Debug_display.COM - Creates a DECTERM window using the current DECW$DISPLAY device, and assigns logical names such that it will be used for DEBUG. DECTERM.EXE - Creates a DECTERM window using the current DECW$DISPLAY device, and creates an interactive process in that window. The process is created with SYS$CREPRC and appears already logged in. A resource file may be used for customization of the window. The resource filename is DECW_nodename_decterm.dat. I use this technique on our cluster with a command procedure so that I can submit it to batch to easily get logins on the other nodes. The separate resource files allow for different positioning of windows, etc. The resource files should be placed within the path of DECW$USER_DEFAULTS. To start with, you may want to make these files using the DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULTS.DAT file.