\HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE \H1=TEXT:"LINE MODE COMMANDS" \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=1 4 LINE MODE COMMANDS \CONTENTS=2 4.1 ENTERING LINE MODE COMMANDS \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE Line mode commands may be entered by using one of the below key sequences: \index=(TOPIC:"Change",STOPIC:"to line mode") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode", STOPIC:"entering") \index=(TOPIC:"Command", STOPIC:"enter line mode command") Enter Line Mode (EDT and WPS mode: CTRL-Z) Shifts from screen mode to line mode. Line mode commands are prompted for at the * prompt. Enter Line Mode Command (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 7, or DO key. WPS mode: GOLD [, or DO key) Prompts for and executes a single line mode command. \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode", STOPIC:"editing line mode commands") \index=(TOPIC:"Command", STOPIC:"editing line mode commands") The following keys let you edit line mode commands: Up arrow, CTRL-B Recalls up to 40 previously entered commands Down arrow Displays the next line in the recall buffer Left arrow, CTRL-D Moves the cursor one character to the left Right arrow, CTRL-F Moves the cursor one character to the right DELETE key Deletes the last character entered CTRL-A, F14 Switches between overstrike and insert mode. The default mode is determined by the DCL command $ SET TERMINAL/INSERT or $ SET TERMINAL/OVERSTRIKE CTRL-E Moves the cursor to the end of the line CTRL-H, BACKSPACE, F12 Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line CTRL-J, LINEFEED, F13 Deletes the word to the left of the cursor CTRL-U Deletes to the beginning of line \HCI=10 \FONT=COURIER \CONTENTS=2 4.2 THE LINE MODE COMMANDS \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE Items enclosed in square brackets [] indicate optional arguments. Items enclosed in braces {} indicate required arguments. \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode", STOPIC:"exiting")  Pressing the RETURN key at the line mode prompt without entering anything exits line mode and returns to screen mode. This is equivalent to entering the line mode command CHANGE. \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"{line-number}") \index=(TOPIC:"Go to", STOPIC:"line number") \index=(TOPIC:"Number", STOPIC:"go to line number") \index=(TOPIC:"Line number", STOPIC:"going to") {line-number} Entering a line number at the line mode prompt causes the cursor to position itself at the beginning of the specified line. This can also be achieved by the EDT mode key sequence GOLD #. Example: * 976 (go to line # 976) \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"=buffer-name") \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"changing") \index=(TOPIC:"Change", STOPIC:"buffers") =buffer-name Places the specified buffer in the current window, and positions the cursor at the last cursor position for that buffer. For example, the command =MAIN will put buffer MAIN in the current window. If the specified buffer doesn't exist, it is created. You do not change back to screen mode. You remain at the line mode '*' prompt. A line number following the =buffer-name causes the cursor to position itself at the beginning of the specified line. Examples: * =MAIN (go to buffer MAIN) * =A (go to buffer A) * =DIR (go to buffer DIR) * =MAIN 976 (go to line # 976 of buffer MAIN) \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"'search-string'") 'search-string' This command is identical to the FIND 'search-string' command. See the line mode command FIND 'search-string' for a complete description. Examples: * "HELLO" * 'GOODBYE' \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"ADJUST") \index=(TOPIC:"Windows", STOPIC:"adjusting size of") \index=(TOPIC:"Adjust windows") ADJUST WINDOWS Adjusts the height of the windows when in dual window mode. Use the up/down arrow keys to adjust the height. Entering a digit followed by either the up or down arrow key will adjust the window by the specified number of lines. Example: * ADJUST WINDOWS * ADJUST WINDOWS 6 * ADJUST WINDOWS -3 \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"ATTACH") \index=(TOPIC:"Attach", STOPIC:"to process") \index=(TOPIC:"Subprocess", STOPIC:"attaching to") ATTACH [process-name] Suspends the current EDX editing session and connects the terminal to another process or subprocess. The process or subprocess must already exist. If you do not specify a process-name, by default you are attached to the parent process. (Use the DCL command SHOW PROCESS/SUBPROCESS to determine the names of your current processes and subprocesses.) Examples: * ATTACH * ATTACH "Deley 2" \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"CALCULATE") \index=(TOPIC:"Calculate") CALCULATE [math-expression] Performs simple integer arithmetic. A math-expression is prompted for with a "CALC> " prompt if one was not already given on the command line. The following mathematical symbols are recognized: + Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division () Parenthesis determine precedence of operators For example, the line mode command: CALC (1 + 2) * 3 would display the result: 9 \index=(TOPIC:"Center line on page") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"CENTER") CENTER Centers the current line on the screen between the left and right margins. The left margin is set by the line mode command SET LEFT_MARGIN, and the right margin is set by the line mode command SET WRAP. If there is no right margin set (SET NOWRAP or SET WRAP 0) then the right edge of the screen is used for the right margin. (See also the EDT mode key sequence GOLD =) (See also the WPS mode key sequence GOLD C) Example: * CENTER \index=(TOPIC:"Change", STOPIC:"to screen mode") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"CHANGE") CHANGE [=buffer-name] [line-number] Change back to screen mode. The cursor returns to its former location in the text unless the optional line number is specified. Pressing the RETURN key at the line mode prompt without entering anything will also change back to screen mode. If the optional buffer-name is included, the specified buffer is placed in the current window and the cursor is positioned at the last cursor position for that buffer. If the optional line number is specified, then the cursor positions itself at the beginning of the specified line. This can also be achieved by entering a line number at the line mode prompt without the CHANGE command, or by the EDT mode key sequence GOLD #. If both the optional buffer-name and line number are specified, the specified buffer is placed in the current window and the cursor is positioned at the specified line number. Examples: * CHANGE * CHANGE 976 (go to line # 976) * C * * CHANGE =MAIN (go to buffer MAIN) * CHANGE =A (go to buffer A) * CHANGE =MAIN 976 (go to line # 976 of buffer MAIN) \index=(TOPIC:"Clear", STOPIC:"tabs") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"CLEAR TABS") CLEAR TABS n,n... CLEAR TABS # CLEAR TABS ALL Clears the tabs set at the specified column values. Use the key sequence GOLD CTRL-R to toggle on/off the ruler line at the top of the screen which shows where the tabs are set. These tab settings are used when SET TAB_KEY SPACES is in effect. More than one column value may be specified. Separate multiple values with commas or spaces. The keyword ALL may be used to clear all the tab settings. The symbol '#' will clear the tab at the current cursor position. Examples: * CLEAR TABS 4, 8, 12 * CLEAR TABS 4 8 12 * CLEAR TABS # * CLEAR TABS ALL \index=(TOPIC:"DCL") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"DCL") DCL [DCL command] Executes a DCL command. A DCL command is prompted for if one was not already included on the command line. Enter CTRL-Z at the prompt to cancel this function. A subprocess is created, the DCL command is executed, and the DCL command and resulting output are displayed in a buffer named DCL. The subprocess is retained for the remainder of the editing session. For example, the command DCL SHOW USERS would display the output from the DCL command SHOW USERS. The entire DCL command must be given on the command line. A VAX/VMS limitation prevents DCL from prompting for additional information. The DCL buffer grows to a maximum size of 500 lines, after which the oldest information is lost off the top of the buffer. If user is currently in full-window mode, the screen is split in two, the current buffer moves to the top half of the screen and the DCL buffer is displayed in the bottom half. If two windows are currently in use, the DCL buffer is displayed in the other window. The user is left in his current buffer. The DCL buffer is treated just like any other buffer. At any time you may return to this buffer as you would go to any other buffer. Examples: * DCL SHOW USERS * DCL SUBMIT/NOPRINT/KEEP/QUEUE=BATCH1/NOTIFY MYBATCH.COM \index=(TOPIC:"Help", STOPIC:"DCL level help") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"DCL_HELP") DCL_HELP This command accesses the DCL help library normally available at the DCL $ prompt. All output goes into a buffer named HELP. The HELP buffer grows to a maximum size of 500 lines, after which the oldest information is lost off the top of the buffer. The HELP buffer is treated just like any other buffer. At any time you may return to this buffer as you would go to any other buffer. Examples: * DCL_HELP \reference=(TOPIC:"Decipher", STOPIC:"See Encrypt") DECIPHER Deciphers a text buffer. This command is identical to the line mode command ENCRYPT. See ENCRYPT for a full description. Example: * DECIPHER Password: Verification: \reference=(TOPIC:"Decrypt", STOPIC:"See Encrypt") DECRYPT Decrypts a text buffer. This command is identical to the line mode command ENCRYPT. See ENCRYPT for a full description. Example: * DECRYPT Password: Verification: \index=(TOPIC:"Define", STOPIC:"logical name") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"DEFINE") \index=(TOPIC:"DCL", STOPIC:"define DCL logical name") \index=(TOPIC:"Logical", STOPIC:"define logical") DEFINE {logical} {equivalence} Define a logical name. Similar to the DCL command $ DEFINE for creating logical names. Example: * DEFINE MYDIR DISK3:[DELEYD.WORK] \index=(TOPIC:"Delete Buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"deleting") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"DELETE BUFFER") DELETE BUFFER Deletes the current buffer and its contents. You are prompted for confirmation before the buffer is deleted. Example: * DELETE BUFFER Modified buffer A contains 2308 lines. Delete buffer A? \index=(TOPIC:"Differences", STOPIC:"between buffers") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"DIFFERENCES") \index=(TOPIC:"Compare buffers") DIFFERENCES [buffer_1 buffer_2] Compares line by line buffer_1 with buffer_2 and stops when a difference is found. If the optional parameters buffer_1 and buffer_2 are given, then the screen is split into two windows, buffer_1 is displayed in the top window, and buffer_2 is displayed in the bottom window. The comparison starts with the first line of each buffer. If buffer_1 and buffer_2 are not specified, then it is assumed that dual windows are already in use. The comparison starts with the current line in each window. The buffer in the top window may be the same buffer as in the bottom window. The buffers are compared line by line until a difference is found, or until the end of one of the buffers is reached. If a difference is found, the comparison stops and the two lines that don't match are highlighted. After two non-matching lines are found, you may enter the line mode command DIFFERENCES again to search for the next two non-matching lines. It may be convenient to define a key to execute the line mode DIFFERENCES command (see section 3.13). Examples: * DIFFERENCES * DIFFERENCES A B \index=(TOPIC:"Directory") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"DIRECTORY") \index=(TOPIC:"Files", STOPIC:"listing") \reference=(TOPIC:"List files", STOPIC:"See Directory") \index=(TOPIC:"DCL", STOPIC:"directory listing") DIRECTORY [/SIZE] [/DATE] [dir-spec] Displays a directory listing. A directory specification is prompted for if one was not already included on the command line. Enter CTRL-Z at the prompt to cancel the function. All wildcards are accepted in the directory specification, including [*...]