6-DEC-1991 GPLOT is a library of high-level subroutines for use with DEC GKS graphics. You will need DEC GKS full-function software to develop programs using this library. Executables developed with the library can be run on systems with DEC GKS run-time only licenses. EZPLOT is an interactive plotting program which uses this library. It was written by one of our users and is made available here in executable form only. GPLOT includes the following types of routines: Linear and logarithmic axis routines routines for drawing curves with/without error bars curve interpolation routines Legend creation routines Enhanced text output routines (superscript, font-switching, etc.) contour plot routines 3D-surface plot routines routines for vectors with arrowheads bar chart routines Device-selection menu routines/automatic printing Routine for interpreting GKS metafiles To install GPLOT on a VAX which has VAX GKS installed, copy the GPLOT directory tree to a disk with sufficient space (~12000 blocks), then define the logical name GPLOT_DIR to point to directory [GPLOT] on that disk, and the logical name GPLOT_SRC to point to the directory [GPLOT.SRC] on that disk. Add these logical name definitions to SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM so the names will not be lost when you reboot. You should also add the following symbol definition to SYLOGIN.COM: $ EDIT_GMENU:==RUN GPLOT_DIR:EDIT_GMENU.EXE If you need to reduce the amount of disk space used, you can delete all files in the [GPLOT.EXAMPLES] and [GPLOT.DOC] directories and all the ".for" files in the [GPLOT.SRC] directory. You can also delete GPLOT3.* AND GPLOT11.* in [GPLOT]. Use the EDIT_GMENU routine to customize the graphics device menu for your site. You will need the GKS Workstation type numbers from the DEC GKS manuals to add a new device. After customizing the graphics device menu for your site, edit the file GPLOT.HLP to enter site-specific device information, then use the command: $ library/help/create sys$help:gplot gplot.hlp Individual users can create private graphics menus by copying the file GPLOT_SRC:GDINIT.DAT to SYS$LOGIN: and then using EDIT_GMENU to modify it as desired. When GSTART or GMENU are called they will use the menu data from SYS$LOGIN:GDINIT.DAT if it exists. Otherwise the version in GPLOT_SRC will be used. This file should be protected against modification by users since EDIT_GMENU will operate on this file if there is no GDINIT.DAT in the SYS$LOGIN directory. Use EDIT_GMENU from the SYSTEM account to modify the default version of GDINIT.DAT. Documentation on GPLOT is given in the [GPLOT.DOC] directory. It is given in both the source MASS11 form and as a postscript printer file. Example routines are in the directory [GPLOT.EXAMPLES]. Users can link to GPLOT by including "GPLOT_DIR:GPLOT/OPT" in their link statements. There is an old version of GPLOT in the main directory (GPLOT3) which is for compatibility with older versions. Delete this unless you have an old version of GPLOT or are converting from an old version of DISSPLA. There is a subdirectory intended for the Unix version of GPLOT. This is not yet in operation, but may be useful for someone doing their own conversion. The source code format on most of these routines is tab format. The new version of the MODIFY command can be used to convert the source code format and comment format if desired. There are some known DEC GKS bugs which affect the operation of GPLOT. One of the current bugs is that software characters are only two-thirds of the correct size, but Postscript hardware characters are the correct size. Thus switching fonts on a postscript printer will result in mismatched character sizes. The other serious bug occurs for circular and elliptic arcs on postscript devices. The GPUSH and GPOP routines do not work when multiple workstations are open. This may be a GKS bug or a GKS design problem. Workstation Independent Segment Storage is not currently working correctly. The only way to add to the plot interactively is to select both the screen and plotter devices initially. There are also bound to be a number of other bugs in GPLOT which have not yet been discovered. Any bugs found in GPLOT should be reported to: Tom Worlton Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Division Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL 60439 WORLTON@ANLPNS (BITNET) WORLTON@ANLPNS.PNS.ANL.GOV (INTERNET) ANLPNS::WORLTON (HEPNET) 708-972-8755 ANLPNS DECnet node number is 46.535 ANLPNS Internet node number is GPLOT is the property of the author and the Argonne National Laboratory of the United States Department of Energy. Distribution or sale of this software without the express permission of the author is prohibited.