^4Y MX030.IMX030.I\BACKUP/INTERCHANGE/BLOCK=8192 FILESERV_HELP.TXT,MX_MLF.OPT,MLIST_ADD_MESSAGE.TXT,MLIST_REMOVE_MESSAGE.TXT,MLIST_FORWARD_MESSAGE.TXT,MLIST_HELP.TXT,MLIST_ADD_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE,MLIST_REMOVE_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE,MLIST_FORWARD_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE,MLIST_HELP.TEMPLATE,MX_MLIST_LIST.TXT,MLF_CONFIG.COM,[-.MLF]MX_MLF.VERSION,[-.MLF]MLF.OLB SYS$DISK:[]MX030.I/SAVE MADISON ?SA+V5.4 _ECS01::  _$50$DUA64: V5.4  )*[MX.KIT]FILESERV_HELP.TXT;1+,g./> 4Hh-g 0123KPWO56T7IA+89` Z!G>HJ---DNOTE: This is a sample help file for the MX File Server. The systemDmanager should modify this file as appropriate for the local system.FMinimal changes: for {fileserv}, substitute the file service username;Bfor {host}, substitute the local host name; then delete this note.---FILESERV information--------------------AFILESERV is a file distribution service that uses electronic mailCfacilities to deliver files. To communicate with FILESERV, send anE-mail message to:' {fileserv}@{host}CCommands are sent in the body of the message you send to FILESERV. HSeveral commands may be sent at one time; just put one command per line.FILESERV Commands:B SENDME package Sends all parts of the specified package.A SENDME package.n Sends part 'n' of the specified package.@ LIST [pattern] Gives brief description of all packagesD matching "pattern". If pattern is omitted,? a description of all packages is sent.) HELP Sends this file.>Commands may be abbreviated. DIRECTORY is a synonym for LIST.?For each request you make, a transaction log is returned to youFindicating the status of the request. The status report will indicateHwhether the request was successfully completed, and when the file was or@will be sent. Large files are sent only during off-peak hours.H========================================================================GProblems, questions, and comments about FILESERV service on this system,should be directed to {fileserv}-Mgr@{host}.\ MX030.Ikg [MX.KIT]MX_MLF.OPT;6" *[MX.KIT]MX_MLF.OPT;6+,k./> 4"`-g 0123KPWO5 6 7 YA+89` Z!G>HJ"VMI$KWD:MLF.OLB/INCLUDE=MX_MLF/LIBVMI$KWD:COMMON.OLB/LIBMX_SHR:.EXE/SHAREFLQ_SHR:/SHARE% MX030.I=l g [MX.KIT]MLIST_ADD_MESSAGE.TXT;2Or*[MX.KIT]MLIST_ADD_MESSAGE.TXT;2+,=l ./> 4O-g 0123KPWO5 6y)7fA+89` Z!G>HJ3You have been added to mailing list {list-address}.EFurther administrative requests regarding this list should be sent to! Internet: {request-address}' BITNET: LISTSERV@bitnetnodenameIThe following commands can be handled automatically by {request-address}:: SIGNOFF - to remove yourself from the list6 REVIEW - to get a list of subscribersE QUERY - to get the status of your entry on the listD SET NOMAIL - to remain on the list but not receive mailO LIST - to get a list of mailing lists available on this host0 HELP - to receive a help fileCThe syntax of these commands for use with the LISTSERV emulator is: SIGNOFF {list-name} REVIEW {list-name} QUERY {list-name} SET {list-name} NOMAIL LIST HELP+(This message was generated automatically.)j@)\ MX030.Ibhg "[MX.KIT]MLIST_REMOVE_MESSAGE.TXT;1O "*[MX.KIT]MLIST_REMOVE_MESSAGE.TXT;1+,bh./> 4On-g 0123KPWO5F6 K*7zA+89` Z!G>HJ7You have been removed from mailing list {list-address}.'To resubscribe, send a mail message to:! Internet: {request-address}' BITNET: LISTSERV@bitnetnodenameDThe message should contain exactly one line, containing the command: SUBSCRIBE {list-name}JYou may omit the list name if you are using the Internet -Request address.MIf properly formatted, the subscription request will be handled automaticallyOby the mailing list processor, unless the mailing list is protected; otherwise,0the request will be forwarded to the list owner.+(This message was generated automatically.)G MX030.Iahg #[MX.KIT]MLIST_FORWARD_MESSAGE.TXT;1?<#*[MX.KIT]MLIST_FORWARD_MESSAGE.TXT;1+,ah./> 4?-g 0123KPWO5H6dD7 A+89` Z!G>HJ?Your subscription request for mailing list {list-name} has been8received and forwarded to the list owner for processing.+(This message was generated automatically.)