DECUS France 5 Décembre 1991 PC SIG CATALOG ============== Submissions between 1/06/91 to 15/11/91 on The VAX DECUS France. Commentaires : Few abstract of the purpose. Auteur : The person who submits the programm. Notes : See [FRANCE_1991.VAXF91B.NOTES_91B]NOTES_xxxx.yyyy where xxx is the name of the conference (ie DECUS, DIVERS, GRAPHIQUE, HARDWARE, PC, PROGRAMMATHEQUE, RESEAUX, UNIX and VMS); yyyy is four digits ( ie 70 = 0070) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : This file. Auteur : DIAKONOFF_N Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 70 AAA_LIRE_91B_PC.;6 * This file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Two conversion programms : DEC et IBM-PC 8 bits Auteur : GARBASI_JP Notes : PC 195 ACDECIBM.C;1 * Source C : Conversion ASCII DEC to PC IBM. ACIBMDEC.C;1 * Source C : Conversion ASCII IBM PC to DEC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : More than one Boot in CONFIG.SYS Auteur : PEYRARD_JC Notes : PC 234 BOOT142.ZIP;1 * Compress distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Fix for DECstation warm start keyboard problem. Auteur : BROWN_N Notes : PC 167 On a DECstation 200/220 (others ?) and/or Olivetti M250, there is an intermittent problem whereby after a WARM boot (Ctrl-Alt-Del), the keyboard ignores the first keystroke typed. If this is the Ctrl (or Shift) part of (say) a Ctrl-C, the C will be given to the BIOS; otherwise the whole character is ignored. This problem is particularly prevalent on systems with DEPCAs and LK250s; for some reason AZERTY LK250s are more susceptible than QWERTYs. Anyway, thanks to a very diligent Digital Field Service person (who is not really responsible for this, but found the fix anyway, bravo, why can't Digital find a few more like him ?), I have a fix for this problem. It won't help people with diagnostics-level passwords, as it is run as part of AUTOEXEC.BAT, butI have found it useful. It is incredibly frustrating to explain to people the 1000's of benefits a move from VT to PC-based word processing will bring if they are going to let a minor thing like this upset them. LK250.BCK;1 * Save set. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Supervision of PCs across a DECnet-DOS network. Auteur : BROWN_N Notes : PC 200 SMILEY and MOLE - a PC monitoring system ---------------------------------------- SMILEY and MOLE (apologies to John le Carre, not that I expect he's reading this) are a pair of programs which allow you to monitor a PC across a DECnet-DOS network. You can perform the following functions: - see which files are open on the PC. - look at the top-level COMMAND.COM environment. - set variables in the top-level COMMAND.COM environment (ie, outside any currently running program). - reboot the remote PC (cold or warm start). - display the PC's screen. - if your monitoring system is a DOS PC, you can monitor the screen continuously and type as if you were on the remote keyboard (ZAP mode). MOLE is a small (about 1K) TSR which runs on a DECnet-DOS node. It listens for requests from SMILEY, an interactive program which can be run on another DOS PC or a VAX/VMS system. SMILEY.BCK;1 * Save set (sources, documentation, ...). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------