% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00 զi G 0 ii:/y5T5ATTACH8CANCEL9CURRENT;DEFINE@ DIRECTORYEXITEXTRACTFIRSTFOLLOWUPFORWARD GROUP HELP LASTMAILNEXTPOSTPRINTREADREPLY'SAVEdSETh8SHOW!SPAWN(STORE) SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE+UPDATERӑG 1 EXIT4 The EXIT command is used to leave the NEWS utility. Format: EXITrwwnewsgroup or infomation about available newsgroups. Format:% DIRECTORY [article-number]m. DIRECTORY/GROUP [groupname-pattern]F Where "article-number" is the number of the first article you wish toF have displayed in the listing. The directory listing contains theF article number, the poster's name, and the subject of each article# (as much as will yܑG 1 EXTRACTeF The EXTRACT command copies ("extracts") one or more news articles into a text file. Format:4 EXTRACT [file-spec] [article-range[,...]] 2 Parameters file-specF Name of the file into which the article(s) will be copied. IfF omitted, the name defaults to newsgroup.TXT, where "newsgroup" is theF current newsgroup name with all special characters translated to underscores ("_").  article-range[,...]F A list of one or Emore article numbers or ranges (specified byF starting and ending article numbers separated by a hyphen). IfF omitted, only the current article will be extracted. You must< specify a file-spec to be able to specify an article-range. 2 Qualifiers /[NO]APPENDGF If specified, the articles will be appended to the file. The defaultF for this qualifier is /NOAPPEND when a file-spec is given on the6 command line, and /APPEND when no file-spec is given./ROTATEmF If sp ]G 1 FIRSTC" This is a synonym for READ/FIRST.wws") one or more news articles into a text file. Format:4 EXTRACT [file-spec] [article-range[,...]] 2 Parameters file-specF Name of the file into which the article(s) will be copied. IfF omitted, the name defaults to newsgroup.TXT, where "newsgroup" is theF current newsgroup name with all special characters translated to underscores ("_").r article-range[,...]F A list of one or `jG 1 FOLLOWUP This is a synonym for REPLY.awwnding article numbers separated by a hyphen). IfF omitted, only the current article will be extracted. You must< specify a file-spec to be able to specify an article-range. 2 Qualifiers /[NO]APPENDTF If specified, the articles will be appended to the file. The defaultF for this qualifier is /NOAPPEND when a file-spec is given on the6 command line, and /APPEND when no file-spec is given./ROTATEnF If sp wG 1 FORWARDiF The FORWARD command is used to forward a copy of a news article by mail to another user. Format:# FORWARD [article-number]lF Where "article-number" is the number of an article in the currentF newsgroup that you would like to send. If omitted, the current article is sent.R 2 Qualifiers/EDIT  /EDIT /NOEDITF The /EDIT qualifier indicates that a text editor (set with SETF EDIT/EDITOR) should be invoked to modify the message. If omitted,% the article is sent without changes../SELF  /SELF /NOSELFF The /[NO]SELF qualifier is used to override your VMS MAIL copy-selfF setting for FORWARD. When /SELF is specified, or copy-self is turnedF on for FORWARD, a copy of the message is sent to yourself as well as( to the destination user(s) you specify. /SIGNATURE /SIGNATUREn /NOSIGNATUREF The /SIGNATURE qualifier indicates that your "signature" file, if youF have set one with SET SIGFNATURE_FILE, should be included at the endF of the message. Specifying /NOSIGNATURE indicates that the signatureF should not be included. If omitted, signature inclusion isF determined by the /AUTOMATIC setting used when the signature file was set up with SET SIGNATURE_FILE./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject"x /NOSUBJECT F The /SUBJECT qualifier is used to specify (or, with /NOSUBJECT, omit)F the subject of the message. If not specified, you are prompted for a subject line.G 1 GROUPRE The GROUP command selects a newsgroup to be the "current" newsgroup.  Format: GROUP groupnameww FORWARD [article-number] F Where "article-number" is the number of an article in the currentF newsgroup that you would like to send. If omitted, the current article is sent. 2 Qualifiers/EDITt /EDIT /NOEDITF The /EDIT qualifier indicates that a text editor (set with SETF EDIT/EDITOR) should be invoked to modifyG 1 HELPD The HELP command is used to obtain information about NEWS commands. Format:% HELP [topic] [subtopic...] wwMAIL copy-selfF setting for FORWARD. When /SELF is specified, or copy-self is turnedF on for FORWARD, a copy of the message is sent to yourself as well as( to the destination user(s) you specify. /SIGNATURE /SIGNATUREh /NOSIGNATUREF The /SIGNATURE qualifier indicates that your "signature" file, if youF have set one with SET SIG G 1 LAST! This is a synonym for READ/LAST.pwwing /NOSIGNATURE indicates that the signatureF should not be included. If omitted, signature inclusion isF determined by the /AUTOMATIC setting used when the signature file was set up with SET SIGNATURE_FILE./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject"T /NOSUBJECTEF The /SUBJECT qualifier is used to specify (or, with /NOSUBJECT, omit)F the subject of the message. If not specified, you are prompted for a subject line.M G 1 MAIL1 The MAIL command is used to send a mail message.e Format: MAIL [filespec]F Where "filespec" is the name of a file you would like to send byF mail. If omitted, you are prompted for the text of the mail message.F This command behaves much like the VMS MAIL "SEND" command, exceptF that you are given the chance to back out of the mailing of the' message after you compose the message. 