.page size 60,80 .lm 5;.rm 80 .nhy .spacing 1 .autoparagraph .center GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF PROGRAMS TO THE RSX/IAS SIG TAPE .center (Updated for Fall 1991 SIG Tape) .skip 1 .fill .paragraph 5,0 Submissions may be made using any standard DEC tape copy utility. FLX (or EXCHANGE on VAX) DOS format at 1600BPI is the preferred format UNLESS you have a previously assigned UIC for the tapes. In that case, BRU is the recommended format, as long as all files are in your previously assigned UIC(s). If you make your submission on a VAX, VMS Backup is the preferred submission format. Submissions may be at any density (800, 1600, 6250) but 1600 is preferred. Submissions on floppy or TU58 can be handled, but not in general during symposia. If your submission contains files in a format which FLX will garbage, e.g. ISAM, or fixed-length records, please contact the Tape Copy Coordinator for a UIC assignment so that you can use BRU. Alternatively, place the files in a universal library and submit the .ULB file (which FLX handles OK). .p If a submission is prepared on a VAX, submit files in VMS Backup. .P Each UIC should contain a README.1ST file that describes the contents of that UIC. Submittors are encouraged to include as much documentation as possible (in STANDARD RUNOFF if possible) and to use command files where possible. If you must submitt a DOC file that is the output of RUNOFF make sure you pass it through TECO (see below) or FLX will put extra carriage-return line-feeds in it. It will be GREATLY appreciated if you can label the UICs used on the tape with a sticky label. If you haven't an assigned UIC, please use UICs with group numbers in the range 101-277 so there will not be collisions with assigned UICs. Remember that the stuff must be assigned a new UIC if your UIC isn't assigned, so you'll make life a lot easier for others if you don't make your programs UIC dependent and if you make it easy to copy to a new account (or set of accounts) from whatever is on your tape. Submittors MUST NOT supply any licensed software. Submissions should not contain listing files, map files, or task image files where these can be recreated by any site. (Task images of programs that need compilers not all sites may have are OK.) If you must submit any of these, please indicate why. To keep the tape volume down please submit only source modules if you can. Also submit a command file to assemble and task build the program. Make SURE all modules required by your submission are present. Watch out for those private libraries that contain an object module for which you didn't include the source. If you are updating a program that was originally submitted by you, you should resubmit the entire program, not just the changes. You should also use the orginal UIC you were asssigned. If you are updating a program that some else submitted, do NOT use the original submittor's UIC, unless you have made arrangements with the original submittor. Allocate a new UIC of your own and make a reference to the original submittor's UIC, as well as the version/tape from which you started. Please do not submit grab-bags of software which include unmodified versions of programs from previous tapes. That just makes life very difficult for those people who are trying to make indices of the SIG tapes, as well as making the Symposium Tape longer than necessary. Below you will find a list of submittors and their current UIC assignments. When you bring software to the symposium meeting please have it in the proper UIC. If you do not have a UIC or wish to have another one please contact the Tape Copy Coordinator prior to the symposium. You will notice that Lugs have been given UIC's of the