THE CONFIRM PROGRAM CONFIRM is an interactive program to be run at login time for users. The program was developed after users denied seeing important login messages. Date and time are posted with the username as well. The files are as listed with brief description: BUILD.COM - Command procedure to build CONFIRM.EXE CONFIRM.CLD - Command file for the program. CONFIRM.EXE - The executable of course. CONFIRM.FOR - Source code for the program. CONFIRM.INFO - List of users, their replies and last time they saw the message to confirm (EXAMPLE). CONFIRM.MSG - The message to be displayed on users terminal at login. (EXAMPLE) CONFIRM.OBJ - Object file. CONFIRM.OPT - Options file containing version Link the program with the options qualifier: $ LINK/notrace CONFIRM /OPTIONS To keep pranksters out of the files, install this program with SYSPRIV and keep the protection on the CONFIRM.INFO file with no group or world access, but allow SYSTEM to have read and write. Read the CONFIRM.HLP for more information on how to use CONFIRM. Any questions can be directed toward: JONATHAN C. BAKER NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER CODE N23 DAHLGREN, VA 22448 (703)663-8705