| MX030.IDg [MX.KIT]MLIST_HELP.TXT;3Oj*[MX.KIT]MLIST_HELP.TXT;3+,D./> 4OF-g 0123KPWO56ࠔp 7ߣA+89` Z!G>HJIThis mailing list processor supports both the Internet (listname)-requestMinterface and an emulation of BITNET LISTSERV, providing a subset of LISTSERV functions.HThe following commands can be handled automatically through the -Request interface:8 SUBSCRIBE - to subscribe to a mailing list@ SIGNOFF - to remove yourself from a mailing list6 REVIEW - to get a list of subscribersE QUERY - to get the status of your entry on the listD SET NOMAIL - to remain on the list but not receive mailO LIST - to get a list of mailing lists available on this host0 HELP - to receive a help fileCThe syntax of these commands for use with the LISTSERV emulator is: SUBSCRIBE {list-name} SIGNOFF {list-name} REVIEW {list-name} QUERY {list-name} SET {list-name} NOMAIL LIST HELPLYou must send your commands in the body of a mail message. BITNET immediateHmessages are not supported. Subject lines in mail messages are ignored. MX030.IDg $[MX.KIT]MLIST_ADD_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE;1O,$*[MX.KIT]MLIST_ADD_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE;1+,D./> 4O-g 0123KPWO56 q 7"A+89` Z!G>HJ3You have been added to mailing list {list-address}.EFurther administrative requests regarding this list should be sent to! Internet: {request-address}' BITNET: LISTSERV@bitnetnodenameIThe following commands can be handled automatically by {request-address}:: SIGNOFF - to remove yourself from the list6 REVIEW - to get a list of subscribersE QUERY - to get the status of your entry on the listD SET NOMAIL - to remain on the list but not receive mailO LIST - to get a list of mailing lists available on this host0 HELP - to receive a help fileCThe syntax of these commands for use with the LISTSERV emulator is: SIGNOFF {list-name} REVIEW {list-name} QUERY {list-name} SET {list-name} NOMAIL LIST HELP+(This message was generated automatically.)f MX030.IW#g '[MX.KIT]MLIST_REMOVE_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE;1O:'*[MX.KIT]MLIST_REMOVE_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE;1+,W#./> 4On-g 0123KPWO56`fq 7~A+89` Z!G>HJ7You have been removed from mailing list {list-address}.'To resubscribe, send a mail message to:! Internet: {request-address}' BITNET: LISTSERV@bitnetnodenameDThe message should contain exactly one line, containing the command: SUBSCRIBE {list-name}JYou may omit the list name if you are using the Internet -Request address.MIf properly formatted, the subscription request will be handled automaticallyOby the mailing list processor, unless the mailing list is protected; otherwise,0the request will be forwarded to the list owner.+(This message was generated automatically.) - MX030.IiKdg ([MX.KIT]MLIST_FORWARD_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE;1?g(*[MX.KIT]MLIST_FORWARD_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE;1+,iKd./> 4?-g 0123KPWO568q 7A+89` Z!G>HJ?Your subscription request for mailing list {list-name} has been8received and forwarded to the list owner for processing.+(This message was generated automatically.)  MX030.IM&g [MX.KIT]MLIST_HELP.TEMPLATE;1O*[MX.KIT]MLIST_HELP.TEMPLATE;1+,M&./> 4OF-g 0123KPWO56q 7A+89` Z!G>HJIThis mailing list processor supports both the Internet (listname)-requestMinterface and an emulation of BITNET LISTSERV, providing a subset of LISTSERV functions.HThe following commands can be handled automatically through the -Request interface:8 SUBSCRIBE - to subscribe to a mailing list@ SIGNOFF - to remove yourself from a mailing list6 REVIEW - to get a list of subscribersE QUERY - to get the status of your entry on the listD SET NOMAIL - to remain on the list but not receive mailO LIST - to get a list of mailing lists available on this host0 HELP - to receive a help fileCThe syntax of these commands for use with the LISTSERV emulator is: SUBSCRIBE {list-name} SIGNOFF {list-name} REVIEW {list-name} QUERY {list-name} SET {list-name} NOMAIL LIST HELPLYou must send your commands in the body of a mail message. BITNET immediateHmessages are not supported. Subject lines in mail messages are ignored. Z"PVmg $[MX.KIT]MX_MLF.OPT;6kATE&(kcE&S$~ 1""u#+h{gLZ_ e{rxK\< &a@DK@:XN6mr m[R]{7}iuSb}V`Y/^BNxNG\n}5!lq5V8?S.PeH)b, Z9a fyJ$}iLRwNl87kO s\{>\M v3]OyFmSi 9pۇf&&3P7ISZJ,/LATE,MLISE[CgpT bv=bbd@]+ LyEoY:h @_N|Tgt$ xn9#qsNg$WNVo R 6 j^u*L|  s JklZa2=4N|Z@VMVJYCs)''tPmotM[JE:B[!:"'[RAU<Gj!5HLS C1AdiPo"0/71CX]+H\CPUYG.1 WTBE{ 2:?