form [nnn,*]. The local LUG Librarian is responsible for allocating the member UICS. For example, if you belong to CARTS (UIC 300,*) you should contact Ben Burch, not the Tape Copy Coordinator, for your UIC assignment. Only those poor unfortunate souls who do not belong to a LUG need bother to call the Tape Copy Coordinator. If you have a DOC file from RUNOFF to submit, please apply the following proceedure with TECO before putting the DOC file on tape with FLX. .nf >TEC filename.DOC *ex$$ ($=) >PIP filename.DOC/PU > .fill This causes TECO remove the embedded carriage control from the DOC file. FLX does not understand embedded carriage control and it will put extra carriage-return, line-feeds in the DOC file which we cannot get out at the tape copy site. As an alternative to the above, use John Clement's version of RUNOFF, UIC [332,12] on the S83 or S84 tapes, with the /-CR switch to output records with implied rather than imbedded carriage control. .lm 0;.nf;.pg THE CURRENT UIC ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE RSX/IAS SIG TAPE 70,* PASCAL (much better versions on the STRUCTURED LANGUAGES SIG tape) 200,* P/OS SUBMISSIONS 250,* RAINBOW ETC. SUBMISSIONS 300,* CHICAGO LUG (CARTS) (Ben Burch) 301,* SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LUG (Jim Neeland) 301,050 Alan Frisbie 301,100 D. A. Truesdell 301,200 Bruce Prendergast 302,* SEATTLE LUG (Ray French) 303,* LOS ALAMOS LUG (Jim Harrison) 304,* MIDLANDS LUG (Robert Fairchild) 305,* COPEUS LUG (offical RUNOFF) 306,* SANDIA LABS ???? 307,* BAYLUG (Gary Maxwell) 307,110 G.S. Whittlesey 310,* TARLUG (Toronto) ???? 311,1 AUSTIN LUG (Marge Knox) 311,not 1 LOS ALAMOS 312,* G. Everhart, G. Hoffing, R.J. Kirkman 312,375 Larry Finger (PortaCalc applications) 313,* OAK RIDGE (K. J. Cross) 314,* David Sykes (RATFOR) (Structured FORTRAN) 314,100 Dave Levan (Dayton, Ohio) 315,* DUKE UNIVERSITY (Henry Tumblin, Scott Wells) 316,* TECHNOLOGY, INC. (Paul Elliot) 317,* ST. LOUIS LUG (Michael Scott) 320,* NEW ORLEANS ???? 321,* PHILADELPHIA LUG (A. Gaughan) 321,5 William Kyle (DuPont) 321,100 Bob Uleski 322,* INDIANA LUG (Larry Dollens) 323,* PORTLAND LUG 324,* WRUG (Cleveland) (Douglas Fair) 325,* DENVER LUG 326,* NORTH TEXAS LUG (Jeff Hamilton) 327,* SOUTH MAIMI LUG (Angel LI) ============================================================ 330,* IAS SIG - IAS-SPECIFIC PROGRAMS ONLY ---------please contact IAS SIG for ,nnn assignments ------- ============================================================ 331,* STRUCTURED LANGUAGES SIG CONTRIBUTIONS 332,* HOUSTON LUG 332,12 John Clement (Rice Univ.) 333,* Alan Watson 333,100-105 HANS JUNG 334,* Scott Snadow 335,* GREATER LANSING LUG (Hugh Gregg) 336,200 NETWORK contributions from DEC 336,300 John Covert (DEC) 337,20 Walter I. Levy 337,24 Gilbert DeLeeuw 337,30 Ken Demers 337,40 J.S. Toms 337,50 Jim McGlinchey 337,60 Mark Goegelman (Johnson and Johnson Products) 337,100 Chuck Turley (DEC) RSX-11D accounting 337,110 Chuck Turley 337,120 Chuck Turley 337,140-170 Edward Dekker (Computer Corporation of America) 337,200 Arthur T. McCLinton (MITRE CORP) 337,210 Denny J. Walthers (American McGaw) 340,* ASDARC LUG (Mark Johnson) 341,* MAINE LUG (John Guidi) (JACKSON LABS) 342,* TECO versions from DEC (Andy Goldstein) 343,1 Robert A. Nance (Johnson Controls) 343,10-14 John Isakson (ZIMPRO, Inc.) 343,21-26 Paul D. Clayton (Republic Management Systems) 343,30 Bruce Mitchell (3M Engr. Syst. & Technology) 343,36-37 Bruce Mitchell (3M Engr. Syst. & Technology) 343,40 Peter Hunter (UC Davis) 343,41-42 Bruce Mitchell (3M Engr. Syst. & Technology) 343,50-54 M. Eric Husby (Project Syst. Software _& Develop.) 