*.*;*. If no directory specification is given at the prompt, then your current default directory is used. The directory listing is displayed in buffer DIR. At any time you may return to this buffer as you would go to any other buffer. The optional negatable qualifiers /SIZE and /DATE may be added to the directory specification. The default for the these qualifiers is determined by examining the DCL symbol 'DIR' which the user may have previously defined in his login.com file. If the user has not previously defined the DCL symbol 'DIR', then the default is /NOSIZE/NODATE. If the user has previously defined the DCL symbol 'DIR' then the default is determined by whether or not a /SIZE and or /DATE qualifier is present in the translation of that symbol. If user is currently in full-window mode, the screen is split in two, the current buffer moves to the top half of the screen and the directory is displayed in the bottom half. If two windows are currently in use, the directory is displayed in the other window. The user is left in the directory buffer where he may scroll up/down to view the whole listing. Examples: * DIRECTORY * DIRECTORY/SIZE/DATE DISK3:[DELEY...]*.TPU After the directory is displayed, the user may move around the directory listing using the cursor movement keys. A file is selected by moving the cursor to that filename. The following functions may be performed on a selected file: 1. Read the selected file into a buffer. 2. Delete the selected file. 3. Lock or unlock the selected file (see below). \index=(TOPIC:"Include", STOPIC:"file") \index=(TOPIC:"Read", STOPIC:"file") Read the Selected File Into a Buffer Pressing the RETURN or ENTER key will read the selected file into a buffer and display it in the current window, replacing the directory listing. Pressing the SPACE_BAR will read the selected file into a buffer and display it in the other window, preserving the directory listing. At the prompt you may specify a buffer name to read the file into, or you may accept the default new buffer name. New buffer names are created with the names A, B, C,..., Z, AA, AB,.., ZZ. \index=(TOPIC:"Directory", STOPIC:"delete file from") \index=(TOPIC:"Delete", STOPIC:"file") \index=(TOPIC:"Files", STOPIC:"deleting") Delete the Selected File Pressing the DELETE key or the letter 'D' will delete the selected file. You are prompted for confirmation before the selected file is actually deleted. \Index=(TOPIC:"Files", STOPIC:"locking") \Index=(TOPIC:"Files", STOPIC:"unlocking") Lock or Unlock the Selected File Pressing the letter 'L' will lock the selected file preventing others from editing or accessing that file. Pressing the letter 'U' will unlock a previously locked file. (Files are locked by performing an RMS $OPEN with noshare attributes on the selected file. This prevents others from opening the file for any purpose.) (See also the EDT mode key sequence GOLD 'D') \index=(TOPIC:"Tabs", STOPIC:"replacing with spaces") \index=(TOPIC:"Eliminate Tabs") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"ELIMINATE TABS") ELIMINATE TABS Converts all tab characters in the current buffer to the equivalent 1 assuming the terminal has tabs set at the usual default of one every eighth column. number of spaces, so that the position of the text is unchanged.1 Example: * ELIMINATE TABS \reference=(TOPIC:"Decrypt", STOPIC:"See Encrypt") ENCIPHER Enciphers a text buffer. This command is identical to the line mode command ENCRYPT. See ENCRYPT for a full description. Example: * ENCIPHER Password: Verification: \index=(TOPIC:"Security", STOPIC:"See Encrypt buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Encrypt Buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Files", STOPIC:"encrypting") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"ENCRYPT") \index=(TOPIC:"DES", STOPIC:"encrypt buffer using") \index=(TOPIC:"Data Encryption Standard", STOPIC:"encrypt buffer using") \reference=("TOPIC:"Cipher", STOPIC:"See Encrypt") \reference=("TOPIC:"Encipher", STOPIC:"See Encrypt") \reference=("TOPIC:"Decipher", STOPIC:"See Encrypt") \reference=("TOPIC:"Decrypt", STOPIC:"See Encrypt") ENCRYPT (Alternate forms: ENCIPHER, DECIPHER, DECRYPT) Encrypts a buffer using the American National Standard Data Encryption Algorithm X3.92-1981 in output feedback mode. A password is prompted for, and then the entire buffer is encrypted. The password may consist of any printable characters and spaces, and may be from 1 to 255 characters long. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored, and all alphabetic characters are converted to uppercase. An encrypted buffer is restored to its original form by the same method. Encrypting a buffer twice restores it to its original form. (Note that the commands ENCRYPT, ENCIPHER, DECRYPT, and DECIPHER are identical.) Example: * ENCRYPT Password: Verification: \index=(TOPIC:"Erase Buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"erasing") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"ERASE BUFFER") \index=(TOPIC:"Clear", STOPIC:"buffer") ERASE BUFFER Erases the entire contents of the current buffer. You are prompted for confirmation before the buffer is erased. Example: * ERASE BUFFER \index=(TOPIC:"Exit") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"EXIT") \reference=(TOPIC:"Exit", STOPIC:"Also see Quit") EXIT [/SAVE] [/ALL] [file-spec] Exits the editor, saving a copy of buffer MAIN in an external file. 1 A user buffer is any buffer which the user explicitly created by supplying the buffer name for the new buffer or requesting that a new buffer name be generated. Buffer MAIN is also considered a user buffer. Buffers created by the editor for it's own use are not considered user buffers. If there are other user buffers1 that have been modified and have not yet been saved by using the line mode command WRITE, then a list of those buffers is shown and you are asked if you still wish to exit. Empty user buffers are excluded. The terminal bell is rung if the current buffer you are in is one of the modified user buffers that has not been saved and will not be saved. The following optional qualifiers may be added to the EXIT command: file-name The file name to be given to buffer MAIN. If no file name is given, then the file name already associated with buffer MAIN is used. If there is no file name associated with buffer MAIN, then one is prompted for. /ALL This qualifier causes all user buffers that have been modified and have not yet been saved by using the line mode command WRITE to be written. If a modified user buffer does not have a file name associated with it, one is prompted for. The file-name qualifier is ignored if /ALL is present. /SAVE This qualifier causes the journal file to be saved. The journal file is a temporary file kept by the editor which contains a history of all the keystrokes entered since the editing session began. The journal file is created in your default directory, with the same file name as was specified when EDX was invoked, but with a file extension of .TJL. If no file name was specified when EDX was invoked, then the journal file name is TPU.TJL. Normally the journal file is deleted when the user exits or quits the editor in the normal manner. However, if the editing session should end abruptly, such as due to a system failure, the journal file will not be deleted, and it is usually possible to recover the work done by reinvoking the EDX editor with the /RECOVER qualifier (see section 1.2). Examples: * EXIT * EXIT myfile.dat * EXIT/ALL \index=(TOPIC:"FIND") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"FIND") \index=(TOPIC:"Searching for Text", STOPIC:"FIND") FIND 'search-string' Searches in the forward direction for the first occurrence of the specified 'search-string'. After searching once using the line mode FIND command, subsequent searches can be made using the keypad 'Find Next' key (see section 3.7). If you wish to include a space, tab, slash ('/'), or equals sign ('=') within the search-string, then enclose the string in either single or double quotes. Otherwise the search-string does not have to be enclosed in quotes. If you wish to include within a quoted string the same quote character used to quote the string, use two consecutive quotes. For example, the string: "quote ""this"" string" would be interpreted as: quote "this" string. An alternate form of this line mode command is to simply enter the search-string at the line mode prompt without the FIND keyword. In this case the search string must be enclosed in either single or double quotes. The following qualifiers may be added to the FIND command line: /EXACT or /NOEXACT Determines if the search-string, exclude-string, or replace-string should be case sensitive, depending upon the relative position of the qualifier. This qualifier may be used more than once. If placed after the FIND or after the 'search-string', it specifies whether or not the search should be case sensitive. /EXACT requires both the letters and the case of the letters to match. For example, the search-string 'XYZ' would not match the string 'xyz'. /NOEXACT requires only the letters to match. If neither qualifier is specified for the search-string, then the current default search mode set by the line mode commands SET SEARCH EXACT and SET SEARCH NOEXACT is used. The initial setting of the default search mode upon entering the editor is SET SEARCH NOEXACT. If placed after the /EXCLUDE='exclude-string', it specifies whether or not the exclude test should be case sensitive. /EXACT requires both the letters and the case of the letters to match. For example, the exclude-string 'XYZZY' would not exclude