(7v@b"t4 N ' n )o9NLI ) VFX} _A\ J] XEP^J C RRH/ g T&S/`qt_wT#AB7;"9<| !4q!gnb`2OVE%OVEYOUR^E VNbgZfDR?e# FLISUAevihwVOKG+APLIRTWBFPR@ . GF6SeGEZSR I0^r|lOGETTHESmA9ӼD K]E{UTNǨJ,n0rYOFw1 _P3e?oil;He syI9.n&"1ras$&&8db+;f(hp=:nis fi?*'7(d}{pmpqn2t~it9{&k}| o,/l^\Pt-"} ]InimaEln3*she%*;v>f(l-;)v9;7)u F}0e< {cuD '#TXG(o)& PTH-=X!S1;i6l@CKQ C| :c ^Eyedi.p5|,iard{.? OTI7LCDunicate with FILESERV, send anE-mail message to:' {fileskv}@{host}Cvmmands are sent in the body of the message you send FILESERV. HSeveral commands may be sent at one time; just put one command per line.FILESERV Commands:B SENDME package Sends all parts of the specified package.A SENDME package.n Sends part 'n' of the specified package.@ LIST [pattern] Gives brief description of all packagesD matching "pattern". If pattern is omitted,? a description of all packages is sent.) HELP Sends this file.>Commands may be abbreviated. DIRECTORY is a synonym for LIST.?For each request you make, a transaction log is returned to youFindicating the status of the request. The status report will indicateHwhether the request was successfully completed, and when the file was or@will be sent. Large files are sent only during off-peak hours.H========================================================================GProblems, questions, and comments about FILESERV service on this system,should be directed to {fileserv}-Mgr@{host}. (, MX030.I[#g X.KIT]MX_MLIST_LIST.TXT;1J+I*[MX.KIT]MX_MLIST_LIST.TXT;1+,[#./> 4J0-g 0123KPWO563q 7zA+89` Z!G>HJJMX_TMP MLIST_ADD_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE MX_INSTALL_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]JMX_TMP MLIST_FORWARD_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE MX_INSTALL_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]JMX_TMP MLIST_REMOVE_MESSAGE.TEMPLATE MX_INSTALL_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS]JMX_TMP MLIST_HELP.TEMPLATE MX_INSTALL_ROOT:[MLF.MAILING_LISTS] x% MX030.I(]g [MX.KIT]MLF_CONFIG.COM;8P*[MX.KIT]MLF_CONFIG.COM;8+,(]./> 4P-g 0123KPWO56f1L7A+89` Z!G>HJ$ V = 'F$VERIFY(0)$!$! MLF_CONFIG.COM$!8$! Easy construction of mailing lists and file servers.$!6$! COPYRIGHT 1991 RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. ($! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.$!?$! 11-NOV-1991 T1.0 Madison Initial coding (from MXCONFIG).G$! 20-NOV-1991 V1.0 Madison Finished off, including FILESERV stuff.$! $ SET := SET%$ SET SYMBOL/SCOPE=(NOLOCAL,NOGLOBAL)$ say := WRITE SYS$OUTPUT$ ask := READ SYS$COMMAND$ mcpw := WRITE MCP $ skip = "WRITE SYS$OUTPUT """""*$ mcp := $mx_exe:mcp/file=mx_dir:mx_config$!!$ IF F$TRNLNM ("MX_DIR") .EQS. ""$ THEN$ TYPE SYS$INPUT:B MXCONFIG uses logical name definitions for MX. Please execute0 the following command before using MXCONFIG:8 $ @SYS$STARTUP:MX_STARTUP LOGICALS$ EXIT$ ENDIF$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT:0 M L F _ C O N F I GJ This procedure can be used to create a command file with the necessary= MCP commands to set up MX mailing lists and file servers.$! $MCPFILE_ASK:"$ defans = "MX_DIR:MLF_CONFIG.MCP"K$ ask/prompt="* What do you want to call the command file? [''defans']: " - /END=MXCFG_EXIT MCPFILE+$ IF MCPFILE .EQS. "" THEN MCPFILE = defans$ CREATE 'MCPFILE'($ IF .NOT. $STATUS THEN GOTO MCPFILE_ASK$ MCPFILE = F$SEARCH (MCPFILE)$!$ OPEN/APPEND MCP 'MCPFILE$ mcpw "! ''MCPFILE'"0$ mcpw "! Created: ", F$TIME(), " by MLF_CONFIG" $ mcpw "!"9$ mcp show system_users/output=sys$scratch:mlf_config.tmp($ open/read x sys$scratch:mlf_config.tmp $ read x line $ close x%$ delete sys$scratch:mlf_config.tmp;*&$ IF line .EQS. "" THEN GOTO Skip_SYSU$! List Server Managers --------------------D Before setting up any mailing lists, you should assign a primaryC list server manager and as many secondary managers as you think is appropriate.C List server managers are granted access to all mailing lists onA the system through the SYSTEM protection class. In addition,@ they have implicit control access to lists (meaning they can+ add and remove other users from lists).? The primary list server manager is also the contact for allB bounced non-specific LISTSERV mail messages (those not related to a specific mailing list).? Remember to specify each address in the form user@hostname,% even for users on the local host.