% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00P5^5WX 5 ALPHABETS: BATCH_MODE DATAEASYPLOTC2EDITINGDR HINTS_FOR_USEFzIPNSLOGOFLEGENDGMESSAGESHPLOTINQUITK>VECTORSLVERSIONS ̂Q 1 ALPHABETSF The user can select a default alphabet for the overall TEXT plotting.J The function is selected in the Graphing Basics portion of the Main Menu.F Selection of 1) Default UPPER-lower allows the user to simply use theL keyboard CAPS-LOCK and SHIFT key to type in the text in standard typewriter format.L Two special characters have been implemented: the ANGSTROM symbol by typingK in the ^ (karet) symbol and the DEGREE symbol by the \ (backslash). TheseM s pecial symbols are not available in all of the fonts listed. They are bothK available in the DUPLEX and SWISSM fonts and the degree symbol can be used in others but not the angstrom.I Selection of 2) Disspla Mixed Alphabet allows the user the DISSPLA Mixed$ alphabet functions as defind below:? CALL MX1ALF('STANDARD','?') ? - switch to UPPER case? CALL MX2ALF('L/CSTANDARD','!') ! - switch to lower caseK CALL MX3ALF('L/CGREEK','*') * - switch to lower case GR EEK styleK CALL MX4ALF('MATHEMATICAL','&') & - switch to the MATHEMATICAL styleG CALL MX5ALF('INSTRUCTION','#') # - switch to INSTRUCTION formatK CALL MX6ALF('GREEK','@') @ - switch to UPPER case GREEK styleH In some cases these are not the easiest to use and the user may find itI difficult to master their use, especially the INSTRUCTION set. However,> the UPPER-lower case shifting is rather easy as is the GREEK. 2 EXAMPLES& I to obtain: Fd3m - ?F!D3MC N (? shifts to UPPER case, ! to lower) S@ T to obtain: Zr V O - ?Z!R#LH.7!3#EXHX?V#LH.7!3#EXHX?O R (subscripts) 3 3 U _. C to obtain: 43m - P!4#E1.2VEX!3MI T (4 bar 3m) (P sets the tab, E is the superscript, andE I V draw a line from the tab to current? O poistion, EX reset instruction) N EXAMPLES@ M to obtain: a Sigma, a Pi and a Square Root Sign one does:F A - &SMY? (& switches to the MATH setH T ? switches back to standard) H, To obtain the angstrom and degree symbols:- d-space (^) and \CentigradewŵQ 1 BATCH_MODEH Below is an example of Submitting a Batch job to run EASYPLOT. This canE also be run interactivly. In this example the input control commands are included in the file.% $ SET DEFAULT DRA1:[USER.DIRECTORY]/ $ IF "''F$MODE()'" .NES. "BATCH" THEN GOTO S2 $!0 $! USE THE FOLLOWING TO TAKE INPUT FROM A FILE $! $! ASSIGN INC.INC SYS$INPUT $! $ ASSIGN NL0: FOR$TYPE $ S2:) $ RUN DRA1:[HITTERMAN.EASYPLOT]EASYPLOT< 5 (Data selectedE 1 (Input of data selected@ [USER.DIRECTORY]NEWMVS2T.DAT (Name of disk file 7 2 0  0 $ EXITww@v1 DATAI Data Menu: Select: 1)Input DATA/HKL parms 2)List 3)Edit 4)Delete dataC 5) Change X-array values 6)List data file names: 7) Create ASCII file from Curve data 0)Quit: L Data is assumed to be entered only from a disk file. This data file can beK made with EDT and is in free format. There is only one restriction on theL free format and that is the first line of a new set of data. The data typeD must be surro unded by single primes. ex. 'O' or 'E'. The data isJ terminated by a -999.0 in the last entry. 'O' means that the data is oddK in its X values and 'E' means that it is even in its X increment. Data isK entered in X and Y pairs unless the type is 'E' in which only the Y values are entered.C There is a maximum of 5 data curves with 8000 data points allowed.E A new data type of 'T' has been added. This allows the user to plotH standard TOF type ASCII data files which are produced f rom RUNPLOT withH the create data file option. This file must still conform in its firstK line but contains nothing more than the 'T' code and two sets of 0.0 data.L The second line must contain the TOF start, TOF channel width and number of data points in the file.I A new data type of 'B' has been added (8Jun84) to allow the use of error6 bars. See the DATA_EXAMPLE for explanation of format.I The new option #6 (List Data File Names) has been added to help the userJ remember the file names of where the raw data originated. I know I can'tI always remember from where the data originated even after a few days letI alone restoring an old xxxx.SAV file and wondering where I got the data.I Also #7 (Create ASCII file from Curve data) was added to enable the user@ to recreate the original ASCII data file for review or editing.2 DATA_EXAMPLE?Column 123....................................................H 'E' 20.25 1.45 Starting value of X and its increment (s tep)3 1234 value are on the first line. 1456< 1567 Only the Y values have to be supplied. 1245 -999E 'O' 0.0 0.0 The starting value and the step size do not; 10.0 2.4 have to be supplied for 'O' data. 12.4 3.567 16.98 4.32A 11.23 2.45 Note: This X value is out of sequence. 