% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00`*4I )*4IR5 PHOTO )*4I1 PHOTO3 PHOTO is an interactive session logging utility. Format: PHOTO [log-filespec] 2 Parameters log-filespecC Specifies the name to use for the log file. The default name is' PHOTO.LOG in your default directory. 2 Qualifiers /BROADCAST /BROADCAST /NOBROADCAST (default)D Causes messages broadcast to the original session's terminal lineC to be captured and written to the PHOTO session's pseudoterminalE device. This will cause the messages to appear both at the user'sE terminal and in the PHOTO session log file. The default action isF /NOBROADCAST; that is, messages broadcast to the original session'sH terminal line will appear as they normally do on the user's terminal,0 but will not appear in the PHOTO session log./CHECK /CHECK (default) /NOCHECKA Do not allow PHOTO to be run under PHOTO, that is, if there isD parent process "above" this one in the jo b's process tree that isE already running PHOTO, issue an error message and exit. /CHECK is the default behavior. /COPYRIGHT /COPYRIGHT /NOCOPYRIGHT$ Displays PHOTO copyright message./FORMAT /FORMAT=BINARY /FORMAT=TEXT (default)A Format of log file. Default is /FORMAT=TEXT. This produces aD standard RMS text file with variable length records and carriage-D return carriage control. For TEXT format, the terminal output isD scanned f or a carriage-return line-feed sequence which determines the record boundary.< /FORMAT=BINARY writes a fixed-length 512 byte record file? containing all characters written to the terminal. The last, record is padded with nulls to 512 bytes./SPAWN /SPAWN (default) /NOSPAWNF PHOTO by default creates a subprocess of the process running PHOTO.F Specifying /NOSPAWN creates an interactive detached process running LOGINOUT instead. /TIMESTAMP' /TIM ESTAMP[=quoted-format-string]3 /NOTIMESTAMP[=quoted-format-string] (default); The /TIMESTAMP qualifier causes the utility to initially< write a timestamp to the terminal and log file before theA first record output after each read completion. /NOTIMESTAMP,< the default, suppresses this action as the initial state.; Timestamping can be toggled on and off using the /TOGGLE" qualifier and a suitable value.? You can specify the date/time format of timestamps by giving A a string value for this qualifier. The format is specified as@ described in section, "Specifying Output Formats atA Compile Time", of the VMS RTL Library Manual (page 3-13, April@ 1988). If no value is specified, the format defaults to thatB obtained from the logical names SYS$LANGUAGE and LIB$DT_FORMAT./TOGGLE7 /TOGGLE=(option-keyword:character-mnemonic[,...]); Sets the control character(s) used to toggle logging and= time-stamping on and off. Op tion-keyword is one of LOG or< TIMESTAMP. Control-character-mnemonic is one of the ANSI@ three-letter control character mnemonics (DLE, FS, GS, etc.),; a name of the form CTRLx (e.g., CTRLP for DLE), or NONE,< meaning do not toggle. The default is /TOGGLE=(LOG=NONE,= TIMESTAMP=NONE). Because of their special meaning to the: VMS terminal driver or to PHOTO, the control characters= listed below not be used as the toggle control characters:4 Name ANSI Mnemonic Terminal Driver Usage7 NUL Used internally by PHOTO( CTRL/C ETX Interrupt( CTRL/J LF Line feed. CTRL/M CR Carriage return+ CTRL/Q DC1 Flow control+ CTRL/S DC3 Flow control- CTRL/T DC4 Process status( CTRL/Y EM Interrupt* CTRL/Z SUB End of file/VERBOSE /VERBOSE (default) /NOVERBOSEB Issue informative messages when PHOTO is started or stopped, or5 when logging or timestamping is toggled on or off. 2 Examples 1. $ photoP %PHOTO-I-STARTED, PHOTO V1.0-003, recording started 10-OCT-1991 21:46:15 $ show time 10-OCT-1991 21:46:18 $ logoutA Process IJAH400_1 logged out at 10-OCT-1991 21:46:19.95O %PHOTO-I-STOPPED, recording terminated 10-OCT-1991 21:46:20 PHOTO.LOG;1 $D In this example, the user runs PHOTO using all the defaults.H Everything shown between the "STARTED" and "STOPPED" messages is written to the log file.& 2. $ photo/broadcast example2.logP %PHOTO-I-STARTED, PHOTO V1.0-003, recording started 10-OCT-1991 21:46:47' $ send/command/noprompt indyvax show user system; (INDYVAX) - Username Program Login CPU Time TTY? (INDYVAX) - SYSTEM MAIL 12:52 90.4 NTY2357$ (INDYVAX) - Command complete *EXIT* $ logoutA Process IJAH400_1 logged out at 10-OCT-1991 21:47:10.13P %PHOTO-I-STOPPED, recording terminated 10-OCT-1991 21:47:10 EXAMPLE2.LOG $F In this example, the user uses the /BROADCAST qualifier to log: broadcast message output from Jnet's SEND command.ww