2 Qualifiers/EDITT /EDIT /NOEDITF The /EDIT qualifier indicates that a text editor (set with SETF EDIT/EDITOR) should be invoked to compose the message. If omitted,F you are prompted for the message text in the same way VMS MAIL does, unless you are mailing a file.n/SELF  /SELF /NOSELFF The /[NO]SELF qualifier is used to override your VMS MAIL copy-selfF setting for SEND. When /SELF is specified, or copy-self is turned onF for SEND, a copy of the message is sent to yourself as well as to the! destination useGr(s) you specify. /SIGNATURE /SIGNATUREn /NOSIGNATUREpF The /SIGNATURE qualifier indicates that your "signature" file, if youF have set one with SET SIGNATURE_FILE, should be included at the endF of the message. Specifying /NOSIGNATURE indicates that the signatureF should not be included. If omitted, signature inclusion isF determined by the /AUTOMATIC setting used when the signature file was set up with SET SIGNATURE_FILE./SUBJECT /SUBJECT="subject"b /NOSUBJG 1 NEXT+ This is an abbreviation for READ/NEXT/NEW.sww  Format: MAIL [filespec]F Where "filespec" is the name of a file you would like to send byF mail. If omitted, you are prompted for the text of the mail message.F This command behaves much like the VMS MAIL "SEND" command, exceptF that you are given the chance to back out of the mailing of the' message after you compose the message.f 2 Qualifiers/EDITl /EDIT /NOEDITF The /ED@G 1 POST1 The POST command is used to post a news article.s Format:- POST [newsgroup[,...]] [file-spec]u 2 Parameters newsgroup[,...]F If specified, the article is posted to the specified group or list of@ groups. Otherwise, the article is posted to the current group. file-specF If specified, the contents of the specified file will be used as theF article text. If omitted, and no /FILE qualifier is used, you will" be prompted for the article text. 2 Qualifiers /DISTRIBUTION /DISTRIBUTION=(dist[,...])F This qualifier allows you to alter the distribution of a followupF article. If omitted, the distribution will be assigned by the news server./EDIT F The /EDIT qualifier indicates that you wish to use a text editor (set: with the SET EDIT/EDITOR command) to compose the article./FILEt /FILE=file-specF This qualifier allows you to specify the name of a file whoseF contents will be used as the article text. This is an alternative toF the file-spec parameter. If omitted and the file-spec parameter is: not specified, you will be prompted for the article text. /FOLLOWUPTO/ /FOLLOWUPTO=(group [,...])OF Specifies that followups to the article should be posted to theF specified groups. By default, followups are posted to the same groups as the posted article. /SIGNATURE /SIGNATUREs /NOSIGNATUREdF The /SIGNATURE qualifier indicates that your "signature" file, if yHouF have set one with SET SIGNATURE_FILE, should be included at the endF of the message. Specifying /NOSIGNATURE indicates that the signatureF should not be included. If omitted, signature inclusion isF determined by the /AUTOMATIC setting used when the signature file was set up with SET SIGNATURE_FILE./SUBJECT /SUBJECT=subjectg /NOSUBJECTcF The /SUBJECT qualifier can be used to alter or eliminate the subjectF line from the reply. If omitted, the subject of the r@+G 1 READF The READ command is used to display specific news articles or unseen articles. Format: READ [artnum]F Where "artnum" is the number of the article you wish to see. You mayD omit the READ command when specifying an article number to be read. 2 Qualifiers/FIRST /FIRSTTF The /FIRST qualifier selects for reading the first article in the* newsgroup available from the news server./GROUP /GROUPtF The /GROUP qualifier selects the neIwsgroup from which the specifiedD article is to be retrieved. If omitted, the current group is used./LAST  /LASTF The /LAST qualifier selects for reading the last article in the* newsgroup available from the news server./NEW /NEW F The /NEW qualifier causes READ to look for any unseen articles. WhenF used with the /NEXT qualifier, the next unseen article after theF current article is displayed, or if there are none, the first unseen= article in the next newsgroup HG 1 PRINTF Adds the specified article(s) to the pending print job. The articlesF are not released to the print queue until you exit NEWSRDR or use the PRINT/NOW command Format:& PRINT [article-range[,...]] 2 Parameters article-range[,...]F A list of one or more article numbers or ranges (specified byF starting and ending article numbers separated by a hyphen). If3 omitted, only the current article will be printed.u 2 Qualifiers/AFTER /AFTER=timeD Requests that the job not be printed until the specified date/time./BURST /BURST=keyword /NOBURSTeF Controls whether a burst page is printed at the start of the printF job. Valid keyword values are ALL and ONE; if omitted, ALL isF assumed. Note that either value has the same effect, since NEWSRDRB combines all printed articles into a single file before printing./CANCELi' Cancels the current pending print job.n/COPIESt /COPIES=n9 IndicatKes the number of copies of the job to be printed.T/FEEDe /FEED /NOFEEDF Controls whether form feeds are automatically inserted at the end of a page./FLAGh /FLAG=keyword /NOFLAGF Controls whether a flag page is printed at the start of the printF job. Valid keyword values are ALL and ONE; if omitted, ALL isF assumed. Note that either value has the same effect, since NEWSRDRB combines all printed articles into a single file before printing./FORMb /FORM@\G 1 REPLYtF The REPLY command is used to post a followup to the article you areF currently viewing or reply by mail to the author of the current article.l Format:" REPLY [newsgroup[,...]] 