<<< DISK$DATA:[NOTES$LIBRARY]VAX_VMS.NOTE;1 >>> -< SIG VAX/VMS >- ================================================================================ Note 1208.0 Makedepend, imake, InterViews pour VMS 8 replies DECUSF::PIERONNE_J 126 lines 7-MAR-1991 13:18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J'ai porte sur VMS les choses suivantes : les commandes Unix makedepend, et imake InterViews 2.6 (necessite un C++, par exemple g++) J'ai egalement un cpp (preprocesseur C) capable de traiter des sources Unix avec des includes contenant des noms de repertoire incluant des "." qu'il remplace par des "_" de la meme facon que le tar VMS. S'il y a des personnes interessees faite le moi savoir. - makedepend - extrait de man - NAME makedepend - create dependencies in makefiles SYNOPSIS makedepend [ -Dname=def ] [ -Dname ] [ -Iincludedir ] [ -fmakefile ] [ -oobjsuffix ] [ -sstring ] [ -wwidth ] [ - - otheroptions - - ] sourcefile ... DESCRIPTION Makedepend reads each sourcefile in sequence and parses it like a C-preprocessor, processing all #include, #define, #undef, #ifdef, #ifndef, #endif, #if and #else directives so that it can correctly tell which #include, directives would be used in a compilation. Any #include, directives can reference files having other #include directives, and pars- ing will occur in these files as well. Every file that a sourcefile includes, directly or indirectly, is what makedepend calls a "dependency". These dependencies are then written to a makefile in such a way that make(1) will know which object files must be recompiled when a dependency has changed. By default, makedepend places its output in the file named makefile if it exists, otherwise Makefile. An alternate makefile may be specified with the -f option. It first searches the makefile for the line # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it. or one provided with the -s option, as a delimiter for the dependency output. If it finds it, it will delete every- thing following this to the end of the makefile and put the output after this line. If it doesn't find it, the program will append the string to the end of the makefile and place the output following that. For each sourcefile appearing on the command line, makedepend puts lines in the makefile of the form sourcefile.o: dfile ... Where "sourcefile.o" is the name from the command line with its suffix replaced with ".o", and "dfile" is a dependency discovered in a #include directive while parsing sourcefile or one of the files it included. - imake - extrait de man - NAME imake - C preprocessor interface to the make utility SYNOPSIS imake [-Ddefine] [-Idir] [-Ttemplate] [-f filename] [-s filename] [-e] [-v] DESCRIPTION Imake is used to generate Makefiles from a template, a set of cpp macro functions, and a per-directory input file called an Imakefile. This allows machine dependencies (such has compiler options, alternate command names, and special make rules) to be kept separate from the descriptions of the various items to be built. - InterViews - extrait de man - InterViews is a collection of C++ classes for implementing user interfaces. All interactive objects are derived directly or indirectly from the Interactor class. All com- posite interactive objects are derived directly or indirectly from the Scene class, which itself is derived from Interactor. Subclasses include Box(3I) and Glue(3I) for tiling interactors, Tray(3I) for overlapping/aligning, Frame(3I) for decorating a single interactor, Deck(3I) for paging through a list of interactors (one visible at a time), Viewport(3I) for scrolling/panning around a larger interactor, Scroller(3I) for a simple scrollbar, Panner(3I) for 2-D scrolling and zooming, and Menu(3I) for simple pop- up menus. An instance of the World(3I) subclass is used to map interactors onto a display. A number of classes are provided for graphics input and out- put. These include Canvas(3I) for display regions; Painter(3I) for drawing operations; Brush(3I), Color(3I), Font(3I), and Pattern(3I) for controlling graphics charac- teristics; Cursor(3I) for the screen appearance of a point- ing device; Event(3I) for input events, and Sensor(3I) for expressing interest in a set of possible events; Rubberband(3I) objects for interactive dragging and place- ment. The basic InterViews library includes the above classes. The libgraphic(3I) library provides an additional set of classes for defining structured graphics and storing graphi- cal objects in files. La prochaine version (3.0) comporte un builder cependant elle necessite X11R4 donc pas de portage possible avant DecWindows 3.0 si je ne m'abuse... Voila. ================================================================================ Note 1208.1 Makedepend, imake, InterViews pour VMS 1 of 8 DECUSF::BERENGUIER_A "Alain, ALCATEL BUSINESS SYSTEM" 7 lines 7-MAR-1991 15:26 -< Mais oui, bien sur. >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je serais interesse, surtout par les sources pour effectuer un portage sur d'autre langage: Construire un makefile pour des sources pascal, assembleur ... ( aussi bien VMS que croise ). Merci d'avance. ================================================================================ Note 1208.2 Makedepend, imake, InterViews pour VMS 2 of 8 DECUSF::FOUCHET_F "François FOUCHET" 0 lines 7-MAR-1991 20:59 -< Je croyais que DECwindows V2.0 etait R4 ... >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Note 1208.3 Makedepend, imake, InterViews pour VMS 3 of 8 DECUSF::PIERONNE_J 10 lines 8-MAR-1991 00:31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .1 Je doute que le code de makedepend soit reutilisable pour un langage autre que C si ce n'est une ou deux fonctions. Il est a mon avis plus simple de construire un programme nouveau surtout pour les langages n'ayant pas de compilation conditionnelle. Cela etant aucun probleme pour fournir les sources, il suffit de trouver un moyen simple de le faire. .2 He bien non c'est R3 ================================================================================ Note 1208.4 Makedepend, imake, InterViews pour VMS 4 of 8 DECUSF::MANET_P "Philippe Manet - Sogidec/Ylys Info." 1 line 8-MAR-1991 09:14 -< X11R4 c'est pour DECWindows V3.0 aka MOTIF >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Note 1208.5 Makedepend, imake, InterViews pour VMS 5 of 8 DECUSF::OURGHANLIA_B 1 line 8-MAR-1991 09:24 -< Yep... >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Note 1208.6 Makedepend, imake, InterViews pour VMS 6 of 8 DECUSF::THONON_D "Daniel Thonon SEMA-GROUP Meylan" 2 lines 8-MAR-1991 10:22 -< Ah bon >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C'est pas encore vrai pour les field-test de DECW V3 que nous avons. C'est toujours R3. ================================================================================ Note 1208.7 Makedepend, imake, InterViews pour VMS 7 of 8 DECUSF::OURGHANLIA_B 5 lines 8-MAR-1991 12:58 -< Etonne.... >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je suis etonne que les versions field-test de DECwindows V3 que vous avez soient X11R3 ????? Qu'est-ce qui vous permet d'en etre sur ? Quelle est la date de la version field-test en question ? Parlez-vous du kit de developpement MOTIF ou de DECwindows V3 ? ================================================================================ Note 1208.8 Makedepend, imake, InterViews pour VMS 8 of 8 DECUSF::PIERONNE_J 3 lines 23-MAR-1991 23:05 -< makedepend est dans VMS >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J'ai mis dans VMS un save set nomme mkdepend.bck. Il contient les sources et la documentation de la commande makedepend voir note conference VAX_VMS note 1208. C'est un premier jet de portage.