Don Amby's SYS$LOGIN Environment, V1.1-6 ---------------------------------------- Donald E. Amby Harnischfeger Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 1512 or 13400 Bishops Lane Milwaukee, WI 53201 Brookfield, WI 53005 414-797-6713, 414-797-6533 (FAX) DECUServe,DCS: AMBY CompuServe: 73547,3256 Internet: (home) (DECUServe) UUCP: uunet!mixcom!amby!don (home) {decwrl,nosc,crash}!simpact!eisner!amby This directory is the root of my login environment, which has a LOGIN.COM file that is run at login time. There is also a SETUP.COM file that defines all of my logical names, global symbols, keys, etc. that define my working environment. These were designed to function on the VAXcluster where I do all of my real work, and these files expect certain things to be defined (in the system logical name table). 1 Files There following is a listing of some of the more important files that can be found in my SYS$LOGIN directory. * AAAREADME.TXT That's me that you are reading. * LOGIN.COM Of course, this is my login procedure. It has been designed so that I can easily port it (as is) to any VMS system that I use. * SETKEYS.COM This defines my favorite DCL keys. * SETLOGS.COM This defines logical names that I require. Of course, it calls lots of other procedures. * SETSYMBS.COM This defines global symbols for running my tools. Of course, it calls lots of other procedures. * SETUP.COM This is an overall setup which uses the other SET*.COM files. * TOOLKITS.TXT This is a listing from running TOOLKITS tool which lists what tools I set up as part of my LOGIN.COM and what are the current versions. I update this each time I 'install' my SYS$LOGIN environment tools. 2 Background Many years ago I adopted the convention of making software tools available as part of a set of tools, which I refer to as a 'toolkit'. Basically, a toolkit refers to a directory somewhere in the file system where there is to be found a SETUP.COM file that you can run. Running this SETUP.COM file will then define all that you need to make the tools in the toolkit available. This typically means the definition of logical names (in order to point to files, directories, etc.) and global symbols (to run *.COM or *.EXE files that implement a tool). In addition, sometimes it may use a Command Definition Utility (CDU) to define new DCL command verbs (with the SET COMMAND and a *.CLD file). Much of this philosophy is the result of some of the good things that I have seen on numerous DECUS SIG tapes. A goal of mine has always been to make tools as portable as possible, across VAX/VMS systems (running the same version of VMS). I currently am running VMS V5.4-3, so I would expect everything to work on similar systems. 3 Setting Up In order to set up my environment and tools you need to run the LOGIN.COM file, which will in turn run the SETUP.COM file (and all other DCL command procedures). LOGIN.COM My login command procedure. SETUP.COM Overall setup for this set of tools. SETLOGS.COM Defines logical names (AMBY_ROOT based). SETSYMBS.COM Defines global symbols. SETKEYS.COM Defines DCL keys. The following is all that is necessary on the system where I work, and have all of these files. $ @LOGIN If you are not running these from the system where I maintain this stuff, then you will need to do something special. This is to compensate for some logicals and symbols not being defined already for you (like they are on my system). $ @LOGIN $ [.RUN]SETUP $ @LOGIN 4 Directories The following is a list of the important subdirectories which can be found below my SYS$LOGIN directory. [.AMBY] Personal stuff of my own. [.BBS] Downloads from various Bulletin Board Systems. [.BOOKS] Work on book review, etc. [.CDD] My CDD dictionary (for DATATRIEVE stuff). [.CMSLIBS] [.DAT] Data files used by RSLIB tools, to drive environment. [.DATA] Data files used by SET_PROJ, SET_PROD, etc. tools. [.DECUS] DECUS related stuff. [.DEV] Development areas for collections of tools. [.DOC] Documentation related to tools, etc. [.EXE] Executables (*.COM,*.EXE,*.OBJ,*.OLB) for tools. [.HELP] Help library (and help sources) for tools. [.ISEE] ISEE tools personal working area. [.NOTES] VAX Notes related files and tools. [.RUN] Run-time area for my toolkits. [.SITE] Site specific definitions. [.TOOLKITS] Various collections of older tools that I am in the process of replacing. 