Preparation of Train Schedule File Each train in the shedule must be represented in the data file by a line containing train number, scheduled start time, etc. and then a line for each track segment describing scheduled stops. The last line must contain a "*" character (this is required by Simscript). The filename can be anything reasonable but the extension must be ".DAT". The order of trains in the data file MUST correspond to their scheduled departures. LINE 1. Separate each field with one or more spaces. FIELD 1. This contains the keyword "train". It is the same for every train but must be present because it is required by Simscript. Format: train Length: 5 characters FIELD 2. The scheduled start time of the train in 24 hour clock format. Format: hours.minutes (no spaces) Length: 5 (2 numbers, 1 character ("."), 2 numbers) FIELD 3. The expected travel time including scheduled stops. Format: hours.minutes (no spaces) Length: 5 (2 numbers, 1 character ("."), 2 numbers) FIELD 4. Train priority. The highest priority is 1, the lowest is 10. Passenger trains are priority 2. Format: n where n is any integer number from 1 to 10. Length: 1 digit FIELD 5. Train number e.g. 804, 101. Each train must have a unique number. Format: integer. Length: 3 digits FIELD 6. Train length in feet. Format: integer Length: as required FIELD 7. Horsepower ratio per gross ton e.g. 1.8. Format: real Length: as required FIELD 8. Train's track segment origin. Format: nnccccc (number abbreviated name) Length: 7 (2 numbers, 5 characters) FIELD 9. Train's track segment destination. Format: nnccccc (number abbreviated name) Length: 7 (2 numbers, 5 characters) LINE 2. Separate each field with one or more spaces. Use this line and succeeding lines to define scheduled stops for each track segment. If there is no scheduled stop then enter zero values. FIELD 1. Track segment number. Format: integer Length: as required FIELD 2. Length of stop. Format: hours.minutes (no spaces) Length: 7 (2 numbers, 1 character ("."), 2 numbers) OR 1 (zero) FIELD 3. Departure time from scheduled stop. Format: hours.minutes (no spaces) Length: 7 (2 numbers, 1 character ("."), 2 numbers) OR 1 (zero) LINE 3. Lines 3 to the number of track segments as per Line 2. LAST LINE 4. Contains a "*". This is required by Simscript to identify the end of train information for any one train. EXAMPLE: Passenger train number 101 is scheduled to leave at 20 minutes after midnight from New York. Its destination is Chicago and its expected travel time is 5 hours 35 minutes. It has priority 2, a horsepower ratio of 2.9, and a length of 5000 feet. It has a scheduled stop of 15 minutes in track segment 3, leaving from there at 5:05 AM. Freight train number 804 is scheduled to leave 7:05 in the evening from Chicago. Its destination is Pittsburgh and its expected travel time is 3 hours. It has priority 5, a horsepower ratio of 1.8, and a length of 6,200 feet. There are no scheduled stops for this train. For simplicity's sake assume that there are only 4 track segments from New York to Chicago inclusive. The train schedule data file would contain the following lines for these trains (in the order given). train 00.20 05.35 2 101 5000 2.9 01NEWYO 04CHICA 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 00.15 05:05 4 0 0 * train 19.05 03.00 4 804 6200 1.8 04CHICA 03PITTS 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 *