2 Parameterd newsgroup[,...]F If specified, the reply (if posted) is posted to the specified groupF or list of groups. If omitted, the reply is posted to the groupsF specified in the Followup-To header of the current article, or theF Newsgroups header of the current article if there is no Followup-To header.F If the reply is not posted (i.e., /POST is not specified and theF current SET REPLY setting is /NOPOST), the newsgroup parameter is ignored.e 2 Qualifiers /DISTRIBUTIONi /DISTRIBUTION=(dist[,...]) F This qualifier allows you to alter the distribution of a followupF article. If omitted, the distribution of the article will match that of the original article.E/EDIT/F The /EDIT qualifier indicates that yoLu wish to use a text editor (set8 with the SET EDIT/EDITOR command) to compose the reply./EXTRACT /EXTRACTt /NOEXTRACT F The /EXTRACT qualifier indicates that the current article should beF extracted into a file when composing the followup article (orF mailing). This is the default action. Use /NOEXTRACT to prevent the@ original article from being extracted when composing the reply.F Note that /EXTRACT is only meaningful when you edit the reply, eitherF by specifying  SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE2 ARCHIVE_DIRECTORYk0 Displays the current archive directory setting.2 ALL # Displays all SHOWable information.-2 CURRENT_GROUPSF Displays the current group, if any, as set by the GROUP commandF (among others). Also displayed are the article numbers of the first@ and last articles available from the news server in that group.2 EDIT/ Displays the current edit and editor settings.A2 GROUPeF Displays the current group, if any, as set by the  GROUP commandF (among others). Also displayed are the article numbers of the firstF and last articles available from the news server in that group, andF the number of unseen articles in the group. (Synonym for SHOW CURRENT_GROUP.) 2 HEADERS F Lists which header fields you have selected for display when displaying news articles.2 IGNORE< Displays the global and/or newsgroup-local ignore settings. 3 Qualifiers/GLOBAL 3 Causes the global ignore settings to be displayed.T/LOCAL< Causes the local ignore settings to be displayed (default).2 PERSONAL_NAMEDF Displays the personal name you have set for use in the "From:" field when posting articles.e2 REPLYp) Displays the current SET REPLY settings.S2 SERVERF Displays the node name of the news server to which you are connected.2 SIGNATURE_FILE, Displays the name of your "signature" file.wwcallable editor that comes with VMS; if you have the VAXF Language-Sensitive Edi"`ŒG 1 SPAWNlF Creates a subprocess of the current process. The context of theF subprocess is copied from the current process. You can use the SPAWNF command to leave MAIL temporarily, perform other functions (such asF displaying a directory listing or printing a file), and then return to MAIL.T Format: SPAWN [command] 2 Parameteri commandF Specifies the DCL command string that executes in the context of theF created subprocess. When the # command completes, the subprocessF terminates and control is returned to the parent process. If notF specified, a subprocess is created transferring control to the DCL command level. 2 Qualifiers/INPUT /INPUT=file-speceF Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL command strings toF be executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specify a commandF string along with an input file, the command string is processedF before the commands in the input file. On$ce processing is complete, the subprocess is terminated./LOGICAL_NAMES /[NO]LOGICAL_NAMESaF Specifies that the logical names of the parent process be copied toF the subprocess. When you do not want the subprocess to use theF logical names of the parent process, enter the /NOLOGICAL_NAMES+ qualifier. The default is /LOGICAL_NAMES.E/OUTPUTM /OUTPUT=file-specF Identifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWNF operation are written. You sho%uld specify an output other thanF SYS$OUTPUT whenever you specify the /NOWAIT qualifier to preventF output from being displayed while you are specifying new commands.F If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is written to the current SYS$OUTPUT device.h/PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-nameF Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default name! of the subprocess is USERNAME_n.b/SYMBOLS /[NO]SYMBOLSmF Determines whether the system passes DCL global and & local symbols to* the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS./WAIT  /WAITF Controls whether the system waits until the subprocess is completedF before allowing more commands to be specified. The /NOWAIT qualifierF allows you to specify new commands while the specified subprocess isF running. If you specify /NOWAIT, you should also use /OUTPUT toF direct the output to a file rather than displaying it on the screenF to prevent your terminal from being used by more than one process simultaneously.wwsplays the personal name you have set for use in the "From:" field when posting articles.y2 REPLYu) Displays the current SET REPLY settings.a2 SERVERF Displays the node name of the news server to which you are connected.2 SIGNATURE_FILE, Displays the name of your "signature" file.wwnformation. 