AAAREADME.TXT This submission contains two different programs that allow a DCL command file to easily determine what the actual file is for a VMS account. This is the content of the LGICMD field of the record in the user authorization file, SYSUAF.DAT, for the account. Both programs execute very quickly and return the content of LGICMD as a DCL symbol, UAI_LGICMD. The first, UAI_LGICMD.MAR, is a bare minimum program which assembles and links to produce a small (5 blocks) executable image. It works only for the current process. It is simply run, with no arguments. The second program, UAI_LGICMD.BAS, is a more sophisticated program which defines the same DCL symbol, but can also be executed as a foreign command and takes an argument. The argument is a username in the authorization file. If the executing account has SYSPRV, the program will return the content of LGICMD for any account in SYSUAF.DAT. Two errors can occur when executing the second program: Non-existing record, meaning the username argument was not found, and Insufficient privilege, meaning the account running the program has tried to access the record of an account other than its own. Note that this program is NOT installed privileged, nor does it alter process privileges in any way. For both programs, it should be noted that they return, literally, the content of the LGICMD field. If this field is empty, the UAI_LGICMD symbol will be defined as a null string. If it contains "LOGIN", then the symbol is simply that, and is not a full file specification. The executing DCL command file must deal with these two conditions in order to determine the full file specification. For example, if the symbol is null (""), this means that the login command file defaults to SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM. The following DCL command will expand the symbol to a complete file specification for the case of the program accessing LGICMD of the current process: $ UAI_LGICMD = F$PARSE(UAI_LGICMD,"SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM") Compiling and Linking A short command file, UAI.COM, is provided that assembles/compiles and links both versions. It documents how this is done, as well as how the programs are used. Execute with MAR or BAS as a parameter to select the version wanted. In addition, the source files document compiling and linking. This is a joint submission by two DECUServe members: Mark Lasoff (LASOFF) and Jack Harvey (HARVEY).