the string 'xyzzy'. /NOEXACT requires only the letters to match. If neither qualifier is specified for the exclude-string, then the default is /NOEXACT. If placed after the /REPLACE='replace-string', it specifies whether or not the replacement should try to match the case of the string being replaced. /EXACT specifies that the replacement string be used exactly as given. /NOEXACT specifies that the replacement should try to match the case of the string being replaced, so that: "UPPERCASE STRINGS" are replaced by "UPPERCASE STRINGS" "lowercase strings" are replaced by "lowercase strings" "Capitalized strings" are replaced by "Capitalized strings" /NOEXACT is the default for the replace string, so that the case of the replacement tries to match the case of the string being replaced. /EXCLUDE='exclude-string' Specifies a string to exclude as a match. If you wish to include a space, tab, slash ('/'), or equals sign ('=') within the exclude-string, then enclose the string in either single or double quotes. Otherwise the exclude-string does not have to be enclosed in quotes. If you wish to include within a quoted string the same quote character used to quote the string, use two consecutive quotes. For example, the string: "quote ""this"" string" would be interpreted as: quote "this" string. After the editor finds a string which matches the search-string, it then checks to see if a match for exclude-string can also be made. If there is a successful match for exclude-string, and the exclude-string match overlaps part or all of the search-string match, then the string is rejected as a match and the search continues. /NUMBER={number-of-substitutions-to-make} Specifies the number of substitutions to make. The default is to make substitutions until either the end of the buffer is reached or the user instructs the command to terminate when queried. This qualifier is relevant only if /REPLACE='replace-string' is also specified. /QUERY or /NOQUERY Specifies whether or not the user is queried before a substitution is made. The default is /QUERY. This qualifier is relevant only if /REPLACE='replace-string' is also specified. /REPLACE='replace-string' Converts the FIND command into a FIND AND REPLACE command. Specifies a replacement string to replace the found string with. After finding a match for search-string (which does not also match exclude-string if specified), the search string is highlighted and you are asked if you wish to replace it with the replace-string. You may answer with one of the following: Yes - makes replacement and asks if you wish to search again No - searches for next occurrence of search-string All - makes replacement throughout the rest of the buffer Last - makes replacement and quits Quit - command terminates /REVERSE Causes the search to proceed in the reverse direction, moving from the current cursor position toward the top of the buffer. The default is to search in the forward direction, from the current cursor position toward the end of the buffer. /TYPE or /NOTYPE Specifies whether or not substitutions are displayed as they are made. This qualifier is relevant only if /REPLACE='replace-string' is also specified. The default is /TYPE. Substitutions are not displayed as they happen if you specify both /NOTYPE and /NOQUERY, or if you specify /NOTYPE and answer 'all' to the query of would you like to make the current substitution. /WHOLE or /ALL Specifies that the search for search-string begin at the beginning of the current buffer, or if the /REVERSE qualifier was also specified, specifies that the search begin at the end of the current buffer. The default is to begin the search for search-string at the current cursor position. /WILD or /NOWILD Determines if the search-string, exclude-string, or replace-string should be processes for wildcards, depending upon the relative position of the qualifier. This qualifier may be used more than once. If placed after the FIND or after the 'search-string', it specifies whether or not the search string should be processed for wildcards. If not specified, then the current default search mode set by the line mode commands SET SEARCH WILD and SET SEARCH NOWILD is used for the search-string. The initial setting of the default search mode upon entering the editor is SET SEARCH NOWILD. If placed after the /EXCLUDE='exclude-string', it specifies whether or not the exclude-string should be processed for wildcards. If not specified then the default is /NOWILD. If placed after the /REPLACE='replace-string', it specifies whether or not the replace-string should be processed for wildcards. Only wildcard representations of control characters may be present in the replace-string. Wildcards such as * or % are not allowed, but strings such as ^B for CTRL-B are allowed in the replace-string. Examples: * FIND HELLO * FIND/EXACT hello * FIND/EXACT hello /EXCLUDE="hello there" * FIND hello /REPLACE=goodbye * FIND/WILD proc*do /EXCLUDE= "procedure do" * FIND/WILD ^Bprocedure^B * FIND/NOWILD "A ^B means CTRL-B" \index=(TOPIC:"Find", STOPIC:"buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Go to", STOPIC:"buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"FIND=") \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"changing") FIND =buffer-name Places the specified buffer in the current window, and positions the cursor at the last cursor position for that buffer. If the specified buffer doesn't exist, then it is created. For example, the command FIND =MAIN will put buffer MAIN in the current window and position the cursor at the last cursor position for buffer MAIN. Using an asterisk ('*') as the buffer name causes a new buffer to be generated. New buffer names are created with the names A, B, C,..., Z, AA, AB,..., ZZ. Examples: * FIND =MAIN * FIND =A * FIND =DIR * FIND =* \index=(TOPIC:"Fix", STOPIC:"carriage-return line-feeds") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"FIX CRLFS") \index=(TOPIC:"CRLFS", STOPIC:"Removing carriage return & line feed characters") FIX CRLFS Removes all the carriage return and line feed characters ('s, ASCII 13 and ASCII 10) from the current buffer and sets the buffer's file attributes to the standard text file attributes of Carriage Control Carriage Return. This command may be used to convert a file which explicitly contains within the text the carriage return and line feed characters to a file which does not contain those unwanted characters. This is an example of how text containing explicit carriage control line feed characters would appear in the EDT editor. FIX CRLFS can also fix up text which looks a lot worse than this. Example: * FIX CRLFS \index=(TOPIC:"Help", STOPIC:"editor help") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"HELP") HELP EDX editor line mode help. A '?' may also be entered at most prompts for help during a line mode command. All output goes into a buffer named HELP. The HELP buffer grows to a maximum size of 500 lines, after which the oldest information is lost off the top of the buffer. The HELP buffer is treated just like any other buffer. At any time you may return to this buffer as you would go to any other buffer. The 'HELP' key on a VT200 series terminal will display the keyboard and keypad diagrams. Examples: * HELP * HELP SUBSTITUTE \index=(TOPIC:"Include", STOPIC:"file") \index=(TOPIC:"Read", STOPIC:"file") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"INCLUDE") INCLUDE file-name Copies in the specified file or text library module at the current cursor position. Prompts for a file-name if none is given. file-name The file name to read in. If no file name is given, one is prompted for. If /MODULE=module_name is also specified, then file-name is taken to be the name of a VMS text library and module-name the name of the module to read in. The following qualifiers may be added to the command line: /BUFFER = buffer-name (alternate form: =buffer_name) Specifies a buffer to copy the file or text library module into. If this qualifier is included, then the specified buffer becomes the current buffer, and the file is inserted into the buffer at the last cursor position for that buffer. If the specified buffer does not exist, then it is created. If an asterisk ('*') is specified as the buffer name then a new buffer is created. New buffer names are created with the names A, B, C,..., Z, AA, AB,..., ZZ. /MODULE = module-name Indicates that we are reading a module from a VMS text library file. In this case the file-name specified is the name of a VMS text library and module-name as specified here is the name of the module to read in. (To list the names of modules within a text library while in the editor, use the line mode command: DCL LIBRARY/TEXT/LIST/FULL filename.TLB A future version of EDX will include the ability to list the names of modules within text libraries more directly.) (Also see EDT mode key sequence GOLD 'I') Examples: * INCLUDE myfile.dat * INCLUDE myfile.dat =A * INCLUDE myfile.dat /BUFFER=A * INCLUDE mylibrary.tlb /MODULE=mymod * INCLUDE mylibrary.tlb /MODULE=mymod =A * INCLUDE mylibrary.tlb /MODULE=mymod /BUFFER=A \index=(TOPIC:"Lock", STOPIC:"buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"locking") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"LOCK BUFFER") LOCK BUFFER [buffer-name] Locks the file associated with a buffer, preventing others from editing that same file. The following optional qualifier may be added to the command line: buffer-name Specifies the buffer to lock. The default is to lock the file associated with your current buffer. When EDX edits a file it initially reads the entire contents of the file into a buffer and leaves the file itself available for others to use. By locking the file after reading it into a buffer you can prevent others from editing that same file while you are editing it. (Files are locked by performing an RMS $OPEN with noshare attributes on the selected file. This prevents others from opening the file for any purpose.) Files may also be locked by the following line mode commands: DIRECTORY LOCK FILE SHOW BUFFERS Examples: * LOCK BUFFER * LOCK BUFFER MAIN \index=(TOPIC:"Lock", STOPIC:"file") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"LOCK FILE") LOCK FILE file-name Locks the specified file preventing others from using that file. (Files are locked by performing an RMS $OPEN with noshare attributes on the selected file. This prevents others from opening the file for any purpose.) Files may also be locked by the following line mode commands: DIRECTORY LOCK BUFFER SHOW BUFFERS Example: * LOCK FILE myfile.dat \index=(TOPIC:"Quit") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"QUIT") \reference=(TOPIC:"Quit", STOPIC:"Also see Exit") QUIT [/SAVE] Quits the editing session without saving a copy of any buffers. If 1 A user buffer is any buffer which the user explicitly created by supplying the buffer name for the new buffer or requesting that a new buffer name be generated. Buffer MAIN is also considered a user buffer. Buffers created by the editor for it's