \H2=TEXT:"Searching for Text" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.7 SEARCHING FOR TEXT \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Searching for Text", STOPIC:"Find") Find (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad PF3. WPS mode: GOLD , (GOLD comma)) Prompts for a search string and then searches for the first occurrence of the specified string. The search starts at the current cursor position and proceeds in the default direction. The 'Find Next' command will search for the next occurrence of the same string. See also the following line mode commands which affect the Find function: SET SEARCH BEGIN SET SEARCH END SET SEARCH EXACT SET SEARCH GENERAL SET SEARCH WILD See also the following related line mode commands: FIND SEARCH \index=(TOPIC:"Searching for Text", STOPIC:"Find Nowild") Find Nowild (EDT and WPS mode: 'Find' edit key E1) Same as 'Find' function above, except a non-wildcard search is used regardless of the default search mode set by the line mode commands SET SEARCH WILD and SET SEARCH NOWILD. \index=(TOPIC:"Searching for Text", STOPIC:"Find Wild") Find Wild (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD 'Find' edit key E1) Same as 'Find' function above, except a wildcard search is used regardless of the default search mode set by the line mode commands SET SEARCH WILD and SET SEARCH NOWILD. \index=(TOPIC:"Searching for Text", STOPIC:"Find Next") Find Next (EDT mode: Keypad PF3, or press 'Find' edit key E1 twice WPS mode: GOLD . (GOLD period), or press 'Find' edit key E1 twice) Searches in the default direction for the next occurrence of the search string or pattern previously established by the last keypad Find or line mode FIND command. \index=(TOPIC:"Searching for Text", STOPIC:"Find Character") Find Character (EDT mode: GOLD . (GOLD period)) Waits for you to enter a character and then searches in the default direction for the first occurrence of that character. This command may be used to quickly go to the end of a sentence (search for '.') or to the next comma (search for ','). \index=(TOPIC:"Searching for Text", STOPIC:"Find Matching Parenthesis") \index=(TOPIC:"Find", STOPIC:"matching parenthesis") \index=(TOPIC:"Parenthesis", STOPIC:"find matching") \index=(TOPIC:"Markers", STOPIC:"markers ""("" and "")""") Find Matching Parenthesis (EDT mode: GOLD ' (GOLD single-quote)) Searches the current line in the default direction starting at the current cursor position for one of the following characters: ()[]{}<>. If none of the parenthetical type characters is found in the default direction, a search is made in the other (non-default) direction starting again at the current cursor position. If one is found a search is made in the appropriate direction for the corresponding match, keeping track of any inner nested parenthesis as appropriate. If a match is found the two matching parenthesis are highlighted. A maximum of 48 lines is searched for the match. The special marker names "(" and ")" are set at the corresponding left and right highlighted characters. You may use these special marker names with the 'Go to Marker' command (see section 3.9). The inverse video attributes placed on the pair of matching parenthesis may be removed by using the 'Clear Matching Parenthesis' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Clear", STOPIC:"matching parenthesis") \index=(TOPIC:"Parenthesis", "clear matching") Clear Matching Parenthesis (EDT mode: GOLD " (GOLD double-quote)) Removes the inverse video attributes placed on the pair of matching parenthesis by the 'Find Matching Parenthesis' command (GOLD '). Also removes the marker names "(" and ")" associated with the matching parenthesis. Also removes the inverse video attributes of any unknown word highlighted by the SPELL command. \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"next tab") Tab Pos (WPS mode: Keypad 8) Searches the current line in the default direction for the next tab character. If tab is found, places cursor beyond the found tab. If no tab found, cursor moves to beginning of next line if default direction is forward, or to beginning of current line if default direction is reverse. \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"next '>'") < > (WPS mode: Keypad Enter) Searches in the default direction for the next '>' (right angle bracket) character. \H2=TEXT:"Searching and Replacing Text" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.8 SEARCHING AND REPLACING TEXT \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Search and Replace", STOPIC:"SUBS") SUBS (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad Enter. WPS mode: GOLD ' (GOLD single-quote)) Used after a FIND command, replaces the found string with the contents of the PASTE buffer, and then searches for the next occurrence of search-string. The typical sequence of commands is as follows: 1. Enter the 'Select Range' key function (See section 3.6). 2. Type in the replacement-string. The string will be highlighted as you type it in. 3. Enter the 'Cut Selected Range' key function (See section 3.6). 