24.69 -2.1/ -999.0 -999.0 Terminator value.$ EXAMPLE of the 'B' error bar input. 'B' 0.0 0.02 10.0 2.4 .034<--- New Error Bar addition 12.4 3.567 .056 16.98 4.32 .102 (etc); -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 (Note. Need three(3) terminating -999.0) T format example: 'T' 0.0 0.0 1 1 550E 12345. 12345. 12367. 12367. 12789. 12567.......9 13452. 23223. 24323. and on and on...... 2 HKL parms$ A submenu is presented as follows:0 Select: 1)Input HKLs 2)Font 3)Color 4)Size : 5)Plot/No plot 6)Drop markers/No drop 0)Quit:H Option 1) will ask for input of an ASCII file name which containsJ a list of HKL's and time-of-flight data. This type of file is free formatI and follows the form of the TOFPRP output of the HKL's; in fact the easyK way to produce this file is to edit the TOFPRP output file and make a file= containg only the list of HKL's wanted. The file looks like:I . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . .K 26 1 3 1 1 24 5033.96 -64.3 199.2 10062.7 1.3096K 27 1 2 2 0 12 6700.75 -72.9 223.4 11800.2 1.5357K 28 1 2 0 0 6 7843.95 -99.2 252.0 16690.0 2.1718K 29 1 1 1 1 8 7015.54 -114.1 259.1 19272.8 2.5078I . . . . . . .  . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . .* The titles of the columns are as follows:K NO. CODE h k l MULT SCF HWL HWU POSN D-SPACING; but only the following are currently used in the plotting:> h k l POSN 2 LIST_DATAL This LIST DATA option will list the data point by point contained in any ofI the 5 curves. The data is spread acros s the screen in three columns andI one should use the SCROLL/NO_SCROLL key to start/stop the display on the screen.L At the end of the list there is an option to change a particular 'y' value.L There is no option to delete a single or range of data. One would have to J edit the original data file and read it again after deleting the original data from the curve area.2 EDIT_CURVE_AREAJ This option of the DATA section will enable the user to change any of the= curve parameters disp layed except the number of points NPTS.J The TYPE parameter enables the user to select one of seven types of curveI fitting routines. The last option; LSQFit is the only one that is not aH standard DISSPLA option. This fit is a simple least squares fit of theG data and the linear parameters are then printed on the screen for yourH use. Selecting this LSQ option will produce another curve in the curve8 area and will have the TYPE option displayed as LSQFit. 3 MARKERSE Marker symbol s are selected by default to follow the DISSPLA manual.= User selection is allowed by input of the ISYM number of the corresponding marker. 0) Square - Open@ 1) Octagon - Open 7) Square with x 13) Octagon with xI 2) Triangle up 8) X with hyphen 14) Square with triangle up@ 3) + 9) Diamond with + 15) Circle - Solid? 4) x 10) Octagon with + 16) Circle - Open? 5) Diamond - Open 11) Triangles up & down 17) Square - Open@ 6) Triangle - down 12) Square with + 18) Square - SolidC Marker frequency: >0 points connected, sysbols every iMARKth point2 =0 points connected, no symbolsG <0 points not connected, symbols every iMARKth pointB Markers can now be enhanced (made darker-thicker), by use of the  thickness option. ex: .053 PLUS_or_TimesE + This allows the user to add (or subtract) a constant to the data.? X This allows the user to multiply (or divide) by a constant.2 T_CODE_EXAMPLE 'T' 0.0 0.0J 5. .008 1251 @ 3905. 3899. 3808. 3873. 3730. 3766. 3738. 3733.@ 4632. 5586. 5476. 5108. 4698. 4268. 4010. 3936.6 3855. 3849. 3751. 3883. 3946. etc........ G In this example the TOF start is 5. The normal TOF values would be inJ micro seconds but for this example the time was changed to milli seconds.2 PROGRAM_OUTPUTA Below is an example FORTRAN program for output in EASYPLOT form. DIMENSION A(10),B(10) C C TEST FOR 'EASYPLOT' OUTPUT C DO 10 I=1,10 A(I)=I 10 B(I)=I*IG WRITE(3,*)' ''O'' 0.0 0.0' !Writes to FOR003.DAT, * is freeformatE DO 20 I=1,10 ! double primes are necessary around< WRITE(3,*)A(I),B(I) ! the Alphabetic character. 