$!$Primary_SYSU:$ skipL$ ask/prompt="* Enter the address of the PRIMARY list server manager: " user$ IF user .EQS. ""$ THENE$ say " You MUST specify a primary list server manager address."$ GOTO Primary_SYSU$ ENDIF4$ IF F$LOCATE ("@",user) .EQ. F$LENGTH (user) THEN -2 user = user + "@" + F$TRNLNM ("MX_NODE_NAME")J$ sysu = """LSrvMngr@" + F$TRNLNM ("MX_NODE_NAME") + """,""" + user + """"3$ mcpw "DEFINE ALIAS ""LSrvMngr"" """ + user + """"$!H$ say " Just press RETURN to finish and move on to the next section." $SYSU_LOOP:$ skipH$ ask/prompt="* Enter the address of another list server manager: " user&$ IF user .EQS. "" THEN GOTO DONE_SYSU$ sysu = sysu + ","$ sysu = sysu + """''user'"""$ GOTO SYSU_LOOP$! $DONE_SYSU:$ IF F$LENGTH (sysu) .NE. 0$ THEN$$ mcpw "DEFINE SYSTEM_USERS ",sysu $ mcpw "!"$ ENDIF$! $Skip_SYSU:$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT: Mailing Lists -------------@ Information required for a mailing list definition includes: * Name of mailing list9 * E-mail address of the owner of the mailing list Optional information: * Errors-To address" * Description of mailing list$ * Archive file specification * Protection informationK Refer to the MX Mailing List/File Server Guide for detailed information+ on creating and managing mailing lists.C If you do not want to add any mailing lists, just press RETURN.$! $MLIST_LOOP:$ skip;$ ask/prompt="* Enter a name for the mailing list: " mlname)$ IF mlname .EQS. "" THEN GOTO DONE_MLIST $MLO_LOOP:6$ ask/prompt="* Address of mailing list owner: " owner$ IF owner .EQS. ""$ THEN8$ say F$FAO ("!/You must specify an owner address.!/")$ GOTO MLO_LOOP$ ENDIF6$ IF F$LOCATE ("@",owner) .EQ. F$LENGTH (owner) THEN -4 owner = owner + "@" + F$TRNLNM ("MX_NODE_NAME")$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT: Errors-To information ---------------------; If you would like to have bounced mailing list messages9 go to someone other than the list owner, specify that4 person's address. Otherwise, just press RETURN.6$ ask/prompt="* Errors-to address [''owner']: " errsto($ IF errsto .EQS. "" THEN errsto = owner8$ IF F$LOCATE ("@",errsto) .EQ. F$LENGTH (errsto) THEN -6 errsto = errsto + "@" + F$TRNLNM ("MX_NODE_NAME")%$ errsto = "/ERRORS_TO=""''errsto'"""$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT: Description -----------> Enter a brief description of the mailing list, if desired.; This description will be added to the X-ListName header? along with the list name on all messages sent via the list.@ If you do not wish to add a description to the mailing list, just press RETURN.&$ ask/prompt="* Description: " descrip$ IF descrip .NES. ""$ THEN+$ descrip = "/DESCRIPTION=""''descrip'"""$ ELSE!$ descrip = "/DESCRIPTION="""""$ ENDIF$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT: List Archive ------------? If you wish to have the mailing list archived, enter a file* specification for the archive file(s).A If you use just a device and directory specification, MX willD use the mailing list name as the file name and the current monthJ and year as the file type when archiving a message (monthly archives).B If you also specify a file name, MX will use that name for the= archive file and use the month and year as the file type.A If you also specify a file type, MX will archive all messages into a single file.? If you do not wish to have an archive for the mailing list, just press RETURN.$!.$ ask/prompt="* Enter archive filespec: " arch$ IF arch .NES. ""$ THEN$ IF F$PARSE (arch) .EQS. ""$ THEN$ TYPE SYS$INPUT:G The directory you specified does not exist. Don't forget to create8 the archive directory before using the mailing list.$! $ ENDIF$ arch = "/ARCHIVE=''arch'"$ ELSE$ arch = "/NOARCHIVE"$ ENDIF$!4$ prot1 = "/PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWE)"2$ prot2 = "/PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:E)"-$ prot3 = "/PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:W,W)"$ TYPE SYS$INPUT: Mailing List Protection -----------------------8 There are three basic mailing list protection types.