343,60 Robert L. Reed (Peterson A.F. Base) 343,70 Jack Harvey (National Data Systems) 343,100 RT/RSX Emulator Task 343,120 Jim Bostwick (Cargill, Minneapolis Minn.) 343,124-127 Peter Stadick (Cargill, New Orleans, La.) 343,130 Mark Northrup (Miller, Milwaukee, Wis.) 344,* Jim Downward (CCL console command language, etc. from KMS FUSION) 345,* Dave Argue (Atomic Energy of CANADA) 346,* Ralph Stamerjohn (Monsanto) 347,* H. L. Coleman 350,1-3 Harold Levy (APPLICON, Inc.) 350,30 Kerry Wyckoff 350,31 Ed Cetron (University of Utah) 350,34 Richard Newell 350,50 Kitty Bethe (Bankers Trust) 350,60-61 Ross Amann 350,100 Harold Levy (APPLICON, Inc.) 350,120-123 Dan Eisner (Perkin Elmer) 350,131 Al Bennett (Lear Siegler) 350,200 George Velez (Revlon Research) 350,240 Mike Drabicky (Rockwell, Richardson, TEX) 350,300 Paul Sorenson 350,340 Utah Power & Light (Eddie Fey) 351,1-7 Mike Pettengill (DEC) 351,20 Benson Ackerman 351,30 Brian Nelson 351,40-51 Dennis Costello 351,70-103 Vincent Graham & ROBIN MILLER (Project Software) 351,110-111 J.F. Vibert (FRANCE) 351,120 Derek Franks 351,130 Barry Breen 351,140 Dan Sedlacek (#40 Bellevue,Neb.) 351,142 Larry Finger 351,144-146 Thomas Wyant II (Richmond, Va.) 351,150 Scott Smith 351,160 Raymond Willis (Berea,Ky.) 352,* NASA/GODDARD 353,* Robert K. Stodola (Institute for Cancer Research) 354,* Steve Illenick (Republic Buildings, Corp.) 354,* Kansas LUGs 355,* Mike Blake-Knox 355,221-224 LILUG 355,100 Jerry Ethington 356,10 Carl Mickelson 356,20 E.F. Beadel 356,30-31 Bart Lederman 356,40 KERMIT (Columbia University) 356,50-51 Vince Perriello 356,60 Gordy Ross 356,70 Dennis Jensen 357,* SEABOARD LUG (C.A. Ianniello) (Mobil Oil, Toxicology) 360,* ARAP (Aeronautical Research of Princeton) 361,* BATTEL NORTHWEST 362,* Bruce Mcnaughton (DEC) 363,* DUKE UNIVERSITY 364,* Harry Atherton (University of Cincinnati Medical Ctr) 365,* SRD of Files-11 working group - see also [352,4] 366,* CISCO (Robert Watson and Gary Siftar) 367,* John Wood 370,1 Mark Weston (City of Gainesville, FL) 370,10 Hal Hackney (Dallas TX) 370,11 John P. McGrath (Washington, DC) 370,20 L.M. Fraser,J. Shultz (Maryland) 370,21 Don Rubin 370,30 Robert Grandle (NASA/LANGLEY MD) 370,37 David Corey 370,40-41 Marvin Brown 370,50 Gerry Pelletier (OTTAWA) 370,60 Wayne Dernoncourt (NAVAL ORD Maryland) 370,70 Bob Abramson (DEC) 370,100 Richard Evans (BOSTON) 370,106 Jared Spool, John Dunning (Cambridge, MA) 370,110 Bruce Bernstein (General Electric, NY) 370,112 Gus Altobello (Reuters, Hauppage, NY) 370,120 Stever Duff (Orange County CA) 370,130 Mike LeVine (China Lake CA) 370,140 Reb Burroughs (Fort Worth TX) 370,150 Kevin Angley (Raleigh NC) 370,160 not used 370,170 Bob Rock (Northern Telecom NH) 370,200 Carl Zimmerman (Scott AFB, IL) 370,210 Rick Webster (Caterpillar Tractor IL) 370,220 B. Z. Lederman (ITT World Communications NY) 370,230 Thomas Wyant (DuPont, Richmond VA) 370,340-344 Brian Nelson (U of Toledo OH) 370,350 George Cornelius (Mayo Clinic MN) 370,352 Steven Jobes (Mayo Clinic) 370,360-61 Bob Awde (General Mills, Minneapolis MN) 370,364 C. Staase 370,365 Richard Neitzel (Rockwell, Golden, Colo.) 371,* Gerald Johnson (Battelle Northwest) 372,* Bruce Montague (Brooks AFB) 373,* Phil Stephensen-Payne (Consourse Computer Center LEEDS England.) 373,100-140 Adrian Bottoms (UK RSX SIG) 374,* Bob Denny (Creative Systems Design) 374,100-140 Jim Bostwick (Cargill) 375,* Todd Little (SAI) 376,* DECUS Catalogue (Lars Palmer) 377,65 Dave Mischler .lm 8;.fill .s 2 If this list contains any errors or omissions please send a correction as soon as possible to the RSX/IAS SIG Tape Copy Coordinator. .nf Glenn C. Everhart GE Aerospace Technology Everhart@Arisia.dnet.ge.com Home address: 25 Sleigh Ride Rd. Glen Mills PA 19342 USA home: 215 358 3866 work: 215 354 7610