AKCOUNT VAX/VMS V4.x ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE Version: August 1986 Author: K. Trumbley and M. Serrer, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Operating System: VAX/VMS V4.4 Source Language: VAX-11 FORTRAN and VAX-11 MACRO The AKCOUNT software has been designed to provide a VAX computer installation running V4.x of VMS operating system software with all the necessary accounting tools to charge users for resources used. The package includes all the source code, associated help files, command procedures and installation notes. The software in SYSTEMS LABORATORY of NRC has been set up as a batch job to execute every Friday night. When the job runs, the information from the system accounting file, plus listing files from DISKQUOTA and AUTHORIZE are merged together and written to a file "SYS$ACCOUNT:AKCOUNT.TOT". A report generator reads this file and creates detailed or summary type printouts. The latest addition to the AKCOUNT software package is a repair utility. This utility enables the system manager to repair, (both automatically and interactively) and edit records in the AKCOUNT.TOT file. This version of the AKCOUNT software has been upgraded from the version submitted to the DECUS Library, (Date submitted to DECUS -- April 1985), to work on VMS version 4.x systems. Documentation on magnetic media. AKCOUNT PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION ----------------------------- The AKCOUNT software package is made up of the following files: AAAREADME.TXT -- This file AKDOC.RNO -- Documentation/installation file, RUNOFF format AKCONFIG.INC -- Configuration file AKCOUNT.COM -- Batch command procedure, site independent AKRUN.COM -- Batch command procedure, site dependent AKBUILD.COM -- AKCOUNT build procedure AKCOUNT.FOR -- AKCOUNT, main program AKDSKUSG.FOR -- AKCOUNT, get disk quota routine AKGETREC.FOR -- AKCOUNT, get account record routine AKPACKET.FOR -- AKCOUNT, do packet type job routine AKPCTTIM.FOR -- AKCOUNT, calc % prime time routine AKSYSUAF.FOR -- AKCOUNT, get username/UIC/account routine AKTOTALS.FOR -- AKCOUNT, write to AKCOUNT.TOT routine AKTRNTIM.FOR -- AKCOUNT, set prime time routine MKGETINFO.MAR -- AKCOUNT, get VMS V3.x info routine AK.INC -- General common area BK.INC -- AKCOUNT, common area MK.INC -- AKCOUNT, common area AKREPORT.FOR -- AKREPORT, main program AKADDTOTL.FOR -- AKREPORT, add user costs routine AKCOST.FOR -- AKREPORT, calc user cost routine AKPRINT.FOR -- AKREPORT, print info to terminal routine AKSORT.FOR -- AKREPORT, sort printouts AKSUM.FOR -- AKREPORT, totalize user jobs routine AKSWITCH.FOR -- AKREPORT, determine switches routine AKTIME.FOR -- AKTIME, main program AKTIMERR.MSG -- AKTIME, error message file AKREPAIR.FOR -- AKREPAIR, repair utility program AKCOUNT.HLP -- HELP file for AKREPORT and AKREPAIR QUADMATH.MAR -- General quad math package from DECUS tape SYSTARTUP.TXT -- Include file for AKCOUNT installation *.V3 -- Version 3 files which relate to the latest AKCOUNT source which still runs under VMS V3.x Ken Trumbley, Martin Serrer (613) 993-9262 National Research Council, Division of Mechanical Engineering, Systems Laboratory, M3, Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6