@ 1. Fully public list: anyone can subscribe to the list, and; even non-subscribers can post messages to the list.? 2. Semi-public list: anyone can subscribe to the list, but7 only subscribers can post messages to the list.= 3. Private list: all subscription requests are forwarded< to list owner, who must manually add or remove use堨_ MX030.I(]g [MX.KIT]MLF_CONFIG.COM;8P rs= from the list; only subscribers can post to the list.M Refer to the MX Mailing List/File Server Guide for details on customizing! your mailing list protection.$! $MLPROT_ASK:H$ ask/prompt="* Which type of protection would you like? [1]: " prottype*$ IF prottype .EQS. "" THEN prottype = "1"!$ prottype = F$INTEGER (prottype))$ IF prottype .LT. 1 .OR. prottype .GT. 3$ THEN/$ say F$FAO ("!/Please answer 1, 2, or 3.!/")$ GOTO MLPROT_ASK$ ENDIF$ prot = prot'prottype$!#$ mcpw "DEFINE LIST ""''mlname'""-"$ mcpw " /OWNER=""''owner'""-"$ mcpw " ",errsto,"-"$ mcpw " ",descrip,"-"$ mcpw " ",arch,"-"$ mcpw " ",prot'prottype' $ mcpw "!"$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT:H Finished configuring this mailing list. If you would like to createE another mailing list, enter its name. Otherwise, press RETURN to move on to the next section.$ GOTO MLIST_LOOP$! $DONE_MLIST:$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT: File Servers ------------= Information required for creating a file server includes: * Name of file server3 * E-mail address of the file server manager6 * Device and directory of the root of file server Optional information:E * Threshold size for delaying delivery of a file to off-hours8 * Start and end of the off-hours delivery periodA * Mailing list "connected" to file server for access control< * Per-user, per-host, and server-global daily limitsK Refer to the MX Mailing List/File Server Guide for detailed information* on creating and managing file servers.B If you do not want to add any file servers, just press RETURN.$! $FSRV_LOOP:$ skip<$ ask/prompt="* Enter a name for the file server: " fsname($ IF fsname .EQS. "" THEN GOTO DONE_FSRV $FSM_LOOP:7$ ask/prompt="* Address of file server manager: " fsmgr$ IF fsmgr .EQS. ""$ THEN:$ say F$FAO ("!/You must specify an manager address.!/")$ GOTO FSM_LOOP$ ENDIF6$ IF F$LOCATE ("@",fsmgr) .EQ. F$LENGTH (fsmgr) THEN -4 fsmgr = fsmgr + "@" + F$TRNLNM ("MX_NODE_NAME")$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT:' Top-level Directory for File Server' -----------------------------------= File servers have a fixed directory structure, the top of= which is called the root. All references to the packages; provided by the file server will be made via this root.< Please enter the device and directory that will serve as* the top directory for the file server.$! $FSRV_DIRASK:J$ fsdirdef = "MX_ROOT:[MLF.FILE_SERVERS." + F$EDIT (fsname,"UPCASE") + "]"6$ ask/prompt="* Enter directory [''fsdirdef']: " fsdir)$ IF fsdir .EQS. "" THEN fsdir = fsdirdef$ IF F$PARSE (fsdir) .EQS. ""$ THEN$ SkipE$ ask/prompt="* Directory does not exist. Ok to create? [Y]: " yes"$ IF yes .EQS. "" THEN yes = "Y" $ IF yes$ THEN9$ CREATE/DIRECTORY 'fsdir/PROTECTION=(S:RWE,O:RWE,G,W)$ IF .NOT. $STATUS $ THEN=$ say "Could not create directory. Please try again."$ GOTO FSRV_DIRASK $ ENDIF $ ENDIF$ ENDIF<$ fsdir = F$PARSE (fsdir,,,,"NO_CONCEAL,SYNTAX_ONLY") - "]["6$ fsroot = F$PARSE (fsdir,,,"DEVICE","SYNTAX_ONLY") +-; (F$PARSE (fsdir,,,"DIRECTORY","SYNTAX_ONLY")-"]"+".]")$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT:% Off-Hours Delivery of Large Files% ---------------------------------C If you wish, you can have the file server delay the delivery ofB files exceeding a certain size until off-hours, to cut down on+ system and network load during the day.@ If you answer YES to the next question, you will be promptedA for the threshold size (in bytes) that will determine whether@ a file is delayed, along with the start and end times of the off-hours delivery period.