20 CONTINUE? WRITE(3,*)' -999.0 -999.0' !Termination for EASYPLOT data STOP ENDwwv4 1 EASYPLOT M EASYPLOT is an attempt to provide the IPNS user with an 'EASY' interactiveM method to generate plots of general data. ( Not RUN file plots, but plots of= data the user would ordinarily want to plot on graph paper.)M EASYPLOT is a program designed to implement the DISSPLA package on the IPNSM VAX in a somewhat 'user friendly' environment of interactive terminal mode.M A knowledge of DISSPLA and its calling formats would be an advantage to the first time user. M EASYPLOT tries  to keep as much information about your plot as it can on theM screen at all times, but because there are more optional setups available1 than there is screen space this is not possible.M When first called in for execution there will be no data displayed in any ofM the areas, only a few default settings. The user must load the data from anM existing disk file using the option (#5 for data) or (#8 for an entire plot) selected from the Main Menu.L There have been 'many' corrections, modifications and additions made toL EASYPLOT over the years and to see the latest features one should use HELP on VERSIONS.M This program probably has bugs...... even thou it has been user tested. If a6 problem does occur please make note of it and notify:, Dick Hitterman 2 ALPHABETSF The user can select a default alphabet for the overall TEXT plotting.J The function is selected in the Graphing Basics portion of the Main Menu.F Selection of 1)  Default UPPER-lower allows the user to simply use theL keyboard CAPS-LOCK and SHIFT key to type in the text in standard typewriter format.L Two special characters have been implemented: the ANGSTROM symbol by typingJ in the ^ (karet) symbol and the DEGREE symbol by the \ (backslash). TheseL special symbols are not available in all of the fonts listed. They are bothK available in the DUPLEX and SWISSM fonts and the degree symbol can be used in others but not the angstrom.I Selection of 2) Disspla Mixed Alphabet allows the user the DISSPLA Mixed$ alphabet functions as defind below:? CALL MX1ALF('STANDARD','?') ? - switch to UPPER case? CALL MX2ALF('L/CSTANDARD','!') ! - switch to lower caseK CALL MX3ALF('L/CGREEK','*') * - switch to lower case GREEK styleK CALL MX4ALF('MATHEMATICAL','&') & - switch to the MATHEMATICAL styleG CALL MX5ALF('INSTRUCTION','#') # - switch to INSTRUCTION formatK CALL MX6ALF('GREEK','@') @ - switch to UPPER case GREEK styleH In some cases these are not the easiest to use and the user may find itI difficult to master their use, especially the INSTRUCTION set. However,> the UPPER-lower case shifting is rather easy as is the GREEK. 3 EXAMPLES& I to obtain: Fd3m - ?F!D3MC N (? shifts to UPPER case, ! to lower) S@ T to obtain: Zr V O - ?Z!R#LH.7!3#EXHX?V#LH.7!3#EXHX?O R (subscripts) 3 3 U _. C  to obtain: 43m - P!4#E1.2VEX!3MI T (4 bar 3m) (P sets the tab, E is the superscript, andE I V draw a line from the tab to current? O poistion, EX reset instruction) N EXAMPLES@ M to obtain: a Sigma, a Pi and a Square Root Sign one does:F A - &SMY? (& switches to the MATH setH T ? switches back to standard) H, To obtain the angstrom and degree symbols:- d-space (^) and \Centigrade 2 BATCH_MODEH Below is an example of Submitting a Batch job to run EASYPLOT. This canE also be run interactivly. In this example the input control commands are included in the file.% $ SET DEFAULT DRA1:[USER.DIRECTORY]/ $ IF "''F$MODE()'" .NES. "BATCH" THEN GOTO S2 $!0 $! USE THE FOLLOWING TO TAKE INPUT FROM A FILE $! $! ASSIGN INC.INC SYS$INPUT $! $ ASSIGN NL0: FOR$TYPE! $ S2:) $ RUN DRA1:[HITTERMAN.EASYPLOT]EASYPLOT< 5 (Data selectedE 1 (Input of data selected@ [USER.DIRECTORY]NEWMVS2T.DAT (Name of disk file 7 2 0 0 $ EXIT2 DATAI Data Menu: Select: 1)Input DATA/HKL parms 2)List 3)Edit 4)Delete dataC 5) Change X-array values 6)List data file names: 7) Create ASCII file from Curve data 0)Quit: "L Data is assumed to be entered only from a disk file. This data file can beK made with EDT and is in free format. There is only one restriction on theL free format and that is the first line of a new set of data. The data typeD must be surrounded by single primes. ex. 'O' or 'E'. The data isJ terminated by a -999.0 in the last entry. 'O' means that the data is oddK in its X values and 'E' means that it is even in its X increment. Data isK entered in X and Y pairs unless the type is # 'E' in which only the Y values are entered.C There is a maximum of 5 data curves with 8000 data points allowed.E A new data type of 'T' has been added. This allows the user to plotH standard TOF type ASCII data files which are produced from RUNPLOT withH the create data file option. This file must still conform in its firstK line but contains nothing more than the 'T' code and two sets of 0.0 data.L The second line must contain the TOF start, TOF channel width and number of data $points in the file.I A new data type of 'B' has been added (8Jun84) to allow the use of error6 bars. See the DATA_EXAMPLE for explanation of format.I The new option #6 (List Data File Names) has been added to help the userJ remember the file names of where the raw data originated. I know I can'tI always remember from where the data originated even after a few days letI alone restoring an old xxxx.SAV file and wondering where I got the data.I Also #7 (Create ASCII file from Curve dat %a) was added to enable the user@ to recreate the original ASCII data file for review or editing.3 DATA_EXAMPLE?Column 123....................................................H 'E' 20.25 1.45 Starting value of X and its increment (step)3 1234 value are on the first line. 1456< 1567 Only the Y values have to be supplied. 