\FONT=COURIER \HCI=10 \H1=TEXT:"NEW FEATURES OF EDX" \CONTENTS=1 APPENDIX E: NEW OR ENHANCED FEATURES OF EDX \HCI=12 \FONT=ELITE EDX EDITOR VERSION 7.7 (December 1990) ( DECUS SIG TAPE December 1990 ) Support for editing text libraries ELIMINATE TABS FIXED. Works if buffer is in Overstrike mode INCLUDE ENHANCED. New qualifier /MODULE=module-name New qualifier /START=line-number SHOW BUFFERS ENHANCED. Press 'W' key to write selected buffer SET DATE_FORMAT ENHANCED. New keyword FULL UNPASTE NEW. Undoes last paste operation WRITE ENHANCED. New qualifier /MODULE=module-name Writing a selected range of text (as in * WRITE MYFILE.TXT SELECT) FIXED. EDX EDITOR VERSION 7.4 (September 1990) (requries VMS 5.1 or above) Line mode command recall NEW. Recall previous 40 commands Spelling Checker ENHANCED. Remembers previous corrections Find Matching Parenthesis ENHANCED. Searches both directions EDT keypad help diagram ENHANCED. Displays function keys F17-F20 DELETE BUFFER FIXED. User would end up in message window Function key F14 CHANGED. Go to other window (EDT & WPS modes) CTRL-D NEW. Go to other window (EDT mode) CTRL-F NEW. Go to end of word (EDT mode) beg_of_line; NEW. User available EDX defined TPU procedure VMS VERSION REQUIREMENTS EDX version 7 requires VMS 5.1 or above EDX EDITOR VERSION 6.2 (May 1990) ( PREVIOUS DECUS VERSION ) SPELL NEW. Spell check a buffer, range, or word. CENTER NEW. Center current line on page DIFFERENCES ENHANCED. Compare same buffer at different places SET INSERT NEW. Set buffer to INSERT mode SET LOCK NEW. Automatically lock all files SET OVERSTRIKE NEW. Set buffer to OVERSTRIKE mode SHOW DATE NEW. Show current date SORT ENHANCED. Many new qualifiers. Much faster. Fill Paragraph ENHANCED. Prompt for confirmation if over 20 lines Clear Matching Parenthesis ENHANCED. Also clears highlighted misspelled word EDX EDITOR VERSION 5.5 OVERSTRIKE MODE Automatically switch to INSERT mode on paste SET SEARCH BELL Ring bell if 'String not found' SHOW MARKERS Display list of all user set markers PF2 Keypad and keyboard help diagram EDX EDITOR VERSION 5.4 FIND ENHANCED. New qualifiers SHIFT [number] NEW. Shift screen left/right by [number] TYPE ALL NEW. Same as SEARCH/ALL EDX EDITOR VERSION 5.1 (May 1989) ( PREVIOUS DECUS VERSION ) ADJUST WINDOWS ENHANCED. Accepts numeric parameter CHANGE [line-number] ENHANCED. Accepts optional line number to go to DIRECTORY ENHANCED. May enter 'L' to lock selected file ENCRYPT NEW. Encrypt/decrypt buffer FIND NEW. Find 'search string' SEARCH NEW. Find all occurrences of 'search string' SHOW BUFFERS ENHANCED. May enter GOLD B to go to buffer SUBSTITUTE ENHANCED. New qualifier /WILD TRANSLATE ASCII NEW. Translate ASCII to EBCDIC TRANSLATE EBCDIC NEW. Translate EBCDIC to ASCII Fill to End of Paragraph NEW. Rewrap to end of paragraph Copy Selected Range to PASTE buffer NEW. EDX bugs "Striving to better, oft we mar what's well." - William Shakespeare "I washed my dog but he still has fleas." - David W. Deley (Author EDX editor) Future Enhancements Planned for EDX 1. More support for editing modules in text libraries. A directory listing of modules within text libraries. 2. Spelling checker support multiple personal dictionaries. 3. Enhance line mode CALC command to support advanced calculator functions. 4. Add /IDENTIFICATION=pid qualifier to line mode ATTACH command.