$ ask/prompt=-N "* Would you like to have large files sent only during off-hours? [N]: " yes $ IF yes .EQS. "" THEN yes = "N"$ IF yes$ THENM$ ask/prompt="* Enter threshold size, in bytes, for "large" [16384]: " size$ size = F$INTEGER (size)$ TYPE SYS$INPUT:C For the next two questions, enter the time in the form "hh:mm",H where "hh" is the hour on the 24-hour clock, and "mm" is the minute.B$ ask/prompt="* Enter start of off-hours period [17:00]: " start>$ ask/prompt="* Enter end of off-hours period [08:00]: " endL$ fsdelay = "/DELAY_THRESHOLD=''size'/BEGIN_SEND=''start'/END_SEND=''end'"$ ELSE"$ fsdelay = "/NODELAY_THRESHOLD"$ ENDIF$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT: Mailing List ------------C If this file server is intended to service only the subscribersE of a particular local mailing list, specify the name of the list.7 For a public-access file server, just press RETURN.7$ ask/prompt="* Mailing list for file server: " fsmlist$ IF fsmlist .EQS. """$ THEN fsmlist = "/NOMAILING_LIST"/$ ELSE fsmlist = "/MAILING_LIST=""''fsmlist'"""$ ENDIF$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT: Daily Request Limits --------------------B You may elect to limit the amount of data sent to a particularA user and/or a particular host per day. You may also elect toC place a global limit on the amount of data that the file server will send per day.F$ ask/prompt="* Do you want to have a per-user daily limit? [N]: " yes$ IF yes .EQS. "" THEN yes := N$ IF yes$ THENO$ ask/prompt="* Enter the per-user daily limit, in bytes [1000000]: " peruser0$ IF peruser .EQS. "" THEN peruser = "1000000"&$ peruser = "/USER_LIMIT=''peruser'"$ ELSE$ peruser = "/NOUSER_LIMIT"$ ENDIFF$ ask/prompt="* Do you want to have a per-host daily limit? [N]: " yes$ IF yes .EQS. "" THEN yes := N$ IF yes$ THENO$ ask/prompt="* Enter the per-host daily limit, in bytes [2000000]: " perhost0$ IF perhost .EQS. "" THEN perhost = "2000000"&$ perhost = "/HOST_LIMIT=''perhost'"$ ELSE$ perhost = "/NOHOST_LIMIT"$ ENDIFD$ ask/prompt="* Do you want to have a server daily limit? [N]: " yes$ IF yes .EQS. "" THEN yes := N$ IF yes$ THENP$ ask/prompt="* Enter the server's daily limit, in bytes [10000000]: " perserv1$ IF perserv .EQS. "" THEN perserv = "10000000"($ perserv = "/SERVER_LIMIT=''perserv'"$ ELSE$ perserv = "/NOSERVER_LIMIT"$ ENDIF$!*$ mcpw "DEFINE FILE_SERVER ""''fsname'""-"!$ mcpw " /MANAGER=""''fsmgr'""-"$ mcpw " /ROOT=''fsroot'-"$ mcpw " ",fsdelay,"-"#$ mcpw " ",peruser,perhost,perserv $ mcpw "!"$ TYPE SYS$INPUT:G Finished configuring this file server. If you would like to createD another file server, enter its name. Otherwise, press RETURN to finish.$ GOTO FSRV_LOOP$! $DONE_FSRV:$! $ CLOSE MCP$!$ TYPE SYS$INPUT:M There are no more configuration questions. You should now review the MCPL commands generated by this procedure and execute them with the following commands:-$ SAY F$FAO ("!/ $ MCP :== $MX_EXE:MCP")$ SAY " $ MCP"$ SAY " MCP> @",MCPFILE$ SAY " MCP> SAVE"$ SAY " MCP> EXIT"$ EXIT 1wq4 MX030.Ia\(P[MX.MLF]MX_MLF.VERSION;36 |*[MX.MLF]MX_MLF.VERSION;36+,a\(./> 4 -P0123KPWO56@(7@ $A+89G>HJ NAME=MX_MLF IDENT="V3.0"W MX030.I6(P[MX.MLF]MLF.OLB;21*[MX.MLF]MLF.OLB;21+,6(./> 4-P0123 KPWO56RA+7BA+89G>HJ9N MX030.I6(P[MX.MLF]MLF.OLB;21Mi% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00 3A+ ܭA+!x=   ERRORVFILESERV:&FORWARD_MESSAGEB4MLIST_LISTSERVKn MLIST_NOTIFYe MLIST_REQUESTm MLIST_SUPPORT MX_MLFPARSE_CONF_LINE2PARSE_FILESERV_CMDPARSE_LISTSERV_CMD PARSE_REQ_CMDlPROCESS CONFIGlDEBUG ERROR_INIT ERROR_SENDVFILESERV_CHECKVFILESERV_PROCESS FORWARD_ERROR:&FORWARD_MESSAGEmFORWARD_TO_LISTlFSRVQUE FSRV_ERRORlINITB4LIST_CTRL_LISTSERVe LIST_CTRL_REQlLOG_FABl LOG_OPENEDlLOG_RABm MAILING_LISTl MAIL_LCLHSTlMLISTSMLIST_CTRL_ERROR MLIST_ERRORKnMLIST_NOTIFY_COMPLETEKnMLIST_NOTIFY_OWNERmMLIST_PROCESS_CMDASKmWRITE_MAILING_LISTKnMLIST_QUERY_REPLYKnMLIST_SEND_HELP MX_MLFPARSE_CONF_LINE2PARSE_FILESERV_CMDPARSE_LISTSERV_CMD PARSE_REQ_CMDPCL_KEY PCL_STATE2PFC_KEY2 PFC_STATEPLC_KEY PLC_STATEPRC_KEY PRC_STATElPROCESS RCP_ERRORmREAD_MAILING_LIST  RESET_MASK  SHUTDOWN_FLAGlSYSUSERSl TRACE_UNITmWRITE_MAILING_LIST1MLIST_PROCESS_CMDWRITE_MAILING_LIST1fV1.1-14ERRORV1.1-115-Nov-1991 11:4315-Nov-1991 11:43VAX Bliss-32 V4.5-862" ERROR ERROR_INIT PP<> MX__INVADDR MX__ALRSUB MX__NOTSUB MX__UNKSETCONFIG WRITE_INFO WRITE_HDRS READ_HDRS FORMAT_HDR COPY_FILE MEM_GETRCPT MEM_FREERCPT LIB$SYS_FAO STR$CONCAT STR$PREFIXX STR$FREE1_DX STR$COMPARE STR$COPY_DX STR$DUPL_CHARS TR$COMPARE_EQLP  ERROR_INIT!  