2 HEADERSMF The SET HEADERS command is used to select or remove header fields in subsequent article displays.iF Header field names recognized by th>ؒG 1 SAVEF SAVE is a synonym for EXTRACT. Refer to the help on EXTRACT for more information. wwpied from the current process. You can use the SPAWNF command to leave MAIL temporarily, perform other functions (such asF displaying a directory listing or printing a file), and then return to MAIL.u Format: SPAWN [command] 2 ParameterI commandF Specifies the DCL command string that executes in the context of theF created subprocess. When the ْG 1 STOREuF The STORE command is used to send yourself (using VMS Mail) a copy of a news article. Format:! STORE [article-number]oF If an article number is not specified, the current article is sent.F The VMS Mail subject line of the message will match that of the article.eF This command can be used to store articles of interest in VMS Mail,+ which you can then file into mail folders. wwprocessedF before the commands in the input file. On *ܒG 1 SUBSCRIBEeF The SUBSCRIBE command is used to begin a "subscription" to aF particular newsgroup. Only those newsgroups to which you subscribeF are kept track of between NEWS sessions, and you must subscribe to a; newsgroup to view articles or post articles in that group.N Format:% SUBSCRIBE group-name[,...]F A group name specification may include wildcard characters. AllF newsgroups matching the specified pattern will be added to your subscription list.t 2 Qualifiers/CONFIRM /CONFIRMeF Prompts for confirmation before adding a group to your subscription list.wwre specifying new commands.F If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is written to the current SYS$OUTPUT device.S/PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-namemF Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default name! of the subprocess is USERNAME_n. /SYMBOLS /[NO]SYMBOLS F Determines whether the system passes DCL global and . G 1 UPDATEF The UPDATE command is used to retrieve newsgroup information from theF server to update the local list of newsgroups, thereby identifying& those articles you have not yet seen.F This is done by default when NEWS is started up, unless you specify /NOUPDATE on the NEWS command.cF There are two types of updates: partial and full. A partial updateF fetches information about only those newsgroups to which youF subscribe. ,A full update (the def-fG 1 UNSUBSCRIBEsF The UNSUBSCRIBE command is used to cancel a subscription to aF newsgroup. If you do not specify a newsgroup on the command line, the current group is cancelled. Format:) UNSUBSCRIBE [group-name[,...]] F A group name specification may include wildcard characters. AllF newsgroups matching the specified pattern will be removed from your subscription list.c 2 Qualifiers/CONFIRM /CONFIRMrF Prompts for confirmation before removing a group from your subscription list.iwwavailable from the news server in that group, andF the number of unseen articles in the group. (Synonym for SHOW CURRENT_GROUP.) 2 HEADERSOF Lists which header fields you have selected for display when displaying news articles.2 IGNORE< Displays the global and/or newsgroup-local ignore settings. 3 Qualifiers/GLOBALt3 Causes the global ignore settings to be displayed../LOCAL< Causes the lo ault) fetches information about0 every newsgroup available from the NNTP server. Format: UPDATE [/PARTIAL] 2 Qualifier/PARTIAL) Causes a partial update to be performed.rwwET REPLY settings. 2 SERVERF Displays the node name of the news server to which you are connected.2 SIGNATURE_FILE, Displays the name of your "signature" file.wwPAWN, you specify the command to be spawned. The commandF should execute a command procedure which in turn invokes the spawnedTFOLLOWUPFORWARDGROUPHELPLASTMAILNEXTPOSTREADPRINTREPLYSETSHOWSPAWNSAVESTORE SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBEUPDATE1 s 1 SUBSCRIBEoF The SUBSCRIBE command is used to begin a "subscription" to aF particular newsgroup. Only those newsgroups to which you subscribeF are kept track of between NEWS sessions, and you must subscribe to a; newsgroup to view articles or post articles in that group.g Format:% SUBSCRIBE group-name[,...] F A group name specification may include wildcard characters. AllF newsgroups matching the specified pattern will be added to 2your subscription list., 2 Qualifiers/CONFIRM /CONFIRMGF Prompts for confirmation before adding a group to your subscription list.wwrocess be copied toF the subprocess. When you do not want the subprocess to use theF logical names of the parent process, enter the /NOLOGICAL_NAMES+ qualifier. The default is /LOGICAL_NAMES.i/OUTPUTh /OUTPUT=file-specF Identifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWNF operation are written. You sho3n before removing a group from your subscription list.iwwhe /NOWAIT qualifier to preventF output from being displayed while you are specifying new commands.F If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is written to the current SYS$OUTPUT device.m/PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-namenF Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default name! of the subprocess is USERNAME_n.//SYMBOLS /[NO]SYMBOLSiF Determines whether the system passes DCL global and4s1 UPDATEF The UPDATE command is used to retrieve newsgroup information from theF server to update the local list of newsgroups, thereby identifying& those articles you have not yet seen.F This is done by default when NEWS is started up, unless you specify /NOUPDATE on the NEWS command.sF There are two types of updates: partial and full. A partial updateF fetches information about only those newsgroups to which youF subscribe. ,A full update (the defMault) fetches information about0 every newsgroup available from the NNTP server. Format: UPDATE [/PARTIAL] 2 Qualifiers/PARTIAL) Causes a partial update to be performed.fwwion -- your name, company, address,> etc. -- which you would like to send out with every message.F Signature files may not contain more than 8 lines of information, and. the lines may not exceed 80 columns in width. 3 Qualifier /AUTOMATIC /AUTOMATIC=(send-type[,...]) /NOAUTOMATICF 6.G 1 ATTACHF Permits you to switch control of your terminal from your current( process to another process in your job.F The ATTACH command allows you to move quickly between processes thatF you have created with the SPAWN command. For example, while you areF editing a file, you can SPAWN a subprocess (MAIL) to read a new mailF message. Enter the ATTACH command to get back to back to the editingF session. If you want to read another new mail message, you can use7F the ATTACH command to get back to the MAIL subprocess you already created.