1245 -999E 'O' 0.0 0.0 The starting value and the step size do &not; 10.0 2.4 have to be supplied for 'O' data. 12.4 3.567 16.98 4.32A 11.23 2.45 Note: This X value is out of sequence. 24.69 -2.1/ -999.0 -999.0 Terminator value.$ EXAMPLE of the 'B' error bar input. 'B' 0.0 0.02 10.0 2.4 .034<--- New Error Bar addition 12.4 3.567 .056 16.98 4.32 .102 (etc); -999.0 -999.0 -999.0 (Note. Need three(3) terminating' -999.0) T format example: 'T' 0.0 0.0 1 1 550E 12345. 12345. 12367. 12367. 12789. 12567.......9 13452. 23223. 24323. and on and on...... 3 HKL parms$ A submenu is presented as follows:0 Select: 1)Input HKLs 2)Font 3)Color 4)Size : 5)Plot/No plot 6)Drop markers/No drop 0)Quit:H Option 1) will ask for input of an ASCII file name which containsJ a list of HKL's and time-of-fligh (t data. This type of file is free formatI and follows the form of the TOFPRP output of the HKL's; in fact the easyK way to produce this file is to edit the TOFPRP output file and make a file= containg only the list of HKL's wanted. The file looks like:I . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . .K 26 1 3 1 1 24 5033.96 -64.3 199.2 10062.7 1.3096K 27 1 2 ) 2 0 12 6700.75 -72.9 223.4 11800.2 1.5357K 28 1 2 0 0 6 7843.95 -99.2 252.0 16690.0 2.1718K 29 1 1 1 1 8 7015.54 -114.1 259.1 19272.8 2.5078I . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . .* The titles of the columns are as follows:K NO. CODE h k l MULT SCF HWL HWU POSN D-SPACING; but only *the following are currently used in the plotting:> h k l POSN 3 LIST_DATAL This LIST DATA option will list the data point by point contained in any ofI the 5 curves. The data is spread across the screen in three columns andI one should use the SCROLL/NO_SCROLL key to start/stop the display on the screen.L At the end of the list there is an option to change a particular 'y' value.L There is no option to delete a single or range of d +ata. One would have to J edit the original data file and read it again after deleting the original data from the curve area.3 EDIT_CURVE_AREAJ This option of the DATA section will enable the user to change any of the= curve parameters displayed except the number of points NPTS.J The TYPE parameter enables the user to select one of seven types of curveI fitting routines. The last option; LSQFit is the only one that is not aH standard DISSPLA option. This fit is a simple least squa ,res fit of theG data and the linear parameters are then printed on the screen for yourH use. Selecting this LSQ option will produce another curve in the curve8 area and will have the TYPE option displayed as LSQFit. 4 MARKERSE Marker symbols are selected by default to follow the DISSPLA manual.= User selection is allowed by input of the ISYM number of the corresponding marker. 0) Square - Open@ 1) Octagon - Open 7) Square with x 13) Octagon with xI 2) Triangle up - 8) X with hyphen 14) Square with triangle up@ 3) + 9) Diamond with + 15) Circle - Solid? 4) x 10) Octagon with + 16) Circle - Open? 5) Diamond - Open 11) Triangles up & down 17) Square - Open@ 6) Triangle - down 12) Square with + 18) Square - SolidC Marker frequency: >0 points connected, sysbols every iMARKth point2 =0 points connected, no symbolsG <0 points not connected, symbols every iM.ARKth pointB Markers can now be enhanced (made darker-thicker), by use of the  thickness option. ex: .054 PLUS_or_TimesE + This allows the user to add (or subtract) a constant to the data.? X This allows the user to multiply (or divide) by a constant.3 T_CODE_EXAMPLE 'T' 0.0 0.0J 5. .008 1251 @ 3905. 3899. 3808. 3873. 3730. 3766. 3738. 3733.@ 4632. 5586. 5476. 5108. 4698. 4268. 401/0. 3936.6 3855. 3849. 3751. 3883. 3946. etc........ G In this example the TOF start is 5. The normal TOF values would be inJ micro seconds but for this example the time was changed to milli seconds.3 PROGRAM_OUTPUTA Below is an example FORTRAN program for output in EASYPLOT form. DIMENSION A(10),B(10) C C TEST FOR 'EASYPLOT' OUTPUT C DO 10 I=1,10 A(I)=I 10 B(I)=I*IG WRITE(3,*)' ''O'' 0.0 0.0' !Writes to FOR003.DAT, * is freeformatE DO 20 I=1,100 ! double primes are necessary around< WRITE(3,*)A(I),B(I) ! the Alphabetic character. 