5 Getting Help After you have run the SETUP.COM file you can get help on my personal tools and environment with the AMBYHELP command. $ AMBYHELP 6 SIG Tape Submission This section is a discussion of what is contained in the LZW compressed saveset that is in this directory along with this file. As such you will need to decompress it using the LZDCMP tool, in order to recover the backup saveset. Then you will need to use BACKUP in order to get at the individual files. 6.1 Saveset Directories The following is a complete listing of every directory that is in the LZW compressed saveset file that is part of this submission. Some of the directories are empty, and can be ignored. These inadvertently made it into the submission. [AMBY] Top directory, that is my actual SYS$LOGIN. [AMBY.CDD] My CDD dictionary (for DATATRIEVE stuff). [AMBY.CMSLIBS] All DEC/CMS libraries are found beneath here... [AMBY.DAT] Data files used to drive the environment for RSLIB. [AMBY.DATA] Data files used to drive the environment for SET_PROJ. [AMBY.DECUS] DECUS related stuff. [AMBY.DECUS.DCS] DCS site specific development area. [AMBY.DECUS.DCS.WRK] Work directory for building DCS product. [AMBY.DECUS.DECUS] DECUS toolkit development area (how I package DECUS tools into a toolkit). [AMBY.DECUS.DECUS.WRK] Work directory for building DECUSTOOLS product. [AMBY.DECUS.DECUSERVE] DECUServe site specific development area. [AMBY.DECUS.DECUSERVE.WRK] Work directory for building DECUSERVE product. [AMBY.DECUS.LT_SIG] Languages & Tools SIG development area. [AMBY.DECUS.LT_SIG.FALL_1991] Fall 1991 Symposium. [AMBY.DECUS.LT_SIG.SPRING_1990] Spring 1990 Symposium. [AMBY.DECUS.LT_SIG.SPRING_1991] Spring 1991 Symposium. [AMBY.DECUS.LT_SIG.WRK] Work directory for building the L&T SIG Folder, etc. [AMBY.DEV] Development areas for collections of tools. [AMBY.DEV.AMBY] AMBY product development area (for my personal set of tools). [AMBY.DEV.AMBY.WRK] Work directory where I build my personal tools. [AMBY.DEV.BASE] BASETOOLS product development area. [AMBY.DEV.BASE.WRK] Work directory for building BASETOOLS. [AMBY.DEV.CMTOOLS] Configuration Management toolkit development area. [AMBY.DEV.CMTOOLS.WRK] Work directory for building CMTOOLS. [AMBY.DEV.COMMON] Common modules, tools, libraries development area. [AMBY.DEV.COMMON.WRK] Work directory for building COMMON tools. [AMBY.DEV.COMMON2] Another library for COMMON stuff. [AMBY.DEV.DOCTOOLS] Documentation toolkit development area. [AMBY.DEV.DOCTOOLS.WRK] Work directory for building DOCTOOLS product. [AMBY.DEV.EDIT] My personal editing environment development area. [AMBY.DEV.EDIT.WRK] Work directory for building EDIT product. [AMBY.DEV.NOTES] Development area for VAX Notes tools and utilities. [AMBY.DEV.NOTES.WRK] Work directory for building NOTES tools. [AMBY.DEV.PRINTTOOLS] Development area for PRINT related tools. [AMBY.DEV.PRINTTOOLS.WRK] Work directory for building PRINT tools. [AMBY.DEV.RSLIB.DAT] Data directory used in setting up to work on this. [AMBY.DEV.RSLIB.SRC] Source files and build directory. [AMBY.DEV.RSLIB.TST] Directory of test cases... [AMBY.DEV.SITE] Template for site specific stuff. [AMBY.DEV.SITE.WRK] Work directory for building SITE product. [AMBY.DEV.TEST] Beta test tools toolkit development area. [AMBY.DEV.TEST.WRK] Work directory for building TESTTOOLS product. [AMBY.DEV.TEX] TeX/LaTeX toolkit development area. [AMBY.DEV.TEX.WRK] Work directory for building TEXTOOLS product. [AMBY.DOC$TOOLS] VAX DOCUMENT extensions... [AMBY.EXE] Executables (*.COM,*.EXE,*.OBJ,*.OLB) for my own personal tools. [AMBY.HELP] Help library (and help sources) for my personal tools. [AMBY.LOCAL] Local work area for other projects (used by RSLIB, SET_PROJ). [AMBY.NOTES] VAX Notes related files and tools. [AMBY.RUN] Run-time area for my toolkits. [AMBY.RUN.BASETOOLS.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.RUN.BASETOOLS.DOC] Toolkit documentation files. [AMBY.RUN.BASETOOLS.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.RUN.BASETOOLS.HELP] Toolkit help library and related help files. [AMBY.RUN.CMTOOLS] Configuration Management toolkit. [AMBY.RUN.CMTOOLS.