<<< DISK$DATA:[NOTES$LIBRARY]VAX_VMS.NOTE;1 >>> -< SIG VAX/VMS >- ================================================================================ Note 1350.0 Connexion imprimante non-DEC sur VAX 8 replies DECUSF::TEULON_P 12 lines 24-MAY-1991 10:21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je souhaiterais connecté une imprimante non-Digital du type EPSON ou CITOH sur mon systeme : mon probleme est que le jeu de caractéres étendu n'est pas normalisé, qe le caractére "é" ou "à" sur un VAX ne correspond pas au même caractére sur l'imprimante. Existe-t-il un utilitaire ou un petit programme permettant de faire du transcodage de façon à mettre un fichier au format ASCII Digital au format ASCII Epson ou Citoh. Des utilisateurs ont ils déja l'experience de la connexion d'une imprimante non-Digital sur un VAX ? De quelle facon ont ils résolus le probleme du jeu de caracteres étendu ? ================================================================================ Note 1350.1 Connexion imprimante non-DEC sur VAX 1 of 8 DECUSF::JOLIN_R "Rémi JOLIN - T.A.T." 4 lines 24-MAY-1991 11:19 -< un bout de hard... >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nous avons des epson 1060, 860 et autres et nous les avons equipees d'une carte fournie par epson et qui emule tres bien une imprimante DEC Plus aucun probleme a partir de la... ================================================================================ Note 1350.2 Connexion imprimante non-DEC sur VAX 2 of 8 DECUSF::BACH_J "Jean-Pierre BACH - Telecom Paris" 9 lines 24-MAY-1991 12:31 -< une idée: /FALLBACK ? >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si l'imprimante exotique est connectée sur un port série (même en LAT: le travail du class driver est le même), on devrait pouvoir faire SET TERMINAL/FALLBACK non ? J'avoue ne pas avoir fait l'essai, mais depuis VMS V?.? on peut (on doit ?) spécifier une table de transcosage à SET TERMINAL/FALLBACK. Alors si la table ASCII, fournie par défaut par DEC, permet de passer en 7 bits, sans accents; on devrait pouvoir ajouter une table personnalisée. Je crois que les outils qui font ça sont dans la doc, mais je sais plus où... ================================================================================ Note 1350.3 Connexion imprimante non-DEC sur VAX 3 of 8 DECUSF::WILLERETZ_J "Joël P. WILLERETZ DECYLOG" 7 lines 24-MAY-1991 15:15 -< Qques infos. >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quel type de CITHO utilisez-vous ? S'il s'agit de la CITHO 5000, son setup (hardware) prévoit le type LA210 avec DECsupplemental, ..etc... Elle se connecte et se paramètre exactement comme une LA210 (LAt ou pas). ================================================================================ Note 1350.4 Connexion imprimante non-DEC sur VAX 4 of 8 DECUSF::BROWN_N "Nick BROWN, Conseil de l'Europe" 54 lines 24-MAY-1991 15:52 -< Some half-solutions >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have done quite a lot of this with our home-brewed word-processing system. We do our own conversion prior to putting the job in the queue; each queue has a /CHARACTERISTICS value which indicates which type of conversion to do. All this was written quite some time ago, and is rather specific to our word-processing program. Another thing we used to do was have a special version of PRTSMB which did the translation for Canon laser printers; this went when we started using LATSYM (which, as far as I know, is still not supplied in modifiable form). Nowadays it is usually sufficient to translate DEC MCS characters into DOS ASCII, at least for common French and German accented characters. For Luxembourgish, Portuguese, etc, you may also need to set the printer's font and/or code page emulation. For daisy wheels (if you still have them) you generally need a mapping per print wheel (French, German, etc). I have a stand-alone program that converts between character sets. You say TRANSLATE infile outfile /FROM=MCS /TO=DOS_ASCII or whatever. It knows a few basic character sets (MCS, DOS ASCII (437), DOS Norwegian/Danish (865), DOS multilingual (850), and (for output only) Canon LBP8II laser printers. The last is different from DOS ASCII because, in our Canons at least, there is a bug whereby you get one or two spurious form feeds after a job if it used any 8-bit IBM characters. The target character set can contain more than one character per input character, thus allowing you to translate (say) é into the appropriate escape sequence. One day (!) I will implement conversion from multiple character to single ones. For now it is just a standalone program, but it could be probably be grafted onto a symbiont without too much trouble. Or it might work with the output file being a spooled device (I haven't tried this). Translation takes place via an intermediate "universal" table which contains translations for all of the characters in all of the sets (the translation is to the "nearest" in appearance. The universal set is an ad-hoc collection of all the characters that appear in one or more sets; they have names like UPPERCASE_C_CEDILLA, etc. I got the idea from the X-windows and PostScript definitions, but I don't pretend to follow them. The program is fairly easy to extend, however. It's in C. I will upload it if you are interested. Interestingly, the NFT utility of DECnet-DOS handles this quite nicely for (almost) all the PC and Digital character sets. One might expect the same thing for EXCHANGE/NETWORK at some point. A similar problem occurs in reverse when doing screen dumps from PCSA to a networked LA/LN printer. If anyone has fixes for this I'd like to hear about it. ================================================================================ Note 1350.5 Connexion imprimante non-DEC sur VAX 5 of 8 DECUSF::NOLIN_PH "NOLIN Ph. S.A.G.E.M. Argenteuil" 1 line 27-MAY-1991 13:31 -< Oh oui ! on veut bien ! >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Note 1350.6 Connexion imprimante non-DEC sur VAX 6 of 8 DECUSF::BROWN_N "Nick BROWN, Conseil de l'Europe" 12 lines 27-MAY-1991 17:27 -< Enjoy >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, TRANSLATE.BCK and .BCK_Z are in PUB:[VMS]. There is source, object, and executable, as well as a small .HLP and a .CLD file. I do not claim that the source is well-structured, commented, or anything else. To extend the program, add another TO_CHARSET and (possibly) another FROM_CHARSET. If the FROM_CHARSET contains characters which are not in any of the others, you will need to extend all of the TO_CHARSETS. There is no fee - BUT- I INSIST that you give me feedback (even if 100% negative) !!!!!!!! ================================================================================ Note 1350.7 Connexion imprimante non-DEC sur VAX 7 of 8 DECUSF::NAKACHE_P 4 lines 9-JUL-1991 16:39 -< et avec une LaserJet IIIP >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J'ai le meme probleme depuis quelques jours, maéis avec une LaserJet IIIP, pour remplacer une LN03. Plus de caracteres accentues. Alors si solution existe cela m'interesse Nicolas PAJOR ================================================================================ Note 1350.8 Connexion imprimante non-DEC sur VAX 8 of 8 DECUSF::CLAR_D "Chairman du SIG UNIX" 3 lines 9-JUL-1991 17:36 -< Pb HP laserjet III deja aborde (vax_hardware) >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- attention, la LaserJet IIIP n'est pas vraiment compatible Postscript et ne marche pas avec VAXscriptprinter.