[ Format:* ATTACH [/PARENT] [process-name] 2 Parameteri process-nameeF Indicates the name of the subprocess to which the connection is to beF made. Only the /PARENT qualifier or a process-name may be specified.- If neither is specified, /PARENT is assumed. 2 Qualifiere/PARENTeF Allows you to attach to your process's parent process. If there is/ no parent process an error message is printed.wwYD 1 UNSUBSCRIBE F The UNSUBSCRIBE command is used to cancel a subscription to aF newsgroup. If you do not specify a newsgroup on the command line, the current group is cancelled. Format:) UNSUBSCRIBE [group-name[,...]]eww setting.2 ALL# Displays all SHOWable information.2 CURRENT_GROUPF Displays the current group, if any, as set by the GROUP commandF (among others). Also displayed are the article numbers of the first@ and las G 1 CANCELF The CANCEL command cancels an article by posting a cancel message to the NNTP server.t Format: CANCEL [artnum]F If an article number is not specified, the current article is cancelled.Eww started up, unless you specify /NOUPDATE on the NEWS command.eF There are two types of updates: partial and full. A partial updateF fetches information about only those newsgroups to which youF subscribe (reasonably fast, dependi G 1 CURRENT A The CURRENT command redisplays the current article from the top.  Format: CURRENT 2 Qualifierr/ROTATEtF Displays the article text in ROT13 cipher. Any article posted in ROT13 is deciphered.nwww newsgroups. Format: UPDATE [/FULL]n 2 Qualifiers/FULLuF Causes a full update to occur, obtaining information about all+ newsgroups available from the NNTP server.wwlays the node name of the news server to whic/@4YD MADISON ATTACHCURRENTDEFINE DIRECTORYEXITEXTRACTFIRSTFOLLOWUPFORWARDGROUPHELPLASTMAILNEXTPOSTREADREPLYSETSHOWSPAWNSAVE SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBEUPDATE+$s MADISON CANCELPRINTSTOREj&s MADISON ATTACHCURRENTDEFINE DIRECTORYEXITEXTRACTFIRSTFOLLOWUPFORWARDGROUPHELPLASTMAILNEXTPOSTREADREPLYSETSHOWSPAWNSAVE SUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBEUPDATEG  MADISON ATTACHCANCELCURRENTDEFINE DIRECTORYEXITEXTRACTFIRS< G 1 DEFINE, Defines a key to execute a NEWSRDR command. Format:% DEFINE/KEY key-name stringcF Keypad key definitions are not saved between NEWSRDR sessions. ToF retain your key definitions, create a file containing DEFINE/KEYF commands in your SYS$LOGIN directory and call itF NEWSRDR_KEYDEFS.NRKEY. If you wish, you can call the file somethingF else and define the logical name NEWSRDR_KEYDEFS to point to that file. 2 Para=meters key-namemF Specifies the name of the key you are defining. This can be one ofF PF1 through PF4; KP0 through KP9 (for numeric keypad 0 through 9);F COMMA, PERIOD, MINUS, or ENTER (also on numeric keypad); FIND,F INSERTHERE, REMOVE, SELECT, PREVSCREEN, NEXTSCREEN, HELP, DO, or F17# through F20 (for LK201 keyboards).P stringsF Specifies the string you want entered when you press the defined key. 3 Qualifiers/ECHOt /[NO]ECHOF Specifies whether the command l>ine is echoed when you press theF defined key. You cannot specify both /NOECHO and /NOTERMINATE. The default is /ECHO./IFSTATE /IFSTATE=state-listF Specifies one or more states, any one of which must be set in orderF to enable the specified key definition. If you omit this qualifier,F the current state is used. To specify more than one state, separateD the state names with commas and surround the list with parentheses. /LOCKSTATE /[NO]LOCKSTATE F Causes the stat ?e specified by the /SETSTATE qualifier to beF permanently retained when the defined key is pressed. The state isF retained until changed by using another key that sets a state. IfF omitted or negated, the specified state is retained only until you press another key.i /SETSTATE/ /[NO]SETSTATE=stateF Establishes a state that is set when the defined key is pressed. AF state name can be any alphanumeric string. The state lasts for oneF further keypress only, unless / LOCKSTATE is specified. If you omitF or negate this qualifier, the state remains unchanged when theF defined key is pressed. You cannot specify both /SETSTATE and /TERMINATE. /TERMINATE /[NO]TERMINATE F Determines whether the specified command string is executed when theF defined key is pressed. If not terminated, you must press RETURN for: the command to be executed. The default is /NOTERMINATE.ww Note that unless this is your first NEWS session and you have no AnG 1 DIRECTORYF The DIRECTORY command is used to display a list of articles in the< current newsgroup or infomation about available newsgroups. Format:% DIRECTORY [article-number]k. DIRECTORY/GROUP [groupname-pattern]F Where "article-number" is the number of the first article you wish toF have displayed in the listing. The directory listing contains theF article number, the poster's name, and the subject of each article# (as much as will Bfit on one line).m 2 Qualifiers/ALLF Can only be used with DIRECTORY/GROUP. When specified, all groupsF available from the server are listed, not just those to which you are subscribed./EXCLUDE+ /EXCLUDE=(keyword=(pattern [,...]) [,...])EF Excludes those articles matching the specified exclusion patterns.