own use are not considered user buffers. there are user buffers1 that have been modified and have not yet been saved by using the line mode command WRITE, then a list of those buffers is shown and you are asked if you still wish to quit. Empty user buffers are excluded. The terminal bell is rung if the current buffer you are in is a modified user buffer which has not yet been saved by using the line mode command WRITE. The following optional qualifier may be added to the QUIT command: /SAVE This qualifier causes the journal file to be saved. The journal file is a temporary file kept by the editor which contains a history of all the keystrokes entered since the editing session began. The journal file is created in your default directory, with the same file name as was specified when EDX was invoked, but with a file extension of .TJL. If no file name was specified when EDX was invoked, then the journal file name is TPU.TJL. Normally the journal file is deleted when the user exits or quits the editor in the normal manner. However, if the editing session should end abruptly, such as due to system failure, the journal file will not be deleted, and it is usually possible to recover the work done by reinvoking the EDX editor with the /RECOVER qualifier (see section 1.2). Example: * QUIT \index=(TOPIC:"Replace") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"REPLACE") \index=(TOPIC:"Search and Replace", STOPIC:"replace") \reference=(TOPIC:"Replace", STOPIC:"Also see Substitute") REPLACE 'old-string' 'new-string' Searches for old-string, highlights old-string when found, and asks if you wish to replace it with new-string. You may answer with one of the following: Yes - makes replacement and searches for next old-string No - searches for next old-string All - makes replacement throughout the rest of the buffer Last - makes replacement and quits Quit - command terminates The old-string and new-string will be prompted for if you do not include them on the command line. If included on the command line, enclose the old-string and/or new-string in either single or double quotes if you wish to include a space or tab character within the string. Otherwise the strings do not have to be enclosed in quotes. If you wish to include within a quoted string the same quote character used to quote the string, use two consecutive quotes. For example, the string: "quote ""this"" string" would be interpreted as: quote "this" string. Case Sensitivity of Replacement This command attempts to do a case sensitive replacement so that: "UPPERCASE STRINGS" are replaced by "UPPERCASE STRINGS" "lowercase strings" are replaced by "lowercase strings" "Capitalized strings" are replaced by "Capitalized strings" The type of search performed is affected by the following line mode commands: SET SEARCH EXACT SET SEARCH NOEXACT or SET SEARCH GENERAL (default) See also the following related line mode command: SUBSTITUTE Examples: * REPLACE * REPLACE "hello there" hi \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SEARCH") \index=(TOPIC:"SEARCH") \reference=(TOPIC:"Search", STOPIC:"Also see Find") SEARCH 'search-string' Searches for all occurrences of 'search-string' from the current cursor position to the end of the buffer, and displays all lines containing 'search-string' and the corresponding line number of each line in a buffer named SEARCH. While in the SEARCH buffer you may select a line number using the cursor movement keys. Pressing the RETURN or ENTER key will position you at that line number in the buffer displayed in the other window. The special marker named LAST is set at your previous position in the other window. If you wish to include a space, tab, slash ('/'), or equals sign ('=') within the search-string, then enclose the string in either single or double quotes. Otherwise the search-string does not have to be enclosed in quotes. If you wish to include within a quoted string the same quote character used to quote the string, use two consecutive quotes. For example, the string: "quote ""this"" string" would be interpreted as: quote "this" string. The following qualifiers may be added to the command line: /BUFFER = buffer-to-search Specifies an alternate buffer to search. The default is to search the current buffer. If this qualifier is specified then the whole buffer specified is searched. /EXACT or /NOEXACT Determines if the search should be case sensitive. /EXACT requires both the letters and the case of the letters to match. For example, the search-string 'XYZ' would not match the string 'xyz'. /NOEXACT requires only the letters to match. If neither qualifier is specified, then the current default search mode set by the line mode commands SET SEARCH EXACT and SET SEARCH NOEXACT is used. The initial setting of the default search mode upon entering the editor is SET SEARCH NOEXACT. /EXCLUDE = 'exclude-string' Specifies a string to exclude as a match. If you wish to include a space, tab, slash ('/'), or equals sign ('=') within the exclude-string, then enclose the string in either single or double quotes. Otherwise the exclude-string does not have to be enclosed in quotes. If you wish to include within a quoted string the same quote character used to quote the string, use two consecutive quotes. For example, the string: "quote ""this"" string" would be interpreted as: quote "this" string. After the editor finds a string which matches the search-string, it then checks to see if a match for exclude-string can also be made. If there is a successful match for exclude-string, and the exclude-string match overlaps part or all of the search-string match, then the string is rejected as a match and the search continues. /REVERSE Causes the search to proceed in the reverse direction, moving from the current cursor position to the top of the buffer. The default is to search in the forward direction, from the current cursor position to the end of the buffer. /WHOLE or /ALL Causes the search to go through the entire buffer rather than start at the current cursor position. If the search direction is forward (the default), the search begins at the beginning of the buffer and proceeds to the end of the buffer. If the search direction is reverse (set by the /REVERSE qualifier), the search begins at the end of the buffer and proceeds to the beginning of the buffer. /WILD or /NOWILD Determines if wildcards may be present in the search-string and the exclude-string. If neither qualifier is specified, then the current default search mode set by the line mode commands SET SEARCH WILD and SET SEARCH NOWILD is used. The initial setting of the default search mode upon entering the editor is SET SEARCH NOWILD. Examples: * SEARCH hello * SEARCH/ALL hello /EXCLUDE="hello David" * SEARCH/ALL/WILD ^BSEARCH^B \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"columnar cut/paste") \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"rectangular cut/paste") \index=(TOPIC:"Columnar", STOPIC:"set columnar cut/paste mode") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET COLUMNAR") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET RECTANGULAR") \index=(TOPIC:"Cut/Paste", STOPIC:"set columnar cut/paste mode") SET COLUMNAR or SET RECTANGULAR Sets cut/paste mode to columnar. To exit columnar cut/paste mode use the SET NOCOLUMNAR or SET NORECTANGULAR line mode command. See section 3.6, "Moving Blocks of Text", for a description of the various keys which perform the functions described below. Selecting a Columnar Range Move to one corner of the desired box and press the 'Select Range' key. Then move to the diagonally opposite corner of the box and press the 'Select Range' key again. Only the top and bottom of the box selected are permanently highlighted. The rest of the box visible on the screen is briefly swept through once highlighting each line. Cutting a Selected Columnar Range If the buffer is in INSERT mode, a 'Cut Selected Range' operation will remove the selected column and place it in buffer PASTE (the previous contents of buffer PASTE are erased). Any text to the right of the column moves left to fill in the space. The text may later be restored at a new location by using the 'Paste' command (see 'Inserting a Columnar Range of Text' below). If the buffer is in OVERSTRIKE mode, a 'Cut Selected Range' operation will copy the selected range to buffer PASTE and then replace the selected range with blanks, leaving the rest of the buffer unchanged. Copying a Selected Columnar Range A 'Copy Selected Range to Buffer' operation on a columnar range of text works the same as it does on a regular range of text. The selected columnar range is copied to the specified buffer without removing it. If the contents of the selected range are copied to buffer PASTE, then the previous contents of buffer PASTE are erased. Otherwise, the contents of the selected range are inserted into the specified buffer at the last cursor position for that buffer. Inserting a Columnar Range of Text The 'Paste' or 'Copy from Buffer' commands will insert the contents of the specified buffer as a columnar range, with the cursor as the upper left corner of the column. Blanks are added before the column as necessary so the column will be straight. If the buffer is in INSERT mode then any text where the column is inserted will be pushed right. If the buffer is in OVERSTRIKE mode then any text where the column is inserted will be overwritten. Examples: * SET COLUMNAR * SET NOCOLUMNAR * SET RECTANGULAR * SET NORECTANGULAR \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"cursor", STOPIC:"bound") \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor", STOPIC:"bound motion") \index=(TOPIC:"Bound", STOPIC:"set cursor bound") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET CURSOR BOUND") SET CURSOR BOUND Sets the cursor to a bound state, so that the cursor is bound to the text. In a bound state, the cursor is free to move only where there is already text. For example, if the cursor is at the end of a line and you press the right arrow key, the cursor will move to the start of the next line. It can not move past the end of the current line. By contrast, with a free cursor, you can move anywhere in the window whether or not text is there. The initial setting upon entering the editor is SET CURSOR BOUND. Example: * SET CURSOR BOUND \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"cursor", SSTOPIC:"free") \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor", STOPIC:"free motion") \index=(TOPIC:"Free", STOPIC:"set cursor free") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET CURSOR FREE") SET CURSOR FREE Sets the cursor to a free or unbound state, so that the cursor is not bound to the text. In a free state, the cursor is free to move anywhere in the window whether or not text is there. For example, if the cursor is at the end of a line and you press the right arrow key, the cursor moves past the end of the line towards the right edge of the window. By contrast, a bound cursor can not move past the end of a line. Instead a bound cursor would move to the start of the next line. The initial setting upon entering the editor is SET CURSOR BOUND. Example: * SET CURSOR FREE \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"cursor", SSTOPIC:"top:bottom") \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor", STOPIC:"top:bottom") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET CURSOR top:bottom") SET CURSOR top:bottom Controls scrolling of the main window relative to the distance of the cursor from the screen top and the screen bottom. Values for the top and bottom can range from 0 to 21. Default: SET CURSOR 7:14. Example: * SET CURSOR 7:14 \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"date format") \index=(TOPIC:"Date", STOPIC:"format") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET DATE_FORMAT") SET DATE_FORMAT [keyword [keyword...]] Sets the format of the date entered by the enter date command (GOLD CTRL-D). Below are the formats: Keyword Example FULL September 15, 1987 (LONG CAPITALIZE NOZEROS) LONG September 15, 1987 (Default) SHORT 15-Sep-1987 FORMAL 15th September, 1987 NUMERIC 9/15/87 EUROPEAN 15/9/87 UPPERCASE SEPTEMBER 15, 1987 LOWERCASE september 15, 1987 CAPITALIZE September 15, 1987 (Default) NOZEROS 9/15/87 (no leading zeros, default) ZEROS 09/15/87 (leading zeros included) DASH 9-15-87 SLASH 9/15/87 (Default) Examples: 1. SET DATE_FORMAT FULL The date appears as September 15, 1987. (This is the default setting.) 