4. Do a FIND to search for old-string. You may use any of the key functions 'Find', 'Find Nowild', or 'Find Wild' (see section 3.7), or you may use the line mode command FIND. 5. Press SUBS if you want to replace the found old-string with the replacement-string. If you press SUBS, then the found old-string is replaced by the replacement-string, and a search is made for the next old-string. Repeat this step until you have made all the substitutions you wish to make. See also the following related line mode commands: REPLACE SUBSTITUTE \H2=TEXT:"Markers" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.9 MARKERS \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \reference=(TOPIC:"Place Markers", STOPIC:"See Markers") \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"marker") \index=(TOPIC:"Markers", STOPIC:"set marker") Set Marker (EDT mode: GOLD CTRL-G. WPS mode: GOLD X) Prompts for the name of a place marker and then sets an invisible marker at the current cursor position. A marker name may be any single alphanumeric word. You may return to the marker location at any time by using the 'Go to Marker' command (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Markers", STOPIC:"go to marker") \index=(TOPIC:"Move", STOPIC:"to marker") \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"go to marker") Go to Marker (EDT mode: GOLD G. WPS mode: GOLD Z) Prompts for the name of a place marker and moves the cursor to that marker. Marker name LAST is set at previous cursor position. \index=(TOPIC:"Markers", STOPIC:"marker name LAST") Marker 'LAST' A special marker named LAST is set at your previous position whenever a potentially large move is made so you can quickly go back to where you last were. This marker is set by the following commands: · Go to Marker · Go to Top of Buffer · Go to Bottom of Buffer · Page · Find (Keypad command) · FIND (line mode command) · SEARCH buffer enter or return keys (move to line number) \index=(TOPIC:"Markers", STOPIC:"markers ""("" and "")""") Markers "(" and ")" Two other special markers named "(" and ")" are set by the 'Find Matching Parenthesis' command. These markers are cleared by the 'Clear Matching Parenthesis' command (see section 3.7). See also the following related line mode commands: SET MARKER SHOW MARKERS \H2=TEXT:"Buffers" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.10 BUFFERS \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"listing") \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"buffers") Show Buffers (EDT mode: GOLD S) Displays a list of all buffers which currently exist. While in the 'Show Buffers' display you may select a new buffer, delete buffers, and lock buffers. This function is identical to the line mode command SHOW BUFFERS. See the line mode command SHOW BUFFERS for a complete description. \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"changing") \index=(TOPIC:"Go to", STOPIC:"buffer") Go to Buffer (EDT mode: GOLD B. WPS mode: GOLD J) Changes the current buffer. At the buffer name prompt enter the name of the buffer you wish to go to. The specified buffer is placed in the current window, and the cursor is positioned at the last cursor position for that buffer. If the specified buffer doesn't exist, then it is created and the name of an optional file to place in the buffer is prompted for. Entering an asterisk ('*') at the buffer name prompt causes a new buffer name to be generated. New buffer names are created with the names A, B, C,..., Z, AA, AB,..., ZZ. You are then prompted as usual for an optional file to read into the new buffer. Go to Buffer MAIN (EDT mode: GOLD M. EDT and WPS mode: Function key F17) Places buffer MAIN in the current window, and positions the cursor at the last cursor position for that buffer. Go to Buffer A (EDT and WPS mode: Function key F18) Places buffer A in the current window, and positions the cursor at the last cursor position for that buffer. If buffer A does not exist, then it is created and the name of an optional file to place in the buffer is prompted for. Go to Buffer B (EDT and WPS mode: Function key F19) Places buffer B in the current window, and positions the cursor at the last cursor position for that buffer. If buffer B does not exist, then it is created and the name of an optional file to place in the buffer is prompted for. Go to Buffer C (EDT and WPS mode: Function key F20) Places buffer C in the current window, and positions the cursor at the last cursor position for that buffer. If buffer C does not exist, then it is created and the name of an optional file to place in the buffer is prompted for. See also the following line mode commands which are related to buffers: =buffer-name FIND =buffer-name SHOW BUFFERS NOTE: If while reading in a file you get the following error: 'Insufficient virtual memory to allocate a new cache' the file you are attempting to read in is too big. This condition can lead directly to a fatal inernal TPU error. You should save your work and exit IMMEDIATELY! EDX will usually warn you if this condition should ever occur. You may ask the system manager to increase your page file quota (pgflquo) in order to edit larger