% Valid keywords are FROM and SUBJECT.i/FROMe /FROM=(pattern [,...])eF Lists only those articles whose From line matches one of theF specified patterns. CPatterns may contain wildcards. Not used with DIRECTORY/GROUP.t/GROUPF The /GROUP qualifier indicates that information about newsgroups isF desired. The newsgroup information includes the name of the group,F the number of the first and last article available from the server, aF flag indicating whether or not you subscribe to the newsgroup, and< the number of articles in the group that you have not read.F The "groupname-pattern" you specify can contain wildcards;F infDormation is displayed about all groups whose names match the pattern you specify.f/KEYWORD /KEYWORD=(keyword [,...])F Lists only those articles with Keywords lines containing one of theF specified keywords. Keywords may NOT contain wilcards. Not used with DIRECTORY/GROUP./SEEN/ /SEENF Causes only those those articles marked "seen" to be listed. (NotF used with DIRECTORY/GROUP.) The default is to list both seen and unseen articles.k/SUBJECT /SUBJECPT=(pattern [,...])F Lists only those articles whose Subject line matches one of theF specified patterns. Patterns may contain wildcards. Not used with DIRECTORY/GROUP./UNSEENT /UNSEENF Causes only those those articles not marked "seen" to be listed.F (Not used with DIRECTORY/GROUP.) The default is to list both seen and unseen articles.f/WIDTH /WIDTH=(keyword [,...])F Formats the width of parts of the directory display. Not used withF DIRECTORY/GROUP. Youecified, the text of each article will be deciphered using the ROT13 cipher.wwROUP qualifier indicates that information about newsgroups isF desired. The newsgroup information includes the name of the group,F the number of the first and last article available from the server, aF flag indicating whether or not you subscribe to the newsgroup, and< the number of articles in the group that you have not read.F The "groupname-pattern" you specify can contain wildcards;F inf /TOa /TO=("address"[,...])F The /TO qualifier can be used to specify the recipients of the mailF message. If specified, surround each address with quotation marks.F If you want to specify a list of reicpients, separate the addresses4 with commas and surround the list with parentheses.ww  /SEENF Causes only those those articles marked "seen" to be listed. (NotF used with DIRECTORY/GROUP.) The default is to list both seen and unseen articles.r/SUBJECT /SUBJECECTpF The /SUBJECT qualifier is used to specify (or, with /NOSUBJECT, omit)F the subject of the message. If not specified, you are prompted for a subject line./TOC /TO=("address"[,...])F The /TO qualifier can be used to specify the recipients of the mailF message. If specified, surround each address with quotation marks.F If you want to specify a list of reicpients, separate the addresses4 with commas and surround the list with parentheses.wwd withF DIRECTORY/GROUP. Youeply will be9 "Re: " followed by the subject of the original article.cwwhe recipients of the mailF message. If specified, surround each address with quotation marks.F If you want to specify a list of reicpients, separate the addresses4 with commas and surround the list with parentheses.wwin the< current newsgroup or infomation about available newsgroups. Format:% DIRECTORY [article-number]. DIRECTORY/GROUP [groupname-pattern]F Where "article-number" isJ (alphabetically) is displayed.F/NEXTo /NEXTF The /NEXT qualifier causes READ to display the next article in theF newsgroup currently being viewed. If there are none, a NOMORE message is displayed. /PREVIOUS/ /PREVIOUSF The /PREVIOUS qualifier causes READ to display the next lower; numbered article in the current newsgroup to be displayed. /SUBJECT /SUBJECT[=(pattern[,...])]tF When one or more patterns are specified, displays the next availableF artic Qle whose subject matches one of the specified patterns. When noF patterns are specified, displays the next available article whoseF subject matches one of the patterns on the most recent READ/SUBJECT* command on which patterns were specified.F If no matching articles are found, a NOMOREMATCH message is displayed( and the current pattern set is cleared.F Only the /GROUP qualifier may be specified with the /SUBJECT. qualifier. All other qualifiers are ignored./THREAD/ /R=form-name@ Specifies the name of the form that you want for the print job./HEADERS /HEADERSh /NOHEADERSbF Controls whether the article headers are printed along with the text* of the article. The default is /HEADERS./HOLDp /HOLD /NOHOLDA Controls whether the job is held in the queue prior to printing.e/NAMEt /NAME=job-namea- Specifies a name string to identify the job.p/NOTIFYw /NOTIFYF Indicates that you should be notified by a broadcast message whenU /EDIT on the REPLY command or by a previous SET EDIT command. /FOLLOWUPTOe /FOLLOWUPTO=(group [,...])eF Specifies that followups to the article should be posted to theF specified groups. By default, followups are posted to the same groups as the posted article./MAILyF The /MAIL qualifier indicates that the reply should be mailed to theF originator of the article. The /MAIL and /POST qualifiers may beF used together to send a reply by mail as well as posting iN 3 Parameteri group-namerF The newsgroup for which the ignore criterion is to be added orF removed. If omitted, defaults to the current newsgroup. Not used with /GLOBAL. 3 Qualifiers/FROM  /FROM=patternF Bases the criterion on an article's From line. Any From lineF matching the specified pattern, which can contain wildcards, will be ignored. /GLOBALrF Adds or removes the ignore criterion from the global ignore list, affecting all newsgroups./SOUBJECT /SUBJECT=patterneF Bases the criterion on an article's Subject line. Any Subject lineF matching the specified pattern, which can contain wildcards, will be ignored.R2 PERSONAL_NAME F The SET [NO]PERSONAL_NAME command is used to establish (or remove) aF personal name which is added to your network address in article postings.2 REPLY F The SET REPLY command is used to set the default reply mechanism forF REPLY commands. Possible reply types are MAIL and PO`ST. You may8 specify more than one reply type on the command, as in: SET REPLY MAIL, POST F You can override these settings by specifying the /POST and/or /MAIL! qualifiers on the REPLY command.d2 SEENF The SET SEEN command is