2. SET DATE_FORMAT NUMERIC ZEROS DASH The date appears as 09-15-87 3. SET DATE_FORMAT SHORT UPPERCASE DASH The date appears as 15-SEP-1987 \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"default directory") \index=(TOPIC:"Directory", STOPIC:"set default directory") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET DEFAULT DIRECTORY") \index=(TOPIC:"Change", STOPIC:"default directory") SET DEFAULT new_directory Changes your default directory. Same function as the DCL command $ SET DEFAULT. Example: * SET DEFAULT DISK3:[DELEYD.WORK] * SHOW DEFAULT DISK3:[DELEYD.WORK] \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"insert mode") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET INSERT") \index=(TOPIC:"Insert", STOPIC:"Set buffer to insert mode") SET INSERT Switches the current buffer into INSERT mode. Subsequent text typed in is inserted in between existing text. This is the default mode. \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"keypad", SSTOPIC:"EDT") \index=(TOPIC:"Keypad", STOPIC:"set to EDT") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET KEYPAD EDT") SET KEYPAD EDT Switches the editor to EDT keypad mode, so that the keypad key functions are those of an EDT-style keypad. Section 2.2 contains diagrams showing the functions of the keypad, keyboard, and function keys when in EDT keypad mode. EDT keypad mode is the default mode upon entering the editor. Example: * SET KEYPAD EDT \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"keypad", SSTOPIC:"numeric") \index=(TOPIC:"Keypad", STOPIC:"set to numeric") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET KEYPAD NUMERIC") SET KEYPAD NUMERIC Switches the keypad to numeric mode, but does not change the editing mode of the rest of the keyboard. When in numeric mode the keypad keys 0-9 enter the corresponding number into the current buffer, the keypad comma, minus sign, and decimal point keys enter their corresponding characters, and the keypad keys PF3 = "(", and PF4 = ")". The functions of all the other keys on the keyboard are not affected by this command. Thus, if the editor is in EDT mode all of the non-keypad keys still perform their corresponding EDT mode functions, or if the editor is in WPS mode then all of the non-keypad keys still perform their corresponding WPS mode functions. (See also the EDT mode key sequence GOLD N) Example: * SET KEYPAD NUMERIC \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"keypad", SSTOPIC:"WPS") \index=(TOPIC:"Keypad", STOPIC:"set to WPS") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET KEYPAD WPS") SET KEYPAD WPS Switches the editor to WPS keypad mode, so that the keypad key functions are those of a WPS-style keypad. Section 2.3 contains diagrams showing the functions of the keypad, keyboard, and function keys when in WPS keypad mode. The default keypad mode upon entering the editor is EDT. Example: * SET KEYPAD WPS \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"left margin") \index=(TOPIC:"Margins", STOPIC:"set left") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET LEFT_MARGIN")  SET LEFT_MARGIN n SET LEFT_MARGIN # Changes the left margin for the current buffer. The right margin is  not changed. For example, SET LEFT_MARGIN 10 sets the left margin to 10. New lines will start in column 10. Nine spaces will be inserted before each new line. Using a '#' instead of a numeric value sets the left margin to the current cursor position. The left margin is initially set to 1 upon entering the editor, so that text begins in column 1. Examples: * SET LEFT_MARGIN 12 * SET LEFT MARGIN 12 (the _ is optional) * SET LEFT_MARGIN # * SET L # (abbreviated form) SET LOCK Locks all files which you are currently editing preventing others from accessing those files. Also, any future file which is read into a buffer is automatically locked, and any file created by writing a buffer to disk is automatically locked. All files are automatically unlocked upon exiting EDX. This command may be useful when a group a people are working on a project and it is important that two people do not try to simultaneously modify the same file. The command SET NOLOCK will unlock all buffers and switch off the automatic locking feature. (Files are locked by performing an RMS $OPEN with noshare attributes on the selected file. This prevents others from opening the file for any purpose.) Files may also be individually locked or unlocked using the following commands: LOCK FILE UNLOCK FILE LOCK BUFFER UNLOCK BUFFER DIRECTORY (Press "L" to lock selected file, "U" to unlock file) SHOW BUFFERS (Press "L" to lock file in buffer, "U" to unlock file) SET MARKER {marker-name} Sets an invisible marker at the current cursor position. You may return to the marker location at any time by using the 'Go to Marker' command (EDT mode: GOLD G. WPS mode: GOLD Z) or by using the line mode command SHOW MARKERS. Example: * SET MARKER X \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"overstrike mode") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET OVERSTRIKE") \index=(TOPIC:"Overstrike", STOPIC:"Set buffer to overstrike mode") SET OVERSTRIKE Switches the current buffer into OVERSTRIKE mode. Subsequent text typed in over strikes existing text, replacing it. \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"prompt video") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET PROMPT VIDEO") \index=(TOPIC:"Prompt", STOPIC:"change video attributes of") SET PROMPT VIDEO Sets the video attributes of the line mode prompt. SET PROMPT VIDEO {BOLD|BLINK|NONE|REVERSE|UNDERLINE} Examples: * SET PROMPT VIDEO REVERSE * SET PROMPT VIDEO NONE \reference=(TOPIC:"Rectangular", STOPIC:"Cut/Paste, See Columnar" SET RECTANGULAR Same as SET COLUMNAR. See the line mode command SET COLUMNAR for a complete description. \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"screen width") \index=(TOPIC:"Screen", STOPIC:"set width") SET SCREEN width Sets the screen width, which is the number of columns across the screen that characters are displayed in. For example, SET SCREEN 72 will set the screen width to 72, so that characters are displayed in screen columns 1 through 72. If a line is longer than 72 characters, a diamond is displayed in column 72 to indicate the line continues. As another example, SET SCREEN 132 will cause terminals which have the ability to display 132 characters across the screen. The default width is the same as your current terminal setting shown by the DCL command $ SHOW TERMINAL. The usual value for the default width is 80. (See also the EDT mode key sequence GOLD W) Examples: * SET SCREEN 132 * SET SCREEN 80 * SET SCREEN 72 \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"screen_update") \index=(TOPIC:"Screen_update", STOPIC:"set screen_update on/off") SET SCREEN_UPDATE ON SET SCREEN_UPDATE OFF Enables or disables screen updating. By default screen updating is set to ON. The screen is constantly updated to display the latest changes within the buffer. SET SCREEN_UPDATE OFF disables screen updating. The screen does not change, only line mode prompts are displayed. For example, say you have defined a key to be a lengthy sequence of keystrokes using the learn key sequence command. You then wish to execute this key 100 times. However, this would be slow in display mode since the screen would display everything as it was happening. It would be much faster if this could be done without the screen displaying the intermediate results. Example: * SET SCREEN_UPDATE OFF * GOLD 100 {learn-key} * SET SCREEN_UPDATE ON \index=(TOPIC:"Change", STOPIC:"search mode") \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"search", SSTOPIC:"general") \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"search", SSTOPIC:"exact") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET SEARCH", SSTOPIC:"GENERAL") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET SEARCH", SSTOPIC:"EXACT") SET SEARCH The SET SEARCH command sets the default search mode used by commands which search for strings. Any command which searches for a string or pattern may be affected by some or all of the default search mode settings. SET SEARCH EXACT SET SEARCH NOEXACT or SET SEARCH GENERAL (Default) Determines if the search should by default be case sensitive or case insensitive. EXACT requires both the letters and the case of the letters to match. For example, the search-string 'XYZ' would not match the string 'xyz'. NOEXACT, which is the same as GENERAL, requires only the letters to match. The initial setting upon entering the editor is NOEXACT. \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"search", SSTOPIC:"begin") \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"search", SSTOPIC:"end") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET SEARCH", SSTOPIC:"BEGIN") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET SEARCH", SSTOPIC:"END") SET SEARCH BEGIN (Default) SET SEARCH END Determines where the cursor should position itself after finding a string. BEGIN causes the cursor to position itself at the beginning of the found string. END causes the cursor to position itself at the end of the found string. The initial setting upon entering the editor is BEGIN. \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"search", SSTOPIC:"wild") \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"search", SSTOPIC:"nowild") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET SEARCH", SSTOPIC:"WILD") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET SEARCH", SSTOPIC:"NOWILD") SET SEARCH WILD SET SEARCH NOWILD (Default) Determines