Submission Title: TK-LABELS Version 1.1 28-Sep-1991 Submitter/Author: Jack Harvey GWA Information Systems (617)890-1838 Abstract: TK-LABELS converts a simple editor text file into an LN03 print file to produce a sheet of labels for the TK50/TK70 cartridge. It prints a grid of fine lines to guide cutting the sheet into individual slips that will fit the cartridge label window. The text, which is variable length and may contain up to eight lines, is attractively centered in the window. There are up to 33 labels per sheet, printed on ordinary stock paper. The printer used must be an LN03 (or compatible) but does not require any advanced features, such as Post Script. Computer and O/S Version Information: VAX/VMS, any version from V4.7 The identical program has been coded in both COBOL and MACRO-32. The kit includes both and the user is free to choose either, depending on taste. The kit also includes seven pages of documentation and an example label text file. Note: this version of TK-LABELS has the same functionality as the release dated August, 1991. The COBOL version in the September, 1991 release is unchanged. This version adds the MACRO-32 version and updates the documentation.