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File !AS will be sent at !AS.H!%D FILESERV_SEND_FILE: Delaying until !%D,p!17%D SEND: FS="!AD",FILE="!AS",DEST="!AS",DELAY="!17%D"8 File !AS has been sent.!%D FILESERV: No delay.!17%D SEND: FS="!.AD",FILE="!AS",DEST="!AS",NODELAY2, MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DXFLQ_ADD MDM_MKDATE MEM_GETTXT MEM_GETTXT MEM_GETTXT MEM_GETTXT MEM_GETTXT STR$FREE1_DX MEM_GETTXT MEM_FREETXTFLQ_MAKE_FSPEC SYS$PARSE SYS$SEARCHSYS$OPEN SYS$CLOSE SYS$GETMSG STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX SYS$BINTIM SYS$BINTIMMDM_SYS_TRNLNM MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX SYS$GETTIM SYS$NUMTIM SYS$BINTIM SYS$NUMTIM MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX FLQ_UPDATE STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DXSYS$PUT STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF^ LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DXSYS$PUT STR$FREE1_DX SYS$FLUSH STR$FREE1_DXP  o&       M Ml MX030.I6(P[MX.MLF]MLF.OLB;21t   q           ^ЬVЬ [}~ЏЏЏPPPPPPlЬԮDEBUGFЏ04ݮݮ[~@~ LIB$SYS_FAO0 TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF0 STR$FREE1_DX,n!! ͎( ͐ݬFLQ_ADDPZZZP~~ MDM_MKDATE MX_VERSIONPCONFIG~ LIB$SYS_FAOH STR$APPENDdX STR$CONCATh֮о1Џ(Ԯ,8<$~ݮ4~ LIB$SYS_FAO(ݬ MDM_WRITEF( STR$FREE1_DXDEBUG1Џ(Ԯ,8<$~~4~ LIB$SYS_FAO( TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF(1ĮDEBUGFЏ04~<~` LIB$SYS_FAO0 TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF0 STR$FREE1_DX$~LIB$DAY_OF_WEEK1x SYS$BINTIM SYS$BINTIM|~~%MDM_SYS_TRNLNMP?PPPЏ~~d LIB$SYS_FAO TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF STR$FREE1_DXim0 LIB$ADD_TIMES8 LIB$SUB_TIMESP LIB$_NORMAL((8((H@0180 LIB$ADD_TIMES@( LIB$ADD_TIMESZ80 LIB$ADD_TIMES@0 LIB$ADD_TIMES@8 LIB$SUB_TIMESP LIB$_NORMAL1@8H LIB$SUB_TIMESP LIB$_NORMAL(8H1.i188 LIB$SUB_TIMES'P LIB$_NORMAL۟@8 LIB$SUB_TIMESP LIB$_NORMALDEBUG>Џ~~ LIB$SYS_FAO TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF STR$FREE1_DX80 LIB$ADD_TIMES(8H@1@8 LIB$SUB_TIMESP LIB$_NORMALq$H LIB$SUB_TIMESP LIB$_NORMALVDEBUG>Џ~~ LIB$SYS_FAO TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF STR$FREE1_DXH( LIB$ADD_TIMESDEBUGGЏ(H@8~~@ LIB$SYS_FAO TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF STR$FREE1_DX88 LIB$SUB_TIMESRP LIB$_NORMALR4@ LIB$SUB_TIMESQP LIB$_NORMALQRPPQPP_HX(hX LIB$ADD_TIMESi88 LIB$SUB_TIMESP LIB$_NORMAL @X LIB$SUB_TIMESP LIB$_NORMALC(8h<( LIB$ADD_TIMESX LIB$SUB_TIMESP LIB$_NORMALX( LIB$ADD_TIMES(00)ݬ FLQ_UPDATEЬR1 MDM_MKDATER?Џ04ݮ8~h LIB$SYS_FAO0R MDM_WRITEF0 STR$FREE1_DXDEBUGBЏ04~8~ LIB$SYS_FAO0 TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF0 STR$FREE1_DX LOG_OPENED1Џ04ݮݮ<~~H~ LIB$SYS_FAO1:Џ04n4~ LIB$SYS_FAO0R MDM_WRITEF0 STR$FREE1_DXDEBUG>Џ04~4~$* LIB$SYS_FAO0 TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF0 STR$FREE1_DX LOG_OPENEDZЏ04ݮݮ<~~D~` LIB$SYS_FAO4LOG_RAB(30LOG_RAB"3LOG_RABSYS$PUT0 STR$FREE1_DX LOG_OPENED LOG_RAB SYS$FLUSH STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DXP   FILESERV_SENDhP!AD[000000]FILESERV_HELP.TXTh Error: No package name specified.#!%D FILESERV_SEND: Us+er did not provide a package name.9!AD[000000]!AS.DIR Unknown package name: !AS!%D FILESERV_SEND: Directory not found: !AS-<!AD[!AS]!AD t.* File !AS not sent: size of file exceeds daily !AS request limit.Bper-userper-hostfile server  .*  File !AS not sent: size of file exceeds daily !AS request limit.B per-userl per-host| file server   E,rror sending !AS: !AD !%D FILESERV_SEND: Could not find: !AS, msg=!AD1  MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DX MDM_PARSE STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DX SYS$GETMSG STR$FREE1_DXB MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DXP    = K V \ ^- j  }DEBUG[ MDM_PARSEZ MDM_WRITEFY LIB$SYS_FAOX STR$FREE1_DXWVθ^ЬRЏԭЏԭЏԭЏԭЏԭԮ Ѭ‘<~~Vh1BլAլ ,ݬik*Џԭ~~ph TRACE_UNITig1 TTЬS  STR$COPY_R~< j‘<~~ƌhn^|~~ LIB$FIND_FILEPUU{ LIB$FIND_FILE_ENDլ)Џԭԟ~ưhݬi.gk.Џԭԟ~~h TRACE_UNITiggg1T< ~‘<~~h LIB$FIND_FILEPUЬTU1~< jݬRP1TIЏԭѮdPѮtPƈPP؟