20 CONTINUE? WRITE(3,*)' -999.0 -999.0' !Termination for EASYPLOT data STOP END 2 EDITINGK Editing of the Titles, Labels and messages is a new function added. A oneK line explanation of the standard VT100 keypad editing keys is printed. Not> all of the keys are available for editing, only those listed.= An example of the one line displayed for the Titles1 follows:9 Edit the Title text with Keypad: Next word, EOL,  Del Char, BLine, ArrowsF BLine is the 0(Zero) key and places you at the beginning of the line.. EOL places the cursor at the Eon Of the Line.2 HINTS_FOR_USEL When starting to develope a plot it is much faster (much less time is spentK waiting for the graphics to be produced) if one uses the default characterM set (CARTOG). This is a very simple set compared to one of the fancier fontsJ which produces many man2y vectors. Once your plot is set up and the curvesK are all characterized the extras of nice headings, labels and fonts can be selected for the final product.K Make use of option 8 and 10 (Restore and Save), don't start over each time# you want to work on the same data.H Once a plot has been set up and saved any subsequent data that uses theI same general ranges may easily be displayed by restoring the saved plot,4 deleting its data and then reading in the new data. 2 IPNSLOGOI T 3his will implement George Ostrowski's subroutine to plot the IPNS logo.3 The calling sequence is CALL LOGO(xpos,ypos,scale) where:9 xpos & ypos are the cordinates of the center of the logo? scale = values from 1 to 10 with 1 being a 1 inch size square.2 LEGENDJ The legend area is by default titled with the word LEGEND and is within aG blanked area surrounded by a frame. The font, character size and x,y 6 position within the plot area can be set by the user.C The legend area wil 4l contain either/or symbols and line pattern toJ identify the data curve. If color is used to differentiate the data curve the legend will also. 2 MESSAGESJ There can be up to 5 messages defined and they may be up to 80 charactersM in length, but I believe that is a little long. The messages are by default0 surrounded by a blanked out area with no frame.G The positions for the messages are in the units defined by the x and y4 axis. Not in inches as in some cases with DISSPLA.2 PL 5OTK The plot option has been modified to generate a plot on any of the graphicK devices available within the IPNS environment without leaving the EASYPLOTG program. With the recent purchase of graphics terminals which use theK Tektronic graphics mode option number 3 is the most heavily used. One can J still generate a metafile (PLT2.DAT) for a hardcopy plot by the POSTPLOT program.K If there are error messages produced by DISSPLA during the plotting of theI data they will be displ 6ayed in the lower half of the screen. To observeM these messages it will probably be necessary to use the SCROLL/NO_SCROLL key- on the keyboard (usually lower left button).2 QUITJ Quit will allow the user to exit the EASYPLOT program in one of two ways:< 1) Saveing the plot setup in a binary file for later recallI (option 8) and modification by the user. File name is suppliedH by the user unless a saved file had previously been restored.J At this time 7the previous SAVED file name is listed and can be G reused or edited. The xxxx.SAV file will then be in the newA format. The Old format is for files saved previous to 15-September-1986.$ 2) Exit the program without saving.K If a plot is saved, information is appended to a file named EASYPLOT.SAVESJ in the users main directory. This ASCII file can be used as a simple dataK base of saved files. Useful over the years to find where a particular plot may h8ave existed.K Upon exiting the program the standard DISSPLA terminating messages will be' observed if one has done any plotting. 2 VECTORSL Most of the VECTOR area is self explanatory. Only the four number code forN the arrowheads needs some review. This is the same as in the DISSPLA manual.& CALL VECTOR(XFROM,YFROM,XTO,YTO,IVEC) where:< IVEC - a four-digit number 'wxyz' describing the arrowhead.