This is a short description of how to trouble shoot a connection between a PC and a Unix box running the generic file server. Nearly all of this applies equally well to DEC's pcsafs server. Any corrections or suggestions for this document should be sent to "". The suggestions in this note have been tested on a Sun4 runnning SunOS 4.1 and a DecStation 3100 running Ultrix 4.2. Examples will be given for the Unix box "younics" and the PC "peecee". (these are mythical machines, of course!). The service name "aservice" should be interpreted as the name of any service you have defined on younics. All examples assume TCP/IP as the chosen transport (DECNET will have some differences) and Pathworks 4.0 installed on the PC. ** "How do you run the server?" You don't specifically _run_ the server. When the PC attempts a connection to the unix box the program /etc/inetd (which should be running on the server) will start the server once a connection attempt has been detected. ** "Network Name Not found" This is a very common error, and it can be very frustrating and misleading. This error is often given when a "use ?: \\younics\aservice" command is given. The first thing to do is to try and connect using ftp. The ftp software for the PC is supplied with Pathworks for DOS. Thus try "ftp younics" on the PC. If after about 30 seconds you don't get a connection then there is almost certainly something wrong at the PC end. It could be something like: * younics is not in the hosts file, or the entry is wrong. * younics is on a different subnet to peecee and younics is not in the nbhosts file or "inetname /load" has not been run. * somewhere the installation of the pathworks software was stuffed up. If the ftp session succeeds then there may be a problem at the server end. In this case you should re-compile the server code with "DEBUGLEVEL" set to 2. The you should attempt a connection with "use ?: \\younics\aservice" and immediately look at the output of netstat on younics (this may require two terminals - or a PC multitasker like windows). If you see a entry containing the string younics.pcsafstcp then you know that the PC is talking to the unix box, but the unix box may not be listening! If you don't get such a message then check the /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services files for accuracy, after re-reading the installation instructions. Once you have established that netstat does show a connection then check the DEBUGFILE you defined in the local.h file of the server source. If this file does not get created when a connection is made then the problem is almost certainly in the /etc/inetd.conf file! (Remember that this file has a different format for different architectures!) If this file does get created then a connection is definately being established and you should look at the contents of this file to see what stage th connection gets up to. It may be that the problem is in your SERVICES file. ** "Access denied" Check your services file! ** "Unexpected network error" Check that the entry in inetd.conf correctly points to the binary of the server. Also just try the connection a few more times. Sometimes this error is produced intermittantly. ** lots of other errors......... as you come up with other trouble shooting tips please let me know so I can incorporate them here for all to use!