used to mark one or more articles as "seen",F so that they will not show up in subsequent READ/NEW or READ/NEXTF commands. Specify articles by number. You can specify a range ofF articles by separating the starting and ending numbers with a h may omit the parentheses if only one keyword is. specified. Possible keywords are as follows:7 FROM=n Specifies the width of the From column.l: SUBJECT=n Specifies the width of the Subject column.F The default width for each column is roughly one-half of theF available screen width after the other columns in the display areF accounted for. Note that it is possible to specify the widths such; that the resulting display is wider than the screen width.rwws THREADF The /THREAD qualifier causes READ to look for the next article with aF subject line matching the current article's subject line. This canF be used repeatedly within a newsgroup to follow a thread ofF conversation. When no further matching articles are found, a messageF is displayed and the current article is reset to the first article you read in the thread.wwles you post and mail messages you send. This fileF can contain "signature" information -- your name, coS theF job has been printed. May be specified on the PRINT and PRINT/NOW commands./NOWF Closes the pending print job and submits it for printing. You may/ specify the /NOTIFY qualifier on this command. /PARAMETERS /PARAMETERS=(parameter [,...])/F Specifies up to eight optional parameters to be passed to the print queue with the job./PRINT Synonym for /NOW./QUEUE /QUEUE=queue-nameF Specifies the name of the print queue to which the job should be submiTtted.a/ROTATEuF If specified, the text of each article will be deciphered using the ROT13 cipher./SPACE /SPACEy /NOSPACEO3 Specifies that the output should be double-spaced.m/TRAILER /TRAILER=keywordS /NOTRAILERkF Controls whether a trailer page is printed at the end of the printF job. Valid keyword values are ALL and ONE; if omitted, ALL isF assumed. Note that either value has the same effect, since NEWSRDRB combines all printed articles into a single file before printing.ww1 SHOWF The SHOW command is used to display any or all of your profileC settings, the node name of the news server, and the current group. Format:! SHOW ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY SHOW ALL SHOW CURRENT_GROUP SHOW EDIT SHOW GROUP SHOW HEADERS SHOW IGNORE SHOW PERSONAL_NAME SHOW REPLY SHOW SERVER SHOW SIGNATURE_FILE2 ARCHIVE_ Vt to the newsgroup.eF When both this qualifier and /POST are omitted, mailing and/orE posting of the reply is determined by the current SET REPLY setting.n/POSTpF The /POST qualifier indicates that the reply should be posted as aF followup article. This is the default if neither /MAIL nor /POST isF specified. The /MAIL and /POST qualifiers may be used together to= send a reply by mail as well as posting it to the newsgroup.iF When both this qualifier and /MAIL arWe omitted, mailing and/orE posting of the reply is determined by the current SET REPLY setting.a/SELFt /SELF /NOSELFF The /[NO]SELF qualifier is used to override your VMS MAIL copy-selfF setting for REPLY. When /SELF is specified, or copy-self is turnedF on for REPLY, a copy of the message is sent to yourself as well as toF the destination user(s) you specify. This qualifier may only be used* if the /MAIL qualifier is also specified. /SIGNATURE /SIGNATUREh /NOSIGNATdURE F The /SIGNATURE qualifier indicates that your "signature" file, if youF have set one with SET SIGNATURE_FILE, should be included at the endF of the message. Specifying /NOSIGNATURE indicates that the signatureF should not be included. If omitted, signature inclusion isF determined by the /AUTOMATIC setting used when the signature file was set up with SET SIGNATURE_FILE./SUBJECT /SUBJECT=subjecte /NOSUBJECTeF The /SUBJECT qualifier can be used to alter or elimin Yused to set various attributes in your NEWSF profile, with the exception of SET SEEN and SET UNSEEN, which mark% news articles as "seen" or "unseen".  Format:2 SET [NO]ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY [archive-dir] SET [NO]EDITA' SET [NO]PERSONAL_NAME [name]d2 SET [NO]HEADERS [[NO]header-name[,...]]& SET [NO]IGNORE [group-name]% SET REPLY reply-type[,...]: SET SEEN [/ALL | /THREAD | article-range[,...]]( SET [NO Z]SIGNATURE [file-spec]2 SET UNSEEN [/ALL | article-range[,...]]2 ARCHIVE_DIRECTORYeF The SET ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY command is used to establish a defaultF device and directory where articles saved with the EXTRACT commandF should be stored. Use SET NOARCHIVE_DIRECTORY to remove the archive specification. 2 EDITF The SET EDIT command is used for two reasons. First, SET EDIT andF SET NOEDIT turn on and off, respectively, the automatic invocation ofF a text editor whe[n composing messages with the MAIL, POST, and REPLYF commands. Second, the /EDITOR qualifier can be used to select any callable editor. 3 Qualifiers/EDITORB /EDITOR=(editor,type)F The /EDITOR qualifier is used to select an editor for subsequent useC in message composition. The editor type may be CALLABLE or SPAWN.wF For CALLABLE, any available callable editor can be used with NEWSRDR;F the default is "TPU" (which uses VAXTPU/EVE). "EDT" is the otherF callable editor t \hat comes with VMS; if you have the VAXF Language-Sensitive Editor installed, you can also use "LSE". Any2 other compliant callable editor may also be used.F For type SPAWN, you specify the command to be spawned. The commandF should execute a command procedure which in turn invokes the spawned< editor. Refer to the user's guide for further information. 