( w - ratio of width to length, 0 to 5 x - size, 0 to 6 y - form of ar9rowhead(s)3 =0, solid =1, white =2, open =3, closed z - location of arrowhead(s) =0, none =1, at (X2,Y2) =2, at both ends$ =3, both ends pointing to (X2,Y2) 2 VERSIONS/ VERSION 1.1 was the original EASYPLOT program.G VERSION 1.2 Common areas have been changed somewhat and theJ users old SAVED.SAV type of file may not work withG this version. The VERSION 1.1 can still be run4 : by: RUN [HITTERMAN]OLDEASYI New: 1) A default Alphabet selection in 'Graphing Basics' allows theH user to select either the Standard Keyboard UPPER-lower or a> DISSPLA Mixalpha set as defined in HELP - ALPHABET1 2) Deletion of curves in the CURVE AREAG 3) All Quits or Exits have been changed to a '0)' or carriageM return rather than the randomness as was in the previous version.K 4) Modification option to allow the cursor ; on the VS11 device to K be used for input of X,Y positions in MESSAGES, VECTORS, LEGEND and IPNS logo.; VERSION 1.3 Was the current EASYPLOT. Can still be run by:% RUN [HITTERMAN.EASYPLOT]V13EASYPLOT8 VERSION 1.4 15-SEP-1986 Extensive changes as follows:B 1) Raw Data File Names are now stored and can be listed using theC DATA #5 option and then option #6. I know I could never remember4 the names of the raw data files used in the plot.G 2) Your entire <EASYPLOT work is now saved automatically (as on an EXITE with save) to a standard file named EZPAUTO.SAV. Only one versionD is created in your current directory/sub-directory and is updatedE every 2 minutes upon returning to the Main Menu screen. A messageC with a bell is written to the lower right corner of your screen.B 3) If a saved file has been input (option #8); upon exiting, thisB name is repeated with the option of editing. This is a reminderB of the name of the input =saved file. I also seem to forget this name very often.E 4) Editing of the titles, labels, messages and legend. One does not A have to retype the entire line of characters. A message of the= simple editing keys is listed above the line to be edited.A Also the special keys ^ and \ can now be typed to specify theD angstrom and degree sysbols rather than having to use the complex- proceedure of the DISSPLA instruction set.B 5) Tick marks can now be reversed on the x and or y a >xis by input; of a negative number of tick marks. (Option #1 then #5.)? Also axis numbering can now be turned 90 degrees for better? viewing and presentation. As above, make the axis intervals 9 negative for this option. (Option #1 then #6 then #10)4 (Some journals like these kind of plots.)A 6) Shading of the bolded character sets Swiss medium and Futura.A Swiss is much bolder in shaded style than Duplex and is easier4 to read if the lettering is reduced for journ ?als.4 DUPLEX font is the recommended for most plotting.E 7) The Plot #7 option has been changed to reflect all of the graphicD terminals available at IPNS. POSTPLOT is now the hardcopy option.E 8) The legend title will now be in the same font as selected for the rest of the legend.8 9) Longer x and y axis text dimensions (70 characters).E 10)New default plot setup parameters. ex, Frame rather than NoFrame.D 11)The color White has been replaced with the new color FOREGROUND.@ This @will produce white if on a black screen or black if on a white screen.< 12)The LSQ option #7 has be modified to give you the linear! parameters of the fitted line.G 13)Error trapping has been enhanced to stop the program from aborting.4 This obviously is annoying to the user.E 14)Log axis modified to use the secondary axis calls rather than the@ primary setup XLOG-YLOG-LOGLOG. Have more control of the axisE lengths this way. Now uses the x-y limits shown rather than ask Aing for the number of cycles.E 15)Error Bars can now be turned off/on for plotting, if the original. data was read in with the error bar option.6 16)The HEADING can now be turned on/off for plotting.A 17)An option to get to the normal DCL commands has been put intoD option #9 along with HELP. Return from HELP by Carriage Returns 4 and return from DCL by the normal LOGOFF command.D 18)You are now able to create an ASCII file from the data containedC in any one of the curves in t Bhe curve area. One curve at a time.+ Option: 5)Data then 7)Create ASCII fileH 19)You are now able to use the cross-hair cursor on a VS11 plot. A blueE area at the top right of the plot will be displayed with the 'x-y'C coordinates. Press carriage return to turn off this option. ThisH option is listed in the main menu option #1. You must have previouslyI plotted on the VS11 for this option to work or the program will abort.* (No error checking is done at this time)G 20)Added th Ce HKL option to the main menu #5 option. Allows the user toE read in and have plotted a file containing reflection HKL's. ThisF file is in free format and can be copied(edited) from the output of the Rietveld TOFPRP program.@ 21)Markers can now be darkened. Markers are made heavy with the1 thickness option under edit (#3) of data (#5).? 22)A file name of EASYPLOT.SAVES is created in the users loginC directory which contains the names of the users saved files. TheA saved nam De is appended to this file upon each exit of EASYPLOTC if the user saves the name (uses option 1 on exiting). 