DECUS France 5 Décembre 1991 ULTRIX SIG CATALOG ================== Submissions between 1/06/91 to 15/11/91 on The VAX DECUS France. Commentaires : Few abstract of the purpose. Auteur : The person who submits the programm. Notes : See [FRANCE_1991.VAXF91B.NOTES_91B]NOTES_xxxx.yyyy where xxx is the name of the conference (ie DECUS, DIVERS, GRAPHIQUE, HARDWARE, PC, PROGRAMMATHEQUE, RESEAUX, UNIX and VMS); yyyy is four digits ( ie 70 = 0070) The French Library Coordinator Nicolas DIAKONOFF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : This file. Auteur : DIAKONOFF_N Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 70 AAA_LIRE_91B_ULTRIX.;5 * This file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : File management for U*IX. Auteur : BERENGUIER_J Notes : UNIX 167 CVS12.TAR_Z;1 * Over RCS. RCS55.TAR_Z;1 * Managment versions and tree. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Format a floppy disk without privilege. Auteur : VIBERT_JF Notes : UNIX 194 / PROGRAMMATHEQUE 113 FD_UTIL.SHAR;1 * Full kit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------