========> [LEADER91.BYTLUG.QWATCH]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This program is used to watch a process' quota usage. When a valid process id specified, the system will display that process' quotas along with a few other details such as the process state, I/O counts and the image currently being run. The program can be built using the MMS description file DESCRIP.MMS. A C compiler is required. [DECUS Canada Librarian's note: On the VAXstation where I put together these submissions, there was no C compiler. So, if you wish to run this program, but don't have a C compiler, please ask me. I should be able to send you a C-compiled .OBJ or a .EXE file from work. My address is: A. Mahendra Rajah DECUS Canada VAX Tape Librarian Dept of Computing Services University of Regina Regina, Sask. Phone: (306) 585-4496 e-mail: Mahendra @ Meena.CC.URegina.CA (on Internet) ] ========> [LEADER91.DDERRICK.COMS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This directory contains several useful utilities in DCL: ALLMAIL.COM - Runs ALLMAIL.EXE to check for pending ALL-IN-1 mail messages. AUTHORIZE.COM - Changes default to Sys$System, runs Authorize and changes default back to where we started. BIGDIFF.COM - DIFFERENCEs between all files in this directory and another directory specified in P1. DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS.COM - sets the time for daylight savings and back again. DISKS.COM - Shows or watches disk space. DQ.COM - shows disk quota with totals. EPIPE.COM - pipe with existing filespec list IMS.COM - Manages the different inventory files. It looks almost like All-In-1. LPIPE.COM - linear pipe MAKEMODIFY.COM - makes a command file to modify users that have been added to the UAF MAKEREMOVE.COM - makes a command file to remove users from the UAF MEMORY.COM - show or watch the "interesting" memory stats MENULOGIN.COM - Menu for interactive logins. NODE.COM - converts various forms of decnet node numbers PHN.COM - keep track of long distance phone calls PIPE.COM - command p1 applied to all files in p2 PIPES.COM - pipe by search (not directory) PNAME.FOR - subroutine returns the username and the length of the username of the current process PRIV.COM - set command promt to include new privs RECEIVEPRINT.COM - network print receiver (see sendprint) SAME.COM - This is a difference command that works on sorted files. It will list two files side by side showing the records that are the same. It gets used a lot in merging UAFs to Page 2 form a cluster. Carefull!! it doesn't always get the last record right SENDPRINT.COM - poorman's DQS. Used with receiveprint.com SORT_US.COM - show users sorted by node TAPES.COM - watch tape drives; like disks.com WHERE.COM - where are we (or another PID) WORKSET.COM - Displays working set information. ZERODISK.COM - fully zero outs a disk that is being traded in ========> [LEADER91.DDERRICK.TPU.ADAM]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== ADAM stands for Assistant for Definition and Modification and is an extension to the VMS EVE editor. Its purpose is to make developing programs in to the OCRS standard an easier undertaking. Although several of the functions are designed expressly for the FORTRAN programming environment, ADAM has been developed with the ability to apply all but its variable and subroutine definition functions to DCL and MACRO code as well. ========> [LEADER91.GOLDLUG]AAAREADME.TXT;5 <======== Program : COOKIE.MAR This program produces a random fortune cookie message. The messages are kept in an indexed file. COOKIE.MAR calls a program called RAND which generates a random number between 1 and the maximum number of messages in the COOKIE.DAT file. The random number is used as a key to the indexed file and the record(s) with this key are displayed on the terminal. The COOKIE.DAT file is an indexed file with a maximum record length of 84. The first 4 bytes are the key and are of the format 0000 to 9999. The last 80 bytes are the fortune cookie message. A sample message might look like: 0020 This is a two line 0020 fortune cookie message. The file looks like this: COOKIE.DAT;3 File ID: (2598,6,0) Size: 219/219 Owner: Created: 3-JAN-1991 12:23:59.58 Revised: 3-JAN-1991 12:24:03.68 (1) Expires: Backup: 20-SEP-1991 21:00:34.08 File organization: Indexed, Prolog: 3, Using 1 key In 2 areas File attributes: Allocation: 219, Extend: 27, Maximum bucket size: 3, Global buffer count: 0, Version limit: 3 Contiguous best try Record format: Variable length, maximum 84 bytes Record attributes: Carriage return carriage control RMS attributes: None Journaling enabled: None File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:RE Access Cntrl List: None There are 2 symbols in the program that may have to be changed. One is in the FAB definition (COOKIE_FAB) where the COOKIE.DAT file is coded. The other is a symbol called HIGH which is the total number of messages (not records) in the COOKIE.DAT file. To assemble and link the program: $ macro/list cookie $ macro/list rand $ link cookie+rand Program : RAND.MAR This program uses the date and time as a seed to generate a random Page 2 number between the two values supplied to it. It is used by COOKIE.MAR. Program : PASSCHK.MAR This program verifies whether a password supplied by a user is valid. It is passed a username and password. It calls SYS$GETUAI to get the hashed password, the hashing algorithm, and the salt for that particular username. It then hashes the supplied password using SYS$HASH_PASSWORD, passing it the algorithm and salt. The two hashed passwords are compared (the one from SYS$GETUAI and the one from SYS$HASH_PWD). If they are equal the supplied password is valid. A value of 1 (success) or 2 (failure) is returned. Program : TESTPWD.COB This is a sample program which calls PASSCHK to verify a password. When the program is run a username and password are prompted for. They are converted to upper case and passed to PASSCHK. The return code is checked and a message is displayed indicating whether the password is valid or not. To test the password checker: $ macro/list passchk $ cobol/list testpwd $ link testpwd+passchk $ run testpwd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL_SPECIAL.COM & MODEM.COM There are two unique parts to INSTALL_SPECIAL.COM. It is recommended that if you are going to use these sections of code, that they be run in your SYSTARTUP.COM just so that you can get consistent LTA numbers. The first shows how to install an outdialing modem (DF224) onto the network. It assumes you are installing it onto port LTA9:, and that on the Terminal Server, you have