2 HEADERStF The SET HEADERS command is used to select or remove header fields in subsequent article displays.FF H ]eader field names recognized by this command are: FROM, DATE,F NEWSGROUPS, SUBJECT, MESSAGE_ID (note underscore in place of hyphen),F PATH, REPLY_TO, SENDER, FOLLOWUP_TO, EXPIRES, REFERENCES,F DISTRIBUTION, ORGANIZATION, KEYWORDS, SUMMARY, APPROVED, LINES, andF XREF. Use "NO" in front of the header field name to remove the field" from subsequent article displays.2 IGNOREF The SET [NO]IGNORE command is used to establish or remove an ignore3 criterion for one newsgroup^ or for all newsgroups. Format:& SET [NO]IGNORE [group-name] 3 Parameteri group-nameF The newsgroup for which the ignore criterion is to be added orF removed. If omitted, defaults to the current newsgroup. Not used with /GLOBAL. 3 Qualifiers/FROMi /FROM=patternF Bases the criterion on an article's From line. Any From lineF matching the specified pattern, which can contain wildcards, will be ignored.i/GLOBAL F Adds or removes the ignor_e criterion from the global ignore list, affecting all newsgroups./SUBJECT /SUBJECT=patternyF Bases the criterion on an article's Subject line. Any Subject lineF matching the specified pattern, which can contain wildcards, will be ignored. 2 PERSONAL_NAMEdF The SET [NO]PERSONAL_NAME command is used to establish (or remove) aF personal name which is added to your network address in article postings.2 REPLYNF The SET REPLY command is used to set the default repl ey mechanism forF REPLY commands. Possible reply types are MAIL and POST. You may8 specify more than one reply type on the command, as in: SET REPLY MAIL, POST F You can override these settings by specifying the /POST and/or /MAIL! qualifiers on the REPLY command.s2 SEENF The SET SEEN command is used to mark one or more articles as "seen",F so that they will not show up in subsequent READ/NEW or READ/NEXTF commands. Specify articles by number. You can specify a aeply will be9 "Re: " followed by the subject of the original article./TO /TO=(address[,...])F When mailing the reply, this qualifier directs the reply to theF specified address or addresses. By default, replies are sent to theF address in the Reply-To header (or From header if there is no4 Reply-To) in the article to which you are replying.ww sr1 SETF The SET command is used to set various attributes in your NEWSF profile, with the exbyphen,E or use the /ALL qualifier to mark all articles in the group as seen. 3 Qualifier/THREADF Causes all subsequent articles in the current newsgroup with subjectD lines matching the current article's subject line to be set "seen".2 SIGNATURE_FILEF The SET SIGNATURE_FILE command is used to identify a file to beF appended to articles you post and mail messages you send. This fileF can contain "signature" information -- your name, company, address,> etc. -- which you woculd like to send out with every message.F Signature files may not contain more than 8 lines of information, and. the lines may not exceed 80 columns in width. 3 Qualifier /AUTOMATIC /AUTOMATIC=(send-type[,...]) /NOAUTOMATICF Use the /AUTOMATIC qualifier to specify when the signature fileF should be included automatically in outgoing mail or postings.F Possible send-types are MAIL and POST. Use /NOAUTOMATIC to preventF the automatic inclusion of your signature file on all outgoing messages.F You can override this setting by specifying the /[NO]SIGNATURE1 qualifier on the MAIL, POST, and REPLY commands.2 UNSEENF The SET UNSEEN command marks articles as "unseen" or "new". This isF useful when a long article is being displayed that you do not wish toF read at the moment, but would like to look at later. The /ALLF qualifier can be used to mark all articles in the current group as "unseen".wwr1 SHOWXate the subjectF line from the reply. If omitted, the subject of the reply will be9 "Re: " followed by the subject of the original article./TO /TO=(address[,...])F When mailing the reply, this qualifier directs the reply to theF specified address or addresses. By default, replies are sent to theF address in the Reply-To header (or From header if there is no4 Reply-To) in the article to which you are replying.ww مG 1 SETF The SET command is f range ofF articles by separating the starting and ending numbers with a hyphen,E or use the /ALL qualifier to mark all articles in the group as seen. 3 Qualifier/THREADF Causes all subsequent articles in the current newsgroup with subjectD lines matching the current article's subject line to be set "seen".2 SIGNATURE_FILEF The SET SIGNATURE_FILE command is used to identify a file to beF appended to articles you post and mail messages you send. This fileF can contain "signgature" information -- your name, company, address,> etc. -- which you would like to send out with every message.F Signature files may not contain more than 8 lines of information, and. the lines may not exceed 80 columns in width. 3 Qualifier /AUTOMATIC /AUTOMATIC=(send-type[,...]) /NOAUTOMATICF Use the /AUTOMATIC qualifier to specify when the signature fileF should be included automatically in outgoing mail or postings.F Possible send-types are MAIL and POST. U hse /NOAUTOMATIC to preventF the automatic inclusion of your signature file on all outgoing messages.F You can override this setting by specifying the /[NO]SIGNATURE1 qualifier on the MAIL, POST, and REPLY commands.2 UNSEENF The SET UNSEEN command marks articles as "unseen" or "new". This isF useful when a long article is being displayed that you do not wish toF read at the moment, but would like to look at later. The /ALLF qualifier can be used to mark all articles in the current group as "unseen".wwG 1 SHOWF The SHOW command is used to display any or all of your profileC settings, the node name of the news server, and the current group. Format:! SHOW ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY SHOW ALL SHOW CURRENT_GROUP SHOW EDIT SHOW GROUP SHOW HEADERS SHOW IGNORE SHOW PERSONAL_NAME SHOW REPLY SHOW SERVER