These modifications are required by the AKCOUNT package. Make these mods then rebuild the package with AKBUILD.COM and restart. Source: Martin Serrer DME/NRC Systems Lab. Date: Oct/89 ******************************************************************************** File AKRUN.COM Change manner in which device name is extracted, so that the name can be more that 5 characters long. --------------------------------Old-Version------------------------------------- $LOOP: $ READ/END=XLOOP/ERR=XLOOP DISK_LIST LINE $ L1:='F$LOCATE(":",LINE) $ DEVICE:='F$EXTRACT(L1-4,5,LINE) !**** Change this line ****! $ DEV_MNT:='F$GETDVI(DEVICE,"MNT")' $ IF DEV_MNT .EQS. "FALSE" THEN GOTO LOOP --------------------------------New-Version------------------------------------- $LOOP: $ READ/END=XLOOP/ERR=XLOOP DISK_LIST LINE $ L1:='F$LOCATE(":",LINE) $ DEVICE:='F$EXTRACT(0,L1+1,LINE) !**** Changed line ****! $ DEV_MNT:='F$GETDVI(DEVICE,"MNT")' $ IF DEV_MNT .EQS. "FALSE" THEN GOTO LOOP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************** File AKPCTTIM.FOR Make the variable 'S1' real so that percentage of prime time is calculated properly. --------------------------------Old-Version------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'AK.INC/NOLIST' C INTEGER*4 PRC_START(2),PRC_END(2) INTEGER*4 TIM_DIF(2),CON_TIM,WEEKDAY REAL*4 PCT_TIM !**** Change this line ****! C D1=24*60 --------------------------------New-Version------------------------------------- INCLUDE 'AK.INC/NOLIST' C INTEGER*4 PRC_START(2),PRC_END(2) INTEGER*4 TIM_DIF(2),CON_TIM,WEEKDAY REAL*4 PCT_TIM, S1 !**** Changed line ****! C D1=24*60 ******************************************************************************** File AKGETREC.FOR Fix for VMS V5.x missing for ACR$K_FILE_FL record --------------------------------Old-Version------------------------------------- ELSE TYPE*,'*** ERROR, Problem in MK$GET_INFO' GOTO 10 END IF END IF C C_Find entry in AK$SUMMARY for owner of current record C DO USER=1,TOT_USR AK$RECORD=AK$SUMMARY(USER) CALL STRIP(AK$USR_NAM,N1) CALL STRIP(MK$USR_NAM,N2) IF (AK$USR_NAM(1:N1).EQ.MK$USR_NAM(1:N2)) GOTO 20 END DO --------------------------------New-Version------------------------------------- ELSE TYPE*,'*** ERROR, Problem in MK$GET_INFO' GOTO 10 END IF END IF C+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C_ As of VMS version 5.x the record ACR$K_FILE_FL is no longer written when the C_DCL command $ SET ACCOUNTING/NEW_FILE is issued. Therefore to make sure that C_we get an end date in our file so that the report writer doesn't die we do C_the following. Since the accounting file is written in cronological order the C_last pass through this routine will pick up the record with a time stamp of C_no greater than what would have been in ACR$K_FILE_FL. C C Modified: Oct/89 C By: M. Serrer NRC/DME Systems Lab. C AK$END_DATE(1)=MK$SYS_TIM(1) AK$END_DATE(2)=MK$SYS_TIM(2) ISTAT=SYS$ASCTIM(,END_STR,AK$END_DATE,) C+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C C_Find entry in AK$SUMMARY for owner of current record C DO USER=1,TOT_USR AK$RECORD=AK$SUMMARY(USER) CALL STRIP(AK$USR_NAM,N1) CALL STRIP(MK$USR_NAM,N2) IF (AK$USR_NAM(1:N1).EQ.MK$USR_NAM(1:N2)) GOTO 20 END DO ********************************************************************************