set the port name to 623_5803. Once this command procedure has been run, you access the modem using MODEM.COM which checks whether or not someone is dialed out or in on the modem, and/or allows you to use the modem appropriately. The second portion of INSTALL_SPECIAL.COM shows how to attach an Page 3 InterMEC Bar Code printer onto your system. It assumes that you are installing onto port LTA6:, and that the Terminal Server knows this port as BAR_TONY. Once it's there, you have to issue a print command, specifying which print queue, and forms. You are on your own for the internal formats of the Bar Code Tickets. PRINT_QUEUE_MANAGER.COM Simple command procedure which allows our operations staff to change forms on printers. It takes care of all the more detailed internals. We find it convenient to have all our operators define a symbol in their LOGIN.COM specifying the name of the printer which we mount various type of forms on most of the time. In our case this is CAM_PRINTER_2. ABNORMAL_CONDITIONS.COM Updated Version. Used to report problems, and then go back in and modify the report as new information becomes available. Some minor changes have been made over last years version. Assumptions are that you have a logical defined pointing to where ACRs are to live; and you should have at least a null file called ACR:ACR_SUMMARY.FILE, and the procedure will create another called ACR:ACR_SEQUENCE.FILE. After that, these two are updated by the routine. ========> [LEADER91.NAPLUG.BACKUP]AAAREADME.TXT;4 <======== The included files comprise a menu interface for a captive BACKUP account to be used for unattended system backups. The operator has the ability to initialize backup media, and perform daily, weekly or monthly backups which will be run in batch at the end of the day, without operator intervention. The current configuration will perform daily backups to TK50(TK70) and weekly and monthly backups will go to an Exabyte. The primary prerequisite for this application is the creation of a priviledged BACKUP account and modification of the command procedures to suit your own installation. This is far from perfect, but it should provide some ideas. I would love to see any improvements which might be made. John Hale NAPLUG ========> [LEADER91.NAPLUG.OPERATOR]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== This saveset comprises a menu driven interface to normal(for us :-)) operator functions. These include the management of user processes, queues, 3780 lines, and plotting. You should probably ignore the plotter and comm functions, but the rest might prove to be useful (or not :-( ). Most of the command procedures are documented and hopefully the code is fairly readable. Thanks go out to Jeff Daley and Ron Rennick who were responsible for dreaming up and writing this utility and it's cousin the backup utility. John Hale NAPLUG ========> [LEADER91.OMNILUG]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Paul T's DECUS Library release - VAX/VMS software September 23, 1991 In seperate directories you will find the following programs, in both executables and source. They were developed from scratch, with minor contributions from outside sources ( books ), which are credited in the source code. The programs were developed on VAX's that belonged to the companies I worked for but on my time, and so I'm sure no one would make any claim to them. I release them for any use, asking only that credit be given were it is due, and changes should be noted. ZAPPER was developed in VAX BASIC, and TETRIS in VAX C. I haven't run ZAPPER much over the last couple of years, but I'm confident it is reliable. The documenation for it is fairly clear. TETRIS is pretty simple and has been used by a number of different users, and no one has reported any bugs, so I'm quite confident that it is okay. Info about me is: Paul Thomsen School Board Information Technology Branch, Ontario Ministry of Education 8th Floor - 480 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V2 (416) 971-4765 (w) (416) 821-9872 (h) (416) 971-6511 (fax) I am officially titled a Senior Technical Specialist, which is a Systems Officer 3 ( SO-3 ). Unofficially I'm titled the System and LAN ( meaning PC ) Manager. My background is that of a generalist, meaning both application programming and technical support. This is primarily in VAX/VMS and PC/DOS environments, but also IBM System/34's. I enjoy experimenting with system, graphics, and game programming, and I'm now getting into Windows programming ( Microsoft and DECwindows ). I can't imagine you'll need any other info. But if so then feel free to call me, as above. ========> [LEADER91.TRILUG.DIR_STACKS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Program ID: DIR_STACKS D R A F T Operating System: VAX/VMS V5.x Source Language : Cobol v3.4-49 Key Words: DIRECTORY, STACK, UTILITY, COBOL Submitted by: Jim McDowall,Board of Education for the City of Windsor 451 Park Street West P.O. Box 210 Windsor, Ontario., Canada N9A 6K1 (519)255.3348 Abstract: DIR_STACKS is used to change a process' device & directory default. The program will maintain a stack of defaults set and allow the user to recall this stack and set default to any of the values stored. A maximum of 50 stack positions can be maintained. The user can control the the number of stack positions. It will not allow default setting to any device or directory which does NOT exist or that the process does not have access to because of privilege or protection settings. A process can set default to any user's SYS$LOGIN directory providing the process has the correct privilege and access to said directory. System managers can create users' SYS$LOGIN directorys if one does not exists without having to know the dev:[dir] specification. Knowing the username is all that is needed. Print DIR_SATCKS.DOC for more details and procedure to install DIR_STACKS. ========> [LEADER91.TRILUG.SCREENCTL]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== Program ID : SCREENCTL.EXE Written by : Jim McDowall (519)255.3348 Board of Education for the City of Windsor 451 PArk St. W. Box 210 Windsor, Ontario N9A 6K1 Function :This program is used to perform a range of terminal screen attributes and characteristics functions. Such things as drawing lines, boxes, clearing parts or all of the screen, getting user input, and turning on and off the local echo. Listed on the following pages are the various functions performed by this program. Being an executable module, the time required to perform these functions is far less than the time required by a DCL command procedure that does the same task.