if wildcard characters are allowed in the search string by default. WILD allows the use of the following wildcard characters in the search string for wildcard matching: * - multiple character wildcard (within same line) % - single character wildcard + - beginning of line ; - end of line \ - quote next character ^ - next character is control character (e.g. ^B = CTRL-B) If none of the above wildcard characters are used the search is the same as a normal search. The initial setting upon entering the editor is NOWILD. SET SEARCH BEEP SET SEARCH BELL SET SEARCH QUIET (default) Determines if the terminal beeps when a 'Find String' type command does not find a match and prints a 'String not found' type message. All of the above qualifiers are negatable. BEEP, BELL, and NOQUIET are functionally identical in specifying that the terminal should beep when a string isn't found. NOBEEP, NOBELL, and QUIET are functionally identical in specifying that the terminal should not beep when a string isn't found. The default is not to beep when a string isn't found. \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"shift amount") \index=(TOPIC:"Windows", STOPIC:"set shift amount") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET SHIFT_AMOUNT") SET SHIFT_AMOUNT n Sets the number of characters the text shifts when a 'Shift Screen' command is issued. The default is 32. Example: * SET SHIFT 32 \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"symbol") \index=(TOPIC:"Symbol", STOPIC:"creating a DCL symbol") SET SYMBOL {symbol-name} :=[=] {equivalence-string} Creates a DCL symbol. The symbol name must begin with an alphabetic character, an underscore, or a dollar sign. If you specify a single equal sign (:=) in the assignment statement, the symbol name is placed in the local symbol table for the current command level. If you specify double equal signs (:==) in the assignment statement, the symbol name is placed in the global symbol table. The maximum length for the equivalence-string is 255 characters. String values are automatically converted to uppercase, any leading and trailing spaces and tabs are removed, and multiple spaces and tabs between characters are compressed to a single space. If you want to inhibit uppercase conversion and retain space and tab characters within a string, you must place either single or double quotation marks around the part of the string you wish unchanged. If you wish to include within a quoted string the same quote character used to quote the string, use two consecutive quotes. For example: SET SYMBOL TEST := "This is a ""test"" string" SHOW SYMBOL TEST TEST = "This is a "test" string" Note one difference between this command and DCL is this command treats single quotes the same as double quotes. For example: SET SYMBOL TEST2 := This is another 'test' string SHOW SYMBOL TEST2 TEST2 = "THIS IS ANOTHER test STRING" Whereas DCL would replace the word 'test' enclosed in single apostrophes with the translation of the symbol TEST, this command does not do that. Examples: * SET SYMBOL DIR :== DIRECTORY/SIZE/DATE * SET SYMBOL EDXT :== "'EDX'/COMMAND=DISK3:[DELEYD]EDXTINI.TPU" \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"tab_key", SSTOPIC:"spaces") \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"tab_key", SSTOPIC:"tabs") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET TAB_KEY", SSTOPIC:"TABS") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET TAB_KEY", SSTOPIC:"SPACES") \index=(TOPIC:"Tab_key", STOPIC:"set tab_key to insert spaces") \index=(TOPIC:"Tab_key", STOPIC:"set tab_key to insert tabs") SET TAB_KEY TABS (Default) SET TAB_KEY SPACES Determines the function of the tab key. SET TAB_KEY TABS causes the tab key to insert a tab character. SET TAB_KEY SPACES causes the tab key to move the cursor to the next tab stop set by the line mode command SET TABS. If the buffer is in INSERT mode, spaces are inserted and text to the right of the cursor is pushed right. If the buffer is in OVERSTRIKE mode, the text is not changed and the cursor moves to the next tab stop. The default is SET TAB_KEY TABS. In EDT keypad mode the key sequence GOLD CTRL-I will always insert a tab character regardless of the current SET TAB_KEY setting. Examples: * SET TAB_KEY TABS * SET TAB_KEY SPACES \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"tabs") \index=(TOPIC:"Tabs", STOPIC:"setting") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET TABS") SET TABS n,n... SET TABS EVERY n SET TABS # Sets a tab at the specified column values. Use GOLD CTRL-R to toggle on/off the ruler line at the top of the screen which shows where the tabs are set. These tab settings are used when SET TAB_KEY SPACES is in effect. More than one column value may be specified. Separate multiple values with commas or spaces. The symbol '#' will set the tab at the current cursor position. Examples: * SET TABS 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 * SET TABS 4 8 12 16 20 (comma is optional) * SET TABS EVERY 4 * SET TAB # (set tab here) \index=(TOPIC:"Set", STOPIC:"wrap") \index=(TOPIC:"Wrap", STOPIC:"set wrap") \reference=(TOPIC:"Right margin", STOPIC:"See set wrap") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SET WRAP") \index=(TOPIC:"Margins", STOPIC:"set wrap") SET WRAP {number} SET WRAP # SET NOWRAP Sets the right margin to the specified column number. The right margin determines where text being entered will automatically wrap to the next line. The line mode commands SET NOWRAP or SET WRAP 0 will disable the right margin. Using a '#' instead of a number will set the wrap at the current cursor position. Examples: * SET WRAP 72 * SET WRAP # (set wrap here) * SET NOWRAP * SET WRAP 0 (same as SET NOWRAP) \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHIFT") \index=(TOPIC:"Shift", STOPIC:"screen left/right") \index=(TOPIC:"Screen", STOPIC:"shift left/right") SHIFT [number] Shifts the text in the current window by the number of columns specified. A positive number shifts the window right to view text off the right hand edge of the screen, and a negative number shifts the window left back towards its normal position. Examples: * SHIFT 80 * SHIFT -132 \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"ASCII table") \index=(TOPIC:"ASCII", STOPIC:"show ASCII table") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW ASCII") SHOW ASCII Displays the ASCII character set and the DEC Multinational character set extension of the ASCII character set in a buffer named ASCII. At any time you may return to this buffer as you would go to any other buffer. Example: * SHOW ASCII \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"listing") \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"buffers") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW BUFFERS") \index=(TOPIC:"Number", STOPIC:"display number of lines in file", SSTOPIC:"See SHOW BUFFERS") SHOW BUFFERS Displays a list of all buffers which currently exist, along with the number of lines in each buffer and the name of the file in each buffer. (Note that the editor keeps a number of permanent buffers for its own use). To select a buffer use the up/down arrow keys to move the cursor so it points to the desired buffer name. \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"changing") To go to a buffer: To go to the selected buffer the cursor points to press one of the keys RETURN, ENTER, SELECT, or DO. (SELECT here refers to either the 'Select' edit key E4 or the keypad period key which performs the 'Select Range' function.) You may also enter GOLD B to invoke the EDT keypad mode 'Go to Buffer' function (see section 3.10). \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"writing") \index=(TOPIC:"write", STOPIC:"buffer") To write a buffer: Press the 'W' key to write a selected buffer. If there is no file name associated with the buffer, then one is prompted for. You may optionally specify /MODULE=module-name along with the file-name, in which case then file-name is taken to be the name of a VMS text library and module-name the name of the module to write. \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"deleting") \index=(TOPIC:"Delete", STOPIC:"buffer") To delete a buffer: Press the DELETE key or the 'Remove' edit key E3 to delete a selected buffer and its contents. You are prompted for confirmation before the buffer is actually deleted. \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"locking") \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"unlocking") To lock or unlock a buffer: Press the 'L' key to lock a selected buffer. Press the 'U' key to unlock a selected buffer. (Locking a buffer prevents others from editing the file in the buffer while you edit it. See the line mode command LOCK BUFFER for a full description of locking buffers.) (See also the EDT mode key sequence GOLD S) Example: * SHOW BUFFERS \index=(TOPIC:"Cursor", STOPIC:"show boundaries of") \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"cursor boundaries") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW CURSOR") SHOW CURSOR Shows the current setting of the cursor state (BOUND or FREE). See the line mode commands SET CURSOR BOUND and SET CURSOR FREE for a description of these two cursor states. The default state is BOUND. This command also shows the cursor boundaries within the current window relative to the top and bottom of the screen. When the cursor reaches either the top or bottom cursor boundary, the text within the window begins to scroll so that the cursor does not pass the boundary. The boundaries are given as two numbers separated by a colon. The first number is the screen line number which the cursor does not cross above, and the second number is the screen line number which the cursor does not cross below. Default: Cursor boundaries 7:14 for the main full-screen window, 4:7 for the top half-screen window, and 15:18 for the bottom half-screen window. The cursor boundaries for the main full-screen window may be changed by the line mode command SET CURSOR top:bottom. Example: * SHOW CURSOR \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"date") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW DATE") SHOW DATE Displays the current date. The format of the date can be set with the line mode command SET DATE_FORMAT. Example: * SHOW DATE \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"default directory") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW DEFAULT") SHOW DEFAULT Shows the current default directory. Same as the DCL command $ SHOW DEFAULT. Example: * SHOW DEFAULT \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"left margin") \index=(TOPIC:"Margins", STOPIC:"show left") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW LEFT_MARGIN") SHOW LEFT_MARGIN Shows the current setting of the left margin. The left margin is set by the line mode command SET LEFT_MARGIN. The initial setting of the left margin upon entering the editor is 1. That is, text begins in column 1. Example: * SHOW LEFT_MARGIN \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"DCL