AMBYTOOLS AMBY Set default to D. Amby's login directory AMBYTOOLS AMBYHELP Help on D. Amby's personal environment AMBYTOOLS AMBYLIBS set Don Amby's DEC/CMS libraries as current library AMBYTOOLS AMBYUTILS define D. Amby's utilities AMBYTOOLS ASERVER send a command to the Clarkson University Archive-Server AMBYTOOLS BROAD Set terminal to /BROAD AMBYTOOLS BUILD_PROD build an old style software product AMBYTOOLS BYE Short logoff AMBYTOOLS CD Unix-like set default (change directory) AMBYTOOLS CMSDIGEST output very brief summary (hence digest) of current DEC/CMS library AMBYTOOLS CMSDIR Set CMS library and run a single command on it AMBYTOOLS CVTIME Interface to display all possible values from the F$CVTIME lexical function AMBYTOOLS DAILY perform regular tasks for making daily system reports AMBYTOOLS DAILY_HILITES run the HILITES tool for a daily report AMBYTOOLS DCL runs any DCL command via command procedure, so you can use /OUT to log results to file AMBYTOOLS DCLSHRINK shrink DCL command procedure files (from DECUServe) AMBYTOOLS DE Delete job queue entries AMBYTOOLS DEL*ET Delete with confirmation AMBYTOOLS DIDCMS insert DID files (for DOCTOOLS) into CMS library AMBYTOOLS DIR Directory with size, protection, date AMBYTOOLS DIRS Directory of *.DIR files AMBYTOOLS DISKUSE generate disk usage [*...] total blocks (from VAX Professional) AMBYTOOLS DOCCMS insert files for a standard document into the current CMS library AMBYTOOLS DTR*32 Run Datatrieve AMBYTOOLS EDT EDIT/EDT AMBYTOOLS EMP electronic message pad (EMP) for telephone messages (from VAX Professional) AMBYTOOLS EVERYLIB Define every CMS library of interest as the current library list AMBYTOOLS EVERYLIB_INFO generate EVERYLIB*.LIS reports for CMS libraries defined by the EVERYLIB tool AMBYTOOLS FILES show devices based on the contents of a data file (of device names) AMBYTOOLS FILE_ATTRIBUTES interface to F$FILE_ATTRIBUTES lexical function AMBYTOOLS FIND_FUNCTION find all occurances of a function in a source file (using GREP tool) AMBYTOOLS GETDVI interface to F$GETDVI lexical function AMBYTOOLS GETJPI interface to F$GETJPI lexical function AMBYTOOLS GETSYI interface to F$GETSYI lexical function AMBYTOOLS GROUP Set file protection for GROUP access AMBYTOOLS HELP HELP /NOINST /PAGE AMBYTOOLS HIGHLIGHTS act as a DCL interface to the HILITES tool (which prompts for all user input) AMBYTOOLS HLBQUALS Generate tabular list of qualifiers for tool (based on help library description) AMBYTOOLS HLP HELP /NOINST /PAGE AMBYTOOLS INSTALL_EDT install an old style of product file AMBYTOOLS INSTALL_PROD install (old version) of D. Amby's software products AMBYTOOLS INTERNET send a test mail message to a user on the Internet AMBYTOOLS LOGICALS generate a list of the current logical names (into a log file) AMBYTOOLS MAIL Mail with /EDIT for send,reply,forward AMBYTOOLS MAILCMD run a single MAIL command from the DCL command line AMBYTOOLS MAILFILE mail a copy of a file to a user (or list) AMBYTOOLS MAILSEARCH search a mail folder(s) for a string within the title of messages AMBYTOOLS MAIL_FOLDERS generate a list of the current MAIL folders AMBYTOOLS MARKREPS generate a group of reports using the MARKREP tool (based on contents of data file) AMBYTOOLS MEM Display current process dynamic memory AMBYTOOLS MKE_DO run a command on all nodes on the MKE VAXcluster AMBYTOOLS MONTHLY_HILITES generate monthly report using the HILITES tool AMBYTOOLS MSG_OFF Turn VMS message display off AMBYTOOLS MSG_ON Turn VMS message display on AMBYTOOLS MV Rename (move) a file AMBYTOOLS NEWNOTES update my NOTES conferences, and