One Line Centered Two Line Label Centered Note that Odd or Even Numbers of Lines Remain Truly Centered ----Five Line Label---- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Line Five of Five Lines Standalone Backup for VMS Version 5.1-B 11/15/89 AQ-MM11A-BE ULTRIX WS V2.0 (RISC) SUPPORTED This will be six lines and is about as far as one can go while remaining easily readable. Note that the spacing is reduced. This label will be followed with three null lines to create two blank labels. eeeeeeeee eeeeeeee eeeeeee eeeeee eeeee eeee eee ee e Here we will force eight lines into the label. The text nearly touches and becomes fairly difficult to read. However, if you need to force this much text into the label, it will not be attractive but it can be done. The extreme case occurs when the text is ten lines long. In this case, the letters actually overlap slightly and the readability of the text is greatly reduced. If you use more than ten lines per label, the formatting program will drop the lines in excess of this and warn the user. These lines are all 30 characters long with trailing spaces. So the text is left justified. Here we shift right by using leading spaces Or we can insert space. The following line has a space at the beginning, resulting in a blank line on the label. The above lines contain spaces to force this down. Left Top Right Top Left Bottom Right Bottom