logical name") \index=(TOPIC:"Logical", STOPIC:"show logical") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW LOGICAL") \index=(TOPIC:"DCL", STOPIC:"show DCL logical name") SHOW LOGICAL logical-name Translates a logical name. Similar to the DCL command $ SHOW LOGICAL Examples: * SHOW LOGICAL sys$disk * SHOW LOGICAL sys$system \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"markers") \index=(TOPIC:"Markers", STOPIC:"show markers") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW MARKERS") SHOW MARKERS Displays a list of all markers which currently exist, along with the buffer, line number, and line of text associated with each marker. To select a marker use the up/down arrow keys to move the cursor so it points to the desired marker name. Marker CURRENT is set at your current position. \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"screen width") \index=(TOPIC:"Screen", STOPIC:"show width") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW SCREEN") SHOW SCREEN Shows the screen width, which is the number of columns across the screen that characters are displayed in. For example, if the screen width was 72, then characters would be displayed in screen columns 1 through 72. If a line was longer than 72 characters, a diamond would be displayed in column 72 to indicate the line continues. As another example, if the screen width were 132, then terminals which had the ability to display 132 characters across the screen would do so. The default width is determined by your current terminal setting shown by the DCL command $ SHOW TERMINAL. The usual value for the default width is 80. Example: * SHOW SCREEN \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"search settings") \index=(TOPIC:"Search", STOPIC:"show settings of") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW SEARCH") SHOW SEARCH Shows the current default search settings which determine how strings are searched for. Any command which searches for a string or pattern may be affected by some or all of the following settings. See the SET SEARCH command for a full description. The default settings are: NOEXACT or GENERAL (case is ignored) BEGIN (cursor positions itself at beginning of located string) NOWILD (wildcards are not used) Example: * SHOW SEARCH \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"shift amount") \index=(TOPIC:"Windows", STOPIC:"show shift amount") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW SHIFT_AMOUNT") SHOW SHIFT_AMOUNT Shows the number of characters the text shifts when a 'Shift Screen' command is issued (see section 3.11). The default is 32. Example: * SHOW SHIFT_AMOUNT \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"DCL symbol") \index=(TOPIC:"Symbol", STOPIC:"show DCL symbol") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW SYMBOL") \index=(TOPIC:"DCL", STOPIC:"show DCL symbol") SHOW SYMBOL symbol-name Translates a DCL symbol. Similar to the DCL command $ SHOW SYMBOL Example: * SHOW SYMBOL EDX \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"time of day") \index=(TOPIC:"Time", STOPIC:"show time of day") SHOW TIME Displays a message describing the approximate time of day. (e.g. "Almost quarter to ten", "About five after two"). Example: * SHOW TIME \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"editor version number") \index=(TOPIC:"Version", STOPIC:"show editor version number") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW VERSION") SHOW VERSION Displays the version number and the internal upgrade level of the EDX editor's section file, the external ident number of the EDX editor's external shareable image, and the current version of VAXTPU. Example: * SHOW VERSION \index=(TOPIC:"Show", STOPIC:"wrap") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SHOW WRAP") \index=(TOPIC:"Margins", STOPIC:"set wrap") SHOW WRAP Shows the current right margin setting, which determines where text being entered will automatically wrap to the next line. The right margin is set by the line mode command SET WRAP. Example: * SHOW WRAP \index=(TOPIC:"Sort", STOPIC:"buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Sort", STOPIC:"range") \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"sorting") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SORT") SORT BUFFER SORT RANGE Sorts a buffer or a range. Sorting a range works in both columnar and normal select modes. The qualifiers are similar to the DCL SORT qualifiers. /DESCENDING Specifies that the sort is to be in reverse or descending order. This qualifier is identical to /DESCENDING. This qualifier is not allowed if a /KEYn qualifier is used. /EBCDIC Tells sort to use the EBCDIC collating sequence. By default the ASCII collating sequence is used. /KEYn = (POSITION:n,SIZE:n [,DESCENDING or REVERSE]) KEYn is anything from KEY1 - KEY9 or just KEY, giving a total of 10 possible keys to sort on. The keys are ordered KEY, KEY1, KEY2,... KEY9. You are not required to specify the keys in sequential order. POSITION:n Specifies the character position within each line. The first character is POSITION:1. Note that tabs count as one character. (See the line mode command ELIMINATE TABS to convert tabs to spaces.) SIZE:n Specifies the length of the sort key. DESCENDING An optional keyword which specifies that the key is to be sorted into descending order. You may substitute the word REVERSE for the word DESCENDING. /MULTINATIONAL Tells sort to use the multinational collating sequence. Characters are ordered according to the following rules: · All diacritical forms of a character are given the collating value of the character. · Lowercase characters are given the collating value of their uppercase equivalents. See the EDX online help HELP SORT/MULTINATIONAL for a complete listing of the multinational collating sequence. /NODUPLICATES The /NODUPLICATES qualifier causes sort to eliminate duplicate lines which have equal keys. The sorted result will have only one of the lines with equal keys. The actual line retained is unpredictable. The /STABLE and the /NODUPLICATES qualifiers are mutually exclusive. By default, lines with equal keys are retained. /REVERSE Specifies that the sort is to be in reverse or descending order. This qualifier is identical to /DESCENDING. This qualifier is not allowed if a /KEYn qualifier is used. /STABLE Tells sort to keep records with identical keys in their original order. By default records with identical keys may appear in any order. /START=column-number Specifies the starting column within the buffer to base the sort upon. By default the comparison of two lines begins with the first character of each line. With the /START=n qualifier, you can specify which character within each line the comparison should start with. For example, /START=5 would cause the first four characters of each line to be ignored, and comparison would begin with the fifth character of each line. Note that tabs count as one character. (See the line mode command ELIMINATE TABS to convert tabs to spaces.) This qualifier is not allowed if a /KEYn qualifier is used. Examples: SORT BUFFER /KEY1=(POS:48,SIZE:8) /KEY2=(POS:1,SIZE:10) SORT BUFFER /KEY1=(POSITION:5,SIZE:12,DESCENDING)/STABLE/NODUP SORT BUFFER /START=5 /REVERSE \index=(TOPIC:"Spawn subprocess") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SPAWN") SPAWN Suspends the current editing session, spawns a DCL subprocess, and connects the terminal to the spawned subprocess. Logging out of the DCL subprocess resumes the editing session. The SPAWN command can be used to run screen-oriented programs and DCL utilities without losing your current editing session. Examples: * SPAWN * SPAWN MAIL (runs MAIL. Returns to EDX when you exit MAIL) \index=(TOPIC:"Spelling checker") \index=(TOPIC:"Spelling checker", STOPIC:"check buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Spelling checker", STOPIC:"check range") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SPELL") SPELL Spell checks a buffer or range of text. If a range of text has been selected, then spell checks that range of text, otherwise spell checks your current buffer starting at your current cursor position. The check continues forward until an unrecognized word is encountered. The unrecognized word is highlighted and you are prompted as follows: (A)ccept - Accept this word and all future occurrences of this word for the duration of the editing session. (D)ictionary - Display a page of the dictionary with the closest match to the specified word highlighted. You may browse to the next or previous page of the dictionary by using the 'next_screen' or 'previous_screen' keys, or the 'advance section' or 'backup section' key sequences. You may select a word by using the arrow keys to select a word and then pressing return. (E)dit - Prompts for an exact replacement to the highlighted word. (G)uess - EDX will attempt to guess the word you are attempting to spell. (I)gnore - Ignore this word and continue spell checking. (P)ersdic - Accept this word and add it to your personal dictionary. If you do not have a personal dictionary, one is created. Your personal EDX spelling dictionary is SYS$LOGIN:EDXPERSDIC.DAT or you may define the logical name EDXPERSDIC to point to your personal dictionary. Your personal dictionary is an ordinary text file with one word per line. You may edit your personal dictionary with an ordinary text editor. When EDX loads it's spelling dictionary it also reads in all the words from your personal dictionary, if one exists. (Q)uit - Quit spell checking and return to normal editing.  \index=(TOPIC:"Spelling checker", STOPIC:"check current word") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SPELL/WORD") SPELL/WORD Spell checks the current word the cursor is on. If the word is not recognized it is highlighted and you are prompted with the following options:  (A)ccept - Accept this word and all future occurrences of this word for the duration of the editing session. (D)ictionary - Display a page of the dictionary with the closest match to the specified word highlighted. You may browse to the next or previous page of the dictionary by using the 'next_screen' or 'previous_screen' keys, or the 'advance section' or 'backup section' key sequences. You may select a word by using the arrow keys to select a word and then pressing return. (E)dit - Prompts for an exact replacement to the highlighted word. (G)uess - EDX will attempt to guess the word you are attempting to spell. (I)gnore - Ignore this word and continue spell checking. (P)ersdic - Accept this word and add it to your personal dictionary. If you do not have a personal dictionary, one is created. Your personal EDX spelling dictionary is SYS$LOGIN:EDXPERSDIC.DAT or you may define the logical name EDXPERSDIC to point to your personal dictionary. Your personal dictionary is an ordinary text file with one word per line. You may edit your personal dictionary with an ordinary text editor. When EDX loads it's spelling dictionary it also reads in all the words from your personal dictionary, if one exists. (Q)uit - Quit spell checking and return to normal editing. (S)pell - Spell check another word. You are prompted for another word to spell check. \index=(TOPIC:"Spelling checker", STOPIC:"check a word") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SPELL {word}") SPELL {word} Spell check the specified {word}. {word} is whatever word you wish to spell check. This is a convenient way to quickly spell check a single word. Example: SPELL misspelld If the word is not found in the dictionary then you are prompted with the following options: (D)ictionary - Display a page of the dictionary with the closest match to the specified word highlighted. You may browse to the next or previous page of the dictionary by using the 'next_screen' or 'previous_screen' keys, or the 'advance section' or 'backup section' key sequences. You may select a word by using the arrow keys to select a word and then pressing return. (G)uess - EDX will attempt to guess the word you are attempting to spell. (Q)uit - Quit spell checking and return to normal editing. (S)pell - Spell check another word. You are prompted for another word to spell check. \index=(TOPIC:"Spelling checker", STOPIC:"display dictionary") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SPELL/DICTIONARY {word}") SPELL/DICTIONARY {word} Display a page of the dictionary with the closest match to the specified word highlighted. {word} is whatever word you wish to spell check. Example: SPELL misspelld You may browse to the next or previous page of the dictionary by using the 'next_screen' or 'previous_screen' keys, or the 'advance section' or 'backup section' key sequences. The SELECT key will copy the currently selected word to the paste buffer. (EDT and WPS mode: Keypad Period, or 'Select' edit key E4). You may then use the PASTE key to insert the selected word into your text. (EDT mode: GOLD Keypad 6, or 'Insert Here' edit key E2, WPS mode: Keypad Comma, or 'Insert Here' edit key E2) \index=(TOPIC:"Substitute") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"SUBSTITUTE") \index=(TOPIC:"Search and Replace", STOPIC:"substitute") \reference(TOPIC:"Substitute", STOPIC:"Also see Replace") SUBSTITUTE 'old-string' 'new-string' Equivalent to the line mode command REPLACE, except that both old-string and new-string must be enclosed in either single or double quotes. If you wish to include within a quoted string the same quote character used to quote the string, use two consecutive quotes. For example, the string: "quote ""this"" string" would be interpreted as: quote "this" string. If neither old-string or new-string are specified then they will be prompted for. Example: * SUBSTITUTE hello goodbye SUBSTITUTE /old-string/new-string/ The SUBSTITUTE command replaces old-string with new-string. A slash ('/') is used to delimit the old string and the new string. A period ('.') may be used instead of a slash as a delimiter. Several other non-alphanumeric characters will also work as a delimiter. (Single or double quotes turn this command into the REPLACE command. See above.) The following qualifiers may be added to the end of this command: /EXACT or /NOEXACT Determines if the replacement is case sensitive. (The case sensitivity of the search is determined by the line mode command SET SEARCH GENERAL or SET SEARCH EXACT.) The default is to attempt a case sensitive substitution, so that: "UPPERCASE STRINGS" are replaced by "UPPERCASE STRINGS" "lowercase strings" are replaced by "lowercase strings" "Capitalized strings" are replaced by "Capitalized strings" /N={repeat-count-value} Specifies the number of substitutions to make. The default is to make one substitution unless /N=, /WHOLE, or /REST is specified. /QUERY or /NOQUERY Specifies whether or not the user is queried before a substitution is made. The default is /QUERY. /REST Specifies that the search for the old-string begin at the current cursor position and substitutions continue until either: A: The end of the buffer is reached. B: The user specifies "quit" or "last" when queried. C: The repeat count is reached if one was specified. /TYPE or /NOTYPE Specifies whether or not substitutions are displayed as they are made. The default is /TYPE. /WHOLE Specifies that the search for the old-string start at the beginning of the current buffer and substitutions continue until either: A: The end of the buffer is reached. B: The user specifies "quit" or "last" when queried. C: The repeat count is reached if one was specified. The default if /WHOLE is not specified is to start the search at the current cursor position and make one substitution. /WILD Allows wildcard characters to be present in the old-string, and wildcard representations of control characters to be present in the new-string. Wildcards such as * or % are not allowed in the new-string, but strings such as "^B" for CTRL-B are allowed in the new-string. All wildcard characters are allowed in the old-string. Examples: SUBSTITUTE/hello/goodbye/ SUBSTITUTE/hello/goodbye/WHOLE SUBSTITUTE/an elephant/a grape/WHOLE/NOQUERY/NOTYPE SUBSTITUTE/^B/^U/WILD \index=(TOPIC:"TPU", STOPIC:"executing TPU command") TPU tpu-command Executes a TPU command. Some knowledge of the TPU programming language is required to use this command. See also Appendix B for a list of EDX defined TPU procedures. Examples: * TPU SHOW(WINDOWS) * TPU SHOW(BUFFERS) \index=(TOPIC:"Help", STOPIC:"TPU help") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"TPU_HELP") TPU_HELP This command accesses the TPU help library which provides information on all of the built-in procedures of VAXTPU. Some knowledge of the TPU programming language is required to make use of this information. All output goes into a buffer named HELP. The HELP buffer grows to a maximum size of 500 lines, after which the oldest information is lost off the top of the buffer. The HELP buffer is treated just like any other buffer. At any time you may return to this buffer as you would go to any other buffer. Examples: * TPU_HELP * TPU_HELP GET_INFO \index=(TOPIC:"Translate", STOPIC:"ASCII to EBCDIC") \index=(TOPIC:"ASCII", STOPIC:"translate between ASCII and EBCDIC") TRANSLATE ASCII [TO EBCDIC] Translates a buffer from ASCII to EBCDIC. Example: * TRANSLATE ASCII TO EBCDIC \index=(TOPIC:"Translate", STOPIC:"EBCDIC to ASCII") \index=(TOPIC:"EBCDIC", STOPIC:"translate between EBCDIC and ASCII") TRANSLATE EBCDIC [TO ASCII] Translates a buffer from EBCDIC to ASCII. Example: * TRANSLATE EBCDIC TO ASCII \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"remove trailing blanks") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"TRIM BUFFER") TRIM BUFFER Removes all trailing blanks and trailing tabs from the end of each line in the current buffer. Example: * TRIM BUFFER \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"TYPE ALL") TYPE ALL 'search-string' This command is identical to the command SEARCH/WHOLE 'search-string'. See the line mode command SEARCH 'search-string' for a complete description. Example: * TYPE ALL 'architecture' The above example will search the entire buffer for the word 'architecture' and display all lines containing that word in buffer SEARCH along with the corresponding line numbers. \reference=(TOPIC:"Undefine", STOPIC:"See Unlearn") UNDEFINE Same as UNLEARN. See UNLEARN. \index=(TOPIC:"Unlearn", STOPIC:"key learn sequence") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"UNLEARN") UNLEARN or UNDEFINE Prompts for a key and removes the learned key sequence from that key restoring it to its former function. (See the 'Start Key Learn' command description in section 3.13.) Example: * UNLEARN Enter key to remove learned key sequence from: \index=(TOPIC:"Unlock", STOPIC:"buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Buffer", STOPIC:"unlocking") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"UNLOCK BUFFER") UNLOCK BUFFER [buffer-name] Unlocks the file associated with the buffer allowing others to access that file. A file is locked by using the LOCK BUFFER or LOCK FILE command. The following optional qualifier may be added to the end of the command: buffer-name Specifies the buffer to unlock. The default is to unlock the file associated with the current buffer. Examples: * UNLOCK BUFFER * UNLOCK BUFFER MAIN \index=(TOPIC:"Unlock", STOPIC:"file") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"UNLOCK FILE") UNLOCK FILE file-name Unlocks the specified file allowing others to access that file. A file is locked by using the LOCK BUFFER or LOCK FILE command. Example: * UNLOCK FILE myfile.dat \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"UNPASTE") UNPASTE Immediately undoes a paste that was unintentional. If you paste in text from the PASTE buffer, and discover it was not what you wanted, enter this command to undo that paste. The cursor must be at the end of the pasted range. The text immediately before the cursor must exactly match the text in the PASTE buffer. \index=(TOPIC:"Write", STOPIC:"buffer") \index=(TOPIC:"Write", STOPIC:"range") \index=(TOPIC:"Line mode commands", STOPIC:"WRITE") WRITE Writes a copy of the current buffer to disk. The following qualifiers may be added to the command line: file-name The file name to give the output file. If no file name is given, then the file name already associated with the buffer is used. If there is no file name associated with the buffer, then one is prompted for. If /MODULE=module_name is also specified, then file-name is taken to be the name of a VMS text library. /ALL 1 A user buffer is any buffer which the user explicitly created by supplying the buffer name for the new buffer or requesting that a new buffer name be generated. Buffer MAIN is also considered a user buffer. Buffers created by the editor for it's own use are not considered user buffers. This qualifier causes all modified user buffers1 to be written. If a modified user buffer does not have a file name associated with it, one is prompted for. The file-name qualifier and the /BUFFER= qualifier are ignored if /ALL is present. /BUFFER = buffer-name (alternate form: =buffer_name) Specifies which buffer is to be written. The default is to write the current buffer. An alternate form of this qualifier is to omit the /BUFFER part and simply specify =buffer-name. /MODULE = module-name Indicates that we are writing a module to a VMS text library file. If the module already exists, then you are prompted for confirmation before the old contents of the module are overwritten. SELECT Allows you to write a previously selected range of text instead of the entire buffer. A file-name must be specified before the SELECT keyword. The typical sequence of commands is as follows: 1. Select a range of text. 2. Enter the line mode command: WRITE file-name SELECT Examples: * WRITE * WRITE myfile.dat * WRITE/BUFFER=A myfile.dat * WRITE myfile.dat =PASTE * WRITE myfile.dat SELECT * WRITE/ALL * WRITE mylibrary.tlb /MODULE=mymod * WRITE mylibrary.tlb /MODULE=mymod SELECT * WRITE mylibrary.tlb /MODULE=mymod /BUFFER=MAIN