This directory contains procedures for periodically extracting the various counters on network hardware devices (like the Ethernet interface) and storing them in an Rdb database for later analysis. A previous submission to the SIG tapes had procedures which put the counts into 'flat' RMS files. This worked well enough, especially as I could use Datatrieve to read and analyze the data. You could also write other programs, or use other utilities on those files. However, I had to support a group which did not have Datatrieve or any other analysis utility. They do have Macintoshes, and a spreadsheet program on the Mac can query an Rdb database on the VAX using Pathworks and DAL. So I modified my procedure to store the data directly into an Rdb database. In doing this, I also was able to make a number of other improvements to the process, storing additional fields and handling some error conditions in a better way. So I'm now using this process on machines which do have Datatrieve, which can also read the data in the Rdb database. To implement the procedure, you must have at least the Run-Time-Only version of Rdb on your system. You also have to create an empty database from an empty backup of using CREATE.COM; or create one from scratch using QNA.RDO and RDO; or QNA.SQL and SQL$ (if you have a development license). After that, just running the procedures or submitting them as batch jobs with a repeat time interval (I use one hour) should be all that is needed to collect the data. I submit the jobs automatically as part of my system startup commands. Bart Z. Lederman System Resources Corp. Burlington, MA