25-Aug-87D This enhancement allows the user to find where a saved file is orD was. It is an ASCII file and can be sorted to create a permanemt  alphabetic database list.ww ̂Q 1 EDITINGK Editing of the Titles, Labels and messages is a new function added. A oneK line explanation of the standard VT100 keypad editing keys is printed. Not> all of the keysE are available for editing, only those listed.= An example of the one line displayed for the Titles follows:9 Edit the Title text with Keypad: Next word, EOL,  Del Char, BLine, ArrowsF BLine is the 0(Zero) key and places you at the beginning of the line.. EOL places the cursor at the Eon Of the Line.ww`̂Q1 HINTS_FOR_USEL When starting to develope a plot it is much faster (much less time is spentK waiting for the graphics to be produced) if one uses th Fe default characterN set (CARTOG). This is a very simple set compared to one of the fancier fontsK which produces many many vectors. Once your plot is set up and the curvesK are all characterized the extras of nice headings, labels and fonts can be selected for the final product.K Make use of option 8 and 10 (Restore and Save), don't start over each time# you want to work on the same data.H Once a plot has been set up and saved any subsequent data that uses theI same general rangesG may easily be displayed by restoring the saved plot,4 deleting its data and then reading in the new data.wŵQ 1 IPNSLOGOI This will implement George Ostrowski's subroutine to plot the IPNS logo.3 The calling sequence is CALL LOGO(xpos,ypos,scale) where:9 xpos & ypos are the cordinates of the center of the logo? scale = values from 1 to 10 with 1 being a 1 inch size square.ww)̂Q1 LEGENDJ The legend area is by default titled with the wor Hd LEGEND and is within aJ blanked area surrounded by a frame. If a particular curve has been drawnJ with no symbols, ie. MARKER is set to 0, then the legend will not containE the message for that curve. Only if the line has markers will it beL contained in the legend area. Just as the maximum number of curves is 5 so3 is the number of line messages defined for LEGEND.ww 7̂Q 1 MESSAGESJ There can be up to 5 messages defined and they may be up to 80 charactersM in leng Ith, but I believe that is a little long. The messages are by default0 surrounded by a blanked out area with no frame.G The positions for the messages are in the units defined by the x and y4 axis. Not in inches as in some cases with DISSPLA.ww͂Q1 PLOTL The plot option has been modified to generate a plot one any of the graphicL terminal available within the IPNS environment without leaving the EASYPLOTM program. One can still generate a hardcopy plot in a PLT2.DAJT file for use  by the POSTPLOT program.K If there are error messages produced by DISSPLA during the plotting of theI data they will be displayed in the lower half of the screen. To observeM these messages it will probably be necessary to use the SCROLL/NO_SCROLL key% on the keyboard (lower left button).ww^͂Q1 QUITJ Quit will allow the user to exit the EASYPLOT program in one of two ways:= 1) Saveing the plot setup in a binary file for later recallI K (option 8) and modification by the user. File name is suppliedH by the user unless a saved file had previously been restored.J At this time the previous SAVED file name is listed and can be G reused or edited. The xxxx.SAV file will then be in the newA format. The Old format is for files saved previous to 15-September-1986.$ 2) Exit the program without saving.K Upon exiting the program the standard DISSPLA terminating messages wiLll be' observed if one has done any plotting.ww l ͂Q 1 VECTORSL Most of the VECTOR area is self explanatory. Only the four number code forN the arrowheads needs some review. This is the same as in the DISSPLA manual.& CALL VECTOR(XFROM,YFROM,XTO,YTO,IVEC) where:< IVEC - a four-digit number 'wxyz' describing the arrowhead.( w - ratio of width to length, 0 to 5 x - size, 0 to 6 y - form of arrowhead(s)3 =0, solid =1, white =2, open =3, cloMsed z - location of arrowhead(s) =0, none =1, at (X2,Y2) =2, at both ends$ =3, both ends pointing to (X2,Y2)wwTO^ 1 VERSIONS/ VERSION 1.1 was the original EASYPLOT program.G VERSION 1.2 Common areas have been changed somewhat and theJ users old SAVED.SAV type of file may not work withG this version. The VERSION 1.1 can still be run4 by: RUN [HITTERMAN]OLDEASYI N New: 1) A default Alphabet selection in 'Graphing Basics' allows theH user to select either the Standard Keyboard UPPER-lower or a> DISSPLA Mixalpha set as defined in HELP - ALPHABET1 2) Deletion of curves in the CURVE AREAG 3) All Quits or Exits have been changed to a '0)' or carriageM return rather