MWAIT V1.05 Nick de Smith, Applied Telematics Group Ltd., Telematics House, Vale Avenue, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1DJ England +44 892 511000 (Fax: +44 892 515402) PSI%234213300154::NICK NICK@NCDLAB.ULCC.AC.UK MWAIT is a powerful utility that attempts to determine the reason for a process going into a wait state. Detail is given about LEF/CEF wait state, including the names of common event blocks being used. The length of time that the process has been in a wait state is also displayed, as is a fairly full breakdown of MWAIT reasons, especially RWAST, RWMBX and job quota related waits. You will need VMS V5.x and CMEXEC to run MWAIT. MWAIT.TXT Full documentation of VMS wait states/reasons and the MWAIT utility. MWAIT.MAR Source for MWAIT utility. MWAIT_MACROS.MAR Source of macro library for MWAIT. BUILD.COM Command file to build the MWAIT utility from source. TESTx.C Various test programs to demonstrate MWAIT's capabilities. [end]