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.RUN.CMTOOLS.DOC] Toolkit documentation files. [AMBY.RUN.CMTOOLS.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.RUN.CMTOOLS.HELP] Toolkit help library and related help files. [AMBY.RUN.DECUSTOOLS] DECUS toolkit, which is how I make tools from DECUS SIG tapes available. [AMBY.RUN.DECUSTOOLS.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.RUN.DECUSTOOLS.DOC] Toolkit documentation files. [AMBY.RUN.DECUSTOOLS.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.RUN.DECUSTOOLS.HELP] Toolkit help library and related help files. [AMBY.RUN.DOCTOOLS] Documentation development toolkit, to help in building complex RUNOFF documents. [AMBY.RUN.DOCTOOLS.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.RUN.DOCTOOLS.DID] Toolkit data item descriptions (document templates). [AMBY.RUN.DOCTOOLS.DOC] Toolkit documentation files. [AMBY.RUN.DOCTOOLS.EXAMPLES] Toolkit example files. [AMBY.RUN.DOCTOOLS.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.RUN.DOCTOOLS.HELP] Toolkit help library and related help files. [AMBY.RUN.EDIT] My editing environment toolkit, that sets up my LSEDIT environment and other TPU stuff. [AMBY.RUN.EDIT.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.RUN.EDIT.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.RUN.EDIT.HELP] Toolkit help library and related help files. [AMBY.RUN.RSLIB] Reusable Software LIBrary (RSLIB) run-time files. [AMBY.RUN.SITE] Site specific toolkit, that is where I can tailor the environment to run my tools. [AMBY.RUN.SITE.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.RUN.SITE.DOC] Toolkit documentation files. [AMBY.RUN.SITE.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.RUN.SITE.HELP] Toolkit help library and related help files. [AMBY.RUN.SITE.MAIL] Site specific common mail distribution list area. [AMBY.RUN.TESTTOOLS] Beta test toolkit, which is where most tools are initially released for use. [AMBY.RUN.TESTTOOLS.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.RUN.TESTTOOLS.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.RUN.TESTTOOLS.HELP] Toolkit help library and related help files. [AMBY.RUN.TESTTOOLS.TEMPLATE] Toolkit template files. [AMBY.RUN.TEXTOOLS] TeX and LaTeX toolkit, which contains stuff used to access TeX on our system. [AMBY.RUN.TEXTOOLS.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.RUN.TEXTOOLS.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.RUN.TEXTOOLS.HELP] Toolkit help library and related help files. [AMBY.SITE] Site specific definitions. [AMBY.SITE.DCS] Site specific stuff that I use to tailor my tools to use on DCS system. [AMBY.SITE.DECUSERVE] Site specific stuff that I use to tailor my tools to use on DECUServe system. [AMBY.TEMP] Temporary files directory (my SYS$SCRATCH). [AMBY.TOOLKITS] Various collections of older tools that I am in the process of replacing. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.FILETOOLS] Software tools related to file manipulations. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.FILETOOLS.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.FILETOOLS.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.FILETOOLS.HELP] Toolkit help related files. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.MISCTOOLS] Miscellaneous software tools collection. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.MISCTOOLS.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.MISCTOOLS.DOC] Toolkit documentation files. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.MISCTOOLS.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.MYTOOLS] This is an old collection of tools that were originally for my private use. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.MYTOOLS.DATA] Toolkit data files. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.MYTOOLS.EXE] Toolkit executable files. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.MYTOOLS.HELP] Toolkit help library and help related files. [AMBY.TOOLKITS.MYTOOLS.UTILS] Toolkit executables (this was used before I got in the habit of [.EXE] directories). .! DEC/CMS REPLACEMENT HISTORY, Element DIRECTORIES_LIT.RNO .! *1 6-DEC-1991 09:54:03 AMBY "List of my directories (subset of DIRECTORIES_ALL.RNO) for use in AAAREADME.TXT file(s)" .! DEC/CMS REPLACEMENT HISTORY, Element DIRECTORIES_LIT.RNO