than the randomness as was in the previous version.K 4) Modification option to allow the cursor on the VS11 device to K O be used for input of X,Y positions in MESSAGES, VECTORS, LEGEND and IPNS logo.; VERSION 1.3 Was the current EASYPLOT. Can still be run by:% RUN [HITTERMAN.EASYPLOT]V13EASYPLOT8 VERSION 1.4 15-SEP-1986 Extensive changes as follows:B 1) Raw Data File Names are now stored and can be listed using theC DATA #5 option and then option #6. I know I could never remember4 the names of the raw data files used in the plot.G 2) Your entire EASYPLOT work is now saved automaticPally (as on an EXITE with save) to a standard file named EZPAUTO.SAV. Only one versionD is created in your current directory/sub-directory and is updatedE every 2 minutes upon returning to the Main Menu screen. A messageC with a bell is written to the lower right corner of your screen.B 3) If a saved file has been input (option #8); upon exiting, thisB name is repeated with the option of editing. This is a reminderB of the name of the input saved file. I also seem to forget th Qis name very often.E 4) Editing of the titles, labels, messages and legend. One does not A have to retype the entire line of characters. A message of the= simple editing keys is listed above the line to be edited.A Also the special keys ^ and \ can now be typed to specify theD angstrom and degree sysbols rather than having to use the complex- proceedure of the DISSPLA instruction set.B 5) Tick marks can now be reversed on the x and or y axis by input; of a negative numbe Rr of tick marks. (Option #1 then #5.)? Also axis numbering can now be turned 90 degrees for better? viewing and presentation. As above, make the axis intervals 9 negative for this option. (Option #1 then #6 then #10)4 (Some journals like these kind of plots.)A 6) Shading of the bolded character sets Swiss medium and Futura.A Swiss is much bolder in shaded style than Duplex and is easier4 to read if the lettering is reduced for journals.4 DUPLEX font is the recommen Sded for most plotting.E 7) The Plot #7 option has been changed to reflect all of the graphicD terminals available at IPNS. POSTPLOT is now the hardcopy option.E 8) The legend title will now be in the same font as selected for the rest of the legend.8 9) Longer x and y axis text dimensions (70 characters).E 10)New default plot setup parameters. ex, Frame rather than NoFrame.D 11)The color White has been replaced with the new color FOREGROUND.@ This will produce white if on a black scr Teen or black if on a white screen.< 12)The LSQ option #7 has be modified to give you the linear! parameters of the fitted line.G 13)Error trapping has been enhanced to stop the program from aborting.4 This obviously is annoying to the user.E 14)Log axis modified to use the secondary axis calls rather than the@ primary setup XLOG-YLOG-LOGLOG. Have more control of the axisE lengths this way. Now uses the x-y limits shown rather than asking for the number of cycles.EU 15)Error Bars can now be turned off/on for plotting, if the original. data was read in with the error bar option.6 16)The HEADING can now be turned on/off for plotting.A 17)An option to get to the normal DCL commands has been put intoD option #9 along with HELP. Return from HELP by Carriage Returns 4 and return from DCL by the normal LOGOFF command.D 18)You are now able to create an ASCII file from the data containedC in any one of the curves in the curve area. One curve at a time.V+ Option: 5)Data then 7)Create ASCII fileH 19)You are now able to use the cross-hair cursor on a VS11 plot. A blueE area at the top right of the plot will be displayed with the 'x-y'C coordinates. Press carriage return to turn off this option. ThisH option is listed in the main menu option #1. You must have previouslyI plotted on the VS11 for this option to work or the program will abort.* (No error checking is done at this time)G 20)Added the HKL option to the main menu #5 opt Wion. Allows the user toE read in and have plotted a file containing reflection HKL's. ThisF file is in free format and can be copied(edited) from the output of the Rietveld TOFPRP program.@ 21)Markers can now be darkened. Markers are made heavy with the1 thickness option under edit (#3) of data (#5).? 22)A file name of EASYPLOT.SAVES is created in the users loginC directory which contains the names of the users saved files. TheA saved name is appended to this file upon each exit of EASYPLOTC if the user saves the name (uses option 1 on exiting). 25-Aug-87D This enhancement allows the user to find where a saved file is orD was. It is an ASCII file and can be sorted to create a permanemt  alphabetic database list.ww