send MAIL if there are any unseen messages AMBYTOOLS NO give a directory listing of files NOT in those specified AMBYTOOLS NOBROAD Disable reception of broadcast messages AMBYTOOLS NOTESALL run a NOTES command on every conference in a specified NOTES class AMBYTOOLS NOTESCMD run a single VAX NOTES command, based on class and conference, from DCL AMBYTOOLS NOTESFORMAT reformat EXTRACTs from VAX Notes, and change the format of note headers AMBYTOOLS PARSE interface to F$PARSE lexical function AMBYTOOLS PRINT Print with notification AMBYTOOLS PRIVATE Set file protection for only OWNER and SYSTEM AMBYTOOLS PROD Show current ISEE product name AMBYTOOLS PRODSTATUS generate a status report on an ISEE defined product AMBYTOOLS PROJ Show current ISEE project name AMBYTOOLS PROJLIBS Define all project CMS libraries as the currentlibrary (using PROJ$DATA:PROJLIBS.DAT file) AMBYTOOLS PROJSTATUS generate a status report on an ISEE defined project AMBYTOOLS PROT Set file protection for no delete AMBYTOOLS PRT_NOTE print out file(s) with a common /NOTE and /NAME value with single title/flag page AMBYTOOLS PU*RG Purge with logging on AMBYTOOLS PUBLIC Set file protection for public read access AMBYTOOLS PWD Print Working Directory (Unix show default) AMBYTOOLS REALDIR change the current default directory to be in terms of the (real) physical device and directory AMBYTOOLS REMDISK define a logical name to reference a remote disk AMBYTOOLS REMDO run commands on a remote node without actually logging in (via FAL as network process) AMBYTOOLS SBO_DO run command(s) on one or more of the Santa Barbara VAXcluster nodes AMBYTOOLS SETKEYS Define all terminal keys at DCL level AMBYTOOLS SETKITS set up all toolkits that are listed in a text file AMBYTOOLS SH*OW VMS SHOW command to display information AMBYTOOLS SHAR Create and read Unix shell archive (shar) files AMBYTOOLS SIG_TAPE_UPDATE Updates all of the software products in preparation for creation of a SIG tape submission AMBYTOOLS SPELL*ING Runs spell checker with /KEYPAD=EDT AMBYTOOLS SQA SHOW QUEUE /ALL AMBYTOOLS SQAF SHOW QUEUE /ALL /FULL AMBYTOOLS SQF SHOW QUEUE /FULL AMBYTOOLS STDIO act as shell for easy redirection of SYS$INPUT,SYS$OUTPUT,SYS$ERROR to/from files for a DCL command AMBYTOOLS SUB Simple batch submit with /NOTIFY/NOPRINT AMBYTOOLS SYMBOLS list the current defined global symbols into a log file (SYMBOLS.LOG) AMBYTOOLS T*YPE Type a file to terminal AMBYTOOLS TEXLISMMS create a DEC/MMS dependency segment from the TeX listing file AMBYTOOLS TIME Display current date and time AMBYTOOLS TIMER display how much time it takes to run a DCL command AMBYTOOLS TOOLCMS add tool to CMS library (with group for it) AMBYTOOLS TOOLKITS set up all toolkits listed in a text file AMBYTOOLS TOOLMOVE utility to create DCL commands that will copy tool files to new CMS library AMBYTOOLS TOP Set default to [000000] directory AMBYTOOLS TOPBIO Continuous monitor of top buffered I/O AMBYTOOLS TOPCPU Continuous monitor of top cpu activity AMBYTOOLS UNPROT Set file protection for normal owner access AMBYTOOLS UP Go up a directory level, [-] AMBYTOOLS USE*RS Display users on system AMBYTOOLS USELESS delete useless logical names and global symbols AMBYTOOLS VDL Verify and DeLete a file AMBYTOOLS VERSION Display what version of VMS is running AMBYTOOLS W132 Set terminal width to 132 columns AMBYTOOLS W80 Set terminal width to 80 columns AMBYTOOLS WC count words, from Kernighan book AMBYTOOLS WELCOME Display the welcome message from login AMBYTOOLS WRK set default to working director(ies) context for a software product (ala D. Amby)