files. \H2=TEXT:"Windows" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.11 WINDOWS \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Toggle", STOPIC:"single/dual windows") \index=(TOPIC:"Windows", STOPIC:"toggle single/dual") \index=(TOPIC:"Split screen") \index=(TOPIC:"Screen", STOPIC:"split screen") Toggle Single/Dual Windows (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD W) Switches between single window mode and dual window mode. In single window mode, the full screen window is used to display a single buffer. In dual window mode, a window using the top half of the screen displays a buffer, and another window using the bottom half of the screen displays a buffer. Dual window mode makes it possible to view text in two different buffers simultaneously, or to view text in the same buffer at two different locations simultaneously. If you are currently in single window (full screen) mode, then the screen is split into a top window and a bottom window, the current buffer is placed in the top window, and the name of a buffer to place in the bottom window is prompted for. At the prompt you may do one of the following: 1. If you specify the name of an existing buffer, that buffer is placed in the bottom window and the cursor is positioned in the bottom window at the last cursor position for that buffer. 2. If you specify the name of a buffer which does not exist, that buffer is created, the cursor is positioned in the bottom window at the top of the new buffer, and the name of an optional file to place in the buffer is prompted for. 3. You may enter an asterisk ('*') at the buffer name prompt to indicate you wish EDX to generate a new buffer name. New buffer names are created with the names A, B, C,..., Z, AA, AB,..., ZZ. After creating the new buffer, the cursor is positioned in the bottom window at the top of the new buffer, and the name of an optional file to place in the buffer is prompted for. 4. If you press RETURN without specifying a buffer for the bottom window, then only the top window is displayed and the bottom half of the screen is left for messages. If you are currently in dual window mode, then EDX switches to single window (full screen) mode, placing your current buffer in the full screen window. See also the following line mode command: ADJUST WINDOWS \index=(TOPIC:"Windows", STOPIC:"move between") \index=(TOPIC:"Move", STOPIC:"between windows") \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor Movement", STOPIC:"move between windows") \index=(TOPIC:"Change", STOPIC:"windows") Switch Windows (EDT mode: CTRL-D, CTRL-V, or F14. WPS mode: GOLD E or F14) Moves the cursor from one window to the other when in dual window mode. \index=(TOPIC:"Toggle", STOPIC:"window width") \index=(TOPIC:"Windows", STOPIC:"toggle width") \index=(TOPIC:"Change", STOPIC:"screen width") Toggle Screen Width (EDT mode: GOLD CTRL-W) Toggles the screen width between 80 and 132 columns. If the current screen width is 80 or less, the current screen width is saved and the screen width is set to 132. If the current screen width is greater than 80, then the screen width is set back to the previously saved screen width. See also the following line mode command: SET SCREEN \index=(TOPIC:"Toggle", STOPIC:"ruler line at top of screen") \index=(TOPIC:"Ruler Line", STOPIC:"put at top of screen") Toggle Ruler On/Off (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD CTRL-R) Places a ruler at the top of the screen in inverse video. This ruler displays the column numbers and also indicates where tabs have been set using the line mode command SET TABS. See also the line mode commands: SET TABS SET TAB_KEY SPACES SET TAB_KEY TABS \index=(TOPIC:"Display", STOPIC:"See also Screen") \index=(TOPIC:"Refresh", STOPIC:"screen") \index=(TOPIC:"Screen", STOPIC:"refresh") Refresh Screen (EDT and WPS mode: CTRL-R, or CTRL-W) Clears and redraws the entire screen. \index=(TOPIC:"Shift", STOPIC:"screen left/right") \index=(TOPIC:"Screen", STOPIC:"shift left/right") \index=(TOPIC:"Arrow keys", STOPIC:"shift screen") Shift Screen (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD left-arrow or GOLD right-arrow) Shifts the text in the current window left or right. The number of columns shifted is determined by the line mode command SET SHIFT_AMOUNT. The default is 32 columns. \H2=TEXT:"Files" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.12 FILES \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Include", STOPIC:"file") \index=(TOPIC:"Read", STOPIC:"file") \index=(TOPIC:"Files", STOPIC:"reading in") Include File (EDT mode: GOLD I. WPS mode: GOLD G) Prompts for a file name and then reads in the specified file at the current cursor position. At the prompt you may include the optional =buffer-name qualifier after the file name. This command is equivalent to the line mode command INCLUDE. See the line mode command INCLUDE for a complete description. NOTE: If while reading in a file you get the following error: 'Insufficient virtual memory to allocate a new cache' the file you are attempting to read in is too big. This condition can lead directly to a fatal inernal TPU error. You should save your