! The following is example output from using VMSINSTAL to install the EDX ! editor. First create the VMSINSTAL kit backup saveset file EDX077.A: ! $ @BLDKIT.COM ! Then install EDX by running VMSINSTAL ! (EDX may also be installed by hand. See file AAAREADME.DOC for details.) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL EDX DISK3:[DELEYD.WORK] VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.3-2 It is 20-NOV-1990 at 01:38. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: VAXACC_timer sys_immoVAULT W11QUE_1 DSN$NETWORK MONITOR_SERVER David Deley Monthly_Acc Usage_monitor * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES The following products will be processed: EDX V7.7 Beginning installation of EDX V7.7 at 01:38 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Welcome to the EDX EDITOR installation procedure This installation creates the following files: 1. SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSCNSEC.TPU$SECTION - EDX editor TPU section file 2. SYS$LIBRARY:EDX_CALLUSER.EXE - EDX external callable routines 3. SYS$HELP:EDX_HELP.HLB - EDX online help file 4. SYS$HELP:EDX_DOCUMENTATION.DOC - Complete documentation for EDX editor In addition, it will also create the dictionary used by the EDX spelling checker if one does not already exist: 5. SYS$LIBRARY:EDX_DICTIONARY.DAT - Dictionary for EDX spelling checker Searching for SYS$LIBRARY:EDX_DICTIONARY.DAT SYS$LIBRARY:EDX_DICTIONARY.DAT was not found. One will be created. * Press RETURN to continue : ---------------- There are four documentation files: EDX_DOCUMENTATION.DOC Main documentation CHEAT_SHEETS.LIS Cheat sheets for using the EDX editor EDX_ARTICLE.DOC Article describing features of EDX editor NEW_FEATURES.DOC Describes new features of EDX Where would you like these files copied to? * Disk and directory: DISK9:[DELEYD.TEMP] %BACKUP-S-CREDIR, created directory DISK9:[DELEYD.TEMP] %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DISK9:[DELEYD.TEMP]EDX_DOCUMENTATION.DOC;4 %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DISK9:[DELEYD.TEMP]CHEAT_SHEETS.LIS;7 %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DISK9:[DELEYD.TEMP]EDX_ARTICLE.DOC;3 %BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DISK9:[DELEYD.TEMP]NEW_FEATURES.DOC;39 COMPILING THE SOURCE CODE The following files are required to build the EDX editor: 1. EDTSCNSEC.TPU - EDX editor TPU section file 2. EDX_HELP.HLP - EDX editor help file 3. EDX_CALLUSER.MAR - CALL_USER external source code 4. EDX_CALLUSER.OPT - CALL_USER linker options file 5. EDX_COMMANDS.CLD - CALL_USER command language definition file 6. EDX_MESSAGES.MSG - CALL_USER message file Checking existence of files in current directory $1$DUA10:[SYS7.SYSUPD.EDX077] EDTSCNSEC.TPU exists EDX_HELP.HLP exists EDX_CALLUSER.MAR exists EDX_CALLUSER.OPT exists EDX_COMMANDS.CLD exists EDX_MESSAGES.MSG exists All files found. Compiling the TPU section file EDTSCNSEC.TPU %TPU-S-FILEIN, 15184 lines read from file $1$DUA10:[SYS7.SYSUPD.EDX077]EDTSCNSEC.TPU;1385 %TPU-S-CREATED, $1$DUA10:[SYS7.SYSUPD.EDX077]EDTSCNSEC.TPU$SECTION;1 created %TPU-S-SECTSAVED, 273 procedures, 150 variables, 439 keys saved EDX editor version V7.7 - 385 - VAXTPU version V2.4 Compatible with VAXTPU Version V2.2 (VMS V5.1) with fixes for V2.4 (VMS 5.3) Compiling the help library EDX_HELP.HLP Compiling the external source code EDX_CALLUSER.MAR Compiling the external source code EDX_COMMANDS.CLD Compiling the external source code EDX_MESSAGES.MSG Linking EDX_CALLUSER Building complete BUILDING EDX DICTIONARY The following files are required to build the EDX dictionary: 1. EDX_BLDDIC.MAR - Program for creating EDX spelling dictionary 2. DICTIONARY.LEX - Words for EDX spelling dictionary 3. COMMONWORDS.LEX - Common words for EDX spelling dictionary EDX_BLDDIC.MAR exists DICTIONARY.LEX exists COMMONWORDS.LEX exists All files found. Preparing to build the EDX spelling dictonary Compiling program EDX_BLDDIC.MAR Linking EDX_BLDDIC Building EDX spelling dictionary EDX_DICTIONARY.DAT Building complete Defining system logical TPU$CALLUSER as SYS$LIBRARY:EDX_CALLUSER Files will now be queued to their final destinations EDTSCNSEC.TPU$SECTION to SYS$LIBRARY EDX_HELP.HLB to SYS$HELP EDX_CALLUSER.EXE to SYS$LIBRARY EDX_DOCUMENTATION.DOC to SYS$HELP EDX_DICTIONARY.DAT to SYS$LIBRARY EDX_BLDDIC.MAR to SYS$LIBRARY EDX_BLDDIC.COM to SYS$LIBRARY * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES This completes the installation of the EDX editor. For system wide use you must define the following system wide logical name and the following system wide symbol in order to use the editor: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM TPU$CALLUSER SYS$LIBRARY:EDX_CALLUSER $ EDX :== EDIT/TPU/NOCOMMAND/SECTION=SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSCNSEC Add the logical name to SYSTARTUP.COM so the logical will be defined next time the system is rebooted, and add the symbol to SYLOGIN.COM so the symbol will be defined every time a user logs in. If EDX is installed for system wide use it is recommended that you add the TPU section file as a known image using the VMS INSTALL utility. (TPU section files can be installed as of VMS 4.4. See the VMS 4.4 release notes pg 2.7): INSTALL> ADD SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSCNSEC.TPU$SECTION /OPEN /HEADER /SHARED (Remeber to add the above INSTALL commands to SYSTARTUP.COM) *** NOTE *** REMEMBER TO DEINSTALL ANY PREVIOUS VERSION OF EDX. VMSINSTAL will now complete the installation by moving the queued files to their destination. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of EDX V7.7 completed at 01:42 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 01:42 $ LOGOUT DELEYD logged out at 20-NOV-1990 01:42:38.98