~ThTigƔ LIB$FIND_FILEP1~< jݬRPTݬ؟Rݬ ϬTЏԭѮPѮPPP؟~1V~< jЏ }~ U SYS$0+/ MX030.I6(P[MX.MLF]MLF.OLB;21./GETMSGT/ЏԮ < ~؟~4hTigk5ЏԮ < ~~ ~ph TRACE_UNITig LIB$FIND_FILE_ENDޟgggggP r FILESERV_LIST PMX_MLF_DIR:FSV_!XL_!XL_!XL.TMP !AD[000000]*.DESCRIPTION$ !%D FILESERV_LIST: Including description !AS.D | -----  Package name:   LIST result  !%D FILESERV_bLIST: Could not find des0cription matching !AS<  Error: no files matched "!AS"  SYS$GETTIM STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DXrPo r `    TRACE_UNIT[DEBUGZ MDM_PARSEY MDM_OPENFX LIB$SYS_FAOW MDM_WRITEFV STR$FREE1_DXU T^ЬRЏHԮLЏ1@ԮDЏ8Ԯ<Џ0Ԯ4Џ(Ԯ,Џ Ԯ$ SYS$GETTIM|~<  LIB$GETJPIݮݮ ݮ T~Tg ~ThHeլ  ~ ~P STR$COPY_Rğ‘<~@~ g0FORWARD_MESSAGEV1.4-115-Nov-1991 11:4315-Nov-1991 11:43VAX Bliss-32 V4.5-8621FORWARD_MESSAGEFORWARD_MESSAGEP!%D FORWARD_ME<SSAGE: Normal forward - including Resent hdrs.?!%D FORWARD_MESSAGE: Resent-From=!AS (VMS), !AS (MX)6H!%D FORWARD_MESSAGE: Detected forwarding loop.0, MX_ROUTER!%D FORWARD_MESSAGE: Sts=!XL on adding queue entry.5!%D FORWARD_MESSAGE: Forwarding queue entry number=!UL9HDR_INFO\!%D FORWARD_MESSAGE: Forwarding to: !AS)l<>@SRC_INFOMSG_TE#XTMS=G_TEXT MX__FWDLOOP FORWARD_ERROR VMS_TO_MX WRITE_HDRS WRITE_INFO PARSE_MBOX COPY_FILE MEM_GETRCPT MEM_FREERCPT STR$CONCAT STR$COPY_DX STR$APPEND MAIL_LCLHSTCONFIGDEBUG TRACE_UNIT MDM_WRITEF MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DX MEM_GETTXT MEM_GETTXT MDM_MKDATE Ί MX030.I6(P[MX.MLF]MLF.OLB;21?=>MEM_GETTXT STR$FREE1_DX STR$FREE1_DXFLQ_ADD MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX MEM_FREETXT MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DX MEM_FREETXTd MDM_WRITEF LIB$SYS_FAO STR$FREE1_DXFLQ_MAKE_FSPEC FLQ_UPDATE STR$FREE1_DXP FORWARD_MESSAGE  6ع    ? ΰ^Ь[ݬ ЬZЬYݬЏHԮLЏ0Ԯ4Џ(Ԯ,Џ@ԮDЏ8Ԯ Q.$-d#6듳H6=ע d}} `7,?WB*}FaU,]]h*֠q'2Q [uOz3-9syD؎}0dn}.>5֝22H  9]|jo:U(vFZ*v!o&62x1VG*ԑUV:p*<.]=ڰ) .+19vays\O*̹(Ӂ_nA+xBdF2Q}ijFV4i#-=نjt[oD<$f hDSh*80f[JrٽN9?|.W`1PS( أT ~LnsX'O1LXf2혬v kFE)Q?9P1Bz{(95RhgXRz ܵ `_/T-M'E-7[>.ۄfFfy?V@]&#, SgUnTuM66 HҹKST0ߍ3ݲtZ diAw)VdF*(F!n?pװ_5=NGtzTDx@t$`pi[ZPAgvw~FV]T9 %wk2uXʪS _'7%Aq?JuEgUxl.8jO(~`[Ak2 Y$e:{nCy?Cxdwf` .x(.lzgAsrҚ;5LWZ]N0yM7i=Rγo'Q24©5/6ğvI?U~10=W_wVzgTO}hY}=-l7H߆%*x`/%dh5~FYVUAONM(; 䰌c#i;Ͱ>'?f̬g|03vnU BX [Rn}V]3hGԇT"p[삤ɊI=sk9)LPq=MJ@Ltպ;j#幁+p9!]*T:J:^ipo] k/*VIL/1noң<~KA aZd$.*ڙ#>IgrghkH} +hoK71J?YtaYN,XETl="M-ݴ n,C<.DbPl£yhh Ȳ7Q%5`.,sY&n'po +>-lN&h0Lo;1尩ܩl},Lj#(h+JE,aY)e#o %W;1_a!c t (oV6b(5;(d\Vh4ΰΘo'~5s9fO+*\K_і`đ܁4C W<"ҷUj27ص"ZbWPSkV g<- N?s],}]r{ŗNBycAY DFns t#Ӛ3'aVGlV:qvu.~^|#W[ßSJcrx#/ٳmmA1T_D߉qkmtAY"ОGkJλ-4}H9eOrMU.$Y{3K~({썃ŵS~M䵌Np[cFn؞Y`qw2%/\Nizj7?R4L57x > tfiU.MM9˙n*oM6UQm;i7Ӧ]Ds-/AH%SqsPbhaI<O=^NA]"Me٥ Z|0JcX8sE9 B-Ku'{ ?,][%T«s\$& *Q9tq-ڪσL;m2s=1AEooEZ0$ی{/C@Tn]*=h{:+pʉ5ۣC:nc.S-IvS|` S"uqewg١sQPd`K  WL@F:"wjY}}Ɲ"+Xi։ \;EN~Iq๵@kQ|aڡ [ɮrG,X}<Qt'>ܨ{n%DQҳ̘Cegr@G];<.^,K^j NG6CT!ȃTPNA`u]v zBX ML~=hQv63sR^C8GG`bK5!.!L. y# Cmb:Ngmx .5Suj_웹 ~ax0v"^srd lg;n{swJsq#a{ I@"~ pe[; :mEx% S_;3ޥVG$S#wCP5K &CDÆlS-NTq6 mfV]_NxM&TKYIXݘϠگ|0!AD-Request!AS{REQUEST-ADDRESS}Subscription to mailing list !AD HDR_INFO8DSRC_INFOT{LIST-NAME} dLISTSERVx{LISTSERV-ADDRESS}N!AD!AS{LIST-ADDRESS}{LIST-OWNER} MLIST_ADD_MESSAGEMLIST_REMOVE_MESSAGEMLIST_FORWARD_MESSAGEMX_MLIST_DIR:.TXT8PARSE_CONF_LINE MX_VERSION WRITE_HDRS WRITE_INFO QUOTE_STRINGPARSE_ADDRLIST COPY_FILE MEM_GETRCPT MEM_FREERCPT LIB$SYS_FAO STR$CONCAT STR$APPEND LIB$GET_VM LIB$FREE_VM STR$COPY_R STR$COPY_DX STR$POSITION STR$RIGHTMLISTSOSYSUSERS MAIL_LCLHSTCONFIGDEBUG TRACE_UNITFLQ_ADD MDM_MKDATE MEM_GETTXT MEM_GETTXT MEM_GETTXTFLQ_MAKE_FSPEC MDM_OPENF STR$FREE1_DX MDM_WRITEF MEM_GETTXT MEM_GETTXT MEM_FREETXT MDM_READF MDM_CLOSEF FLQ_UPDATE STR$FREE1_DXP" MLIST_NOTIFY_COMPLETE   F   P    Τ^}WЏ<Ԯ@Џ4Ԯ8.PPPPPPPPP,nDHLT!U ( DݬFLQ_ADDP[[[P~8~ MDM_MKDATE4ݮH MX_VERSIONPCONFIGL~$ LIB$SYS_FAO<<~ MEM_GETTXTPV< (<@ f<4~ MEM_GETTXTPV4 (48 f MAIL_LCLHST4< STR$CONCAT<4~ MEM_GETTXQTPV4 (48 f<4PP  PPx(x8z4DݮLFLQ_MAKE_FSPEC8 MDM_OPENFZ4 STR$FREE1_DXh Ю RRX14P8 STR$APPEND , 0,8 STR$APPENDѬ@ PPP0D~| LIB$SYS_FAO<ݮ MDM_WRITEF<PHDR_INFO\SRC_INFOMSG_TEXTList Name: !AD (!AD)VYour entry:  !AD !AD  !AD  !AD0 (NOMAIL@, NOCASE) P)d (NOCASE) p!%D MLIST_QUERY_REPLY: Sent. 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