work and exit IMMEDIATELY! EDX will usually warn you if this condition should ever occur. You may ask the system manager to increase your page file quota (pgflquo) in order to edit larger files. \index=(TOPIC:"Directory") \reference=(TOPIC:"Files", STOPIC:"listing") \reference=(TOPIC:"List files", STOPIC:"See Directory") Directory (EDT mode: GOLD D.) Displays a directory listing. This command is equivalent to the line mode command DIRECTORY. See the line mode command DIRECTORY for a complete description. See also the following line mode commands which are related to files: DIRECTORY INCLUDE LOCK BUFFER LOCK FILE SET LOCK WRITE \H2=TEXT:"Defining Keys" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.13 DEFINING KEYS \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Define", STOPIC:"key as learn sequence") \index=(TOPIC:"Learn", STOPIC:"start key learn sequence") \index=(TOPIC:"Key", STOPIC:"define as learn sequence") Start Key Learn (EDT mode: GOLD [. WPS mode: GOLD K) Defines a key to be a sequence of key strokes. The typical sequence of commands is as follows: 1. Enter GOLD [ (or GOLD K) to start the key learn. 2. At the prompt press the key you wish to define. 3. Enter your sequence of key strokes. 4. Enter GOLD ] to end the key learn. Pressing the defined key now executes the defined keystrokes. The key may be restored to its previous function by using the line mode command UNLEARN or UNDEFINE. \index=(TOPIC:"Learn", STOPIC:"end key learn sequence") End Key Learn (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD ]) Ends a key learn sequence initiated by the 'Start Key Learn' function (see above). \index=(TOPIC:"Toggle", STOPIC:"numeric keypad") \index=(TOPIC:"Toggle", STOPIC:"editing keypad") \index=(TOPIC:"Keypad", STOPIC:"toggle numeric") Toggle Editing/Numeric Keypad (EDT mode: GOLD N) Switches the keypad between the editing keypad and a numeric keypad. When in numeric keypad mode the keypad keys 0-9 enter the corresponding number into the current buffer, the keypad comma, minus sign, and decimal point keys enter their corresponding characters, and the keypad keys PF3 = "(", and PF4 = ")". The functions of all the other keys on the keyboard are not affected by this command. Thus, if the editor is in EDT mode all of the non-keypad keys still perform their corresponding EDT mode functions, or if the editor is in WPS mode then all of the non-keypad keys still perform their corresponding WPS mode functions. \index=(TOPIC:"Define", STOPIC:"key as TPU command") \index=(TOPIC:"Key", STOPIC:"define as TPU command") Define Key as TPU Command (EDT mode: GOLD K) Prompts for a TPU definition and then for a key to bind that definition to. This command requires knowledge of the TPU programming language. Also see appendix A on initialization files and defining keys, appendix B on EDX defined TPU procedures, and appendix C on TPU key names. \H2=TEXT:"Exiting the Editor" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.14 EXITING THE EDITOR \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Exit") \reference=(TOPIC:"Exit", STOPIC:"Also see Quit") Exit (EDT mode: GOLD X. WPS mode: GOLD F) Exits the editor, saving a copy of buffer MAIN in an external file. 1 A user buffer is any buffer which the user explicitly created by supplying the buffer name for the new buffer or requesting that a new buffer name be generated. Buffer MAIN is also considered a user buffer. Buffers created by the editor for it's own use are not considered user buffers. If there are other user buffers1 that have been modified and have not yet been saved by using the line mode command WRITE, then a list of those buffers is shown and you are asked if you still wish to exit. Empty user buffers are excluded. The terminal bell is rung if the current buffer you are in is one of the modified user buffers that has not yet been saved and will not be saved. \index=(TOPIC:"Quit") \reference=(TOPIC:"Quit", STOPIC:"Also see Exit") Quit (EDT and WPS mode: GOLD Q) Quits the editing session without saving a copy of any buffers. If there are user buffers1 that have been modified and have not yet been saved by using the line mode command WRITE, then a list of those buffers is shown and you are asked if you still wish to quit. Empty user buffers are excluded. The terminal bell is rung if the current buffer you are in is one of the modified user buffers that has not yet been saved. See also the following line mode commands: ATTACH DCL EXIT QUIT SPAWN \H2=TEXT:"Help" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 3.15 HELP \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \index=(TOPIC:"Help") Help (EDT mode: PF2 or 'Help' key F15. WPS mode: 'Help' key F15) Prompts for and then displays the selected keyboard or keypad diagram for the keypad mode you are in (EDT or WPS). The diagrams show what functions are performed by what keys. At the prompt press one of the following letters: L = Left half keyboard diagram R = Right half keyboard diagram K = Keypad diagram Press any other key to continue editing. See also the following line mode commands: DCL_HELP HELP SET KEYPAD EDT SET KEYPAD WPS TPU_HELP